The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Cruise of the Alabama and the Sumter
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Title: The Cruise of the Alabama and the Sumter
Author: Raphael Semmes
Release date: August 12, 2004 [eBook #13163]
Most recently updated: December 18, 2020
Language: English
Credits: Produced by Curtis Weyant, Graeme Mackreth and PG Distributed Proofreaders
Produced by Curtis Weyant, Graeme Mackreth and PG Distributed
[Illustration: RAPHAEL SEMMES.]
Two Volumes in One.
Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1864, by
in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for theSouthern District of New York.
The following account of the cruise of the two Confederate Statessteamers—Sumter and Alabama—is taken from the private journals andother papers of Captain Semmes. It has been found necessary occasionallyto adopt a narrative form, but the endeavour has been throughout toadhere as closely as possible to that officer's own words.
Information has also been most kindly afforded by other officers of thetwo vessels, and especially Lieutenant R.F. Armstrong, and Master's MateG. Townley Fullam, from whose private journals and other papers muchvaluable assistance has been obtained.
A good deal of controversy has arisen respecting the legality of thecourse pursued by the Alabama, in the case of certain vessels claimingto carry a neutral cargo. In all these cases, however, great care wastaken by Captain Semmes to enter in his journal full particulars of theclaims, and of the grounds on which it was refused admission. Thesecases will be found quoted in full in the following volumes.
The Question at issue—An unexpected point of attack—CaptainSemmes—The President's instructions—Creating a navy—From the old tothe new—An important mission—Appointed to the Sumter—True characterof the Confederate "pirate."
The President of the American States in Confederation was gathering anarmy for the defence of Southern liberty. Where valour is a nationalinheritance, and an enthusiastic unanimity prevails, this will not provea difficult task. It is otherwise with the formation of a navy. Soldiersof Southern blood had thrown up their commissions in a body; but sailorslove their ships as well as their country, and appear to owe someallegiance to them likewise. Nevertheless, if Mr. Davis had not a greatchoice of officers, he had eminent men to serve him, as the younghistory of the South has abundantly shown. To obtain experienced andtrusty seamen was easier to him in such a crisis than to give them acommand. The Atlantic and the ports of America were ruled at that timeabsolutely by President Lincoln. The South had not a voice upon the sea.The merchants of New York and Boston looked upon the war as somethingwhich concerned them very little. Not a dream of any damage possibly tobe inflicted on them, disturbed the serenity of their votes for theinvasion of the South. Their fleets entered harbour proudly; theirmarine swam the ocean unmolested. Though there was war imminent, theinsurance offices were content to maintain their terms upon a peacestandard. What, indeed, was to be feared? The South had not a singlevessel. Here and there a packet-steamer might be caught up and armed,but what would they avail against such fleet and powerful ships as theBrooklyn, the Powhattan, and dozens of others? There was, then, acondition of perfect security, according to the ideas of all Americancommercial men. The arrangement, as they understood it, was that theywere to strike the blow, and that no one was to give them the value inreturn.
It happened that Mr. Davis was of another mind. He perceived where ablow could be struck, on his part, with terrible emphasis, and how. Theobstacles in his way were colossal; but we have learnt that obstacles donot appal his indomitable genius. On the 14th February, 1861, CaptainSemmes, being then at his residence in the city of Washington, aCommander in the Federal navy, received the following telegram fromMontgomery:—
SIR,—On behalf of the Committee on Naval Affairs, I beg leave to request that you will repair to this place at your earliest convenience.
Your obedient servant,
C.M. CONRAD, Chairman.
The selection of Captain Semmes for the first hazardous service,whatsoever it might be, was due to his reputation and patriotism, aswell as to the sagacity of the Confederate chief. He had already, in aletter to the Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, expressed his willingness tofight for the South: "his judgment, his inclinations, and hisaffections," all hurrying him, as he says, to link his fate with thefirst movement of the South. "My fate," he pursues, "is cast with theSouth; but I should be unwilling, unless invited, to appear to thrustmyself upon the new Government until my own State has moved." This wasat that time the feeling of many border statesmen. In another letter toMr. Curry he had exposed sound practical views of the situation of theConfederates, as regards their marine, for defence and means ofinflicting damage on their opponents.
Captain Semmes at once replied that he would attend upon the committeeimmediately. His next act was respectfully to resign his commission asCommander in the Navy of the United States; which resignation wasaccepted in the same terms. He ceased similarly to be a member of theLighthouse Board. These matters concluded, he telegraphed to the Hon.J.L.M. Curry, in Montgomery, where the Confederate States' Congress wassitting, that he was now a free man to serve his struggling country.Forthwith he was deputed by President Davis to return to the NorthernStates, and make large purchases and contracts "for machinery andmunitions, or for the manufacture of arms and munitions of war;" as alsoto obtain "cannon and musket-powder, the former of the coarsest grain,"and to engage with a certain proprietor of powder-mills for the"establishment of a powder-mill at some point in the limits of ourterritory." This letter gives a good idea of the business-like qualitiesbrought by Mr. Davis to his high office. "At the arsenal at Washington,"he writes, "you will find an artificer named Wright, who has brought thecap-making machine to its present state of efficiency, and who mightfurnish a cap-machine, and accompany it, to explain its operations."Throughout the letter, which is full of minute instructions and weightycommissions, Mr. Davis shows the fullest confidence in the loyalty andfitness of the man in whom he placed trust.
Captain Semmes was engaged in the performance of these immediate duties,when a confidential communication from Mr. S.R. Mallory, of the Navydepartment, gave him warning of two or more steamers, of a class desiredfor present service, which might be purchased at or near NewYork—"steamers of speed, light draught, and strength sufficient for atleast one heavy gun."
"The steamers are designed to navigate the waters and enter the bays andinlets of the coast from Charleston to the St. Mary's, and from Key Westto the Rio Grande, for coast defences;" and Captain Semmes' judgmentwill need no further guide when he is told that "their speed should besufficient to give them at all times the ability to engage or to evadean engagement, and that an 8 or 10-inch gun, with, perhaps, two 32, or,if not, two of smaller calibre, should constitute their battery."
The Captain's appointment as Commander in the Navy of the ConfederateStates, and taking of the oaths, followed in April. On the 18th of thatmonth, Mr. Mallory detached him from the post he held, by appointmentfrom the President, of Chief of the Lighthouse Bureau, with orders thathe should proceed to New Orleans and take command of the steamer Sumter.Captain Semmes saw clearly that war was coming. He perceived, at thesame time, the means by which he could serve his country best. He setforth for New Orleans without delay.
Our readers will see, by-and-by, from the quotations we shall make fromthe Captain's Log, that he is as little the hungry fire-eater which manyof his admirers suppose him to be, as he is the Black Pirate of the NewYork press. Captain Semmes is a native of Charles county, in Maryland, aState that has furnished numerous patriotic citizens to the South.Before accepting his new service he had taken honourable farewell of hisold. The Federals had no charge to bring against him before the day whenhe stepped on the deck of the then unknown and insignificant Sumtersteam-vessel. What they may have said later is of no particularconsequence; nor can it be thought to be greatly to the discredit ofCaptain Semmes that they have cried out loudly, and as men in pain.
The Sumter formerly the Savannah packet-ship—Captain Semmes joins andassumes command—Altering the vessel—Vexatious delays—The warbegins—The river blockaded—Crew of the Sumter—Dropping down theriver—An attempt—No pilots—Vigorous action—Sumter still at heranchors—Lamps removed from lighthouses—More enemy's ships—Orders onboard the Sumter—False hopes—The 30th of June—A courageous pilot—Theescape of the Sumter—The chase—The enemy baffled.
The little vessel which now constituted the whole strength of theConfederate navy, was a merchant screw-steamer of 501 tons burthen. Shehad been hitherto known as the Havannah, and had plied as a packet-shipbetween the port of that name and New Orleans. She was now to beextemporized into a man-of-war, and in her new guise was to achieve aworld-wide celebrity, and to play no unimportant part in the greatstruggle between North and South.
Arrived in New Orleans, Captain Semmes at once proceeded, in companywith Lieutenant Chapman, to inspect his new command—of which he speakswith evident satisfaction as a "staunch and well-built" vessel. In herthen condition, however, she was by no means fitted for her new duties;and he accordingly devoted all his energies towards effecting thealterations necessary for that purpose. The first step was todisencumber her decks of the long range of upper cabins, thus materiallyincreasing her buoyancy as a sea-boat, and diminishing the area exposedto the enemy's shot and shell. Then a berth-deck was laid for theaccommodation of officers and crew, and the main deck renewed andstrengthened to carry the heavy 8-inch shell-gun, mounted on a pivotbetween the fore and mainmasts, and the four 24 pounder howitzers of 13cwt. each, to be mounted as a broadside battery. Additional coal-bunkerswere also constructed, and a magazine and shell-room built in a suitableposition, and these and a few other less important changes effected, thetransformation was complete, and the little Sumter ready to proceed uponher work of devastation.
It must not, however, be imagined that all this was done without manyand vexatious delays. The emergency had found the new Confederationaltogether unprepared, and trouble and confusion were the inevitableresult. Hitherto, everything had been done by the North. Up to the verylast moment it had been believed that the separation of the two sectionswould be peaceably effected; and now the necessary works had to behastily carried out by civilian workmen, under the direction of adepartment, itself as yet but provisionally and most imperfectlyorganized.
Sorely tried by the delays consequent upon this condition of affairs,
Captain Semmes commences his Diary as follows:—
"New Orleans, May 24th.—A month has elapsed since I began thepreparation of the Sumter for sea, and yet we are not ready. Leedsand Co. have not given us our tanks, and we only received thecarriage of the 8-inch gun to-day. The officers are all present,and the crew has been shipped, and all are impatient to be off. Theriver is not yet blockaded, but expected to be to-morrow. It mustbe a close blockade, and by heavy vessels, that will keep us in.Troops are being collected in large numbers in the enemy's States,marchings and counter-marchings are going on; and the fleet seemsto be kept very busy, scouring hither and thither, but nothingaccomplished. Whilst penning the last paragraph, news reaches usthat the Lincoln Government has crossed the Potomac and invadedVirginia! Thus commences a bloody and a bitter war. So be it; webut accept the gauntlet which has been flung in our faces. Thefuture will tell a tale worthy of the South and of her noblecause."
But the delays were not yet over. On the 27th May, the United Statessteamer Brooklyn made her appearance, and commenced the blockade of theriver. The following day brought the powerful frigates Niagara andMinnesota to her assistance; and when on the 1st of June Captain Semmesbegan at length to look hopefully seawards, the Powhattan was discoveredcarefully watching the only remaining exit from the river.
One by one, however, the difficulties were fairly overcome, and theinfant navy of the Confederate States was ready to take the sea. TheSumter's crew consisted of Captain Semmes, commanding, four lieutenants,a paymaster, a surgeon, a lieutenant of marines, four midshipmen, fourengineers, boatswain, gunner, sail-maker, carpenter, captain's andpurser's clerks, twelve marines, and seventy-two seamen. Thus manned andequipped, she dropped down the river on the 18th June, and anchored offthe Barracks for the purpose of receiving on board her ammunition andother similar stores. From thence she again proceeded on the sameevening still lower down the river to Forts Philip and Jackson, whereshe brought up on the following day, to await a favourable opportunityfor running the blockade.
For three days she remained at her new anchorage, this period ofenforced inactivity being diligently employed in drilling and exercisingthe crew, and bringing the vessel generally into somewhat better orderthan her hurried equipment had as yet permitted her to assume. On the21st June, however, intelligence was received that the Powhattan hadleft her station in chase of two vessels, and that a boat from theBrooklyn had passed into the river, and was making for the telegraphstation. Captain Semmes at once decided to avail himself of thisopportunity to escape to sea, and getting up steam, proceeded to Pass àL'Outre, and despatched one of his boats to the lighthouse for a pilot.
Here, however, an unexpected difficulty occurred. The light-house-keeperreplied that he knew nothing of the pilots, and the Sumter wasaccordingly compelled again to bring up, whilst the Confederateprivateer Ivy ran down, at Captain Semmes' request, to the South-westPass, to endeavour to procure a pilot for her there. This expedition,however, met with no better success, and the Ivy returned with theinformation that the pilots refused to take charge of the vessel. Afurther despatch was addressed to Captain Semmes, from the Captain ofthe House of Pilots, to the effect that "no pilots were now on duty."
It now became necessary to act with vigour, and the Ivy was accordinglyagain despatched to the South-west Pass. This time, however, she carriedwith her the first lieutenant of the Sumter, with the followingperemptory message to the Master of the Pilot Association to repairimmediately on board, and instructions, if any hesitation were evincedin complying with this command, to arrest the entire body and bring themoff:—
C.S. steamer Sumter, Head of the Passes
June 22nd, 1861.
SIR,—This is to command you to repair on board this ship with three orfour of the most experienced pilots of the Bar. I am surprised to learnthat an unwillingness has been expressed by some of the pilots of yourAssociation to come on board the Sumter, and my purpose is to test thefact of such disloyalty to the Confederate States. If any man disobeythis summons, I will not only have his Branch taken away from him, but Iwill send an armed force and arrest and bring him on board. I have thehonour to be,
Very respectfully,
Your obedient Servant,
(Signed) R. SEMMES.
This extreme measure, however, was not found necessary. The mere threatwas sufficient, and on the following day the master, with several of hispilots, made their appearance on board the Sumter. After a briefconsultation with Captain Semmes, they one and all, with the exceptionof the master, expressed their willingness to take the vessel to sea,and thereupon the captain, selecting one of the number for this service,permitted the remainder to depart.
Meanwhile, however, the golden opportunity had been lost; the Powhattanhad returned to her station, and the harbour was again hermeticallysealed. The Sumter, therefore, was again compelled to return to heranchors, and eight more days passed wearily away without affordinganother opportunity of evasion. The interval of expectation, however,was again occupied in drilling and exercising the crew, which was nowbeginning to get into good working order; measures being also taken forextinguishing and removing the lamps from the lighthouses at Pass àL'Outre and the South Pass, Captain Semmes addressing to the NavyDepartment at Richmond the following letter upon the subject:—
C.S. steamer Sumter, Head of the Passes,
Miss. River, June 30th, 1861.
SIR,—I have the honour to inform the department that I am still at myanchors at the "Head of the Passes," the enemy closely investing both ofthe practicable outlets. At Pass à L'Outre there are three ships—theBrooklyn and another propeller, and a large side-wheel steamer; and atthe South-west Pass there is the Powhattan, lying within half-a-mile ofthe Bar, and not stirring an inch from her anchors night or day. I amonly surprised that the Brooklyn does not come up to this anchorage,which she might easily do (as there is water enough, and no militaryprecautions whatever have been taken to hold it), and thus effectuallyseal all the passes of the river by her presence alone, which wouldenable the enemy to withdraw the remainder of his blockading force foruse elsewhere. With the assistance of the Jackson and McRae (neither ofwhich has yet dropped down), I could probably hold my position hereuntil an opportunity offered of my getting to sea. I shall watchdiligently for such an opportunity, and have no doubt that, sooner orlater, it will present itself. I found, upon dropping down to thispoint, that the lights at Pass à L'Outre and South Pass had beenstrangely overlooked, and that they were still burning. I caused themboth to be extinguished, so that if bad weather should set in, theblockading vessel will have nothing "to hold on to," and will be obligedto make an offing. At present the worst feature of the blockade is thatthe Brooklyn has the speed of me, so that, even though I should run thebar, I could not hope to escape her unless I surprised her, which, withher close watch of the Bar, at anchor near to, both night and day, itwill be exceedingly difficult to do. I should be quite willing to tryspeed with the Powhattan if I could hope to run the gauntlet of her gunswithout being crippled; but unfortunately, with all the buoys and othermarks removed, there is a perfectly blind bar except by daylight. In themeantime I am drilling my gun-crew to a proper use of the great guns andsmall arms. With the exception of diarrhoea which is prevailing to someextent, brought on by too free a use of the river water in the excessiveheats which prevail, the crew continue healthy.
* * * * *I have the honour to be, &c., &c.,
(Signed) R. SEMMES.
Hon. G.E. Mallory, Secretary of the Navy, Richmond, Virginia.
The following orders were also issued:—
"Orders to be Observed on Board the C.S. Steamer Sumter."
"1. The deck will never be left without a lieutenant, except that inport a midshipman may be assigned to keep the first lieutenant's watch."
"2. The quarter-deck will at all times be regarded as a place of parade,and no sitting or lounging will be permitted thereon. For the purposesof this order all the spar deck abaft the mainmast will be regarded asthe quarter-deck."
"3. Officers will wear their uniforms at all times when on board ship,and when on shore on duty."
"4. No officer will remain out of the ship after ten P.M. without thespecial permission of the commander."
"5. Each division of guns will be exercised at least three times a week;and there will be an exercise at general quarters twice a week, viz., onTuesdays and Fridays."
"6. The crew will be mustered at quarters for inspection every morningat nine o'clock (except Sundays), and every evening at sunset."
"7. On Sundays there will be a general muster for inspection at elevenA.M., when the officers will appear in undress with epaulettes."
"8. The chief engineer is to keep the commander informed at all times(through the first lieutenant) of the condition of his engines, boilers,&c.; and he is to see that his assistants, &c., are punctual andzealous in the performance of their duties, and report such as failtherein to the first lieutenant."
