The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)

10 THE AGE. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 1031. 2t A. lledley, I.

Time, see. TnU pp UllraiM A. Ili-dlrty and' JS' Cheltenham FrinVitftn: Wilson and SCOUTS AND GUIDES. THREE-MILE YARRA SWIM. I' WOMAN'S INTERESTS 1 Under the Commonwealth INFANT WELFARE.

FIFTH TEST MATCH. RAIN PREVENTS PLAY. GAME AT INTERESTING STAGE. SYDNEY, to rain it was found impossible to resume the fifth Test match between West Indies end Australia ot the Sydney cricket ground to day. Both captains inspected the wic ket almost every hour, and decided against a The.

gnmo is at a very interesting stage, oa with Ave wieketa iu hand the visitors have an advantago of 250 run. The weather late this afternoon showed signs of clearing, and play may i)9 resumed- on Wednesday, -4- Dcparturo of West Iridic Team SYDNEY, he West Indies orickcters will leave by the steamer Nieuw Holland on Iriday for Wellington, where they wilt change into a steamer fot Panama, and from thero sail for lrini-dad. Constantino will sail straight from Panama to London to rejoin his club in readiness for the forthcoming English season. As the South Africans are expected in Australia next iuamii. rind the English team in 1P32, there does not seem much likelihood of an Australian eleven visiting tho West Indies for some years.

TASMANIANS DEFEATED. South Australia Wins by Six Wieketa. ADELAIDE: South Australian cricketers had no difficulty in gain ing an outright win at the expense of Tasmania- in tho game winch-was con tuded ou the Adelaide oval to-day. Witu victory in sight tho South Australian bowlers, apparently with the intention of prolonging the innings, bowled otT the wicket when the pitch was inclined to bo trick Carlton, who was responsible for a sensational collapse 111 tue morning, when. six wiekets fell for 38 runs.

Mas not given a bowl for nearly two hours. Green pinycu a suiDoorn innings 101- jaBinuiuj, and Nash and James batted brightly, the last named scoring lm runs iu 57 minutes. scores; TASMANIA. Flnt Innlna Stcond Innlngi, Atklnton, Tobln Mithawi, Tobln Green, Ibw, Carlton Ne, Carlton Morlln, Carlton Newton, Starr, Ctrltcn Brain, VccqIc, Lm Wcrd, 0 Walker, Ttbin Jjimei, Traglo, Let Hooper, 0 Rtcrxrdton, Lo Town ley, not out Sundries Told Call of Wlcketi: 0, 69, 70, 116, 19, BOWLING. After an rihibitl-o inoU-h, the selectors Hut L.

Coombel (Pollre) would Jske H. Kins' l'1-e In th lntr.Stat teaw, oilftf to Kinif having Jniurwl his hind. KOKOWA CirtLS' GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Held in thB Nn (vera hsths yesterday Ihe in ml oirnlvnl of the Korowu Church ff EnelJiid Grumnur hchool was veipjiiilble fur tuiiiv vents. The senior clnmploni: in of Hie ichonl was won M. Blom.

Ihu-e ri'ii reeiilti-d: WUktntf-n House, Clofkc Htuic, -41; add Janiiejuh Hmliir. 11. Race 11 Junior Championship. S3 B. K.

Carlton, ti T. Kemp, 8. Cnd-r IS; B. iii, P. Due, 8.

Bancs. 8, Under 16: Kiintb, Ii Ci J. Pitman. 8. nflem Years ond Over: Blom.

1, G. fieoirc, PlienbMn, BreaH Htrolw. Cnder 11: Kemp, P. Curlten, J. Rim, g.

rnder nt v. rijnM, P. Sim, J. Moore, 3. 60 Vds.

Senior liamplmiship: M. llloin, 1 it iwcf- 2: 11. Fable, 3.1 Yds. Junior Championship! P. Smith, J.

Mawina, 2t ritman, n. iwck rtrKc; nww. 2: p. fimltli, a. f'-nlor Dhllur: M.

Blom, It P. Ctirsler, n. Gcortje, 8. Junior luving: r. Sinitll, ll- Hons.

Hi .1. 31 usi ma n. Race, Peiiloui Wilkinson House, Clarks House, Jumieion Hoiue, if. Junior Teanir: Clarke liouie, Jnmlewn H-nite, Wilkhion House, ll tientor l.i(:-aaving: M. Btnin and P.

Welling. Ion. 1. Bicast Mroke, Under 16j D. Noss.

p. r'mlth, Hurdham, a. Over 15: M. Blom, It Gforpe, II. Beverldge.

i. Swimming in (lothea: M. Blom, H. Daniel, Cj P. Smith, 3.

Iieglnners' Usee: P. Him, M. Kvons, V. KlrUbmi. S.

Apple Rocot p. Fahle R. Uoorge, li; M. a. Cork Bcmmble: ii.

Blom, 1, WADHt'R-ST AND fl'UMWADE SPORTS. The annual uport of tha Wadhurst and Grim, wade grammar schorls wete Md In St. Ki ha I In yctiday incrnins. The cluimplonship cup was won hy Iixlon tCaln), Results: Wad-hurst Hcliunl. YartU iipcn: Cholluw (Cum Ing), I.

Yards, under Hi; Stewart; (Peuklti). I. Yards, under JJ: I.uxton (Cain). Diving, Open: Cludlew (CumlngK Di.injr, under 12: Xe-dham (Cuminjtl. Yards, under 11: Stott (CumiiiK).

Tcnma Race: Cninlnj House. Oaln IIoii, 2: nliln Home, 3. wit of House Points: (uinlrg, 13; Cain, Deakin, 4. Gvimwude School. Yards Openi Millear.

nnd Austin. Under 12: Grey-Smith, (ipi'ti Diiinc: An Un. under 12: MUieor. Yanls, under Grey-Smith. House Points: Greviiinitli, J3; Auttin, IS; MIHcar, fccliuol, VICTORIAN D.VINQ CHAMPIONSHIP, At Seymour' carnival on.lilh Mareh, tha Vic toKtn divmi; championship for women will he dticldrd.

Miss Greta Molt, holder of tho title, and runnrr-im in the last Australian charonlon jdilp is an unlikely starter in the event which appeari very open. MAFFRA. Tueiday. A swimming carnival on Sfitiiniay Attracted ft large crowd, and the cluli will benefit to the extent of 14. Principal re-sulls, Mi-n's Novice Handicap Swim: Oibbs, Rogers.

Pollard, 8. 25 Vds. Raek btroka: Pol laid. Gibbs, Starle, 3. Somersault Dive: II.

Plryriell, F. Pleydell. Waslcy, Yds. Ilimdicapt R. rollard (5 D-Rogers we), 2.

Time, 1.21, Old Buffers' Handicap: Vent. Daniel, J. Bcarle, 2j F- Scott, 3. Longest Dlvet J. Jones (65 see-), II.

Hal lows tib sec), J. Weir (44 aec), S. Open Springltoird Dive; C. Cotterell, A. Payne, 2.

Open Utah Diva: Cotter ell, Mshoney, Wasley, 3. Violin Scholarship 'Award. The competition for the annual violin scholar ship given by Mr. William Mallinsrm, chief study tsi'-her at the University Conservatorium. -a-at held cn Friday ar.d Saturday last, 27th and SSth Febniery.

A record entry vcu received, and high was maintained during the competition. Mr. Harold Elvfnt, president Ihe Itutlc Trticliers' Association of Victoria, acsitted Mr. Ma1lin3on in The results wore follow; Full Scholarship. Dorothv Ralnbrldce.

St Michael's G.8., East S. Hilda. IloncraMe Mention In Order of Merit. DIofcson Brown, Gladya Eye, Phyllis Darwin, Peter Uakcr, Harold ivme. SYDNEY'S POPULATION.

SYDNEY, Tuenlay. The monthly re port of the Government Statistician, issued to-day, announced the population of Sydney as 1,249,170. O. M. R.

W. Tobln- 14 1 59 3 Carlton IS 8 1 4 Weils 9 2 a Leo H.T 2 3 Hutten 6 0 22 0 SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Firit InnJnot 424 Second Innlngi, Starr. Ibw, dnmci 5 Hutton, not out 20 Tpcole, i Walker, James 4 Tobln, Alklmort, Jamei 12 Welte, rot out 2 fiuadrlei 5 49 Total for four wkkelj BOWLING. MOTHERS' CLUBS.

relations with School Com-'; mittees. Election of Office Bearera. Thero was a very" large attendance of delegate at the annual tuaetini; of tlie Victorian Federation of Not hern' Clubs, hold yesterday afternoon ot Central lfoinie. la the slweuce oi tlie prciident (Mi'B. Kloot), tlie senior vice-president (Mrs.

M. McColl) presided. Discussion centred round a letter from the" Education department forwarding a pioposed amendment to a rt-jiuUtion ol the department dealing with the power matherb' rhjlw ruiFe funds and make piuchasrw lor the beni'lit and improvement o( schools, The amendment provided that I. Any proposal to risi fuirls hy wollieri' cluls oiLer imn'riis niwclsfions must first iK.v the Mruval vt the Lwd teacher imrj school 8. Provl'ltd that a Iwlanct sheet 4s submitted Iw the scli'jol ccnmiltue fu'xls rsiswl (or "7 uiimovtd objtct, may, with tho m'l'roval of the school cowrnUn.

he ulaced a trust account at a Kiviuxs Uk fit iliu sume of. cud may be 4 hy, the muthenV club or older irnU' ifhWiatiuli, fjubje-t to tlie conditions aub-plmuc ny mut-ial agrfc-ment between the school committee mid mothers' rlulw jr other parents' thr funds raisvtl mv he plucod in a trust tt-mt in th warn tlM) sdiool committee and a rummUUc coiii.itiiip of tho h-'ud teach. trteiiibi of the m-IiooI commit tti-, and thm? immWrs of Uiv uivtluT club or other iiannt' atssomtivn. 4. In tin- event vt a dhn((rppmfnt as to tho filw'sal of turd tho mutter must he ir-ferred to the department, for adjut-tmont.

Tho decision of the department In all wiees to bo lliinl. MrCoH' explained that the execu live committee hod approved of the amendment with Uie exception ot the aecond clause, whereat was felt that the words "vmIi tno approval oi me evhoui comrriiMee'. left the mothers' clubs in' the tame as they were before, 'without the power to expend the money they hart rnisprl. M. G.

lcSatigbton wid if the ehool- committee had onee given ita ap-. proval and a balance bhcet was submitted, then the. mother' clubs elumld not have to for approval a second time beiore they banked the money. A' protest against the concentration' of senior honors pupils in three metropolitan high schools was voiced by the representative of the Keeendon High School, who said that the Fducntion deportment hod done this in the interests of economy. Though it might be an economy for the department, and even of this she was doubtful, it was certainly not nn'economy-for the parents, who had to pay extra fares and provide additional and more expensive clothes for children travelling loncev distances to school.

I was aUo against the interests of the children. -A delegclo apol: of the transfer of children attending the higher grades of elementary schools to the higher elementary sHioola. One parent, f-he said, hnd been oiled on to pay 2 7 '6 extra jn the year for hooks and sports fees. It was announced that the total amount collected bv the -mothers' clubs for pro-1 vMing furnishings for Travaneore" was t-jja s-ll aim (t was ne.iui-iu jjkk. uie ftjitc Government to take steps to open the school.

The fnllowinx oHlce bearera were eW'tcd: Prefident. Mrs, Kloot: vicc-prc; sidents. Mrs. MeColl. Mre.

H. Collens; hon. feorctary. Mis. F.

Y. Pitt; hoo. trenfurer, Mrs. 70. Scott: committee.

Mrs. MeXouRhton. Mrs. Berfield. Mrs.

C. A. Fothom, Mrs. Longlond, Mrs. J.


To perpetuate the memory of the late Mrs. K. who was president of the Australian Women's National League from IftfJ to' 1927, the members of, the Iratnie in the metropolitan and countr; districts htvu preRcnte1 a beautifully i-arved, table for use in the council rooms of the IcoRue, and yesterday, in the pre sfnee of tha members of the council, founder the movement, Mrs, A. J. C'larte.

unveiled tlie table. 1 'nliug referencea were made by the members of the executive, who had worked with Mr. Crocker, to her wor for the league, the speakers being Lad, Weedon. ajts. 1', Urcy Mrp.

I1 Saye, Mrs. Kiioi Chapman (who fpoki on behalf of country niemler, Mrs. Hope, Mrs. Bolitho and Mrs. Rogers.

The president (Mrs. C. Couchinan) said it was her duty and her talisfuclioi) to arcept the table in naiije of the memorv of Mania ret tan nor Crocker. The occasion was a fad one, yet in one seiite also joy I in, lor nil conn cinmt tiicmsehos lucky in havine worke with Mrs. Crocker.

knew the table would be ured as Mrs. Ciorker woiild hrtvf liked, not only fur the advanccmci: of the but for the odvnnceincut oi the S.tatc, tlie Coninionwealtli und he jiupue. Helping Malleo Settlers' Wivos. BKND1GO, Tuesday. Realising th serious plight of the wives of many Mallee settlers who have endured privations, dur ing the past few years, the younger set of -Rendigo branch of tho Country omerrs Association haa set itself oui to extend special assistance to them dm ing the coming winter.

A consignment of clot hing has already been ond a specim api'wn ia emg innue to inc public of Hendigo for further donations of warm clothes. SERIES OF BRIDGE TEAS, Tho bridge tea's arranged by the man- ngement of tlie Myer Emporium proved so popular last year that if was 'decided to Jiold them again this The series commenced in the Oth floor tea lounge yesterday afternoon, 'when about' loO players, including a number men, attended. Misa Maude Gregory gave a short talk on bridge, and 'set a special hand, which was afterwards demonstrated, for her gner.tfl to ploy. Miss Gregory and lier pannei jits. ji.

jsukhh uu the players on difficult points of piny Two series will be held during March, on Tuesdays, 10th. 17th und 24th end on hursdays, dtn, ll'tli, juth and utu. NOTICES AND FIXTURES. EX-NVAL MEN'S LADIES' AUXILIARY, Tho first darict? for tho vettr at the Ex Naval Men's Ladles' AtixlIlBry wtl) take placo nn Miuraay. nui inaiPiQ oi mi taiur-day nxt.

ith Inst. A meeting will aho br held In No. room of the Railway Institute Ht 3 p.m. on Hth Instead of on tho Un inat. BRENAN HALL DANCLS.

A aeries Of dancca and bridge pn riles in aid of flt. Vincent's Hospital, at tho Brenan Hall, (it. Vln-rfnt's Honpltal hue been arranrtd by Messrs. James Whdan and James O'Neill, to take placo on Saturday next, 7th Mnreh, 18tn April, 30th May, 11th July, 22nd August, 20th Soptemotr. FOR FLEMINGTON AND KENSINGTON UNEMPLOYED.

The Flemtnitton and Knn-elnpton Citizens' Relief Committee will hold n. en tins party and danrr on Haturday next at Ki. Brendan's Hall, riemlngton. SAILORS' WIVES' FRIENDLY UNION The March mnellnf of the R.A.N. Friendly, trnlon of Sailors' wives and Mothers will bo held at p.m.

to-morrow in the concert I hall of the, Building, City-road. in O. M. rr. W.

Naih 5 0 II 1 Jamct .5 2 25 Newton 4 I. I 0 CuBtoma 'Sensational Reduction In the Prlco et Whisky, Brandy, Gin and Rum Pr Bottlo, Hai-vey's Special Whisky 123 Koyal George Whisky 103 Lister's Pure Malt Whisky 79 Lister's Pure Grape Brandy 8 Victor's Gin 7 Crown Queensland Rum 6 Guaranteed Standard Quality OHTAINArtl-E AT ALL lllr. IEAD1KO HOTELS AND THE rOLLOT-INO W1KB AND SIM1UT RICHAHDSON'S J5J RUSSELl-f-TREEt. THE EXCHANGE, 2S9 LIT. COLLINMI.


THE LONSDALE. 228 THE FLINDERS, 4SS FLINDERS-STREET. (Stereiv-Rlchardin.) RICE BUBBLES AUa maker, of KcltalYi Gor.Flik.,,Klloi'.AI. Bnn K.lloli'i Whi.1 FltLci." toron enernlly. A slnglo doie Harrlion'i Pills proves their worth I Hundred of testimonial have lie rent in by people who Rained wne fit from them nftor other well-know mclhcda of trontment had faih'd.

I' YOU want to set free from your neld handicap If you would know IM joy of ronewed vigor nnd vilililTi tioo from pain, free front weak, ou "rilr.zy" epclla, juat Ret pnckig pf Hnrriaon'a l'ill from tlie nfnrril rhomiat or atore. Three alzcn---, and If pot einaied al the ii provemont in your health, look. aaJ nenrlng nfter 'fuat lnle trial. 7 can neve your money bnek in inn. And 100 will be paid to nnvoni pruvinp ini.

ix nor onio, b-i- tlve Remedy, bearlnt nenela konoon under, signature, in take Do ruka when yoit take ji laud snd IliKRlnk. Emerirttirlts; evens and Johnson. BRUNSWICK ANDC0BURQ CHURCHES ACJOCIATI0N. toiiiwin unnlni liava hern atinnlnted for ttmi-flnals conu.uicing on Saturday, 3 SO FlVlT Orade. Moreland Cbureh of Christ v.

Pr.t (nrUi.ft tpclon. Arplcbv and )o linev; Urunswlrk ltliodist Wif. Ustlindlst, Broodhrad and Harrif. SmohiJ Grad-. Moreland Methodist v.

Carlton Methodist, Fellows and Trask; St. Augustine's v. Mortland Chuiuh vt Christ, Beklitr and Heiv Fouith Grade. St. AuriiFtlne's v.

Carlton Mission (on Nicholson ttrtrt Methodist wirkel), II. O. Phillips and It. Phillips: Brunswick Pwsby. trrian v.