"9. There will be an engineer at all times on watch in the engine-roomwhen the ship is under steam, and the engineer on watch will reportevery two hours to the officer of the deck how the engines are working,&c."
"10. The marine officer will drill his guard once every day when theweather is suitable, and the duty of the ship does not interferetherewith."
"11. The firemen will be exercised once a week, when the pumps, hose,&c., are to be adjusted, and used as in case of actual fire."
On the morning of the 29th of June hopes were again excited by a reportfrom the pilot that the Brooklyn had left her station; and steam beinggot up with all speed on board the Sumter, she again dropped down toPass à l'Outre, but only to find that the report had been fallacious.The Brooklyn was still at anchor, though a slight change of berth hadplaced her behind the shelter of a mass of trees. Once more, therefore,the Sumter was brought to an anchor; but on the day following, herpatient waiting was rewarded by the long-looked-for opportunity. On themorning of the 30th of June the Brooklyn was again reported under wayand in chase of a vessel to leeward; and no sooner was the fact of herdeparture fairly verified than steam was got up for the last time, andthe little Sumter dashed boldly across the bar, and stood out to sea.
Almost at the last moment, however, it seemed as though the attempt toescape were again to be baffled by difficulties on the part of thepilot. The man on board of the Sumter lost courage as the moment oftrial came, and professed his inability to take the vessel through thepass thus left free by the departure of the Brooklyn, alleging as hisexcuse that he had not passed through it for more than three months.Happily the man's cowardice or treachery produced no ill effects; for,as the Sumter dropped down the river on her way towards the open sea,another pilot came gallantly off to her in his little boat, andvolunteered to carry her through the Pass.
The Sumter had not reached within six miles of the bar when hermovements were perceived from the Brooklyn, which at once relinquishedthe far less valuable prize on which she had been hitherto intent; and,changing her course, headed at top speed towards the bar, in hopes ofcutting the Sumter off before she could reach it. The narrow openingthrough the bar, distant about six miles from either of the opposingvessels, now became the goal of a sharp and exciting race. The Sumterhad the advantage of the stream: but the Brooklyn was her superior inspeed, and moreover, carried guns of heavier calibre and longer range.At length the Pass is reached; and dashing gallantly across it, thelittle Sumter starboards her helm and rounds the mud-banks to theeastward! As she does so the Brooklyn rounds to for a moment and givesher a shot from her pivot gun. But the bolt falls short; and now therace begins in earnest!
The chase had not continued long, when a heavy squall of wind and raincame up and hid the pursuing vessel from sight; but it soon passed away,and the Brooklyn was again descried astern, under all sail and steam,and evidently gaining upon her little quarry. On this the Sumter washauled two points higher up, thus bringing the wind so far forward thatthe Brooklyn was no longer able to carry sail. And now the chase in herturn began to gain upon her huge pursuer. But she was now in salt water,and her boilers were beginning to "prime" furiously. It was necessary toslacken speed for a time, and as she did so the Brooklyn again recoveredher advantage. Then gradually the foaming in the Sumter's boilersceased, and she was again put to her speed. The utmost pressure was puton; the propeller began to move at the rate of sixty-five revolutions aminute, and the Brooklyn once more dropped slowly but steadily astern.At length she gave up the chase, and at four o'clock in the afternoon,just four hours after crossing the bar, the crew of the Sumter gavethree hearty cheers as her baffled pursuer put up her helm, and,relinquishing the chase, turned sullenly back to her station at themouth of the river.
Beginning the cruise—The first prize the Golden Rocket—The captureburnt—The Cuba and Machias—Cienfuegos—The Ben Dunning and AlbertAdams—Three at once: the West Wind, the Naiad, and the Louisa Kilham—Afleet of prizes—Saluting the Confederate States' flag—At Cuba—Strictneutrality—A prize agent—The Governor-General of Cuba—Recapture bythe United States—An accident to the commander—A gale—At Curaçao—TheDutch Governor—An ex-president in difficulties—The AbbyBradford—Venezuela—An inhospitable port—The Joseph Maxwell—Militaryv. naval—Sagacious skipper—Gulf of Bahia.
The Sumter had now fairly commenced her gallant career. The 1st Julydawned bright and fair with, a light breeze from the south-west, andthe little vessel sped through the water at an average speed of abouteight knots an hour. All that day not a sail appeared in sight. Nightsettled down in all the calm splendour of the tropic seas, and nothingdisturbed its serenity save the monotonous beating of the Sumter'spropeller as she steered a south-easterly course down the Gulf ofMexico. The following day brought her safely to Cape Antonio, which sherounded under sail and steam, and striking the trade-winds, hoisted upher propeller and stood away towards the west.
The afternoon of the 3rd July brought the Sumter her first prize. Atabout 3 P.M. a sail was descried in shore, beating to windward, andsteering a course that would bring her almost into contact with theConfederate vessel. To avoid suspicion, no notice was taken of thestranger until the two vessels had approached within the distance of alittle more than a mile from each other, when a display of Englishcolours from the Confederate was answered by the stranger with the starsand stripes of the United States. Down came the St. George's ensign fromthe Sumter's peak, to be replaced almost before it had touched the deckby the stars and bars, which at that time constituted the flag of theConfederate States. A shot was fired across the bows of the astonishedYankee, who at once hove-to, and a boat was sent on board to takepossession of the Sumter's first capture.
The prize proved to be the ship Golden Rocket, from the Yankee State ofMaine—a fine ship of 690 tons burthen, only three years old, and worthfrom 30,000 to 40,000 dollars. She Was bound to Cienfuegos in Cuba, buthad no cargo on board, and Captain Semmes, being unwilling at that earlystage of his cruise to spare a prize crew, determined to destroy thevessel, and after taking the captain and crew on board the Sumter setthe prize on fire and left her to her fate.[1]
[Footnote 1: "It was about ten o'clock at night when the first glare oflight burst from her cabin-hatch. Few, few on board can forget thespectacle. A ship set fire to at sea! It would seem that man was almostwarring with his Maker. Her helpless condition, the red flames lickingthe rigging as they climbed aloft, the sparks and pieces of burning ropetaken off by the wind and flying miles to leeward, the ghastly glarethrown upon the dark sea as far as the eye could reach, and then thedeath-like stillness of the scene—all these combined to place theGolden Rocket on the tablet of our memories for ever. But,notwithstanding the reluctance with which we did it, we would not havemissed the opportunity for anything on earth. We wanted no war—wewanted peace; we had dear friends among those who were making war uponus, and for their sakes, if not for the sake of humanity, we hoped to beallowed to separate in peace; but it could not be; they forced the warupon us—they endeavoured to destroy us. For this, and for this alone,we burn their ships and destroy their commerce. We have no feeling ofenmity against them, and all we ask is to be let alone—to be allowed totread the path we have chosen for ourselves."—"Cruise of theSumter," from the "Index" May 1st, 1862.]
The following day saw two more prizes fall into the Sumter's hands.These were the brigantines Cuba and Machias, both of Maine. The captureswere taken in tow and carried off in the direction of Cienfuegos. Thenext day, however, the Cuba broke adrift from her hawser, and on beingrecovered, a prize crew was sent on board the vessel, with directions tocarry her into Cienfuegos, for which port Captain Semmes was now shapinghis course.
Arrived off that harbour on the evening of the same day, it was foundtoo late to attempt to enter, and two more vessels being descried in theoffing, the Machias was cast off, with orders to lay-to until themorning, and the Sumter started off in chase. On coming up with the twovessels, at about half-past nine o'clock, they proved to be the UnitedStates brigantines, Ben Dunning and Albert Adams. They were at oncetaken possession of, and ordered to make the best of their way in chargeof a prize crew to Cienfuegos.
The night was passed in standing off and on outside the harbour, andwith the earliest dawn preparations were made for running in. Theweather was bright and clear, and the brief twilight of the tropicsflushed rapidly into the full glare of day, and showed to the watchfuleyes on board the Sumter the welcome spectacle of three more vesselsbeing towed out to sea by a steamer, the stars and stripes floatinggaily from their peaks. Warily and patiently the little Sumter lay inwait, under the shelter of the land, until the steamer had cast off herconvoy, and the three unsuspecting vessels were fairly beyond themaritime league from the neutral shore, within which the law of nationsforbids that captures should be made. Then suddenly her decks swarmedwith men, the black smoke poured from her funnel, the sails filled, andout she came in pursuit. The chase was brief, and ere long the barqueWest Wind, the brigantine Naiad, and the barque Louisa Kilham were incharge of prize crews, and wending their way sadly back to the port theyhad so recently left in full expectation of a prosperous voyage.
So, with her little fleet of prizes, six in all, before her, the Sumtersteered proudly into the harbour of Cienfuegos. As she passed the fortwhich guards the entrance, a hail was heard from the shore, accompaniedby the almost simultaneous report of a couple of musket shots fired overthe vessel, for the purpose, apparently, of enforcing the order to bringup and come to an anchor. The command having been obeyed, a boat was atonce despatched in charge of Lieutenant Evans to call on the Commandantand ask an explanation of this inhospitable reception. The message wasbrought back, that the flag of the new Confederacy had not beenunderstood by him, and that the vessel had consequently been brought upin compliance with the standing order that no vessel, whether of war orotherwise, should be permitted to pass until her nationality had beenascertained. Explanations, of course, followed, and in the evening camethe Commandant, with the Governor's permission either to land or go tosea, but accompanied by an intimation that the six prizes would bedetained until instructions could be received from headquartersconcerning them.
Lieutenant Chapman was now sent on shore with the following despatch forthe Governor, and also to make arrangements for coaling and for thesafety and ultimate disposition of the prizes:
C.S. Sumter. Cienfuegos, Island of Cuba,
July 6th, 1861.
Sir,—I have the honour to inform your Excellency of my arrival at thePort of Cienfuegos with seven prizes of war. These vessels are thebrigantines Cuba, Machias, Ben Dunning, Albert Adams and Naiad; andbarques West Wind and Louisa Kilham, property of citizens of the UnitedStates, which States, as your Excellency is aware, are waging an unjustand aggressive war upon the Confederate States, which I have the honour,with this ship under my command, to represent. I have sought a port ofCuba with these prizes, with the expectation that Spain will extend tocruisers of the Confederate States the same friendly reception that insimilar circ*mstances she would extend to the cruisers of the enemy; inother words, that she will permit me to leave the captured vesselswithin her jurisdiction until they can be adjudicated by a Court ofAdmiralty of the Confederate States. As a people maintaining aGovernment de facto, and not only holding the enemy in check, butgaining advantages over him, we are entitled to all the rights ofbelligerents, and I confidently rely upon the friendly disposition ofSpain, who is our near neighbour in the most important of her colonialpossessions, to receive us with equal and even-handed justice, if notwith the sympathy which our unity of interest and policy, with regard toan important social and industrial institution, are so well calculatedto inspire. A rule which would exclude our prizes from her ports duringthe war, although it should be applied in terms equally to the enemy,would not, I respectfully suggest, be an equitable or just rule. Thebasis of such a rule, as, indeed, of all the conduct of a neutral duringwar, is equal and impartial justice to all the belligerents; and thisshould be a substantial and practical justice, and not exist in delusiveor deceptive terms merely. Now, a little reflection will, I think, showyour Excellency that the rule in question cannot be applied in thepresent war without operating with great injustice to the ConfederateStates. It is well known to your Excellency that the United States beinga manufacturing and commercial people, whilst the Confederate Stateshave been thus far almost wholly an agricultural and planting people,the former had within their limits and control almost the whole navalforce of the old Government, and that they have seized and appropriatedthis force to themselves, regardless of the just claims of theConfederates States to a portion, and a large portion of it, astax-payers out of whose contributions it was created. The United Statesare thus enabled to blockade all the important ports of the ConfederateStates. In this condition of things, observe the practical working ofthe rule which I am discussing.
It must be admitted that we have equal belligerent rights with theenemy.
One of the most important of these rights in a war against a commercialpeople, is that which I have just exercised, of capturing his propertyupon the high seas. But how are the Confederate States to enjoy to itsfull extent the benefit of this right, if their cruisers are notpermitted to enter neutral ports with their prizes, and retain themthere in safe custody until they can he condemned and disposed of?
They cannot send them to their own ports for the reasons already stated.Except for the purpose of destruction, therefore, their right of capturewould be entirely defeated by the adoption of the rule in question,whilst the enemy would suffer no inconvenience from it, as all his portsare open to him. I take it for granted that Spain will not think ofacting upon so unjust and unequal a rule.
But another question arises, indeed has already arisen, in the cases ofsome of the very captures which I have brought into port. The cargoes ofseveral of the vessels are claimed, as appears by certificates foundamong the papers, as Spanish property.
This fact cannot of course be verified, except by a judicial proceedingin the Prize Courts of the Confederate States.
But whilst this fact is being determined, what is to be done with theproperty? I have the right to destroy the vessels, but not the cargoes,in case the latter should prove to be, as claimed, Spanish property—buthow am I to destroy the former, and not the latter? I cannot beforesentence unlade the cargoes and deliver them to the claimants, for I donot know that the claims will be sustained; and I cannot destroy them,for I do not know that the claims will not be sustained.
Indeed, one of the motives which influenced me in seeking a Spanishport, was the fact that these cargoes were claimed by Spanish subjects,whom I was desirous of putting to as little inconvenience as possible inthe unlading and reception of their property, after sentence, should itbe restored to them.
It will be for your Excellency to consider and act upon these gravequestions, touching alike the interests of both our Governments.
I have the honour to be, &c., &c.,
His Excellency Don Jose de la Pozuela,
Governor of the City of Cienfuegos, Island of Cuba.
At eight o'clock on the morning of the 7th July, Lieutenant Chapmanreturned, bringing with him Don Isnaga and Don Mariano Dias, two Cubangentlemen, warm sympathizers with the Confederate cause. The latter ofthese gentlemen was at once appointed prize agent, and after partakingof the hospitality of the ship, they returned to shore, and theremainder of the day was spent on board the Sumter in replenishing thevarious stores that had begun to run low after her cruise. In the courseof the day about 100 tons of coal and 5000 gallons of water wereshipped, besides a quantity of fresh provisions for the crew; and atabout 10 P.M. an answer arrived from the Governor to the despatch senton shore the previous evening by Lieutenant Chapman.
It stated that the Captain-General of Cuba had given instructions asfollows:—
1. No cruiser of either party can bring their prizes into Spanish ports.
2. If in any captures the territory of Cuba has been violated, theSpanish courts will themselves judge of the matter.
3. Any prizes will be detained until instructions can be had from theQueen.
These points being ascertained, the prizes already at anchor were leftto the care of the prize agent, Don Dias, and at about midnight theSumter hove up her anchor and again proceeded to sea. Nothing had as yetbeen seen of the prize brig Cuba, which had been left in charge of aprize crew a day or two before, nor, indeed, did she ever arrive at therendezvous, being recaptured by the enemy, and carried off to the UnitedStates.
Shortly after leaving Cienfuegos, a sail was descried in the offing,which, however, on being overhauled, proved to be only a Spanish brig,and the Sumter accordingly kept on her course, between 9 and 10 P.M.passing the Cayman Islets, which, Captain Semmes remarks in his journal,are laid down some fifteen or sixteen miles to the westward of theirreal position. Daylight of the 9th July found the little Sumterstruggling against a strong trade wind and heavy sea, off the westernend of Jamaica, the blue mountains of which picturesque island remainedin sight during the entire day.
At this period an accident occurred which for some time deprived theSumter of the active supervision of her commander. Always of delicateconstitution, and ill-fitted for the rough part he had now to play, hehad lately been still further weakened by illness; and on mounting thecompanion-ladder, for the purpose of desiring that the vessel might notbe driven at so high a speed against the heavy head-sea, a suddengiddiness came over him, and after leaning for a few moments with hishead upon his arm, altogether lost consciousness, and fell heavilybackwards down the companion to the cabin floor, where he lay for sometime in a state of insensibility. The result of this fall was some veryserious bruises, with a difficulty in breathing, which for some dayskept him confined to his hammock. At this time, however, the Sumter wasquite out of the ordinary track of commerce, and was labouring slowlythrough a heavy sea against the steady and tenacious trade-wind at therate of little more than five knots an hour, making terrible inroadsupon the small supply of coal which was so precious to her.
The 13th July found the trade-wind increased to a regular gale, theSumter making literally no way at all against the heavy head-sea. Inthis state of affairs it was found necessary to abandon the previousintention of making for Barbados, as there was not sufficient coal onboard to last the distance. This project, therefore, was given up, thevessel's head turned from the sea, the fires let down, the ship gotunder sail, and a new course shaped for Curaçao. Here it was hoped thata fresh supply of coal might be obtained, and the little Sumterstaggered along under a press of canvas towards her new destination, theviolent motion causing great distress to the captain, who was stillconfined to his cabin, and almost entirely to his hammock.
On the 15th July, the weather moderated for a time, and a warm sunnyafternoon, with comparatively little sea, gave an interval of rest. Thenext morning saw the wind again blowing freshly, but at 9 A.M. land wasseen on the starboard bow, and at four in the afternoon the Sumterpassed the north end of the island of Curaçao, running down the coast towithin about a mile of St. Anne's, where she arrived at a little afterseven o'clock. A gun was fired as a signal for a pilot, and soon afterone came off, promising to return again in the morning, and carry thevessel into harbour.