Jiurelaml Church of Christ, Bolder and KlioJrs. Third Orad, 'ordinary rotind, itn snd lit It tfarrtvf 'arlliin Methodist V. hi. haul's Chureh of F.eland. Braid and Ejst Brunswick Methodltt v.

ht. AuKUtinh, Pojier and Cotton; Coburg Crusadrrs v. East Brunswick Mfthodift Amy and fiver; West Moreland Uiptist v. Brunswick Mcihodtil, Kmonson and Linwfurd; Brunswick lionsl Moreland Methodist, 0. Phillli-s and Pritcbardi f'ohurff Scouts Brunswick Presbyterian, Ty dell tnd Pearec.

MID-WEEK ASSOCIATION. ThA first grade smt-nnal In th Mtd-week association between Fire Brigade and uulhVld Snorta wm conrliidod vpttl-idav. Fira llrizadL- wining un the flrnt ly runs. Tho match was stopped owinjr to rultt. Knres: yiro Brlcadfl 1(15 (I.

Cau fli ftirti ICu and eiffht fur JS? (dec.) (Horun fit, Liwsan 40 not Out; Anurew imo jot -a, lurner two ior ior. Tho other A imidfi aenil-final botwen Tat tor sail's and Wmidorrrs two for .100, and the prnde final between fori nth tans lis and caul-field Forts two for aC, will 1 concluded to morrow. UMPIRES FOR COUNTRY WEEK. The secretary of tht Victorian Cricket Automa tion (Mr. II.

nwtnii) has nceivcq m-'i'ti nan 4U applications trom persons drslrom of umpir-Inc matrtifa in the Country Cricket week, be (Tiiiiiiiiif ncsr Monday. It is prdnlrd nut. how. ever, the umplra for tint first round -are arranged hv thr- clubs on whoti crounda the mntHies are played. The asooiulfoii has ap pointed (he fli owl nj- umpirt-s for ihe scml-flnal 01 me inrrc cinni-a, nv urn.

iu ut-t In the finals alra: Maxwell, Nfcholt. Phillips. Rcmsden, fcimmonds, Rhaw, W. Cad (Jock, Jn-atlicotc, Powell, fct afford, Wctenhsll. PRESBYTERIAN ASSOCIATION.

The folhwino; is the draw, amd umpires tat 7th and Hth Match: A tirade. -Smith Yarra v. Prnhran, (Jibbon nnd Pike; J'Tt Melbourne v. Smilh Mclpaiirne, Nincarrf.w and firont 1 "rd v. Kavt Brunt wlcV, Parkor nnd OrftliKmi fiolllngwooi) v.

Wtl. liamron. Cochin- and Crjwley. v. Ncrth Carlton.

BRIGHTON DISTRICT ASSOCIATION. Umpirrs and fixtures fsr th S'-mi-flnal p-imts on Tth, 14th and Jlst Mirch are as ur-let Grade Hampton v. BriitJitoa Union, at Tnlip.jilrett, Bind: Kock, Wallac; and Hunter; FistciwJck IhtkllP v. Prince I'aik, ot Kur-linphcm Park, M.xflel.J nnd Oments. Second Grade l-ud-tme v.

Fern Ixdce, at Pprin-; tret, Blfick Rock, ox ami Anderson; P.Iuck Rock v. St. Cnthbert's, at William-ureet, North Prishtoii. BruM snd Macpherson. Third Grade.

ft. Peter's v. Ktiterr.le. at Cludrn, Toe and Neville; fiandrinRham H.A.C.B.S. v.

St. Mnrgarct'i, at Elstcrnwick, Bail's and Firm In r. Fourth Grcde. Hampton Mrthodists v. Brighton Baptlt, at Hampton CoiiKregatioinl (rruund, Rankin ond McLean; Sar.drlnaham MothoiUsts v.

Hamnlon Coiirctifinal), at lUmptoii, C. 0. Scar and Houli. Brothcrton, Scott, and Mdouft. BISHOP TO CAPTAIN COLLEGE TEAM.

BALMRAT, The Bishop of Bnllarnt (D-. Crick) will cantain Rt. Aidan's t'ollo-je team the Grammar School eleven in a cricket match to be held on Tuesday and Wcdntsdry. COUNTRY WEEK TEAMS. PYRAMID HILL, Tuesday, The following learn has been selectrd for Country week: GrepOTV, Jones, A.

Windridpe, J. TwiRR (Molosa), Lan-card, Veal (Ktrnnp), Cooper. Sutlierlatid. NVw-ton. Ratsbrck, Colwell, Rote, Kel and Ken Graham, 0' Donne II (Uoort Auoclation).

COUNTRY PMYEK'S ACHIEVEMENT. BENALLA. Tuesday. Th district cricket as-soeiatfon has d'eided te tecojrnfse the outstanding achievement of J. Hall, of Goo in takin? more than WO wlckfts for the Gcnranibnt club in associativa matcliei.

A fund hiui been opened. A FARCICAL DISPUTE. Settled at Suggestion of Juc.rje. After nn action had been commenced before Mr. Justice Was ley in the First Civil Court yesterday, the patties conferred and reached a settlement.

Annie A. GleesoTi nnd David Kelly, of 1 onus- strict, I'rnnhston. claimed 300 from Her. bert Barclay, of Younir-f trcet, l'rankstnn for nnd for trewpasn. The IJoistrni- Tit Irs was a nominal fendant.

Mr. JSryan (instructed by Mr. n.iti-if.iti) for nlaintifTa. Fnlliitrjir and Mr. Vouniard (by Mensnr.

Darvall and Horefoll) for Bar- elnv Mr. O'Bryan said tho action related to a piece of land which the wife of Kelly hnd boupht a long tiny3 4ipo. On the nub- iiviRion ut the Jaml a mwtaKC was niaoc in tlm fcin-vov. with Ihn if lilt bniindnrv lino rnn ihrniiah tho null' lioitse on tlie property, in li'-'i i-nrciay Dnugni one block of land end Mrs. Gleeson botiKlit the adjoining block, on which the house stood.

Barchy in 1023 constructed a fence on the Miwcyod boundary linu so as to leave imrt of the house on ln- propttty. Jjater lie mini two septic whrh rn ins property. Jtrtt. iiiccion uneven had thus commit tetl a nuisance. Thf l.i iul in fliMinU- wns milv three fect- in width at it widest part.

Defendant hnd offered plaintiffs for the mnd. Tlis Honor naked why they should Mend 11 week discussing an alloped cneroaclimont when the value of the land was so inning. In mty cafe, the planning wouin have to pnv tiie cost of tho unless plain- tilfs wishofl In keen tho lecal iirnfrsMoji in thenc bad times the case should not continue. Aftr Ihft ruir-ties had conferred. Mr.

O'Bryan announecd that a aettlemcnt hnd heen reached. Hu remarked that it had been thought by aome people that his Honors remarks liart implied a reproacn to the policitora and counsel in the case He would like to say everything possibh hnd -been done to reach a settlement. Hia Honor tiairl he did not an v. anvthiiifT of th ni-r. All ho mi ant's tot I wns that tlie parties should be Rind to be prevented from committing linaucmi Riiieuie.

'ihe case was Mruck out, witn nuorty to reinstate it if necessary. UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS, 1931. MELBOURNE CANDIDATES. Ko. 87.

SS. 101. 113. 1M. 11 -iw, IPS, 218.

2K, aM. 2iJ, 274 2W'. 95, "61. f. -7i tim to rnn am irns.

mi. 11211. lU'H. ISOtf. iC.i).

JK7. HM, IMS, MX), KM, 1T38. 1700, iwi, I04l, 1UM. lOrti, 10PO, 2037, Ph -if l'i-id: Km. 4.

8. 8'. 161, oca. iw, mo, ii-i 1114. 1M4.

1543. IM7, 117, 1052, 15, 175J, 1767, 1S02, 1S44, 1S1-2, 1W5. COUNTRY CANDIDATES. phi-aif-l Prlfnce. Pasted i Kos.

245S, 2741. 28S4, 2(W7, 8387, SSH3, SIAl. 1 rftTlinr PROGRAMME FOR 1931. fuudrnts enterlna: in the fourth year of Ihe medical course are notified that tho lectures hi matrri medic and pharmacy wm aenv ered at the Collcfro of Plwrnfcry, Bwanilon street, on Honuars onn inurwujii ui. i'-i commencing- on Monday, 2rd March.

Ir VreA Knintit. J. M. HtHZlnS, nnd (lovemnn-nt Resebn.h scholarships muH bo tnu rcgittrnr noi umr mnir wuu Wth l.rr-h Rnlrlft'for lpL-ttlTCS In STtfl, education, commerc, law, science, medicine, en-irlneerlnft, architecture, aaTicultiiri and vetcrln-nrv sclonco mut ba lodged not later Bat-nrdny, March. SMidrnti whoso cntris will he a'ffr-ctcd by thfl mulu of lh supplemcntarj esaininnthmi may dtfer IcMlfflncr ihclr entries until alter their results are published.

Comrpondeneo tuUh'ii Is icii li country students In all Uw suhlects, moat siibJeeU th commerce emir, and In ecnnomlci parts I. and U. and economic history of thu aria course. students desiring to lake my nt the, sbov subjects must Ms a corrcspon-drnee cntrv, In all ntlier subjects where lc-tarte are not attonded an exam I nation entry only ia required. EVENING LECTURES, 19)1.

tt ll propwd to hold evenlnjt Isrlurri tt the University In 1031 In tho follow Inc wbjoils, bpfflnnlnir on Monday, 23rd March: Hnfany. part I.i natural phllncphy, part with laboratory wmki pure matliemallcs pntt 1.1 puro malbe-inaiies, part ll.t l-'renrh. French, put If nrrnnn. mrt l.l Ttrltish ht'tOTV. A nd f'i ani-lont histnrr, Kurnjuan btstory '-mixed mathemstlfi, psrt f.

nyoholojry, IpuIo and ethics, Ivotln, part I.i Utln, put win, rart III flrnrlt. oirt l.l hlstorv ol Ph loSOphy, adrtnetd elhles, eeonnmitl, part t.t iconomic ffeetrapnv, commerrisi isw, accwinianry, pan and butintu practice, accotinlsncy, pait H.i audit hr It flf iMPHniptry and law ol tnnl'-es, eotnmerclsl and Industrial otnnlMflrm, Enjrtlth Rnrrllsh CI, Js ineic, fpsnlsh, IltHan. Certain of thest are held between 4 p.m. and ft I or r. THEATRE AND SCREEN.

Hero's a. State of Thing. The Easter opening in Melbourne of a Gilbert end Sullivan season is calculated to revive in us a sense of gaiety, enjoying iucu a musical blend ot beauty or4 son cruse as even New York craves. Jt is al ways UilHcult to understand how in Kaw lork, where the theatre is always very much active, the public does not Insist 011 more and better music. But Mr.

Brophi Atkinson, editor of the drama pages tlie Ivew Work "limes, in a recent issue set down the effect upon his mind of hear ing a neighbor's "remda of a D'Oyley Carte production of Tho Mikado. writes: "What this country needs fchieh is a revival of Gilbert and Sullivan. And if inthrop Ames insivts that he has re tircj from producing, then let the D'Oyley Carta Conipacy steam ucross the Atlantic at puce on the festest ships tho Brittsli Navy can supply that is, if the D'Oyley Carte Company la wot already troiiping around Canada. For these operas are not to be sung by a rag-bug company singers, directed as well oa possible in the limited time available, and destined to light a dark house for a mouth or six weeks. What -the -Gilbert and Sullivan operas need is a perfection of style equal to the perfection of nonsense that is in thcin.

Pure gaiety, without a single echo of reality, wells up from these nimble, affecting sprays of notes, and there tinkling lyrics. Jt many people consider I hp Mikado tho loveliest light opera ever written, the popular vote has jilwnys placed he Gonaoliers- fiiht duting Aus tralian sea sons. It is this opuvit, with ite Duke of Plazo loro, Casil Ja, Marco 1'aluiieri. Antonio and his merry gon doliers, that wilt probably thu Mel bourne season after the company round oil any of the touh edges in its interpre tation at Adelaide, where it-opens on Hth March, fetrella Wilson, Charles Walenn Winifred Williamson, Lance Fniifu James Hay, Mabel Gibson, Leo Lilian Cntp and John Ralston were in the caets of the W2i ecason here, and Ley Jam ton and John iUltton will be in this year's revival. The contralto roles, suug by Winifred Williamson, sung tins lime by Dorothy Gill, who, with the baritone Gregory Stroud and the come dian Ivan Menzies, will arrive here from England to-morrow.

Mr. Phil. Finkelstein welcomed them at Adelaide on Monday, and to-morrow they will begin rehearsing with the Australian company at the' Thca tie Royal, under Gustave Slapoffski. Three fine sopranos in Marie Btemner, Rene Maxwell end Maisfe Ramsay (another ie- tsrian) will sing leading roles. Herbert Browne ia leaving Lilac Time in Sjdney to join the company as tenor; Bernard Manning, baritone, is another of tho lead- cis, while John Ralston will be welcomed again us the Grand Inquisitor.

Giegory Stttud, by the way, took the principal baritone role in Chu Chin Chow, produced by the Williamson tirm in Melbourne nine years ago. Saying nothing of the chorut, which rumor hints is the best yet. Must the Play Go On A curious coincidence has occurred in connection with the production of Arthur SchniUler's comedies in Sydney and New 1 01k. DuiMig the last scene of performance of Anatol in the American city Joseph Schildkraut suffered a heart attack, and the curtain was lowered until he recovered sufliciently to resume At tho Playbox Theatre, in Sydney, last week, Duncan Macdougiill collapsed dur ing Questioning Fate, one of four one-act plays by Schnitzler' presented under tho title Viennese Nights, and a long interval elapsed between the breakdown and commencement of tho second play, Literature. But the production generally was nut a succesj in un evening which, in the words of a critic, "consisted mainly ot interval, Following the New York pro duction, the-'New ork critic, found a moral iu a similar happen.

ug during a performance of Berkeley rfquore iu Chicago. In this play, as the curtain went up, Leslie Howard announced haU the show could not go on because he had a severe attack of laryngitis, and do neither himself nor the play justice. Thus was chattered "one of the sillier, if stirring, traditipns' that the play must go ou. Mr. Mantle points out that plays have btcn ruined and actors and audiences made miserable because ot that tradition, nt tho back of which usu ally is the fact that 11 the show does not go on the managenientwill be ubligeu to refund the price of the teats to the audience.

It, is certainly true that the players ami theatre managers may have taken themselves und the the tic too seriously on these occasions. Gregan McMnlion Players. In the character Joe, the hoctahst whose hatred of Bocicty is so strong that he ecu wis through the play Yellow Sands, dospite the fate tlmt awaits him in the love of Lydia, the public will be reminded of. John Shand in What Every Woman Knows, who bursts into a roar of laugh ter only at the end in the scene with Maggie Wyhc. But the news is that already the desired 700 subscribers have responded to thu appeal of Mr.

McMahon for a nucleus of his virile movement to present good plays, ben the list is complete there will probably be 000, for the 300 former subscribers have pot yet renewed their subscriptions. Yellow Sands will open at the Comedy Thcutrc on lues- day, 17th March, and The Roof on lues day, 24th March, the Eeason concluding on the Saturday before Easter Saturday, On fill and 10th the plan will be open at Allan's for subscribers, and the general public- may book seats after that date until the Lth. The Picture Houses. Morocco, in which the newest Bcreen star, Marlerie Dietrich, w'ill make her screen debut in Melbourne- at the Cap! tot Theatre on Saturday, is an adventure story of the Foreign Legion. Iu the cast with' the German actress also arc Gary Cooper- end Adolphe Meujou.

Joseph Diskoy, an Hungarian tenor, chants the Muezzin's call to prayer. Reginald Berke ley a dramatically constructed play French Leave, which was presented hero some years ago by the late Emilie Puliiii, has been translated to the talking Bcreen by British Dominions Films. It frill com mence au extended season at the Majestic theatre ou Saturday. 'At Hoyts Plaza on Friday A Lady a adapted from John Liskine a story Sin eerily, will supplapt Just Imagine. The plot revolves upon the marriage, of a woman novelist nnd a young misincHs, man, onrnd- fs agel and I lose Ilohart playing these The Regent Theatre's feature" on- Halurd-v will be Half Shot at Wheeler and Robert Woolwy, inimitable hnixli makers of Tho Cuckoo, iu the Knne Grey's Last "of 'the' Dunnes- is tlm supporting talkie.

At tho Stato Theatre' Saturday Derelict, a moving story of tho sea, wijh George Bancroft as a Bed' captain, who meets girl in a cafe ot Havana, is to be the first film on tho programme. The Lion nnd the Lamb, Phil-1 lipu Opponheim alory, will also be screened. Allan Vilkio contemplates producing Eay Virtue, which he-regards as Noel Coward's best pay, following the present season of Hay Fever. Mary Rosei Barrioa 'delightful '(antalyi' will have its last performance nt the Comedy Theatre on Saturday' Hth' Inst, On the Spot, Ldcar Wallace play, with Frank Harvey at tho head of the cast, will probnbly bo stnged here at Ens Ernest. C.

Rolls, who three or four year biTUiht to Australia tlia plays The Student Pr.nee, Rio Rita, Whoopee and Sunny, and Rnfu tor's. Grand Opera House in Sydney, announce that will open a show at the Princess Theatre, Melbourne, at 'It is colled Topsy Turvy', nntoble chiefly 'during its presentation at the St, James's Theatre, Sydney, for daring ballet ensembles. I and and t. All nnd A Jupp. The Advisory Council jDiscimed by Baby-Health Centre Association.

discuwlop. regarding the advisory, council proposed by the Minister for Health iu connection Mjth infant welfare took place at a meeting of the council of the Victorian Haby-Hcallh Centres Ao-ciadon, in the Melbourne Town Hall yesterday, whon' the president, Sir (Jeorge Cueaden) presided. Cr. Nuzum, reprtscnting Kouth Mel bourne council, no id his council only qgreed ty the pjojwbol after hearing the views of Dr. beantkbuiy, who atsurcd the council that the proposed advisory euni- mitteo would not in 'any way intcnere with the work of the association, and that the muniaiiol councils would not he liable for any further expenditure.