Morning came, and, true to his word, the pilot once more made hisappearance upon deck. But the remainder of his promise he was unable tofulfil. "The Governor regrets," he said, in reply to Captain Semmes'inquiries, "that he cannot permit you to enter, he having receivedexpress orders to that effect." A little diplomacy, however, soonremoved the difficulty, which had arisen from the urgent representationsof the United States consul on the previous evening, aided, no doubt, bya defective description of the vessel from the pilot. Lieutenant Chapmanwas sent on shore with the following letter to the Governor:—
C.S. steamer Sumter, off St. Anne's,
Curaçao, July 17th, 1861.
Sir,—I was surprised to receive by the pilot this morning a messagefrom your Excellency to the effect, that this ship could not bepermitted to enter the harbour unless she was in distress, as yourExcellency had received orders from your Government not to admit vesselsof war of the Confederate States of America to the hospitality of theports under your Excellency's command. I must respectfully suggest thatthere must be some mistake here, and I have sent to you the bearer,Lieut. Chapman, C.S. Navy, for the purpose of an explanation. YourExcellency must be under some misapprehension as to the character ofthis vessel. She is a ship of war, duly commissioned by the Governmentof the Confederate States, which States have been recognised asbelligerents in the present war by all the leading Powers ofEurope—viz., Great Britain, France, Spain, &c., as your Excellency mustbe aware. It is true that these Powers have prohibited both belligerentsfrom bringing prizes into their several jurisdictions, but no one ofthem has made a distinction either between the prizes or the cruisersthemselves of the belligerents, the cruisers of both Governments beingadmitted to the hospitalities of the ports of all these great Powers onterms of perfect equality. Am I to understand from your Excellency thatHolland has adopted a different rule, and that she not only excludes theprizes, but the ships of war themselves of the Confederate States, andthis at the same time that she admits the cruisers of the United States,thus departing from her neutrality in this war, ignoring theConfederate States as belligerents, and aiding and assisting theirenemy? If this he the position which Holland has assumed in thiscontest, I pray your Excellency to be kind enough to say as much to mein writing.
I have the honour to be, &c., &c.
(Signed) R. SEMMES.
Governor Crol, St. Anne's, Curaçao.
This explanation removed all difficulties, and by 11 A.M. the requisitepermission had been obtained, and the Sumter was safely at anchor in thelagoon.
Here she lay for some days, surrounded by bum-boats filled withpicturesque natives of all colours, chattering like parrots, and almostas gaudy in their plumage. Meanwhile the crew were hard at workreplenishing the coal-bunkers, filling up wood and water, taking infresh provisions, and effecting the necessary repairs after the latecruise. While thus employed, a visit was received from a Venezuelan, whoin very good English represented himself as a messenger or agent ofPresident Castro, now in exile at Curaçao with four of his cabinetministers. This emissary's object was to negotiate a passage in theSumter for Don Castro and some twenty of his officers, with arms,ammunition, &c., to the mainland opposite. This proposition, however,Captain Semmes politely but very promptly declined, on the grounds,firstly, that he was not going in the direction indicated; and secondly,that if he were, it would be an undue interference on the part of aneutral with the revolutionary parties now contending for the control ofVenezuela.
"It was remarked," he writes, "that Castro was the de jure President;"to which I replied, "that we did not look into these matters, theopposite party being in de facto possession of the government."
At Curaçao the Sumter remained until the 24th July, coaling, refitting,provisioning, and allowing each of her crew in turn a short run onshore, to recruit his spirits and get rid of his superfluous cash. Atnoon on the 24th she was once more under way, leaving behind her,however, one of her seamen, a worthless fellow of the name of John Orr,who, enticed away, as was suspected, by a Yankee captain and the Yankeekeeper of a public-house, took the opportunity to make his escape fromthe ship. The loss, however, was not of importance; and after one or twoslight attempts to trace him, the Sumter stood out of the harbour andshaped her course towards Venezuela.
Daybreak of the 25th July again presented to the eager eyes on board ofthe Sumter the welcome apparition of a sail. Chase was immediatelygiven, and at half-past six the Abby Bradford, from New York to PuertoCaballo, was duly seized and taken in tow, her Captain proceeding withher upon her original course towards Puerto Caballo. It was late beforethat place was reached, and the night was spent standing off and onoutside the harbour. With the return of day, however, the Sumter ranonce more along the shore; and, without waiting for a pilot, steeredboldly past the group of small, bold-looking islands, and dropped heranchor in the port.
No sooner was the anchor down than the following letter was despatchedto the Governor, asking permission to leave the prize untiladjudication:—
C.S. steamer Sumter. Puerto Caballo,
July 26th, 1861.
Sir,—I have the honour to inform your Excellency of my arrival at thisport in this ship, under my command, and with the prize schooner AbbyBradford, captured by me about seventy miles to the northward andeastward. The Abby Bradford is the property of citizens of the UnitedStates, with which States, as your Excellency is aware, the ConfederateStates, which I have the honour to represent, are at war; and the cargowould appear to belong also to citizens of the United States, who haveshipped it on consignment to a house in Puerto Caballo. Should any claimbe given, however, for the cargo, or any part of it, the question ofownership can only be decided by the Prize Courts of the ConfederateStates. In the meantime, I have the honour to request that yourExcellency will permit me to leave this prize vessel with her cargo inthe port of Puerto Caballo, until the question of prize can beadjudicated by the proper tribunals of my country. This will be aconvenience to all parties, as well to any citizen of Venezuela who mayhave an interest in the cargo, as to the captors, who have also valuableinterests to protect.
In making this request, I do not propose that the Venezuelan Governmentshall depart from a strict neutrality between the belligerents; as thesame rule it applies to us, it can give the other party the benefit of,also. In other words, with the most scrupulous regard for theneutrality, she may admit both belligerents to bring their prizes intoher waters; and of this neither belligerent can complain, since whateverfavour is extended to its enemy is extended also to itself.
I have an additional and cogent reason for making this request, and thatis, that the rule of exclusion, although it might be applied in terms toboth belligerents, would not operate equally and justly upon them both.It is well known to your Excellency that the Northern United States(which are now making an aggressive and unjust war upon the ConfederateStates, denying to the latter the right of self-government, which isfundamental in all republics, and invading their territories for thepurpose of subjugation) are manufacturing and commercial states, whilstthe Confederate States have been thus far agricultural and plantingstates; and that, as a consequence of this difference of pursuits, theformer States had in their possession at the commencement of this waralmost all the naval force of the old Government, which they have nothesitated to seize and appropriate to their own use, although a largeproportion of it belonged of right to the Confederate States, which hadbeen taxed to create it.
By means of this naval force, dishonestly seized as aforesaid, the enemyhas been enabled to blockade all the important ports of the ConfederateStates.
This blockade necessarily shuts out the cruisers of the ConfederateStates from their own ports, and if foreign Powers shut them out also,they can make no other use of their prizes than to destroy them. Thusyour Excellency sees that, under the rule of exclusion, the enemy couldenjoy his right of capture to its full extent, his own ports being allopen to him, whilst the cruisers of the Confederate States could enjoyit sub modo only, that is, for the purpose of destruction. A rulewhich would produce such effects as this is not an equal or a just rule(although it might in terms be extended to both parties); and asequality and justice are of the essence of neutrality, I take it forgranted that Venezuela will not adopt it.
On the other hand, the rule admitting both parties alike, with theirprizes, into your ports, until the Prize Courts of the respectivecountries can have time to adjudicate the cases as they arrive, wouldwork equal and exact justice to both; and this is no more than theConfederate States demand.
With reference to the present case, as the cargo consists chiefly ofprovisions which are perishable, I would ask leave to sell them atpublic auction for the benefit of "whom it may concern," depositing theproceeds with a suitable prize agent until the decision of the court canbe known. With regard to the vessel, I request that she may remain inthe custody of the same agent until condemned and sold.
I have the honour to be, &c., &c.
(Signed) R. SEMMES.
His Excellency the Governor and Military Commander of Puerto Caballo.
To this, however, that functionary could not be induced to assent, hisreply being that such a proposition was altogether beyond his provinceto entertain, and that the Sumter must take her departure withinfour-and-twenty hours. At daylight, therefore, on the 27th, a prize crewwas sent on board of the Abby Bradford, with orders to proceed to NewOrleans, and at six o'clock the Sumter was again outside of theinhospitable port of Puerto Caballo.
The anchor was not fairly at the cathead when a sail was reportedseaward, which on capture proved to be the barque Joseph Maxwell, ofPhiladelphia. The capture having taken place at about seven miles fromthe port to which she was bound, and half of the cargo being theproperty of a neutral owner, a boat was despatched with her master andthe paymaster of the Sumter to endeavour to effect negotiation. Theproposition was, that the owner of the neutral half of the cargo shouldpurchase at a small price the remaining half and the vessel herself,which should then be delivered to him intact without delay. This littlearrangement, however, was somewhat summarily arrested by the action ofthe Governor, who, much to Captain Semmes' astonishment, sent off ordersthat the prize should at once be brought into port, there to remain inhis Excellency's custody, until a Venezuelan court should have decidedwhether the capture had or had not been effected within the marineleague from the coast prescribed by international law!
This somewhat extraordinary demand did not receive the respect orobedience on which its promulgator had doubtless relied. Beating toquarters, and with his men standing to their guns in readiness forinstant action, the Sumter stood out once more towards her prize; sentthe master and his family ashore in one of his own boats, put a prizecrew on board the Maxwell, and despatched her to a port at the southside of Cuba. It is believed that these unfriendly demonstrations on thepart of the Governor of Puerto Caballo were owing to a fear that theSumter was in truth employed upon some such enterprise as that on whichthe agent of Don Castro at Curaçao had vainly endeavoured to engage her,and was endeavouring to effect a landing for revolutionary troops.
The Sumter now again stood away upon her course towards the eastward,and at five in the evening came across an hermaphrodite brig, from whosepeak floated the hated but welcome stars and stripes. This time,however, it was able to wave in safe defiance before the eyes of thedreaded foe, for the sagacious master had kept carefully "within jumpingdistance" of the shore, and the sacred "marine league of neutrality"protected the vessel from the fate that had befallen so many of hercountrymen.
The afternoon of the 28th July found the Sumter off the island ofTortuga, and at eleven that evening the ship was hove to in thirty-twofathoms of water off the eastern end of Margaritta. Two more days' runalong the Venezuelan coast, at times in so dense a fog that it wasnecessary to run within a mile of the shore in order to "hold on" to theland, and the Gulf of Bahia was reached. Following close on the track ofa vessel just arrived from Madeira, and acquainted with the harbour, theSumter held on her course through the Huero or Umbrella Passage, andshortly after noon anchored off the town of Port of Spain, receiving asshe did so a salute from the ensign of an English brig passing out ofthe harbour.
Excitement—Taking the bull by the horns—official visits—H.M.S.Cadmus—Captain Semmes' commission—At sea again—A dull time—Wind andcurrent hostile—Cayenne—French politeness—False hopes—AtParamaribo—A hot pursuit—A loyal Yankee—Doubtful security—Not to bebeaten—To sea again—A parting arrow.
The arrival of the Sumter at Port of Spain appeared to create no smallexcitement among the inhabitants, official and non-official, of thatlittle colony. The Governor at once proceeded to take legal opinion asto the propriety of permitting the suspicious stranger to coal, and along leading article in the colonial paper gave expression to theeditor's serious doubts whether the Sumter were really what sherepresented herself to be, a regularly commissioned vessel of war, andnot, after all, a privateer. The legal advisers of the Governor seem tohave reported favourably on Captain Semmes' request, for permission wasgiven to take on board the requisite supplies, and the Sumter's coalingproceeded, though not with much rapidity.
The morning of the 2nd August introduced on board a visitor of a newdescription. Through the heavy tropical rain which had been pouringalmost incessantly since the arrival of the Sumter, covering the calmwater of the harbour with little dancing jets, and drumming on thesteamer's decks the most unmusical of tattoos, a little dingy was seenapproaching, and in due time brought alongside of the Confederateman-of-war the master of a Baltimore brig, which, was lying at anchorsome little distance off. The worthy skipper had heard of the terribledoings of his new neighbour, and in no little anxiety for his own fatehad determined to take the bull by the horns, and inquire on board theSumter herself whether he would be permitted to depart withoutmolestation. Great was the poor, man's delight when he was hailed as anative of a sister State, and informed that Maryland, though compelledby superior force to maintain an apparent allegiance to her enemy, wasstill considered a friend by her natural allies of the South, and thatstrict orders had therefore been given to Set her commerce passunharmed. With a lightened heart he returned on board his vessel, andthe Baltimore brig went on her way rejoicing.
The afternoon of the same day brought two more visitors in the personsof two English officers in mufti; but the international courtesy did notextend so far as returning the official visit made on Captain Semmes'behalf by Lieutenant Chapman, and Government-house remainedunrepresented on board the Sumter. "His Excellency," it is to be feared,had taken offence at the slight passed upon his official position byCaptain Semmes, in not having taken care to recover his health andstrength sufficiently early to be able to make the official visit inperson!
The morning of the 4th August would have seen the Sumter again under waybut for some informality in the paymaster's vouchers, which had to berectified; and during the delay thus occasioned, H.M. ship Cadmusentered the harbour, and the Sumter's departure was postponed with theobject of communicating with her. Accordingly, a lieutenant was sent onboard the new arrival, the visit being promptly returned by an officerof similar rank from the Cadmus, who, after exchanging the usualcivilities, delivered himself of a polite message from Captain Hillyer,to the effect, that as the Sumter was the first vessel he had as yetfallen in with under the flag of the Confederate States, he would beobliged if Captain Semmes would favor him with a sight of hiscommission. To this, of course, the latter had no objection; and thedemands of courtesy having been satisfied by the previous production ofthe English lieutenant's commission, that of Captain Semmes was dulyexhibited, and the ceremonial visitor departed.
The next morning brought Captain Hillyer himself on board, and a longconversation ensued on the war and various kindred topics, the EnglishCaptain leaving behind him a most agreeable impression. The visit over,steam was once more got up on board the Sumter, and at 1 P.M. shesteamed out through the eastern or Mona Island passage, and running downthe picturesque coast, with its mountain sides uncultivated but coveredwith numerous huts, passed at ten o'clock that evening between Trinidadand Tobago, and entered once more upon the broad North Atlantic.
For some days the time now hung somewhat heavily upon the hands of thelittle community. A solitary brigantine only was seen, and she so far towindward, that with the short supply of coal afforded by the notoverscrupulous merchants of Port of Spain, it was not thought worthwhile to incur the expense and delay of a chase. The Sumter was nowterribly in need of an excitement. Not a living thing was in sight, butthe glittering schools of flying fish which ever and anon darted intoview, and skimming rapidly over their surface sank again beneath thewaves, only to be once more driven for a brief refuge to the upper airby their unseen but relentless enemies below. Drill and exercise werenow the order of the day during the hours of light, and as the sun setand the tropic night came rushing swiftly up over the yet glowing sky,chessboards and backgammon-boards were brought out, and discussions,social, political, and literary, divided the long hours of inaction withthe yarn and the song, and other mild but not ineffectual distractionsof life at sea.
Still it was with feelings of no small satisfaction that "green water"was again reached, and the Sumter found herself within about ninetymiles of the (Dutch) Guiana coast. Hopes were now entertained of soonreaching Maranham, but the next day showed them to be fallacious. Astrong northerly current had set in, and, in addition to this drawback,it was discovered that the defalcations of the Port of Spain coalmerchants were more serious than had been supposed, and there was notsufficient fuel left for the run. Next day matters were worse ratherthan better. The northerly current was running at the extraordinary rateof sixty miles in the twenty-four hours, a speed equal to that of theGulf Stream in its narrowest part. Only three days' fuel remained, andmaking allowance for the northerly set, there were fully 550 miles to beaccomplished before Maranham could be reached.
Still the Sumter held patiently on her course in hopes of a change; butno change came. Wind and current were as hostile as ever, and theobservations of the 11th August giving lat. 2° 38' N., long. 47° 48' W.,the question of the voyage to Maranham, or even to Para, appeareddefinitely settled, and letting his fires go down, Captain Semmes put uphis helm, made all sail, and stood away on a N.W. course, hoping to finda fresh supply of coal at some of the ports of Guiana under his lee.
The afternoon of that day saw the sky clear, the sea almost calm, andthe little Sumter, rolling along on the long, lazy swell, with all herstarboard studding-sails set, at about three or four knots an hour,towards Cape Orange, from which point it was intended to make her wayinto Cayenne.
Here she arrived on the 15th August, but her hopes were again doomed todisappointment. On coming to anchor, officers were at once despatchedwith the usual complimentary messages to the Governor, and a request tobe informed whether the vessel could be supplied with coal. Theseofficers, however, were not permitted to land, the reason given being,that they were without a clean bill of health from their last port. Itwas in vain to represent the perfect state of health of the crew, andthe length of time they had been at sea. The official mind was closedagainst any argument but that of the consigne. Five days' quarantinewere ordered, and five days' quarantine must be undergone, before thesalubrious shores of Cayenne could be exposed to the danger of infectionfrom the new comers; and as the authorities accompanied this fiat withthe statement, that there was no coal to be had in the place even forthe supply of their own government vessels, our captain determined tomake no further trial upon the discussion, but to seek his supplieselsewhere.