He con- Kidcred that the committee of the associa tion should give earnest consideration he- fore deciding not to nominate candidates, otherwise it was possible that it would not bo represented oa the counc.l. Cr. Howie (Cumberwcll) asked what would be the uae of un advisory commit' tee if it was not going to do anythiug- It would need money, and where M-ould it get it if nut from municipal councils. The trust moneys Mould not he given to the tjovernmcnt. Lr.

Nuzum: Dr. Scanltebmy's idea was to obtain co-ordiuolion. The president (Sir Geonro CuBcaden paid that Uiis organisation represented 70' per ecnl. fcf infant welfare. The HiuiiK-ipahUeg controlled the movement, imd the Government' eon tri but to its' upkeep amopnted to ri ine ices oi rue jriFiert.

mo ecu-ties had been built, euuipped and furnished hv the municinalititH. His opin ion was that, no Government would dare to withdraw its subsidy for any one of the municipalities. The association hid done excellent work, and had cetablished ninety-six centres, and it would be a cruel chnme if any movement were broupht about to interfere w.ith the present worn, CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY. ANNUAL OUIET DAY OF WOMEN'S COUNCIL, The women's council ofthe'Chureh Mis sionary fclociety held its annual quiet day yesterday before beginning its work for the year. In 'the morning Holy Com- muuion was celebrated at Holy Trinity, East Melbourne, and Rev.

F. T. Thorn- burgh gave on address on Faith, Prayer and ftelf-sucrmce. The session rfas held at the St. Hilda Deaconesses Home, Clarendon- street, East Melbourne, where the theme of Faith, Prayer and Self-sacrifice was de veloped in addreises given by Mrs, J.

T. jtHcmij 3iifs k. j.angiey ana flirs, A. si Miller. secretary Mies Lonolev presided iir the absence -of the president, Mrs.

V. Head; mid arrangements were mude for the first of the year, to he held on Wednesday next, when Mrs. Head will preside, and for a welcome to nc neja on JueiHV at the home ot jura. A. Langley for Mrs.

R. "Wyldon, who lias recently return -3d trom Lngland. THE PRICE OF, SUGAR. In view of the fact that the reports of tho Sugar Commission, are shortly to be to tlie Federal Uovernment, the Housewives' Association (Mrs. Tho mas, president), at an executive meeting yesterday passed the following resolution, to be forwarded by the led era I preeideut (Mrs.

h. Glencross; to the Prune -i The Hoisewii Artatton of Victoria UeU it irnficral (vc in view t4 the altered rouoi Ueni in tht- sur Industry, the greater cfliuk'ii'-y In nil raueed through the iiuiallutlniV tt modnt machinery, that there hciild he as tf'iti pOMihh Mjr rvduction in ihe pries of mpar to the eomumer. The price ol ltQ-t nen ftxd, vtas coiiEidered reiion- 3tle lieioif th'-se favofabl engitloiig wire fir ah en iIogr. hut stir further ajcreemnt the prstnt lines. a cepilder wholly unjuiti- The hieh price of school books wns dis- ciiFped at the meeting, and the following resolution was Unit IMf seeiitiva urotpiti asnin.t the lm pofitioti 1 (hp filet tax on erhool bookr, which hit addH (Lniifjrablv to their ext.

It Is felt thttt there should he no additional tax on Its mini, ug It considered thet this further liurdin it un i-'bsf ruction to the of education victoria. The date of the annual meeting was fiJfed fyt Hth at the board ivom, leropie-cours. JAM FOR THE BLIND. Misa Jean Innes, a member cf the re cent ly-fomied junior auxiliary for the Iioyal Victorian Institute for the collect ed 100 jars of jam for the blind chijdrtm from the pupils of Warwick. STOWAWAY ON.

NAIEANA. Xaudod at Queenscliff. Tuesday. A stowaway was found on the steamer Nairana at 6.43 p.m. on Monday just before the vessel reached Qucenscliff.

Ho wnB landed at Qucenscliff, He was the second stowaway discovered within a month. 'Ihe purser Harris, was in the for ward part of the veel: when h. found a young man watidering about, and after questioning him found he was ou board the vessel without ft ticket. Captain Mclntyre ordered him to be landed at Queenscliff. One of the ship's; boats was launched, and the young man was conveyed to the jetty at the seaside Sheoaks In Memory of Gordon.

Lt connection with its scheme of fore shore improvement, Brighton' council at its meeting on' Monday night decided to pay a. tribute to. the memory Adam Lindsay Gordon. Prom time to time the town clerk J. II.

'Inv orl Ma t-p. ceived seeds from slieoakB growing at jjingicy jjeii, near Blount tiornbier, unere Gordon lived before ha came to Victoria. The seeds were sown in the couneil's nursery, and hnve grown into healthy young tmes, which will now bo planted in the beach reserve at tho foot of Park- street, where the poet ended his life. COLLINGWOOD DISTRESS. TO THE EDITOR OP TUB AOB.

Sir, I have to intimate that the coin mittees "which have been organised by me conaevtjon' with the Government sus tenance and the activities are the only oprs authorised to collect money a or goods in and no consideration should be 'given to any other applications which may ite made. re-grot to say that, the digressing conditions we have been experiencing aro in creasing daily, and I nunin anneal to your charitably disposed renders to forward to me town iinti, lojiniftwood, donations ot any kind. Yours, d. EABTMA.N, Mayor. TO MAKE A PtRFECT CUSTARD n.i.

nit. a .1 FOSTER CLARK'S Cuisrd Powder mutt be uied Our new park! contains fl separate packets each to make a pint. UstriR the exact quntitity makes a Also sold in 4ot rarHers, woi. and idok. canisters, jw jp make Jf A PtRFECT II CUSTARD at at WORLD CHIEF'S VISIT.

Lew Than Month Away, It is now less than a montlr before the World Chief Scout fLovd liuden Powell) will arrive in Melbourne. He has already cpent some time tu our lUtcr Dominion New Zealand, and will leave there in a wek for Sydney, but will go to ujucensland and Canberra bctore com-ig on here, where he will nrrivu on 1st Ai.cil. he chiefs first and only visit fcto Australia was in 1013, when he made a tour of all Dominions, only five years ntei his lamouti hrwt tamp jt Island, where scouting was inaugurated. Scouting had then swept the world with its appeal, but it was till in its infancy of organisation. Jt was largely to.

assist the Uominions to organisej and to inspire the leader so that the boys would get the best out of scouting, that his 1912 trip wns made. Now after nineteen years the chief is to viMt Australia again. He will find scouting organised to a far greater extentin fact, the machinery side is almost completed and should also find that Australian icouts have carried out his ideal, for seotiting in Victoria has bjen particularly fortunate in its leaders, who havg led tho boys always onward. Victorian scout head rjunrtei is doing everything possible to allow all scouts in tlie btale who ore able to do so to participate in the ceremonies. XhiB great man, the Chief Scout, is very unlikely to: have another chance to visit us, for friass-' ing years and growing responsibilities and duties in the British Isles will make it difficult to leave there -again, and therefore oil scouts who should, and ore trying to.

take this last chance of seeing him and gaining personal inspiration. Special Medal Struck-. A special souvenir medal 'has hn struck for the Boy Scouts' Association to commemorate the visit. This has bust of Lord Baden Powell, carved by Paul Montford, on the obverse aide, and the inscription, "To commemorate the visit lo AustroJia of Lord Baden Powell founder of tlie Boy Scouts, jB3l on tho reverse. Only a limited number has been at ruck.

Matthew vatu Competition. It has been decided this year to hold Hie Matthew Evans Memorial Shield com petition for the champion Rover biker over a course in a district convenient to Melbourne, Gcelong and Ballarat. The suggestion that a teams competition should also be acid is being investigated. New Troops, at Kew. Several new units are being formed at ivcw.

Sixth Kew cub pack is attached to St. Hilary's Church of England and 7th troop and cub park has been termed at Corey Cra-uniar School. The 8th troop is to be formed at Doncaster, and will probably be known as 1st Don- caster. Mr. A.

T. Cann has been ap pointed assistant district commis sioner and Mr. It, Driver assistant cub commissioner. It is proposed to bold a combined ecout rally, at Kew in April, Colonel Cohen Shield. Kotriea for the Colonel Cohen shield competition will close at head quarters ou 15lh March.

The contest, which is the foremost scouting competition in the Stale, and embraces all phases of scout ing activities, wjll be held at.Gilwell Park during the Laster week end, on ith, Sill and Oth April. Troop XtvsL CarKon Iroop will hold a jumble sale at their hall, fehakespeore-strect, North Carlton, on Saturday afternoon. Proceeds will go to the building fund Collingwood Troop will, hold a camp-fire concert on Tuesday, 17th Marco, at 8 p.m., to aid troop funds. On Saturday, i'let March, at 2.30 p.m., Hampton facouts will hold a baby com petition in Hampton Hall. Particulars can be obtained from Mr.

C. Kenyon, 2 miiks avenue, Hampton. At the annual meeting of the 1st Si. Arnaud group the Bishop of St. Arnagd was k'cted ond Mr.

h. thwaite secretary. An effort will he made no raise funds to bend a arout to Mel bourne for the visit of the Chief Scout, Lord Baden Powell. The committee of the Tunstall boy scouts has elected the following office bearers for the ensuing twelve months President, Mr. It.