The afternoon of the next day brought the Sumter to the coast of (Dutch)Guiana; but there being no pilot to be found, she was compelled to cometo an anchor in about four fathoms of water. Here, as the sun set, thedark smoke of a steamer was discovered against the glowing sky, andsuspicion was at once aroused that the new comer must be a Yankeecruiser on the look-out for the Confederate "pirates." The drums beat toquarters on board of the little Sumter; decks were cleared for action;ports were triced up, guns run out, and every preparation made to givethe supposed enemy a warm reception. Darkness had closed in as thesuspected vessel approached; the thump, thump, thump of her screwsounding plainly on the still night air. Silently she approached thewatchful cruiser, steering completely round her anchorage, as thoughherself suspicious of the character of her new companion. No hostiledemonstration, however, followed; the night was too dark to distinguishfriend from foe; and the strange sail having come to anchor at somelittle distance from the Sumter, and evincing no disposition to assumethe offensive, the guns were run in again, and the men were at lengthdismissed to the hammocks.
Early next morning steam was again got up on board the Confederatecruiser, which ran down under French colours for a closer examination ofthe stranger, who was lying quietly at anchor about two miles in-shoreof her. As the Sumter approached she also mounted the tricolor, at thesight of which the pretended nationality of the cruiser was laid aside,and the stars and bars flew out gaily from her mizen-peak. The Frenchmanappeared much pleased at having thus fallen in with the celebratedSumter; and being, like her, bound into Paramaribo, and of considerablylighter draught, invited her to follow him into the river, where a pilotmight be obtained.
Arrived in Paramaribo the Sumter received tidings of the United Statessteamer Keystone State, which had been "in pursuit" of her for sometime. This vessel was not very much larger than the Sumter, and theircrews and armaments were very nearly equal, so there were great hopes onboard the Confederate of a brush with the enemy on something like equalterms. These hopes, however, like so many others, were doomed todisappointment. By some fatality the Keystone State could never manageto come up with her quarry. While the latter had been coaling atTrinidad, she was performing a similar operation at Barbados, arrivingthence at Trinidad after the Sumter had sailed. From this port she againstarted "in pursuit," but her chances of overtaking her enemy mayperhaps have been somewhat affected by the fact, that on learning thatthe Sumter had started eastward, she at once followed upon a westerlytrack, which, doubtless to the great grief of her commander and crew,somehow failed to bring her alongside of the vessel of which she was insearch.[2]
[Footnote 2: The writer of the Notes in the Index remarks on thiscurious proceeding:—"Rather a strange idea we thought. It put us inmind of a sportsman in California who was very anxious to kill a grislybear. At length he found the trail, and after following it for somehours gave it up and returned to camp. On being questioned why he didnot follow in pursuit, he quietly replied that the trail was gettingtoo fresh. It must have been so with the Keystone State—the trail wasgetting too fresh."]
But if the United States war vessels were somewhat eccentric in theirnotion of a hot pursuit, it must be admitted that the United Statesconsuls and other agents on shore were by no means equally scrupulous.Every possible expedient to prevent the Sumter from obtaining thenecessary supplies of coal was tried by the consul at Paramaribo, butwith less success than his strenuous exertions deserved. His first ideawas to buy up all the coal in the port, and a handsome price wasoffered—in bonds on the United States government—for that purpose. Butwith singular blindness to their own interests the merchants ofParamaribo declined to put their trust in these bonds, and the readymoney not being forthcoming the hopeful scheme was compelled to beabandoned. Undismayed by this first failure, the gallant Yankee nextsought to charter all the lighters by which the coal could be conveyedon board, and here he was very nearly successful. One or two of theowners however declined to be bought up, and in the lighters suppliedby them the process of coaling commenced. Still the persevering consulwas not to be beaten. Failing the owners of the contumacious barges,their crews were yet accessible to the gentle influences at his command,and some forty tons of coal found their way to the bottom of theharbour, instead of to the Sumter's bunkers for which they had beendestined.
At length, however, in spite of both active Yankee and dilatoryDutchmen, the operation was completed, and the little Sumter once moreready for sea. Even now, however, she was not to get away without aparting arrow from her indefatigable enemy. On the morning of herproposed departure the captain's negro servant went on shore as usualfor the day's marketing, when he was waylaid by the worthy Yankee andpersuaded indefinitely to postpone his return. Poor fellow! if his fatewas anything like that of thousands of others "set free" by theirso-called friends of the North, he must have long ere this most bitterlyrepented his desertion.
There was no time, however, to spare for searching after the runaway, soafter a brief conference with the authorities, who were apparently notover anxious for his arrest, the Sumter got up steam and once moreproceeded in the direction of Maranham.
Leave Paramaribo—Across the equator—A day of misfortunes—On asandbank—A narrow escape—Maranham—A Yankee protest—Boldassertions—A visit to the President—News—False alarms—Payingbills—A patriot—Off again—A prize—The Joseph Park—News of BullRun—A sad birthday.
A whole month had thus been lost through the failure of the Sumter'scoal off the mouth of the Amazon. News, too, had been received atParamaribo that six or seven large fast steamers were in hot pursuit;and as it was not likely that all of these—the larger, perhaps, moreespecially—would adopt the tactics of the Keystone State, it was anobject with the solitary little object of their vengeance to make thebest of her way to some safer cruising ground.
On the 31st August, then, she took her final leave of Paramaribo, andrunning some eight or nine miles off the coast in a northerly directionas a blind, altered her course to east half-south, with the intention ofavoiding the current by which she had on the former occasion been sobaffled, by keeping along the coast in soundings where its strengthwould be less felt.
The 4th September found her well past the mouth of the Amazon, bowlingalong under all fore-and-aft sails, with bright, clear weather, and afresh trade-wind from about east by south. This was about her best pointof sailing, and there being no longer any current against her, her logshowed a run of 175 miles in the twenty-four hours. On the same day astrange sail was seen, but time and coal were now too valuable to berisked, and the temptation to chase was resisted. In the evening theequator was crossed, and the little Sumter bade farewell to the NorthAtlantic, and entered on a new sphere of operations.
The 5th September was a day of misfortunes. The weather was thick andlowering; the wind rapidly increasing; to half a gale, and the littlevessel straining heavily at her anchor. In heaving up, a sudden jerkbroke it short off at the shank, the metal about the broken part provingto have been very indifferent. She now ran very cautiously and anxiouslytowards the light, and into the bay, no pilot being in sight. For sometime all went well, and the chief dangers appeared to be over, whensuddenly the vessel ran with a heavy shock upon a sandbank, knocking offa large portion of her false keel, and for the moment occasioningintense anxiety to all on board. Fortunately, however, the bank was buta narrow ridge, and the next sea carried the little vessel safely acrossit, and out of danger. Much speculation, however, was excited by thisunlooked-for mishap, but a careful examination of the ship's position onthe chart failed to elucidate the mystery: the part of the bay where theSumter had struck being marked as clear ground. It was fortunate, at allevents, that the vessel escaped clear, for within the next hour and ahalf the tide fell five feet, which with so heavy a load as that onboard the Sumter could not but have occasioned a terrible strain had shebeen lying on the top of the bank.
Finding the soundings still so irregular as to threaten further danger,the Sumter now came to an anchor, and some fishing boats being perceivedon the shore at a little distance, a boat was despatched which speedilyreturned with a fisherman, who piloted her safely to the town ofMaranham. She was visited by a Brazilian naval officer, whocongratulated her captain not a little on his fortunate escape, theBrazilian men-of war never thinking of attempting the passage without acoast pilot.
The day following that on which the Sumter arrived at Maranham was theBrazilian Independence Day. The town put on its gayest appearance;men-of-war and merchantmen tricked themselves out with flags from deckto truck, while the guns of the former thundered a salute across theordinarily quiet bay. Amidst their universal demonstration the Sumteralone remained unmoved. The nation whose flag she bore had not yet beenrecognised by the Brazilian government, and it would therefore have beenthe height of incongruity to sport the slightest bunting on such anoccasion. The more so as the good folks of Maranham, though to allappearance personally well disposed towards the Confederates, were insuch dread of officially committing themselves, that they did notventure to invite the officers of the newly-arrived vessel to the grandball given by the authorities in honour of the day.
On Monday, the 9th September, Captain Semmes took up his quarters onshore, and proceeded to make a formal call on the President of theDepartment. That functionary, however, pleaded indisposition, appointingthe hour of noon on the following day for the desired interview.Meanwhile Captain Semmes had hardly returned to his comfortable quartersat the Hotel do Porto, ere he, in his turn, received a visit fromCaptain Pinto of the Brazilian navy, and the Chief of Police, aconfidential friend of the President—the object of these gentlemenbeing to read to him a formal protest from the consul of the UnitedStates to the government, against the Sumter's being permitted toreceive coal or other supplies in the port. Amongst other equally boldstatements this document asserted that the Confederate cruiser had notbeen permitted to enter the ports of any other European power.Assertions like these were of course easily disposed of, and it wasagreed that the question should be discussed at the morrow's interview.The account of this discussion had, perhaps, better be given in CaptainSemmes' own words:—
Tuesday, September 11th.—Called upon the President at twelve, and wasadmitted to an interview; the Chief of Police and Captain Pinto beingpresent. I exhibited to the President my commission, and read to him aportion of my instructions, to show him that it was the desire of theConfederate States to cultivate friendly relations with other powers,and to pay particular respect to neutral property and rights; and thebetter to satisfy him that he might supply me with coal without adeparture from neutrality, and to contradict the false sentiments of theUnited States Consul, I exhibited to him a newspaper from Trinidad,setting forth the fact that the question of the propriety of supplyingme with coal in that island, had been formally submitted to the lawofficers of the Crown, and decided in my favour, &c.
The President then announced to me that I might purchase whateversupplies I wanted, coal included, munitions of war only excepted. I thenstated to him that this war was in fact a war as much in behalf ofBrazil as of ourselves, and that if we were beaten in the contest,Brazil would be the next one to be assailed by Yankee propagandists.These remarks were favourably received, the three gentlemen evidentlysympathizing with us.
Captain Semmes continues his short diary as follows:—
Fresh wind and cloudy. Painting ship, and making preparations for thereception of coal. We are looking anxiously for the arrival of the Riomail steamer, as we have a report brought by a Portuguese vessel fromPernambuco that a great battle has been fought; that we have beaten theenemy; and that we have marched upon Washington. God grant that our justcause may thus have triumphed! The whole town is agog discussing ouraffairs. Different parties take different views of them: the oppositionparty in the legislature, which is in session, being disposed to censurethe government for its reception of us.
Thursday, September 12th.—Clear, with passing clouds; trade-windfresh, as usual at this season of the year. Indeed, these winds willcontinue to increase in force until December, when they will graduallygive place to the rains. It has been a favourite project of mine fromthe commencement of the cruise, to run off Cape St. Roque, and therewaylay the commerce of the enemy in its transit both ways; but thestrong gales and strong current which now prevail, will interfere forthe present with my plan, and I must postpone it for awhile. If the warcontinues I shall hope to put it in execution at the proper time. It wasat one time reported to-day that there were two United States vessels ofwar awaiting us outside, off Santa Anna; but the report proved to be theoffspring of the excited imaginations of the townspeople. Had aconversation this evening with Senor Rodrigues, an intelligent lawyerand the Speaker of the Deputies, on the subject of the war. I found himpretty well informed, considering that he had received his informationthrough the polluted channels of the Northern newspapers.
He seemed to think that we had been precipitate in breaking off ourconnexion with the North; but I told him we had been the most patient,long-suffering people in the world, and waited till the last momentpossible, in hope that the fanaticism which swayed the North would havepassed away; and that the responsibility of breaking up the once greatgovernment of the North rested entirely upon the propagandists of thatsection.
Friday, September 13th.—Cloudy, with the wind very fresh from theeastward. The town is still busy discussing our affairs. A deputy askedme seriously yesterday if the President had not ordered me to haul myflag down, as not being recognised. He said that the Assembly had calledupon him for an explanation of the course he had adopted towards us, butthat he had declined to respond.
It is reported, too, that there are two ships of war awaiting us outsidenear the Santa Anna light.
Saturday, September 14th.—Cloudy, with fresh trades. Having finishedcoaling and receiving our other supplies, we are engaged to-day inpaying off our bills. I have been enabled to negotiate a draft for twothousand dollars upon the Secretary of the Navy; Mr. T. Wetson, one ofour fellow-countrymen temporarily here, having been patriotic enough toadvance me this sum on the faith of his government. He not only thusaided us, but was very anxious to come on board in person, if he couldhave wound up his business in time. In the evening at 7 P.M. I removedon board from the Hotel do Porto, preparatory to going to sea to-morrow.
* * * * *
On Sunday, the 15th September, the Sumter was again under way, andpassed out of the harbour in charge of a pilot, Mr. Wetson accompanyingher until she was fairly outside. No Yankee vessels were found, as hadbeen reported, and the pilot being discharged, and a warm farewellexchanged with Mr. Wetson, the Sumter stood away upon a north-eastcourse in the direction of her proposed cruising-ground in the calm beltbetween the trades, the Cape San Roque project being for the presentabandoned. A dull time now commenced, great difficulty being experiencedin forcing the vessel towards her cruising-ground against the current,which at times would carry her out of her course at the rate of morethan fifty miles a day. Whilst thus beating wearily and patientlytowards the station where it was hoped that more prizes might beobtained, a curious phenomenon was observed, of which the followingaccount is given in the journal:—
Monday, September 23d.—Clear, with passing clouds. Wind right fromthe south-east, veering and hauling two or three points. We haveexperienced in the last two or three days a remarkable succession oftide lips, coming on every twelve hours, and about an hour before thepassage of the moon over the meridian. We have observed five of theselips, and with such regularity, that we attribute them to the lunarinfluence attracting the water in an opposite direction from theprevailing current, which is east, at the rate of some two miles perhour. We had a small gull fly on board of us to-day at the distance offive hundred miles from the nearest land. The tide lips came up from thesouth and travelled north, approaching first with a heavy swell, whichcaused us, being broadside on, to roll so violently that we kept theship off her course from two to three points to bring the roller more onthe quarter. These rollers would be followed by a confused tumultuoussea, foaming and fretting in every direction, as if we were amongbreakers. We were in fact among breakers, though fortunately with nobottom near. No boat could have lived in such a cauldron as was producedby this meeting of the waters. They generally passed us in about threequarters of an hour, when everything became comparatively smooth again.No observation to-day for latitude, but by computation we are inlatitude 5.25 N. and longitude (chronometer) 42.19 W. Current east bynorth 58 miles. So curious were the phenomena of the lips that theofficers and men came on deck upon their approach to witness them.
* * * * *
It was many a long week now since the sight of an enemy had gladdenedthe eyes of the Sumter's little crew, when, on the 25th of September,the welcome cry of "Sail, ho!" was once more heard from the masthead.Steam was at once got up, and the United States colors displayed fromthe Confederate cruiser. A short pause of expectation, an eager scrutinyof the stranger, as the blue and red bunting fluttered for a few momentsupon his deck, while his men were busy with the signal halyards, andthen a joyous cheer greeted the well-known stars and stripes, as theyrose above her bulwarks, and mounted slowly to her mizen peak.
She was not a very valuable prize, being merely a small brigantine,called the Joseph Park, of Boston, six days out from Pernambuco, inballast. But she was the first fruits of a fresh cruise, and rightjoyously did the boat's crew pull on board her to haul down the enemy'sflag, and replace it with the saucy stars and bars.[3]
[Footnote 3: The author of the "Notes" in the Index writes:—
"The officer who boarded the Joseph Park asked the captain if he hadcargo. 'No.'—'Have you any specie?' 'Not a dollar.'—'Then, captain,you must get into the boat, and go with me on board the Sumter.' 'Whatare you going to do with me when I get on board?' The officer told himit would depend entirely upon circ*mstances; that if he behaved himself,and did not try to conceal anything, he would receive kind treatment;that it all depended upon himself 'Well,' said he, 'captain' (he calledthe officer who had boarded him captain) 'I have got a thousanddollars down below, and I guess I had better give it to you.' So he wentbelow, and from out of some little hole took the bag containing thegold. The officer asked him why he had hidden the money, as we had theUnited States colours up. He said he thought it was the Sumter, andwanted to be on the safe side. The whole scene between the officer andthe captain of the Joseph Park was ludicrous in the extreme. The answersto questions with that Yankee nasal twang and Yankee cunning, theofficer seeing through it and enjoying it all the while, made many jokesin our mess afterwards."]
This done, the crew were transferred to the captain's vessel, and aprize crew passed on board of the Joseph Park, with instructions to keepwithin sight of the Sumter, and signal her immediately on perceiving anysuspicious sail. So the two cruised for some days in company, the JosephPark keeping to windward during the day, and at night running down undercover of the Sumter's guns. This capture was none the less welcome forthe news she brought in a file of recent papers from Pernambuco, of thefirst victory of the South at Manassas, or Bull Run, as well as of thesuccesses achieved in Missouri over the troops of General Lyon. PoorJoseph Park! she had little anticipated her fate, and not a littleamusem*nt was created among her captors by an entry in her log of theday after leaving Pernambuco:—"We have a tight, fast vessel, and wedon't care for Jeff. Davis!" "My unfortunate prisoner," remarks CaptainSemmes, "had holloa'd before he was out of the wood."
The journal continues:—
Friday, September 27th.—This is my fifty-second birthday, and so theyears roll on, one by one, and I am getting to be an old man! Thank God,that I am still able to render service to my country in her gloriousstruggle for the right of self-government, and in defence of herinstitutions, her property, and everything a people hold sacred. We havethus far beaten the Vandal hordes that have invaded and desecrated oursoil; and we shall continue to beat them to the end. The just God ofHeaven, who looks down upon the quarrels of men, will avenge the right.May we prove ourselves in this struggle worthy of Him and of our greatcause! My poor distressed family! How fondly my thoughts revert to themto-day! My dear wife and daughters, instead of preparing the accustomed"cake" to celebrate my birthday, are mourning my absence, and dreadingto hear of disaster. May our Heavenly Father console, cherish, andprotect them!
A dull time—"Sail, oh-h-h!"—An exciting chase—No prize—Agale—Jack's holiday—A new cruising-ground—Dead calm—An enlightenedFrenchman—A near thing—Patience!—The Daniel Trowbridge—A luckyhaul—In closer—Double Duns—The prize schooner's revenge—Good newsfrom home—An apology—In hopes of a fight—Disappointment—The WestIndia station—Another blank—Martinique.
Another dull time now set in. On the 28th September the prize crew wererecalled from the Joseph Park, which, after doing duty for some hourslonger as a look-out ship, was finally at nightfall, set on fire, andburned to the water's edge. And now day after day passed by, unrelievedsave by the little common incidents of a peaceful voyage.
One day it would be a flying-fish that had leaped on board, and paid thepenalty of its indiscretion by doing duty next morning on the captain'sbreakfast-table; another day a small sword-fish performed a similarexploit; while on a third a heavy rain provided the great unwashed ofthe forecastle with the unaccustomed luxury of copious ablutions infresh water. But not a sail was to be seen. Once only a simultaneous cryfrom half-a-dozen sailors of "Light on the starboard bow!" produced atemporary excitement, and caused the engineers to "fire up" at theirutmost speed. But the alarm proved false. The red light that had been soconfidently reckoned on as the port lantern of some steamer movingacross the Sumter's bows, was at length set down as a mere meteor, or itmight be some star setting crimson through the dim haze of the distanthorizon. Luck seemed quite to have deserted the Confederate flag. Theywere lying in the very track of vessels between San Roque and New York.Allowing a space of seventy-five miles on either side of the Sumter'sstation as the extent of this track, and calculating upon a radius ofobservation from her masthead of fifteen miles, one-fifth of the wholenumber passing should certainly have come within her ken. Yet in thecourse of seventeen weary days one vessel only had been seen, and theSumter's stock of patience was beginning to run very low.
At length, at ten o'clock on the morning of the 5th October, the welcomecry was again heard. "Sail, oh—h—h!" was shouted from the mastheadwith a lengthened emphasis, as though the look-out would mark theunusual fact with a special note of admiration. The stranger was dead towindward, and miles away, probably some seventeen or eighteen at thevery least. But not a moment was lost in starting in pursuit. Steam wasgot up, sails furled, the vessel's head brought round in the directionof the chase, and in less than half an hour from the first announcementof her appearance, the Sumter was dashing through the water attop-speed in pursuit.
The chase was long and animated. At first starting the stranger had allthe advantage of a stiff, steady breeze, whilst the Sumter was compelledto trust altogether to her powers of steaming; and the former, being afine, fast vessel, appeared, if anything, rather to gain upon herpursuer. Gradually, however, as the two vessels changed their relativebearings, the Sumter also was enabled to avail herself of her fore andaft canvas, and now she began to gain rapidly upon the chase. Threehours and a quarter passed in this exciting contest; but at length thepursuer had come fairly within range, and the chase was over. Up wentthe Stars and Stripes to the Sumter's peak, and the usual pause ofexcited expectation ensued; when, after bungling awhile with his signalhalyards, as though playing with his pursuer's hopes and fears, the redensign of England rose defiantly from the deck, and there was to be noprize after all.
Very indignant was the captain of the Spartan at being hove-to by aYankee, and great was the amusem*nt of the boarding officer as he waswelcomed with the observation that "the Northerners were catching h——"
"How so?" inquired he.
"Why by getting themselves so badly whipped by the Southerners."
It was observed that the worthy speaker appeared somewhat surprised atthe perfect good-humour and satisfaction with which the intelligence wasreceived.
The night now set in wet and wild. The wind increased to a moderate galewith a remarkably heavy sea, and violent rain-squalls passing atintervals over the vessel. The little Sumter rolled and pitched about asthough she, too, were weary of the long period of inaction, anddetermined to effect some kind of diversion on her own account. Morningbroke heavy and threatening, with the barometer at 29-87; and by noon itwas blowing a whole gale, and the ship labouring so heavily that theceremony of mustering the hands and reading the Articles of War,customary on the first Sunday of every month, was perforce dispensedwith, and "Jack"—as usual, when bad weather has fairly set in, and theship has been made snug—got his holiday.
Towards night the gale, which had hauled gradually round from E.N.E. toS.E. and S.S.E. in the course of some eight or ten hours, began tomoderate. By the next morning it had altogether broken, and though theclouds were still leaden, and the sea ran high after the blow ofyesterday, the Sumter was once more able to make sail; and shaking thereefs out of her topsails, she stood away again towards the S.S.E.
The end of the week saw her well upon her way towards a new cruisingground, the Western side of the crossing having been fairly given up asa hopeless job, and Captain Semmes shaping his course for the Easterncrossing. At noon on Saturday, the 12th October, the new station wasreached, the vessel's position on that day being in lat. 6.56 N., long.44.41 W.; the weather calm, the sun shining dimly through a greyish veilof mist, and the little steamer rolling from side to side upon the long,heaving swells, her yards creaking and her sails flapping heavilyagainst the masts with that dull, hopeless sound, more trying to thesailor than the fiercest gale.
Gales and calms—sunshine and rain-squalls—long rolling swell—heavysea, and not a break in the monotonous round. Thirty-eight days out, andin all that time but two vessels spoken and one solitary prize!
Thursday, October 24th.—Cloudy, with the wind from the eastward. Athalf-past six in the morning descried a sail in the north east. Got upsteam and gave chase. At nine came up with a brig, which proved to be aFrenchman, La Mouche Noire, from Nantes to Martinique. Sent a boat onboard of him. He had no newspapers, and said he knew the United Stateswere at war—we had the United States colours flying—but with whom hedid not know. Enlightened Frenchman! Or this may teach us a lesson ofhumility, as showing us how little is thought in Europe of the AmericanRevolution. The brig was a clumsy specimen of architecture, and was outforty-two days. We detained her less than half-an-hour, and permittedher to go on her course again. Our ill-luck seems to culminate; for twoout of the only three sail we have seen in thirty-nine days have provedto be foreign.
Friday, October 25th.—Fresh breeze from the north, and trade-windweather. Morning, a few rain-squalls, clearing, but with passing clouds,as the sun gained altitude. Afternoon heavy, overcast sky, with half agale of wind. At 2.50 P.M. descried a sail on the starboard-quarter,bearing about S.E. Got up steam and gave chase, and at 5 P.M. came upwith her. Fired a blank cartridge and spoke a Prussian ship, which Icaused to heave-to for the purpose of sending a boat on board of him;but, as in the meantime the wind freshened, and considerable sea hadarisen, and as I had no doubts of the character of the ship, I gave himleave to fill away and proceed on his course (to some one of theWindward Islands) without boarding him. As I was rounding the ship to,near this vessel, we came so near a collision that my heart stood stillfor a moment as the bows of the huge, heavy-laden ship passed ourquarter, almost near enough to graze it. If she had been thrown upon usby one of the heavy seas that were running, we should probably have beencut down to the water's edge and sunk in a few minutes. This will giveme a lesson as to the space my long ship requires to turn in when shehas a sea on the quarter or bow. We are forty days out to-day, have seenfour sails, and three of the four have proved to be foreign. I am notdiscouraged, however, but I have had an excellent opportunity topractise the Christian virtue of patience, which virtue I think I am alittle deficient in.
Sunday, October 27th.—A beautiful clear day, with a light breeze fromthe E.N.E., and a few summer-like passing trade-clouds. Mustered thecrew. Two sail in one day! 8.30 A.M. A sail was descried in the S.E. Weimmediately gave chase with all sail, and added steam to sails in aboutan hour and a half. We came up with the chase about 3 P.M.; the vesselproving very fast. We showed, as usual, the United States colours, thechase showing the same. Fired a blank cartridge and ordered him toheave-to. Sent a boat on board and captured him, hauling down the UnitedStates and hoisting our own flag as our officer got on board. She provedto be the schooner Daniel Trowbridge, of New Haven, Connecticut, fromNew York to Demerara, with a cargo of provisions; cargo belonging tosame owner as vessel, D. Trowbridge, of Connecticut. Sent a prize crewon board, and left in pursuit of another sail that had been descried inthe meantime, with which we came up at dark. She proved to be abrigantine from Nova Scotia to Demerara (English). Permitted her toproceed on her course. Banked fires, and put the ship under sail, with alight at the peak, and the prize in company.
Monday, October 28th.—Fine clear weather, with a moderate sea and alight breeze. Called the prize within hail; hoisted out the long-boatand sent her alongside and commenced receiving provisions. I felt trulythankful to a kind Providence for this windfall, for we were runningshort of provisions—beef bad, and weevily bread. And here were morethan we needed, and of the best. Pork, beef, hams, flour, bread,crackers (biscuits), &c.; this was truly a Yankee cargo, there being alarge number of pigs, sheep, and geese on board. A busy, bustling day,with boats passing to and fro, and men busy on both ships with boxes,barrels, &c. To get at the cargo we threw overboard the superincumbentarticles, and strewed the sea with Connecticut wooden ware and brooms.
Tuesday, October 29th.—Another favourable day for unloading theprize. Wind light from the East, and not too much sea on. We are fillingup with five months' provisions. In the meantime we are enjoying theluxury, far away out at sea and forty-three days from port, of freshmeat; the sheep on board the prize being in excellent condition, and Ihave them slaughtered in sufficient numbers for the crew. At noon thesky becoming overcast; lat. 16.54 N., long. 57.33 W.
Wednesday, October 30th.—A beautiful serene day, with a light breezefrom the S.E. and a smooth sea. At 7 A.M., "Sail, ho!" from aloft.Despatched a couple of boats to the prize schooner to bring away some ofthe live stock, and sent orders to the prize master to set fire to theprize and return on board. These orders being all executed and the boatsrun up, at 8.30, steamed in pursuit of the strange sail. At eleven cameup with, and sent a boat on board of the Danish brig Una, fromCopenhagen to Santa Cruz, sixty-nine days out. Permitted her to proceedon her course after a detention of about half-an-hour. We showed her theUnited States colours. This evening, having directed the juniorlieutenant to send to the master of the prize schooner DanielTrowbridge, for the log slates of the schooner which he, the master, hadput among his private baggage, it was reported to me that the master indelivering these articles to the messenger, the sergeant of marines,used this insolent language—"D—— them. I hope they will do them nogood, and if they want a shirt I can lend them that too." I had the manseized and put in double irons. Lat. 16.40 N., long. 58.16 W.
Thursday, October 31st.—Beautiful clear weather, with a lightbreeze from the North and East. Got up and sunned the ball cartridges,some of which had been damaged by the damp, and overhauled the pumpswhich had gotten out of order. At 2 A.M. a light having been reported tome, I ordered steam gotten up and made pursuit. As we came up with it,we found it to be a burning fragment of the schooner which we had firedeighteen hours before. Banked fires. We have been greatly interestedsince our last capture in examining a lot of newspapers found on board.They are as late as the 8th October, and give us most cheering accountsof the war. We have gloriously whipped the enemy at all points, and havebrought Missouri and Kentucky out of the Union. The tone of the Europeanpress is highly favourable to our cause, and indicates a promptrecognition of our independence. And all this cheering information weget from the enemy himself! Lat. 16.54 N., long. 57.59 W. The master ofthe prize schooner Trowbridge, having made a very humble apology for hisconduct of yesterday, and asked to be released from confinement, Idirected him to be discharged from close custody and to have his ironstaken off.
The Daniel Trowbridge, however, was the last prize that fell to theSumter's lot on this cruise. She was now in the full track of vesselscrossing the Line, and scarcely a day passed without one or more beingoverhauled; but the Stars and Stripes appeared to have vanished from theseas. Vessel after vessel was brought-to, now English, now French, nowbelonging to some one or other of the innumerable neutral nations, butnot a Yankee was to be seen, and the ship's company began almost toweary of their profitless task.
One brief morning's excitement there was, as a large steamer wasdescried in the offing, evidently a man-of-war. All was at once aliveand eager on board the little Sumter. The drums beat to quarters, deckswere cleared for action, and every preparation made for combat, as theConfederate cruiser stood boldly out to meet her expected foe. But againthe eager crew were doomed to disappointment. They were no more to fightthan to capture prizes. As the stranger drew near, the white ensign ofSt. George fluttered gracefully to her peak, and after the customaryinterchange of civilities, the two vessels went on their respectivecourses, and the little Sumter was once more alone on the wide ocean.
A change of cruising ground was now again resolved on, and a courseshaped for the West Indies. Still, however, without success, and atlength the supply of water beginning to fail, the cruise was abandoned,and on the 9th November the Sumter steamed into Fort de France inMartinique, having been fifty-seven days at sea.
A French governor—At church—Visitors—On shore—Prisonersreleased—Coaling difficulties—Sympathy for the South—A glass ofgrog!—St. Pierre—Curiosity—The Iroquois—An attempt tointimidate—L'Acheron—Yankee notion of neutrality—Masquerading—Preparations for a fight—The marine league—The Trent outrage—Onthe watch—Violation of rights—A bold attempt—Success.
Saturday, Nov. 9th.—Weather fine during the morning. At daylight, gotup steam and stood in for the land northward of Fort St. Louis' Bay,running down the coast as we approached. The coast, all the way into theanchorage, is bold and clear. Ran within three hundred yards of PointNegro, passing a passenger steamer bound to St. Pierre, and anchored insix fathoms water, with the south end of the fort bearing E. 1/4 S.,and the wharf about N. by E. A pilot soon after came on board, and wegot up anchor and went in to the anchorage E. of the fort, the healthofficer visiting us in the meantime, and giving us pratique.
Sent a lieutenant to call on the Governor, and afterwards visited himmyself. I stated in this interview that I had come into Martinique torefresh my crew, and obtain such supplies as I needed, coal included.The Governor replied that he could not supply me with coal from theGovernment stock, but I was free to go into the market and purchase whatI wanted, he, the Governor, not knowing anything about it; and that asto my prisoners, if the United States consul at St. Pierre would becomeresponsible for their maintenance, I might land them. With his consent,I sent the two masters up to St. Pierre in the packet to see thisconsul, and arrange the matter. I despatched also the paymaster to lookafter coal and clothing for the crew, giving leave to Lieutenant Chapmanto accompany him. The Governor at one time ordered me to shift my berth,by returning to my first anchorage; but countermanded the order upon mydemanding an explanation of it. He seemed disposed, too, to restrict myprocuring supplies at this place, on the ground that it was merely theseat of government and a military and naval station; but upon myinsisting upon my right, under the Imperial proclamation, to be treatedin all respects as a lawful belligerent, be abandoned his point. TheFrench colonies are governed by the minister of Marine, naval officersbeing the governors and chief officials. The Governor of Martinique is arear-admiral.
Sunday, Nov. 10th.—Rain in the early morning, clearing towards eighto'clock. Went on shore and accompanied M. Guerin to the Governor's mass,at 8 A.M. The interior of the church is very pleasing, with rarevaluable paintings. The congregation was small. A detachment (onecompany from each regiment), entered the main aisle, and formed indouble lines, a few minutes before the commencement of the service. TheGovernor and his staff entered punctually, and the service lasted aboutthree-quarters of an hour. Fine music from a band in the orchestra. Theblacks and whites occupy pews indiscriminately, though there is nosocial mixture of the races. All colours have the same political rights,notwithstanding which the jealousy and hatred of the whites by theblacks is said to be very great. Was visited by M. Guerin. and a numberof gentlemen—members of the Colonial Legislature and others—to whom Iexplained the true issue of the war—to wit, an abolition crusadeagainst our slave-property; our population, resources, victories,&c.—to all of which they listened with much appearance ofgratification, and which they also expressed from time to time,lamenting the blind policy of their Home Government. Mustered the crew,and read Articles of War. Three of the prisoners have shipped. Letanother batch of liberty-men go on shore. Two of yesterday's batch didnot come off in time this morning. Since came on board. Visited theSavannah to hear the music, which is given every Sunday evening. It wasa gay and beautiful scene: the moon, the shade, the trees, the statue ofJosephine, the throng of well-dressed men and women, the large band andthe fine music, the ripple of the sea; and last, though not least, theKaty-dids, so fraught with memories of home, dear home! Visited M.Guerin after the music, and made the acquaintance of his charmingfamily, consisting of wife, daughter-in-law, and niece, who gave somemusic on the piano and a song. M. Guerin's mother died a nun in the cityof Baltimore, where M. Guerin was himself educated. He retains his earlyimpressions of Baltimore very vividly.