Wells! vice-president, Mr. K. Uunlop: hop. aecretury, Miss J. Cross; treasurer, Sirs.

G. Smith. Arrange ments are being made to hold a troop sports meeting in April. Mornington Peninsula county council de cided thut all scouts, cubd, guides and brownies should assemble at Kb ton and travel together to Melbourne by spe cial train for the Scout's visit. The scout movement is receiving con siderable support at Tyabb.

It is the intention of the district ecout troop to build scout hall in the township, A suitable site for the proposed building has been ottered. At Somerville a committee those in terested in the welfare of the boy scouts has been formed, with Mr. J. Wll- loughby as president. Arrangements have been made to erect a building for the use of the scouts on a site in Pogunoni'a-lane, leaped by the cool store.

Fifteenth Caulfield group is holding a grand vocal and instrumental concert, as- listed by the Victorian Railway Insti tute Students' Orchestra, in St. Stephen's Presbyterian school hall, Balaclava-road, Caullicld, on Monday next. GIRL GUIDES. News from Head Quarters. 'ilio head of training, Miss M.

Bush, has returned to Melbourne after a tour of the Western district, including Hamilton, Port Fairy, Casterton, Digby and Warrnambool. The head of Brownie training, Miss M. Browu, who. accompanied her, will return later after visiting Camperdown. Tho tour was for tho purpose of meeting Guidera and of holding classes to take thu place of the training week which was to bo held at Tulse Hill, Colcrainc.

On 16th March the Mcrton Hall Guides' colors will be dedicated. The ceremony will take place in the Bchool' grounds. I Tho next meeting of, tho Hanger per manent committee will be held to-morrow (1.46 p.m. in the Assembly HalL De tails of tho Hanger hike to be held on Light Hours day will he discussed. Rally at Korumburr.i, On Saturday next the Konmibiirra His-trjet Uuidcis will hold rally.

The dis trict includes KorumbuiTn, Poowong, Bena and Arowat.i. Mrs. McWillinin is the district commissioner for Koiuniburra, Tho guests of honor on Saturday will be district commissioner lor iiawinom Mrs, Edmondson. Tho Chlon Visit. Each Meek tlie committee in charge of the visit of the Chief Guide, and the ar rangements for the big rally, is meeting head quailers.

The Chief Guide and Chief Scout, Lord and Lady Baden-Powell, are exneeted to arrive in Melbourne nt the end ot this month. Already they are in Now calami, and, rhoy will visit cw Vouth Wales and (jueetisland beloru coining to Melbourne. Their oflicinl visit in Victoria ends on 12th April. It is expected that Lidy Baden-Powell will cany with her tho silken standard embroidered for her' bf county and slrl guides in England. Miout fiO Rangers: and Guides, with the; Ouideni, we're present nt Hilary's Church last Sunday mornim.

uhen the colore of the 0Mi Kew Girl Guides were dedicated by Itev. M.11 e. The service was most impressive, and very interesting sermon was given hy Rev. A. Mace.

The companies repiesenled were the 1st and 3rd Kew Rangers, end 1st, 2nd, (1th Kew, and 1st Auburn Guides end Oth Kew Cub Pack. I on ter. he WORLD'S RECORD ENTRY, Handicao nnd Arrangcmcnte, win, n.f. tntnl of 671 entries next Sat- uiday'e threeonile ewiw on the oxxm hai new world for a handicap swimming rac, being 48 more than last year record total, xor tub i river near Church-street britlgo will be used, the race commencing from the Twickennam tanuu form, about 60 yards further up the liver than nreviously, and lini-hmg nt he nd of the rowinit eluoi lion ileclarod by Mr. A.

cott worn pulHisiiea in while Iho 574 fntranl, or ie nisn a rare hnve been linicppc uj mun as follow. SI Wh.llln.-ll Un.lw, Wtn, P- A. Ilurnrtl. r. nii Wrllil, MWT.

-in 11 RirauU. 3y MlnlltJ. 11. aitftiiiB-ii, Dole. J.

Bovonport, E. Conn. J- v. Bmuh. .1.

keu; tJoldsinlih. 1 2A 1 nuti-s. 11. iirtcnmn, Itins, T. Tail, T.

Olsen, h. Beiumwi 11 1 11. a lino in r. A. Smith, K.

Jame liainshaw, J. J. Hi I-oesnn, M. n- 1 nn.L if ain. V.

JicUintock, B- II. Hcnihy, L. ChIIi. -J. Olsen, 11.

I). W. (iilllpan. J. Mulder, A.

Mitriil, II. Prei-t, W. Kills. J. V.

Dillon, 'm Mln.t. Howard. J. Euroiirr. Sim- if iSuadicr.

-A ii.i..i,..'f Puro.iv. H. Neal. W. Dun bar, II.

-Mutch, I- Sealrs, C. Mills, A. gemitt, r. inKiun, onuu, -Pcrrr, J. Duncan, E.

le fJnssick, J. Hoffman, n. Flddisn. W. Condor, K.

Willlanft, h. eal. j' .1 iirtiln V. Mtinro. J.

Ilott. ft Murphy. Anderson. Tiaccy, uueyue, j. niair lioit, h.

SI Miliulss. W. linlianivne, smini, ii-lace. II. A.

Flowers, D. A. lUirisoii, i- H. nenton, finmblc, W. Marriott.

J. Diany i Diiui). J. I. Cole.

.1. (J Cnmcron. J. Aiurnhv. S.

Thoi-pc, ft. n. ti itiili-m. W. Wllluimion.

W. J.fT':ry, J. II. Ceoley. C.

A. Stuart, J. t'of. A. Bivan, f.

1 nainem. j. v- aw R. 1. Mdan, J.

Walsh, V. Woolse)-, E. Pike, 11. AllUon, A. mice, T.

Fitzgerald, fKiMiu t. Mi-iviooM. v. uoiiii.wonnr. n.

11. M. Cumminzs, h. Ies, T. WOl-in, U.

Uli'iTW'ora, o. n'iu-i, V. Hcaly, F. Mcl'arlune, H. Simcox, u.

Horrt-en. M. I. Taylor, W. wnson, v.

c-ar. thv. XI. 2'1 Minute. J.

Allan, u. Cooper, tl. nmion. Tt A.

J. Londen. r. Koiter- son. j.

Tiicmpson, w. uern, u. ntcm amwH well). W. Howe.

J. Anereromoie, v. ausnan, J. McN-mara, J. McCall, A.

J. Hirris, H. Gib bnns, R. Brear. It.

Frcaino, ft. Itawlinson, J. n. Purchase. 8.

It. Purnell. H. Cullcn, J. fitevens, It.

'Jlialcher, A. Johnson, B. Barlow, P. T. bulv.

J. Iialy, uert liaiy, J'. uaiy, IVis. C. Mir ton.

1,. Admns. D. Vallentvne. n.txpnlrlcic, Mflntyre.

R. Sheriff. J. Monsgle, j. a.

irA ant t. sriiiwpii. j. nioc. n- Wins.

J. Twiit. h. nittrt. J.

Hart. T. McLucky, h. Gordotj. (I.

Newman, P. Cameron, S. G. Kirth, H. Tcrnos, C.

Arthur, r. Stewart, v. Jcffcrv. J. A.

J. Davey, T. Coleman, A. Frost. II.

C. Mu leneer. J. Mv Hnrdv. A.

Sloncr. II. C. Bepson. A.

Cannon, A. Probeit, I. Blair Holt, F. SchepUi, C-Seuthey. 16 Minute.

M. Hamilton. W. Goldsworth, K. Carlson, -J.

Coutts, h. t.ilJfls, 1. Howard, r. Walker. T.

Clarke, J. Montiretnery, J. Kline, T. Wilson. It.

Evsnt. C. Gill, 11. Dunn. J.

Ilold- ne. K. Foster. A. Bell.

W. eaver. W. St let. J.

Itewlry. A- Bowen, G. Fry, A. Wegner, I uoiaon, J. Jinseii, 11.

ioon, 0. -'lau, u. O'Rourke. It U-nnott. fJ.

llussell. E. Fvft. W. IMEtenuury, n.

Ucr, h. ivett, C. uovey, Mnltbv. ttare. II.

Williams. J. ONei 1. A Claveifno, .1. Armstronjr, W.

Tavlor, M. Alar hall, S. Hidte, W. Siiiocklwk, W. Marks.

D. Wilkins, 'tt. Jacrtlnon, E. Clarke, W. J.

Kemp, W. L. Pchcnk. V. Bromatre.

W. F. Carter, G. Morton, R. Jimieeon, R.

Penny, II. Asront, u. Aarnnt, w. nicnatoe, n. a.

LAnaet, 1. fiet-chcr, N. Fo'ter. 1 MintHei. W.

J. Sloper, A. Smith, P. Done- Can. A.

Ehirr, It. fatrault, N. J. Kni- iiedy, Q. O.

Pavldien. J. Prince, O. Reeves. R.

C. Weeks, C. BHhop, A. Duncan, K. 1 if.

v. 11. r. n. uootiwin, a.

usi bralth. H. Riift. E. Minns.

W. Broun, Mcl-can. K. McK.iy. F.

Croaker. D. Cunnine- nam, r. 1.. hms, i.