Monday, November 11th.—Weather clear and pleasant, with refreshingtrade-winds; watering ship. Visited the town, and went a-shopping incompany with M. Guerin. Found French manufactured clothing, &c.,reasonably cheap. In the afternoon strolled on the heights in rear ofthe town, and was charmed with the picturesque scenery on every hand.The little valleys and nooks in which nestle the country houses areperfect pictures, and the abrupt and broken country presents delightfulchanges at every turn. I saw but few signs of diligent cultivation. Thenegro race is here, as everywhere else, an idle and thriftless one; andthe purlieus of the town where they are congregated are dilapidated andsqualid. The statue of Josephine in the Savannah is a very fine specimenof sculpture. It represents her in her customary dress, and she appears,indeed, a charming woman. This is her native island. The United Statesconsul came down to-day from St. Pierre, and I landed the remainder ofthe prisoners, twelve in number, putting them on parole. I had them allassembled in the gangway, and questioned them as to their treatment onboard. They all expressed themselves satisfied with it. The officersreturned from St. Pierre, and reported that coal was to be had, but thatthe Collector of Customs had prohibited the merchants from sending it tous. Wrote to the Governor on the Subject:—
Confederate States' steamer Sumter, Port Royal, Nov. 12th, 1861.
SIR,—In the interview which I had the honour to hold with yourExcellency on Saturday last, the 9th inst. I understood your Excellencyto assent to the proposition that I might go into the market at St.Pierre, and purchase such supplies as I might stand in need of, coalincluded. The precise position assumed by your Excellency was, that youwould neither assent nor prohibit. On the faith of this understanding, Idespatched one of my lieutenants and my paymaster to St. Pierre, to makethe necessary purchases, and they have returned and reported to me thatthey found an abundance of coal in the market, and at reasonable rates,and that the owners of it are anxious to supply me with it, but thatyour Collector of the Customs had interposed, and prohibited themerchants from selling or delivering it to me. For the information ofyour Excellency, I will here state that I have been permitted to coal inall the ports I have heretofore visited, except only at the French portof Cayenne, where I was informed that there was no coal in the market,and where it was insisted that I should undergo a quarantine of fivedays before communicating with the town. As it was not convenient for meto undergo this quarantine, I sailed immediately. I have coaled atCienfuegos in the island of Cuba, at Curaçao, at Trinidad, atParamaribo, and at Maranham. It appears that Spain, Holland, England andBrazil have each deemed it consistent with their neutrality in thepresent war to permit me freely to supply myself with coal. Am I tounderstand from the action of your officers at St. Pierre that you havewithdrawn the implied assent given me on Saturday last, and that France,through your agency, adopts a different and less friendly, rule? WillFrance drive a vessel of war of the Confederate States from one of herislands to a British island to procure coal? And if she does this, onwhat principle will she do it? It is a well-settled rule ofinternational law, that belligerent cruisers have the right to enterfreely into neutral ports for the purpose of replenishing their storesof provisions, or replacing a lost mast or spar; and why should not theybe equally permitted to receive on board coal?
Coal is no more necessary to the locomotion of a steamer than is a mastor spar to a sail-ship; it is no more necessary to a cruiser thanprovisions. Without a mast or without provisions a sail-ship could notcontinue her cruise against the enemy; and yet the neutral permitted herto supply herself with these articles. Nor can such supplies as these beplaced on the ground of humanity. It would be inhuman, it is true, topermit the crew of a belligerent cruiser to perish in your ports bydebarring from access to your markets, from day to day; but it does notfollow that it would be inhuman to prevent her from laying in a stock ofprovisions to enable her to proceed to sea, and continue her cruiseagainst the enemy. It is not humanity to supply a vessel with a lostmast or a spar, and yet no one doubts that this may be done. Humanity,then, being out of the question, what possible distinction can yourExcellency draw between supplying a vessel with the articles abovementioned, and supplying her with coal?
Without any one of them she would be unable to prosecute her cruiseagainst the enemy—why, then, will you supply her with a part, and notwith the whole?
Without troubling your Excellency further, however, with an argument ofthe question, I will content myself with stating what I believe to bethe true rule of law, and it is this:—A belligerent ship of war cannotincrease her armament or her crew in a neutral port, nor supply herselfwith ammunition; but with these exceptions she may procure whateversupply she needs.
Although it would be an easy matter for me to run to one of the British,or Danish, or Dutch Islands, I should regret to be obliged to do so, andto have to inform my Government of the reason. I would not willinglyhave France adopt a rule which would effectually shut us out of herports, whilst Holland, Great Britain, Spain, and Brazil admit us freelyinto theirs. The rule, prohibiting us from bringing our prizes intoneutral ports, operates very harshly upon us, as the weaker naval powerof the belligerents, without adding to it one still more harsh, andwhich has the sanction of neither law nor precedent. If, however, it bethe determination of your Excellency to insist upon my departure withoutcoal, I beg that you will have the goodness to say as much to me inwriting. Your Excellency is the best judge of your instructions, and ofwhat they require of you.
I have the honour to be,
With much consideration,
Your obedient Servant,
(Signed) R. SEMMES.
To his Excellency M. Maussion de Condé,
l'Amiral et Gouverneur de la Martinique.
We have the gratifying intelligence that Captain Hollins, with somearmed steamers, had driven the enemy from the mouth of the Mississippi,sinking the Preble, and driving the other vessels on the bar of the S.W.Pass. Mr. Seward has issued a proclamation, desiring the Governors ofthe Northern States to put their forts, &c., in condition, "as well onthe seaboard as on the lakes!" This, with Fremont's abolitionproclamation, will be of great service to us. Quem Deus, &c. TheGovernor consents to my coaling at St. Pierre.
Friday, November 12th.—Fine, pleasant weather. Watering ship. I didnot visit the shore to-day; some of the officers are on shore dining,&c., with the French naval officers. There is evidently great sympathyfor us in the island. We have got on board all our "liberty-men," no oneof them having shown a disposition to desert. At 9 P.M., a drunkenfireman jumped overboard and swam ashore, in spite of the efforts of aboat to catch him. He thus braved the discipline of the ship solely fora glass of grog!—so strong upon him was the desire for drink. We sentan officer for him and caught him in a grog-shop. It is reported to us,as coming from the Captain of the Port, that there is a frigate cruisingoff the Diamond Rock. The ship Siam arrived to-day, with 444 coolies!
Translation of Reply received from the Governor, in Answer to thepreceding.
Fort de France, 12th November, 1861.
I have the honour to send you the enclosed letter, which I ask you tohand to the Collector of Customs at St. Pierre, in which I request himto permit you to embark freely, as much coal as you wish to purchase inthe market.
I do not change at all from the position which I took with you onSaturday last. I do not consider that I am empowered any more to giveyou coal from the Government supply of this division, than I am tointerfere with the market to prevent its being sold to you there.
With the expression of my highest regard for the Captain,
Wednesday, November 13th.—Got up steam, and unmoored ship atdaylight; and at half-past six passed out of the harbour of Fort Royal,or rather now Fort de France. The pilot repeated the intelligence thatthere was a frigate off the Diamond Rock. As we passed the picturesquecountry-seat of the Governor, perched upon a height overlooking the sea,we hoisted the French flag at the fore. Passed the St. Pierre steamer onher way down. At eight, came to, in the harbour of St. Pierre, at theman-of-war anchorage south of the town. Several of the custom-houseofficers visited us, saying that they had not come on board officially,but merely out of civility, and from curiosity to see the ship. Sent alieutenant on shore to call on the commandant, and make arrangementsfor the-purchase and reception of coal, despatching to the collectorthe Government order to permit us to embark it. At 1 P.M., shifted ourberth nearer to the shore, for the convenience of coaling, mooring headand stern with a hawser to the shore. Received on board thirty tons by 9P.M.; sent down the foreyard for repairs. Quarantined the paymaster andsurgeon for being out of the ship after hours, but upon the explanationsof the former, released them both. The market-square near the water isthronged with a dense crowd, eagerly gazing upon the ship; and thenewspaper of to-day gives a marvellous account of us, a column inlength. Among other amusing stories, they claim me to be a Frenchofficer, formerly serving on board the Mereuse!
Thursday, November 14th.—Rain in the forenoon. Busy coaling, andgetting on board a few necessary stores. It is reported that theIroquois sailed from Trinidad on the 2nd November, and that there arethree ships of war of the enemy at St. Thomas', one sail vessel, and twosteamers; and that one of these was expected here last night. She hasnot yet made her appearance. It will be difficult for her to prevent oursailing. At 2.30 P.M. the steam-sloop Iroquois of the enemy made herappearance, coming round the north end of the island. She had at firstDanish colours flying, but soon changed them for her own. She steamedahead of us very slowly, and, taking up a position some half tothree-quarters of a mile from us, stood off and on during the afternoonand night. Finished receiving our coal and provisions (sugar and rum) atabout 9 P.M., when I permitted the crew to have their hammocks as usual.Directed everything to be kept ready for action. Visited in theafternoon by the mayor of the city and some gentlemen, who assured me ofthe sympathy of the citizens, and of the colony generally. At 1.30 A.M.I was called by the officer of the deck, and informed that the Iroquoiswas standing in for us, and approaching us very close. Called all handsto quarters, and made all preparations to receive the enemy in case heshould attempt to run us on board. He sheered off, however, when he camewithin three or four hundred yards. He repeated this operation severaltimes during the mid-watch, imposing upon us as often the necessity ofcalling the men to quarters; indeed, from about half-past two they sleptat their guns. Great excitement pervades the entire city. Themarket-square, the quays, and the windows of the houses, are thronged byan eager and curious multitude, expecting every moment to see a combat.The enemy approached us at one time within a ship's length.
Friday, November 15th.—Fine, bright morning. At 7.30 a French steamerof war, L'Acheron, Captain Duchaxel, came in from Fort de France, andmade fast to one of the buoys. The Iroquois about a mile from us. At8.30 sent a boat on board the Frenchman to pay the usual ceremonialvisit. The throng in the town unabated, multitudes being gathered nearthe water, looking out at the two ships. At 10 the French captain paidme a visit. He came up, he said, with orders from the Governor, topreserve the neutrality of the port between the two belligerents, and incase the Iroquois came to an anchor, to demand of the captain a promisethat he would not proceed to sea for twenty-four hours after our owndeparture. I wrote to the Governor, informing him of the violation ofthe neutrality of the port by the Iroquois, and desiring him to applythe proper remedy:—
C.S. steamer Sumter, St. Pierre, Island of Martinique, November 15th,1861.
SIR,—I have the honor to inform your Excellency that I am closelyblockaded in this port by the enemy's steam sloop-of-war Iroquois, oftwice my force. This vessel, in defiance of the law of nations, and incontempt of the neutrality of this island, has boldly entered theharbour, and without coming to anchor is cruising backwards and forwardsin a menacing attitude, not only within the marine league of the shore,but within less than a ship's length of this vessel, which is moored notmore than one hundred yards from the beach. During the past night sheseveral times approached me within fifty or a hundred yards. I deem itmy duty to acquaint your Excellency with these facts, and to invoke yourauthority for the preservation of my just rights within your waters. Itake the following principles, applicable to the present case, to bewell settled by the law of nations:—Firstly, that no act of hostility,proximate or remote, can be committed by any belligerent in neutralwaters; secondly, that when a cruiser of one belligerent takes refugewithin the waters of a neutral power, a cruiser of the oppositebelligerent cannot follow her into those waters for purposes ofhostility, proximate or remote. It is not only unlawful for her toapproach within the marine league, for the purpose of watch and menace,but it is equally unlawful for her to hover about the coast of theneutral, at any distance within plain view, for the same purposes. Allthese are remote or prospective acts of war, and as such, offensive tothe neutral power. Thirdly, that when opposite belligerents meet byaccident in a neutral port, if one of them departs therefrom, the otheris bound to wait twenty-four hours before departing. For the oppositebelligerent to depart immediately in pursuit, is to avail herself of theneutral territory for the purpose of war. She commits, by the very factof sailing, a remote act of hostility which is offensive to the neutralstate.
In view of the foregoing facts and principles, I respectfully requestthat your Excellency will cause the Iroquois to cease hovering about thecoast of the island for the purpose of watching my movements; in otherwords, to withdraw herself out of plain sight. Or if she prefers to comein, to anchor, to direct either that she shall depart twenty-four hoursbefore me, or wait twenty-four hours after my departure, whichever shemay prefer. I shall be ready for sea in four or five days, as soon as myengineers make some necessary repairs to my machinery.
In conclusion, it is quite possible that the captain of the Iroquois mayarrange some signals for giving him intelligence of my movements, withthe United States consul at this port, and I have therefore to requestthat some officer may be charged with the prevention of any such act ofhostility.
I have the honour to be, &c.,
(Signed) R. SEMMES.
To His Excellency M. Maussion de Condé,
Admiral and Governor of Martinique,
During this night the Iroquois did not approach us so near as on thepast night. Closed in the gun-deck ports, got the swinging boomsalongside, and directed the crew, in case of being called to quartersduring the night, to repair to the spar-deck as boarders, boarding beingthe mode in which the enemy would attack us, if at all.[4]
[Footnote 4: On the 14th, at 4 P.M. when we had nearly finished coalingand other arrangements for sea, a steamer was seen rounding the northpoint of the island. She was under Danish colours, and had made, it wasevident, some ludicrous attempts at disguising herself—such, forinstance, as a studied disarrangement of her yards, and some alterationof her head-booms. I was under the impression at the time that we werevery old birds to be caught with such chaff. She came up slowly atfirst, evidently not seeing us as we lay concealed in the shadow of thehills; but when within about two miles, we could see, with the aid ofour glasses, the water curling from her bows, and we knew that theYankee had scented his prey; or, to employ the expressive phrase of ourrough old signal quartermaster, "she had got a bone in her mouth." Allthe good citizens of St. Pierre came down to the beach to witness thescene, and a great many indulged their aquatic instincts by swimming outto us to await the dénouement. The Iroquois was now close on to us,and when about a hundred yards distant, hauled down the Danish colours,and set the stars and stripes in their place. Thus we were once more inthe presence of our hated foe.
The Iroquois is one of the new class of gunboats, powerfully armed withnine and eleven-inch guns, and is about 1000 tons burden. Her crewconsists of about 200 men; and we knew it was useless for the Sumter tothink of fighting her, our only hope of escape being by strategy. Theenemy stood in close to the land, and sent a boat on shore tocommunicate with the U.S. Consul and the French authorities, being,however, very careful not to drop anchor. Captain Palmer informed hisExcellency the Governor that there was a pirate at anchor in the port ofSt. Pierre, and requested permission to destroy her; but this wasrefused emphatically, and the irate commander furnished with theproclamation of his Imperial Majesty Napoleon III., accordingbelligerent rights to the Confederate States, and decreeing strictneutrality on the part of France. He was informed that it was necessaryfor the Iroquois either to cast anchor, or leave the waters of the isle,and if accepting the former alternative, that an interval of twenty-fourhours must elapse between the departure of either belligerent; alsothat, in case of any breach of neutrality occurring, the forts wouldopen on the offending party. After remaining stationary for some twohours, her boat returned. The Iroquois stood out of the harbour, takinga position a short distance ahead of us, and commenced backing andfilling across our bows. Meanwhile the crew of "the pirate" were notidle; every preparation was made to repel boarders, and to defend ourship to the last extremity. The crew were inspected, and every man seento be properly armed and equipped for action. We fully expected anattack that night, and remembered the threats and loud pretensions ofnot respecting any neutrality which prevented them from destroying theSumter, as made by the commander of the Niagara, and the redoubtablePorter of the Powhattan,—this latter gentleman having actually followedus as far as Maranham, only to find the people Sumter-mad on hisarrival. Very few on board the Sumter that night felt any inclinationfor slumber; the men were sitting about in groups, commenting in lowtones on the contest which now seemed to be imminent; while thoseofficers who were at leisure were gathered on the quarter-deck, engagedin the same interesting discussion.
At 2 A.M. the word was passed by the look-outs forward that the Yankeewas bearing down close upon us; and the order passed, almost in awhisper, "to go to quarters." I never saw men obey an order with morealacrity. In a few minutes the boarders, pikemen, and small-arm men wereranged in three lines close to our low rail, to await his attack, allpreserving a perfect silence that seemed death-like. When about twentyfeet distant from us, we heard the deep tones of her bell in theengine-room, as it rang the order to back; but not before we haddiscovered her men at quarters, and, in fact, presenting everyappearance of a ship intending to board an enemy. A single straypistol-shot would have brought on the engagement, and to judge from thelights and signals glancing along the fortifications, the Frenchmenwould have taken a hand, too. The appearance of our decks next morningwas amusing. The men were strewn about promiscuously fully armed andaccoutred for battle, endeavouring to obtain some rest; a stranger mighteasily have imagined us to be a buccaneer. Captain Palmer stated nextday that he was afraid we would board him in boats, when asked themeaning of his threatening manoeuvres; but it was difficult to believethat the commander of a ship of war would make such a flimsy excuse; andlet us hope for his own credit that he did not really believe his ownstatement. The demeanour of the crew was most satisfactory. No noise orbustle could be noticed; but a quiet, firm determination was expressedin the countenance of each man to defend our noble little ship to thebitter end, and never strike our flag to the foe. These flagrantviolations of neutrality greatly irritated the inhabitants, and thebetter portion of them threw off their thin mask of indifference, andopenly expressed sympathy for us. Some were so excited as to volunteerto go with us; but their kind offers were not accepted. The negroes,however, did not seem to recognise us for what we really are, their bestfriends, but were somewhat opposed to the Sumter; and their allegianceto our enemy was made the subject of one of Captain Palmer's voluminousdespatches to Mr. Gideon Welles.—Index.]
Saturday, November 10th.—The Iroquois ahead of us, about a miledistant. At 10 A.M., I returned the visit of the French commander. Ipointed out to him the insolent manner in which the Iroquois wasviolating the neutrality of the port. No additional order had beenreceived from the Governor. Scraping and painting ship, and repairingthe engine to put it in thorough condition for service. At meridian theIroquois came to anchor about half a mile from us, at the man-of-waranchorage. The captain of the Acheron visited me, to say the Governorhad directed him to inform me that if I preferred it, he would be gladto have me visit Fort de France with my ship, where he could afford memore ample protection, and whither, he presumed, the Iroquois would notfollow me; and if she did, that he would compel her to depart fromFrench waters.
I replied that before deciding upon this invitation, I would wait andsee whether the Iroquois accepted the condition of remaining twenty-fourhours after my departure, or departing twenty-four hours before me. TheIroquois got under way again immediately after anchoring, and in theevening the captain of the Acheron sent a lieutenant on board of me, tosay that the commander of the Iroquois refused to accept the condition,and that he had been directed to withdraw himself beyond the marineleague in consequence. She remained a few hours to supply herself withrefreshments, and as night fell took her station; but not at thedistance of a marine league during the night.
We have thus taught this ignoramus Yankee captain some knowledge of, andsome respect for, the laws of neutrality. In the afternoon I took adelightful stroll along the beach northward.
Sunday, November 17th.—Morning fine. Visited the church opposite theship, and heard mass. The congregation was very large, composed chieflyof blacks—women. We were politely shown into the trustees' pew. A shortsermon, chiefly addressed to some young persons who had just made theirfirst communion, was delivered by a good-looking young priest, who hadfair command of language, and was easy and graceful in his manner.
A sort of police officer or fugleman officiated here, as at FortRoyal—a feature which I did not like. The Iroquois preserves herdistance by daylight.
Monday, November 18th.—The enemy cruising off the harbour as usual.Daring the morning a French man-of-war schooner arrived from Fort deFrance, with the Governor on board (who visits St. Pierre to distributepremiums to the schools), and about one hundred troops to reinforce thefort. Repairing our machinery and painting ship. Some boatmen have beenimprisoned by the authorities for going out to the enemy. At nightfallthe Director of the Customs came off to see me, and said that theGovernor had told him he expected to see the Captain of the Sumter athis (the Director's) house; adding, that he said this of his ownaccord—the Governor not having authorized him to say as much to me. Itook the hint, and went on shore at 8 P.M., accompanied by my clerk, tocall on his Excellency. He did not seem to have anything in particularto say, except to renew his invitation for me to go to Fort de France inmy ship, which I declined, on the ground that this would be a moreconvenient port from which to escape, and one affording more facilitiesfor the repairs of my engine. He told me that the Captain of theIroquois pleaded ignorance as to his violation of the neutrality of theport; but added, he knew better. An American (enemy) schooner got underway at dusk, and stood out to the Iroquois, where she remained about anhour before proceeding on her cruise to the northward and westward.
Tuesday, November 19th.—Some surf observable this morning, increasinguntil about 4 P.M.; the wind variable, settling for a short time in thesouth-east. I became anxious on account of my berth, which wasrepresented to me as insecure, in case of a blow from seaward. I sentand got a pilot on board, but when he came he said he thought we shouldnot have bad weather; and as by this time the sea had gone down, I wasof his opinion, and concluded to remain at my anchors for the present,especially as the repairs to our machinery would be finished byto-morrow evening. Heavy rain in the evening. The Iroquois within themarine league. Visited by the commander of the French schooner of war,whom we called on yesterday. About 10 P.M. the British mail steamerarrived from St. Thomas. Sent a boat on board of her, and got Englishpapers to the 1st November. She brings intelligence of the enemy'ssteamer St. Jacinto, having boarded an English steam-packet, and takenout of her Messrs. Slidell and Mason, who had been carried to theHavannah by the Nashville. The English people will regard this as aninsult to their flag, and in this way it may do us good. Night clear;moon rising a little before eight. Not quite darkness enough for ourpurpose yet.
Wednesday, November 20th.—Morning clear; wind variable. The Iroquoisnever loses sight of us, violating the neutrality of the port by nightby coming within the marine league to observe us. Sent the engineer onshore to hurry the repair of his pumps. Loosed sails. Furled atmeridian, and ordered the fires to be lighted at 1 P.M.; the weatherlooking unsettled, heeled the ship and scraped the grass off her portside near the water-line. The Iroquois crawled in again last nightwithin about a mile and a half. As it was cloudy we lost sight of her inthe early part of the night for the first time.
Thursday, November 21st.—Cloudy, with slight showers of rain. Drewthe charges from the battery and reloaded it; and examined and put inorder for action the small arms. Got up some barrels of salt provisionsand arranged them on each side of the quarter-deck to trim ship. She layan inch or two too much by the head. A boat employed filling up ourwater. Changed our fasts to the shores in readiness for a move. Hurryingthe engineer with his work. I fear every moment to see another enemy'sship arrive. During the morning the Governor returned in the Acheron toFort de France. In the afternoon the Acheron came back. Wrote a note tothe latter complaining of the continued violation of the neutrality ofthe port by the enemy's ship. Engineer not ready, so we are obliged tolie over another day.
C.S. Steamer Sumter, St Pierre,
Nov. 21st, 1861.
SIR,—It becomes my duty to complain of the continued violation of theneutrality of this port, and of my right of asylum, by the enemy's steamsloop of war the Iroquois.
This vessel, in shameful disregard of the warnings she has received fromhis Excellency the Governor, comes every night, under cover of thedarkness, within a mile and a-half, or less, of the anchorage. Lastnight, at nine o'clock, she was seen from my deck with the naked eye,assisted by an occasional flash of lightning; and as the night wascomparatively obscure, no vessel, not being under sail, could have beenseen at a greater distance than from a mile to a mile and a quarter.
I have besides to inform you, that two small boats communicated with theenemy in broad daylight yesterday, one of them pulling, upon leavingher, to the north point, and the other to the south point, of theharbour.
I have, &c., &c., (Signed) R. SEMMES.
To M. Duchaxel, Commander of His French Majesty's steamer, L'Acheron.
Friday, November 22nd.—The enemy about two and a half miles distant.The engineer will be ready to-day, and, God willing, we will get outto-night. Wrote to the captain of the Acheron, in reply to the positionassumed by the governor:—
C.S. Steamer Sumter, St. Pierre,
Nov. 22nd, 1861.
SIR,—I have had the honour to receive your letter of yesterday, inwhich you communicate to me the views of the Governor of Martiniquerelative to the protection of my right of asylum in the waters of thisisland; and I regret to say that those views do not appear to me to comeup to the requirements of the international code. The Governor says,"that it does not enter into his intentions to exercise towards theIroquois, either by night or by day, so active a surveillance as youdesire." And you tell me that "we ought to have confidence in the strictexecution of a promise made by a commander in the military marine of theAmerican Union, so long as he has not shown to us evidence that thisengagement has not been scrupulously fulfilled." It would appear fromthese expressions that the only protection I am to receive against theblockade of the enemy is a simple promise exacted from that enemy, thathe will keep himself without the marine league of the land; the Governorin the meantime exercising no watch by night or by day to see whetherthis promise is complied with. In addition to the facts related by meyesterday, I have this morning to report that one of my officers, beingon shore in the northern environs of the town last night, between eightand nine o'clock, saw two boats, each pulling eight oars, the mendressed in dark clothing, with the caps usually worn by seamen of theNorthern States, pulling quietly in towards the beach. He distinctlyheard a conversation between them in English, one of themsaying—"Harry, there she is; I see her"—in allusion, doubtless, to thepresence of my vessel. These boats, no doubt, have orders to make signalto the Iroquois the moment they discover me under way. Now, with all duedeference to his Excellency the Governor, I cannot see the differencebetween the violation of the neutrality of these waters by the enemy'sboats, and by his ship. And if no strict surveillance is to be"exercised either by night or by day," I am receiving very much suchprotection as the wolf would accord to the lamb. Is it an act of lovefor the enemy to approach me with his boats for the purpose ofreconnaissance, and especially during the night? and I have the sameright to demand that he keep his boats beyond the marine league as thathe keep his ship at that distance. Nor am I willing to rely upon hispromise, that he will not infringe my rights in this particular. Itappears to me further, especially after the knowledge of the facts whichI have brought to your notice, that it is the duty of France to exercisesurveillance over her own water, "both by night and by day," when anenemy's cruiser is blockading a friendly belligerent, who has soughtthe asylum in those waters accorded to him by the law of nations. Ihave, therefore, respectfully to request that you will keep a-watch bymeans of guard boats, at both points of this harbour, to prevent therepetition of the hostile act which was committed against me last night;or, if you will not do this yourself, that you will permit me to armboats and capture the enemy when so approaching me. It would seem quiteplain, either that I should be protected, or be permitted to protectmyself. Further, it is in plain violation of neutrality for the enemy tobe in daily communication with the shore, whether by means of his ownboats, or boats from the shore. If he needs supplies, it is his duty tocome in for them; and if he comes in, he must anchor; and if he anchor,he must accept the condition of remaining twenty-four hours after mydeparture. It is a mere subterfuge for him to remain in the offing, andsupply himself with all he needs, besides reconnoitreing me closely bymeans of boats. I protest against this act also. I trust you will excuseme for having occupied so much of your time by so lengthy acommunication, but I deem it my duty to place myself right upon therecord in this matter. I shall seize an early opportunity to sail fromthese waters; and if I should be brought to a bloody conflict with anenemy, of twice my force, by means of signals given him in the waters ofFrance, either by his own boats or others', I wish my government to knowthat I protested against the unfriendly ground assumed by the Governor,that "it does not enter into his intentions to exercise towards theIroquois either by night or by day, so active a surveillance as you [I]require."
I have the honour to be, &c., &c.,
(Signed) R. SEMMES.
M. Duchaxel,
Commander of H.I.M. Steamer, L'Acheron.
C.S. Steamer Sumter, St. Pierre,
Nov. 23, 1861.
SIR,—I have the honor to inform you that the pilot of the enemy'ssteamer Iroquois habitually spends his time on shore in this port; andthat last night he slept on board the enemy's topsail schooner moorednear the beach, in the vicinity of the English barque Barracouta. I haveample evidence outside of my ship to establish these facts. Now, it mustbe obvious to you that the enemy has sent this man into French waters toact as a spy upon my movements; and he has, no doubt, in his possessionrockets or other signals, with which to communicate my departure to hisship. This man, though only a pilot, and temporarily employed on boardthe Iroquois, is in law as much an officer of that ship, for the timebeing, as any one of her lieutenants.
The case, then, may be stated thus:—A lieutenant of the Iroquois notonly spends his time habitually on shore, but sleeps at night on boardanother vessel of the enemy, instead of sleeping at a hotel, the betterto enable him to observe my movements, and communicate them to his ship.And yet all this is permitted by the authorities!
I most respectfully but earnestly protest against this violation of myrights. As I stated in my letter of yesterday, an act of reconnaissance(and still more an act of reconnaissance for the purpose of givinginformation by signal) is an act of war; and will France permit an actof war to be committed against me in her own waters, and under the eyeof her authorities, civil and military?
In conclusion, I request that you will issue an order, requiring thisspy to depart to his ship, and that you will also take the proper stepsto prevent the schooner in which he stays from making any signals to theenemy.
I have the honor to be, &c., &c.,
(Signed) R. SEMMES.
M. Duchaxel,
Commander of H.I.M. Steamer, L'Acheron.
NOTE.—The Sumter went to sea from the port of St. Pierre on the evening(8 o'clock) of the date of the preceding letter, and, as was predicted,the light was burned on board the American schooner to signal herdeparture to the Iroquois.
* * * * *
Muffled the windlass. Getting on board some water. Last night, betweeneight and nine o'clock, the engineer being on shore, near the north endof the town, saw two of the Iroquois' touts, and heard one of them sayto the other, "Harry, that's she—I see her:" in allusion, doubtless, tothe presence of this vessel. We were all very anxious as the nightapproached as to the state of the weather; and lo! for the first time infive or six days, we had a beautiful star-light night, without a speckof cloud anywhere to be seen. The enemy continued plain in sight, andour black smoke, as it issued from the stack, would have betrayed us ata distance of five miles. We were therefore reluctantly compelled togive up the attempt.
Saturday, November 23rd.—Beautiful clear morning, with everyappearance of settled weather. Fine starlit nights and clear settleddays, though very pleasant to the lover of nature, are not quite suchweather as we require for running a blockade by a ship which keepsherself in plain sight of us, and which has the heels of us. But we musthave patience, and bide our time. Several sail have come in and departedduring the last twenty-four hours. The enemy in the offing as usual.Towards noon it began to cloud up, and we had some rain, and I hadstrong hopes that we should have a cloudy, dark night. The moon wouldnot rise until seven minutes past eleven, and if we could be aided by afew clouds we should have sufficient darkness; for be it known that inthese tropical climates, where almost every star is a moon, there is nosuch thing as darkness when the firmament is clear. But my hopes beganto fade, with the day, for one cloud disappeared after another, as thesun went down, until the night promised to be as serene and bright asthe last. Venus, too, looked double her usual size, and being threehours bright at sunset, poured forth a flood of light, little less thanthat of the moon in a northern latitude. Notwithstanding all thesediscouragements, however, I resolved to attempt the run, and having madeall the necessary preparations silently, so as not to awaken thesuspicions of the townspeople, who were always on the alert, at aboutfive minutes before eight o'clock gun-fire, I directed the chain to beslipped, and the fasts to the shore cut, and put her under steam. Theenemy being on my starboard bow, and apparently standing towards thenorth point of the roadstead, I headed her for the south point, givingher full steam. So much on the qui vive were the townspeople, that wehad scarcely moved twenty yards when a shout rent the air, and there wasa confused murmur of voices, as if Babel had been let loose. As weneared the French steamer of war, Acheron, signals were made to theenemy by means of blue lights from one of the Yankee schooners in port:perceiving which, and knowing that the signals were so arranged as todesignate our direction, after moving a few hundred yards further, Idoubled, and came back under cover of the land, while I stopped once ortwice to assure myself that the enemy was continuing his course in theopposite direction, in obedience to his signals; when, as soon as theengineer could do so (for he had to cool his bearings, and this wastruly an anxious moment for me), I gave her all steam, and stood for thenorth end of the island. As we approached it, the Fates, which hadbefore seemed unpropitious to us, began to smile, and the rain-squall,which had come up quite unexpectedly, began to envelope us in itsfriendly folds, shutting in our dense clouds of black smoke, which werereally the worst tell-tales we had to dread. The first half-hour's runwas a very anxious one for us; but as we began to lose sight of thelights of the town and to draw away from the land, we knew that theenemy had been caught in his own trap, and that we had successfullyeluded him. I had warned the French authorities that their neutralitywould be disregarded, and that these signals would be made. Thecommander of the Iroquois had been guilty of a shameful violation ofgood faith towards the French naval officer, to whom he made a promisethat he would respect the neutrality of the port, by sending his piloton shore, and arranging these signals with the Yankee skippers. Yankeefaith and Punic faith seem to be on a par. Our ship made good speed,though she was very deep, and by half-past eleven we made up with thesouth end of Dominica. Here the wind fell, and we ran along the coast ofthe island in a smooth sea, not more than four or five miles from theland. The moon by this time being up, the bold and picturesque outlinesof this island, softened by the rains and wreathed in fleecy clouds,presented a beautiful night-scene.
The sleeping town of Rousseau barely showed us the glimmer of a light,and we passed but one coasting schooner. At 2 A.M., we were off thenorth end of the island, but now heavy rain-squalls came up, andrendered it so thick, that we were obliged to slow down, and even stopthe engine, it being too thick to run. The squall lighting up a little,we endeavoured to feel our way in the dark; mistook the south for thenorth end of Prince Rupert's Bay, and only discovered our mistake whenwe had gotten fearfully near the shore, and had whitened our water!Hauled her broad out, and again put her under very slow steam. Theweather now lighting up more, we put her under headway again, doubledthe island, and shaped our course E. by N. It was now 4:30 A.M., and Iwent below and turned in. Deo gratias. Poor D., the quartermaster, Ihad to depose him from his high office of night look-out this night. Hehad been remarked for his keen vision by night; but on this occasion hewas so perturbed, that he saw a steamer bearing down upon him from everydirection—even magnifying small sloops into frigates. The evening ofthis day was lovely, and I think I have never seen a more beautiful,sedative, poetic, love-in-a-cottage landscape, than the valleys andhills presented in which lies the town of St. Pierre. All these charmswere heightened by the presence of grim-visaged war. Our run took everyone by surprise—several of the officers had breakfast and dinner,appointments for several days ahead. My crew seem to be highly delightedat our success in "doing the Yankee;" but I am not sure that an oldboatswain's-mate, and a hard, weather-beaten quartermaster, who hadshaved their heads for a close fight, were not disappointed that it didnot come off.