Kicnaran, 1 mute, i. btt'U- Dtiig, K. Hooker, h. Fry, II. Darey.

Kry Mewarr, 1 nine, ArmHTong, e. IlrycMon, A. Ttidgeway, It. Freame, W. Sulli' van, w.

riillhns, A. Kllk'tt, lUrii-ird, l' Alkinsen. J. H.t'ani. Hussell, H.

Uarllett, II. Miller, A. Levin, J. Fairweather, 0. Br-wn, J.i utter S.

Stanford. H. Huthnince. Davidson, Pclcrscn, GatU, V. Meson, A-llarclav-llodf.

Uwrance. F. Millsr. 0 Chusb. .1.

Illscor-k, R. Garde, Smith. 11. Til- Icy, j. ivarock, J.

uavles, Jolinson, w. John-roil, fl. Dudceon, A. W. Pnrke, L.

Dowliiur. Pettifeid, D. Towniend, If. II. Fletcher, 8 KitnMn.

J. Dillon. A. Hall. C.

Lansslo-. .1. ltcjrdon. A- W. Austin, L.

Chidlow, H. Moore, a. j. Jiccai'e, t. liamwin, w.

avrv, l. Audi-son, A. J. Shi-, H. Lorbach.

F. Howrday. W. Pmk, S. Rcidv, W.

I. FalU, K- lower, II. Mutton. Th Hunt, It. Cham in.

17 Minute. Knott, P. Gardiner, P. An doiton, P. Kfinicilv, J.

McGiiiian, D. Wilson, H. Halletr, C. lioliman, J. llillie, M.

Ijke. Mitehell, -D. lcke, Bennett, 0. Andrsor n. J.

Urr, D. Weir, W. Ueasv, D. Ryan, G. Galrs, P.

Clare, C. Vaude. J. Mcfallum. Uolliiv, L.

Failu, M. 0. Cain 1 M. D. Camp bell.

R. Ok.y. V. k.v, C. Itrooinhead, W.

J. Grant. P. Alklnsin, V. Smith, A.

Coudrll, I. J. L. Smllh. T.

CiKr. McCubl in, H. Grnu'f, H. Taylor, R. S-vann (Pres-Ion).

N. Miller, 11. Goldsworthr, O. Farfflier; ('. Bird, P.

van Primyen, Donnett, C. Stock, W. E. McDonald, Bunflnld, Kournr, r.

GUI.i-tt. E. Atkinson, r. fleid. llfnimun, W.

RirluiifU, F. Brazil, II. UBtbn, it. iiayden, j. (i.

joiinslon. It. holu inon, R. Itnjf-rs E. fl.

Devlin, si John, R. Conlv. A. Fisher, II. Ouillernt.

3. It Rowland, ii. Reid, J. Harris, A. Hawkins, G.

TitRitis R. EJirle. .1. Kiuslniinotis. S.

T. Dvson, IV. McFnrlnt.e. S. Hurt, (I.

I). Shaw-crnns, I. mil 1 1) Smitl J. II. S1.1l 1.

II. Tavm. A Siorkf, 11. .1. Wrisht, It.

Anderson, D. A. larrrr, w. nilliams. 10 Mintitef.

E. Turner. A. Rimslmttr-m, 1 iiiur(, 1. i.ay, 51.

luwi-s- .1. i tinnii-hum. W. SnuntUrs, A. Williams, J.

Dunbar, A. Makln, 1.. Gm-it, A. Mt-veiM, It. Stevens, II.

D. Wray. W. 11. Grilfltln, V.

Miller, K. iJanly, I. lllshnp, IT. Johns! 011, C. I-oek, S.

Ilorne, J. Robcrtron. P. Swan. E.

llrmlcnton. It. P. Wolfe, B. Pennefntlier, M.

Ewan, N. Maskcll, W. May, m.Tier, j. uanan, ti. itonson, 1a 11 It-ton, Coombes, R.

Irislu H. Knos. 13 Minutes. Ifc Smart, J. Rogers, tl.

Ojden, S. Johns, f. W. Roonev. I).

Frv. M. Malthowi. a. imviifs, j-inuiay, ciiamlteri, cl*tic.

H. Ocrtel. G. Teuiuni. A.

A Gasket t. C. Sttedmnii, T. Hofcketh, J. D.

Wilsun, li Minutes. 0. Mekensle, W. Rosan, fl. liar, C.

Riall, 1 1. Merrill, H. Aitkin. A. J.

Antler- son, A. rraser, A. 0. Coleman. A.

till- la Minutes. T. Simnsnn. R. n-rlrtw.

R. Shirra, E. Brvden, R. Winning. 12 Mi nut ex.

J. n.ri,. a. ninrr, 11, tjrrcji.

11 Jimutoi. j. Lamb, T. Goatlcy, M. Ailing- nam, Hirlpe.

(. Robins, W. Weir, A. J. iu 3iinutes.

A. V. Couttle, II. Gibson. Minutw.

D. Pslmer. I. Mielntvre. Minutes.

tl. Rubv. W. Cavanarrh 6 Minutes. K.

Tanner, D. Waller. Scratch. X. Rvan.

GEELONQ COULEQE COMPETITIONS. OEEI.ONG. Ttie'dnv. 11ii nnni.1 00 1 mini it In 11a fit il.n iiiuinii. 1 t-n this alternoon in th Western baths.

Results: iu iu "-nyropionenip, yard. Back Btroke; "iiBm, 1, loorriFon, aj Hamilton, niitt Eblwtt, Bartleit. Shave, to Yards, Hresst Stroke: C. Fallow, l- kalfnnf v-hk 1 wiijuiiiiihih, ou uunaa; i "iBrt wiover, o. ureait ijiroke.

Yat-rll- I.IIIIA. It K'apiu- it Wiay, 3. L'nder lb Championship. Yards: iionrriKin, no larus: U. l-u nU1.

1: Mrimi Morusn. 1 Mckfiiite. 0: sIibio iint- ri sirnentie, it ainririn, mijnn, MCA I HI 2: F.iiltott. ft. Ithdr 1A.

IHv- 1 liUdnlt. 2: in' nn. I. PreMirafor. thiiit10i1.r,ln ii aiKirrion, rumen, a Preparatory-Handicap: Andi'taon, Collier, Borthwick.

U. Onen inn Vanlt- fslher, Snyors, Kemp, Open llatullenp, fitf ihiui. iiimi, ii uurmaincr, i iiincncnite, 8. Open Breast Strokn llandiiap, Yards: French, Balfour, 2. l.n'Kr It Handicap, Yants: Miindav.

li t'loinnnt. Pn.tfif Hsndlrap, 60 YHrds: Morgan, tihai-e, Mi nriim-, o. wiu nj-- nave: a. it. tirimins, H.

rny, 3: Kqufmaun, it. OPrn Rejay Huu Rat-e: Shnnnin, Calvert, Jlorrlson, 8. Under Hi. hom*o llrlflvi Wnrrlnn. li-Xtnr.

rison, 2j miannon, fndir id: Morrl-' son, Wnmnni i Sbnnr itl, ft. Teams Rlny llandlean: Hlnchclilfn a. id Tirtnell. Ii llnlfoni- and Kemp, 2: En ton and llartlctt, 11. liitring in comma week coup a of chamn onslilu iu ic a-ricira.

i i.o nnusv rnmpcniioii at present stands: Warrlnn, 81 wini; ftban-non, 87 points; Morrison, 20 points) Calvert, 18 points. BOARD OF WORKS Ihe second enrnlvnl of tha Melhmim and Metropolitan Board of Works was held last nlljlil In ll Itntbs. The chief evrnt on i-ro- artmma which eompilted finals only of events rjeruii-n ai inst vc-h earnitai was i' is. mtermedlaie back strohe chanplomliln ot Victoria, which was won A. Kins Mel bourne).

nti1ls: i flonn llanrllran. fin a-iU Ml It I I fltoier, f.V Ynuiiff, Time. 87 see-Inter brnch Teami Clumplohslilp, ISA yarid, learnt iMir: pewetaae it Mores, Ho'isa Con nectloiit, a. lime, l.L Open Si -sins: a. i t.

rm, i jnnn ion. fl. Ttm. 31 c. Trnasiirir'a nrane-lt llan.

dicgp, f3 jards; 14. Kennedy, lj I. Holmw, 2 i arr, nmr, WMin sec. HOiiM onnec- (Ion Bianch llsndtenp, ffl yards K. ftorev, li Cnrrv, fit K.

Plnnirldjf Time, 18 see, Jutt Yards intermptiir.te imcn strnko Chsmplonship t-f Vlrtrh; A. liius 1( A. Merle flJnlTrrsity). f.rar.t (Melbourne). I.

Tinpi, i.iaius, i ll Won bv two rsrds. Merle forged to the front, and at jards was out two varda from Klniv The Utter finishing strongly, hnwercr, ramo on to win by two yards ifl very good lime. Vet nuns Ilsndlcsu, t-arrfa tAt um irt tt nj 2t C. Hardy. "Time.

B7 see. IVwerafs Braneh Handicap, yards i A. HsndialL lj ll. Breakfast Treat fir 01111 and Old ANEW Kellogg cereal Rice Bubbles. Choice grains of rice, toasted till they're brown bubbles of crisp crunchiness.

Give the family and yourself a treat serve Rice Bubbles for breakfast, tea or supper see how both kiddies and grown-ups devour them. Use Kcllogg's Rice Bubbles in soups and' custards In making cakes there's dozens of ways that Rice Bubbles can make meals more appetizing and more nourishing, tool No cooking required. Order a red-and-green packet at your grocer today. 40W RICE BUBBLES Mail in Autlntlt ty Kellotl (Auit.) Pty. Sydney INTER-STATE UNIVERSITY CON TESTS.

SYDNEY, Tuceday. The Sydney Uni- crsuy cricketers wilt leave for Melbourne at the week cud to play the fiual of the inter-varsity contests. Sydney beat Liueeuslund, and Melbourne heat Adelaide. Melbourne holds the title at present. Last year, with a'Ueckett and Jtigg in if.eir team, iney Bcoreu an easy victory over Sydney.

These two nlavers. howeer, arc' not available ou this occa sion, cjdney mil probably have its troutiest team since 1D25. thouuh B. Smith and K. Williams are unavailable.

B. Bryant, the' students' fast bowter, who has liecn away alt the season, is back again. VICTORIAN CRICKET ASSOCIATION. as follow have been icixjinlrd fw pennant matches, to begin on Saturday: i'ollinctvoud C'd-lton. First Eleven: Nicholli ana uatury, sccoua cieven: niguocK snu un Kicjmond v.

Kwcndon. Elder and Wctcnlioll, airtL-Kiiuiu unu niirfuu. Fiuroy v. I'raliran. Iteathcote and Maxwell.

Crowley and lledtfy- Mellmurne r. North Melbouriie. I um met and TovvcU, HuBhea and Weill. Melbourne v. Colt.

Moore and Shaw. Kortlicote v. St. Hilda. Harlow and SStaflOt'd, HfrMtf-etdn and South Mplbounie v.

University. J)ixoa and numdfn. Binwim mid Ltflriell. EmorKiwics. Kinta; Itrnwn, Jultff, Iticburn, Rit'hardt.

Seconds; Chandler, Han, biniuuniu', Withers. VICTORIAN SUB-DISTRICT ASSOCIATION. Tbe fellentng are Ihe ma lr lies and umpire for tboi aeml-fiiial round: v. Brunawick. Flrtti: Hopklrwon snd lutencftii.

t. Malvern. Firsts: Uavidwn and Wrhht. Fuotscrjy v. Willlnrmtown.

Firsts: Darter and Ilobbs. Seconds: Hoiking and Miller. Tort Melbourne v. Ivanhoe. Firsts: Fyans and Rmoko.

aocuiide: llorn ana b. Jiwc. Cambcrwell v. Prwston. Firsts: Ball am Clarke.

Beconda: E. Collins and TV Collins. C'oburg v. Hawtliom-Uast Melbourne. Finti.

r. Jrnn and Parkrr. Elstornwick v. Brighton. Firsts 1 Bowd and try.

Stalvcrn v. Coburg. Seconds: Baslow and Stuart. BrunswkV v. -EUtarn wick.

Seconds: Smith and Siarli Melbourne t. Caulfield. e-conda: Atkinson and Lambert, ltriphtoii r. Kaw. Secondt: ilutiiner and Stoke.

Roterve 1. Firsts Gibson and White. Seconds; Trinilck. NORTH SUBURBAN ASSOCIATION. Draw and umpires for semi-tins Is: rinsT .011 ape.

Ilennett and 6011 v. ihirnly (Old Brunswick frr-undl; and Jul iff. ftrunvwfck Cftr v. Pa re mount (jlumley wicket): Woodbcad and T. Uryte.

GRADE. A Scet Ion. Regent v. North Richmond MtlindUlR. Vam llnd rNo.

fi Wtcketli llnt Hills. Speiislcy fvwlnli v. Burnley Juniors, Vnrra Bend Ho. 1 Vtjcket): Ogden and J. yviiUe.

bccimn. Uroera v. aivrnotia. Aseot Itscs- collide (Moonee l'onda Wicket): Lee and ll icily. iirnniwicK Amairura v.

smrcinnu, iioj-ai j-mtk l.S'o. iJ Wicket 1 I lira rook sud E. Qrjig. THIRD GRADE. A Recflon.

Brlglitslde v. Alpha, Yarra Bend 1 Wfrhct): ColthruD and ltarry. West- giirlh Noitlicots Fred Gardlneri, Yarra Bend, 13 wicket): Altkrn and 11. nridiTonk. II Section.

North C'arllon v. Fotir'O, Royal 1'nrk Hodgctts and tiMlho. (lotrnmiMit PrltUlng Oflh-s v. Barkky, UoJ'al I'drk (No. 1 Kid mid Wood.

(i 8irtlon, Urunswlrk IHitrict v. Mi-lroae, Hn.vnl Park (No. 10 Wteket): Voxon and Peatt llninxwlck Dnlrvmcn v. North Carlton District, K'tral Park (No. IS Wlckctli- Whflclcv and M(l)rrmiill).

Sriton. Youlden'a Second v. West More-land. H.lHillin lli-irrvd I PaiTiift ValiOt RlrbarH Lindny. Sldgs Imperials v.

l'ascoe Vale se.v.nds (Votildcn's K-conds wicket): McOrcgor Stamford. hmergeney umpires: Knott end Janner. I'mpiros not nvnflablo must notllr the umnlro iccii'tary at -once. NOnTHCOTC AND PRESTON PROTESTANT CHURCHES' ASSOCIATION. The foltowinir uinnlrrs have Lnon annnlntrd net falurdav'q matuhrs: A lirmlcFfrft f-rmi-Flnal; Thomhtiry Pre-by-1 St.

Jamei'a C. at I lav n'Tmineinm and (loldpoitth. Second hemt-Flml: ttccnt Prsi-vterian v. Thombtnv f.hnrrh nt cinUt, at Rigent Pres. Uroun.d: Martin and (iN'Ic-Firtt frtntriMl; M.

Mary's O. of F. Nortlicels Cruwlcrs, at St. Mary Orouhd-O. Ucnjte.

and Wookoy- rWond feml-Flnal: Nnrlhroie Mlbodlst Nnrtlicnte Rart Baptlit, McDonn'll Park: FeitherMon and Burn, limplret: O. Oanca and Allen. matches to stsit at 3 p.m. "hUNTLY ASSOCIATION, t'mvlrfi for ra()ird-iv nnsl nre as unfpri A tjrsds. Mnplljilloii V.

TarVdsli fiticntt and lllnliii. MoruMiln v. McKlnnon, ami HiaIp, Omnd psrk Mntoni llrjrmore and rju(fl-l, L'lty v. I'll Hi Vale: Mallilfwm Robertson. Frankiton v.

Chcltonhsm. Welsh and SelintMbunrer. MerdlallMi Allen snd Chairttt. MeKinnnn r. Moorabbin: Dulia inn Ptock.

Mntnn v. flmond Parki Kerr and Edith Vale v. Caulneld Cltyi Newton and Nm-, willroiit delay, yon pun put nnil to Hint' dull, inincrnlilo Icllminr Mint rob joli ol nil joy in life nn end In door! tiroo In thot tlroil, niiril, "nil none" fccl*tu that noniln you Mt-ly to; bed at niiilit, rpIlr "nil di'rlritril while otlicr. nvo junt lioRinniim tlie evening', rccrcniion I Bncli iirrninluro condition, of old nKe ere iiMlnlly duo to urio ncid, liidnev of trouliln, nml the remedy i llntrMan'i I'llls. Thcne am 1 run linrk the clnMlo cf Youth-will innke you feel yi-nr.

more virile, full of the Imo of nnlentinj. vibrant LIFE, and be alu ity to live it to the full, un. nampprAd liy eplien. pnlnn, Imcknehe, rneuninilnm nnd Ihe liko 1 Iliiirinon'e l'ill, form Iho one rpuipily fhnt Renuinply Bole et the mip neld onuie of wenkneen, atiUne-i, dicsineea ond nRoina Ifotl may not -be -rccA -6at you iorct RICHEST Ckdtard Foster Gark's Custard Powder PILLS Ji.m.t end are the ordinary lertnrns in lite suit' net. Tli-w held BftT it n'eloek ir for lh most ptrt fur pis nnly, ftndentt drilling avni-tnf lectures in any ntnrr ruhj'cts art requested te fommunlr.ito with Ihe realrar.

Application for appointment to Ihe Beaney feholarshlp In paiholoiy ar due by Saturday, Tth Mareh. The attention of student! dtrertrd tft Ihe faet that thr will be no lechtres In pnlllleal philosophy Sk tha pM standard In IMJ, ar.d no past fsaroinallon in that subject, Bo try them to-day tor Achss, Pains, "Nervo," Urio Ada Weakness, Bladder and Qenlto-Urinary Tronble. Oonstlpalion, RnflUmatiRm. aMuu. i i rtiH.iM.i.

-vnwvMO, wuiabiVH, iUIIlUH(7v neullfrlB( loin-Pains, Swellinffi, Headaches, Premsturs Feeling of eld Aj 1.

The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)
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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.