Again at sea—Two captures—The Montmorency—The Arcade—Eastward,ho!—The Vigilant taken—News from home—Dirty weather—Thewhale—Ebenezer Dodge—In irons—A cyclone—The gale rages—Fire!—Christmas day—No luck—The clank of the pumps—Cadiz.
Once more afloat on the open sea; and at 4 P.M. of Monday November 25th,a promising commencement was made in the capture of the fine shipMontmorency, of 1183 tons, laden with Welsh coal for the English MailPacket service. And, fortunately so for her, or she would have sharedthe fate of the Golden Balance, the Daniel Trowbridge, and other "burntofferings" of the little Sumter. As it was, she paid a light toll in theshape of small supplies of paint, cordage, &c., and entering into aransom bond for 20,000 dollars, to be paid to the Confederate StatesGovernment at the end of the war, her captain and crew were paroled, andshe herself permitted to proceed on her voyage.
At 1.30 P.M., on the 26th November—writes Captain Semmes—showed firstthe United States and then our own colours to an English schooner,probably from the Bahamas to the Windward Islands, and at three capturedthe United States schooner Arcade from Portland, Maine, to Port auPrince, Guadaloupe, loaded with stores. The master and half-owner of theschooner was Master of the barque Saxony at the time of the loss of theCentral America, and was instrumental in saving lives on that occasion,for which a handsome telescope had been presented to him. I had thepleasure of returning the glass to him, captured among the other effectsof his vessel.
Took the master and crew on board (a rough sea running), and set fire toher. At 4.40 stood on our course. The blaze of the burning vessel stillin sight at 8 P.M. During the night the wind lulled and became variable.Hauled down the fore and aft sails, and steered N.E. The prize had nonewspapers on board, but we learned from the master that the great navalexpedition which the enemy had been some time preparing had struck atBeaufort, South Carolina, on Fort Royal Sound. No result known.
* * * * *
After five days of hard fighting with the strong N.E. trade, blowing forthe most part half a gale of wind, and with thick and dirty weather, theenemy is at length overcome, the sky clears, and the Sumter's head isturned towards Europe. And now for a time Yankee commerce was to have arespite, its relentless little enemy directing its attention exclusivelytowards maturing her voyage across the Atlantic. She had at this timebut sixty days' water for her own crew, in addition to whom there werenow the six prisoners taken from the schooner. The passage, too, wouldhave to be made for the most part under canvas, and would probably notoccupy less than fifty days. Of course, she had now but six or sevendays' supply of coal—a small reserve in case of emergency, and hardlysufficient to enable her to cruise a few days on the other side, and, ifpossible, not go quite "empty-handed" into port.
Still the days were not altogether uneventful, and before the week wasout, a fine prize ran, as it were, into her very arms. Of this capturethe journal gives the following account:—
Tuesday, December 3rd.—At 6.30 A.M. Sail, ho! a point on thestarboard bow. At 7.30 the sail, which was standing in nearly theopposite direction from ourselves, approached us within a couple ofmiles. We hoisted French colours, when she showed United States'. Tookin all the studding sails, hauled by the wind, tacked, and fired ashotted gun. The stranger immediately hove to. Lowered a boat, and senta lieutenant on board of him. Stood on and tacked, and having broughtthe stranger under my guns, I began to feel sure of him (our smoke stackwas down, and we could not have raised steam in less than two hours anda half). He proved to be the ship Vigilant, of Bath, Maine, bound fromNew York to the guano island of Sombrero, in ballast. Captured him. Tookfrom on board chronometer, charts, &c., and a nine pounder rifled gun,with ammunition, &c. Set him on fire, and at 3 P.M. made sail. This wasa fine new ship, being only two years old, and worth about 40,000dollars.
Lat. 29.10 N., Long. 57.2-2 W. Steering E. by N. We received a largesupply of New York papers to the 21st November. We learned from thesepapers that the San Jacinto was in search of us when she took Messrs.Mason and Slidell from on board the Trent. The enemy has thus done usthe honour to send in pursuit of us the Powhattan, the Niagara, theIroquois, the Keystone State, and the San Jacinto.
* * * * *
Dirty weather now for several days, the little vessel rolling andstraining, and withal beginning to leak to an extent which caused nosmall anxiety to those in command. Still, however, she was quite up tomischief, and on the 8th December, the Ebenezer Dodge, twelve days fromNew Bedford, bound to the Pacific on a whaling voyage, was added to thefatal list. Forty-three prisoners were now on board, cooped up with thecrew in the narrow berth deck, when the weather forbade their appearanceon deck, and the little Sumter was beginning to feel herselfovercrowded.
It became necessary to adopt precautions, and one-half the prisonerswere now kept constantly in single irons, taking it turn and turn aboutto submit to the necessary but disagreeable infliction. The wind, too,hung perseveringly in the east, and things were getting uncomfortable.They were destined, as the following extracts will show, to be yet moreso.
Wednesday, December 11th.—As ugly-looking a morning as one could wellconceive. Thick, dark, gloomy weather, with the wind blowing fresh fromthe east, and threatening a gale (bar. 29.70 and falling) and a steadybut moderate rain falling. Put the ship under short sail. Our largenumber of prisoners renders the crew very uncomfortable during this badweather. At meridian, gale blowing, with thick, driving rain. Lat.32° 48' N., Long. 49° 32' W.D.R. At 2 P.M., dense clouds hanging very lowall around the horizon in every direction. Wind about E.S.E., inclinedto haul to the southward. Bar. 29.59. The pall of clouds is not so denseas at noon, and the rain comes only occasionally in squalls. The cloudsare rifted, and appear to be on the point of rapid motion. Wore ship tothe northward and eastward. The wind soon after backed to the northwardand eastward, and we had to run the ship off N.W. for a while. Towardsnight, however, the wind went back to E., and blew very fiercely,raising very heavy and irregular sea-squalls of rain. The lightning wasvery vivid. It blew very heavily until about 1 A.M., when it abated formore than two hours, blowing only in puffs, and then not very hard. Nearthe centre of the cyclone, lowest barometer. A little past midnight aquartermaster entered with the report that the starboard-bow port hadbeen stove in! It was then blowing furiously. I immediately despatchedthe first lieutenant to barricade the port and stop out the water aseffectually as possible, in which he succeeded pretty well. This reportgave me considerable anxiety, as the ports in the gun-deck and theuppermost works of the ship are her weak points at which the gale wouldassault her with most effect. In the meantime the barometer has beengradually settling, settling, settling—sometimes remaining stationaryfor several hours and then going down as before. At 8 P.M. it was 29.53.We had an awful night—no one able to sleep.
Thursday, December 12th.—Thick, gloomy weather, with the gale ragingas fiercely as ever. It blew very heavily all the morning. The barometercontinued to sink until it reached 29.32—at 6 A.M. its lowest point.The wind has hauled to the south. We are evidently in a cyclone, havingtaken it in its northern quarter, the gale travelling north. On thestarboard tack, its centre has passed to the west of us. Ordered thedonkey engine to be got ready for use last night, in case the shipshould make more water than the small bilge pumps could throw out.Carried away the flying jibboom at 7.30 A.M.—saved the sail. As thegale progressed the wind hauled to the south and west; and at 4 P.M.,judging that the strength of the gale had passed us, I kept the ship onher course, E. by S., which gave a quartering wind and sea; and althoughthe sea was heavy, and the wind yet blowing a gale, she made beautifulweather of it, scudding as well as she had lain to. The wind blew freshall night, with a slowly rising barometer.
Escaped the "cyclone," a fresh danger threatened, and from the elementmore feared by the sailor than either wind or water in their wildestmoods. It was about midnight of December the 14th that the watch on deckwere startled by the smell of fire, soon followed by the appearance ofsmoke pouring out of the ventilator leading up from the berth deck. Thealarm was immediately given; hands turned up and sent to quarters, and astrict investigation made. Fortunately no damage was done except to amattress and pea-jacket which were partly consumed; but the escape was anarrow one, and the sentries on duty below no doubt consideredthemselves well off, to escape with no other punishment for theircarelessness than a week's stoppage of their grog.
On went the Sumter with varying fortune, now running pleasant races withsome huge whale, that left a track upon the water almost as broad as herown; now rolling and tumbling in a gale, with ports barricaded to keepthe water out, and donkey engine ringed to keep it under. And at lastthe continued bad weather and consequent confinement to the crowdedlower deck, began to tell upon the health of the crew, and no less thantwelve were at one time upon the sick list. The little vessel herself,too, was getting rapidly invalided. The leak increased terribly, andfully half the day was taken up at the pumps. The Christmas-tide entriesin the Journal are as follows:—
Tuesday, December 24th.—An unpropitious Christmas-eve; the gale oflast night continuing, with rain and a densely overcast sky. Thebarometer is rising, however, which is a portent that the gale will notlast long. I have abandoned the idea of attempting to run into Fayal.These Azores seem to be so guarded by the Furies of the storm, that itwould appear to be a matter of great difficulty to reach them in thewinter season. We have thirty-eight days of water on board, allowing agallon to a man; but still I have put the officers and crew on theallowance of three quarts per day. I will run for the Straits ofGibraltar, which will carry me in the vicinity of Madeira, should I haveoccasion to make a port sooner.
Weather breaking somewhat at noon, but still thickly overcast. Noobservation. Lat. 37° 31' N., Long. 31° 71' W. by computation. Itfreshened up from the N. at 2 P.M., and blew a gale of wind all nightfrom N.N.E. to N.N.W. Running off with the wind a little abaft the beamvery comfortably; but the two small pumps were kept going nearly allnight. They do little more than keep her free.
Wednesday, December 25th.—Christmas-day! Bringing with it, away herein mid-ocean, all the kindly recollections of the season and home, andchurch and friends. Alas! how great the contrast between these thingsand our present condition. A leaky ship filled with prisoners of war,striving to make a port through the almost constantly recurring gales ofthe North Atlantic in mid-winter! Sick list—ten of the crew, and fourprisoners. Wind fresh from the N.W. We are making a good run thesetwenty-four hours. Lat. 36'08 N., Long. 28-42 W. Weather cloudy, andlooking squally and ugly, with a falling barometer, it being at noon29.70; 29.80 is the highest it has been since the last gale. A series ofgales commenced on the 19th inst. Altered our course from S.E. by E. toS.E. to avoid the St. Mary's bank; a Captain Livingstone havingreported, about forty years ago, that he saw white waters hereabouts,and no nation having thought it worth while to verify the report.Thermometer 63°. Heavy rain-squalls. The weather during the night wasdirty and squally, with lightning all around the horizon by turns, andheavy rain.. Spliced the main-brace.
The 26th December brought the Sumter off Cape Flyaway, and once more shewas rapidly approaching the ordinary track of commerce.
Monday, December 30th.—Sail, ho! at daylight, and Sail, ho! insuccession during the whole day, until as many as thirty-five werereported. There were as many as nine or ten in sight at one time, allstanding on the same course for the tide and wind. Got up steam andbegan chasing at 8 A.M., and chased until 4 P.M. The first vessel weoverhauled was a Dutch barque, clipper-looking, on board which we sent aboat; and we afterwards overhauled, and caused to show their papers,fifteen others of the fleet, every one of which was European!—Viz.Dutch (ships), 4; English (2 barques and 5 brigs), 7; French (1 ship and1 brig), 2; Swedish (brig), 1; Prussian (barque), 1; Hamburg (brig), 1.One of the results of the war is, that in this whole fleet, as far as wecould ascertain, there was not a single Yankee! So many ships at thesame time so far out at sea, is a sight not often seen. The weather wasvery thick and rainy, and from the S. to E., a real dirty day; and insuch a state of weather, with so many ships running down our track, wehad serious apprehensions of collisions as the night set in. To guardagainst which we set out masthead as well as side lights. At 4.30 P.M.,let the steam go down and made sail. No observations. Lat. 35° 39';Long. 17° 33' D.R.
We first showed the United States colours to all these vessels, and theonly one which saluted it was the Prussian. We afterwards showed our ownflag to a number of them, and they all, with one or two exceptions,saluted it. The stream of vessels still continued after nightfall—twohaving passed us showing lights, one ahead and the other astern. At 6.15P.M., or about one hour after dark, the wind was blowing fresh from theE., and they came down upon us with fearful rapidity.
Friday, January 3rd, 1862.—Ugly looking morning, with a fallingbarometer. Several sail were reported from the masthead during themorning watch. We shortened sail to permit one of them, which wassteering the same course with ourselves, to come up with us. She provedto be a Spaniard. We then gave chase to another ahead of us, runningbefore the wind for the Strait of Gibraltar. We chased her some twohours, when it began to blow a fierce gale from the west, which obligedus to give over the chase and to haul up to prevent running to leewardof our port, and to put the ship under short sail and steam. It blewvery fiercely until near sunset, and raised a heavy, short, abrupt sea,in which the ship rolled more heavily than I had ever seen her before.This shook our propeller so as to cause the ship to increase herquantity of water considerably—so much so that the engineer reportedthat under short steam he was just keeping her free with hisbilge-pumps, and that if anything happened to these, he feared the otherpumps would not be sufficient. Under these circ*mstances, I ran in forthe land, cutting short my cruise by a day or two, as Iliad still two orthree days' coal on board. We made the Cadiz Light in the mid-watch—(myfine chronometers!)—a beautiful red flash, and soon after gotsoundings. Ran in for the light under low steam, and at 7 A.M. we werewithin four or five miles of it. The morning was wet and gloomy. Fired agun, and hoisted the jack for a pilot; and soon after, having receivedone on board, we ran into the harbour and anchored. As we approached,the scene was most beautiful, in spite of the day. The city of Cadiz isa perfect picture as you approach it, with domes, and towers, andminarets, and Moorish-looking houses, of a beautiful white stone. Theharbour was crowded with shipping—very thinly sprinkled with Yankees,who could get no freights—and a number of villages lay around themargin of the bay, and were picturesquely half hidden in the slopes ofthe surrounding mountains, all speaking of regenerate old Spain, and ofthe populousness and thrift of her most famous province of Andalusia.Visited by the health-officer, who informed us that unless we werespecially exempted, we should be quarantined for three days, for nothaving a certificate of health from the Spanish Consul at Martinique. Anumber of merchant ships hoisted their flags in honour of our arrival,and one Yankee showed his in defiance.
Cadiz harbour—Notice to quit—Local authorities—Wisdom—The Queen ofSpain—Docked—Under repair—Deserters—The honour of the flag—TheNeapolitan—The Investigator—Gibraltar—Official visits—Up the rock—Alegend—Neutrality again—Consular diplomacy—Blockaded—TheTusoarora—Seven in pursuit.
During the stay of the Sumter at Cadiz, and her subsequent arrival atGibraltar, Captain Semmes made the entries in his Journal which will befound in this chapter.
Saturday, January 4th.—Harbour of Cadiz—ancient Gades—with itsMoorish houses and feluccas, or latteen vessels. Some fine orangesalongside—the product of this latitude, 36° 32' N., about the sameparallel with Norfolk, Virginia. It is one hundred and eighty-eight daysto-day since we ran the blockade at New Orleans, and of this time wehave been one hundred and thirty-six days at sea. We are informed thisevening that the question of our being admitted to pratique (and Ipresume also the landing of our prisoners) has been referred to Madridby telegram.
Sunday, January 5th.—Sky partially overcast, with a cool north wind.Thermometer 56°. Early this morning the health officer came alongside,and brought me the order from the Government to depart withintwenty-four hours, and a tender of such supplies as I might need in themeantime. I replied as under:—
C.S. Steamer Sumter, Cadiz,
January 5, 1862.
SIR,—I have had the honour to receive, through the health officer of the port, an order from the Government of Spain, directing me to proceed to sea within twenty-four hours. I am greatly surprised at this unfriendly order. Although my Government has not yet been favourably recognised by Spain, it has been declared to be possessed of the rights of belligerents in the war in which it is engaged; and it is the practice of all civilized nations to extend the hospitality of their ports to the belligerents of both parties alike—whether the belligerents be de facto or de jure. I am aware of the rules adopted by Spain, in common with the other great powers, prohibiting belligerent cruisers from bringing their prizes into her ports; but this rule I have not violated. I have entered the harbour of Cadiz with my single ship, and I demand only the hospitality to which I am entitled by the law of nations—the Confederate States being one of the de facto nations of the earth, by Spain's own acknowledgment, as before stated. I am sorry to be obliged to add, too, that my ship is in a crippled condition. She is damaged in her hull, is leaking badly, is unseaworthy, and will require to be docked and repaired before it will be possible for her to proceed to sea. I am therefore constrained, by the force of circ*mstances, most respectfully to decline obedience to the order which I have received, until the necessary repairs can be made. Further, I have on board forty-three prisoners, confined within a small space, greatly to their discomfort, and simple humanity would seem to dictate, that I should be permitted to hand them over to the care of their consul on shore without unnecessary delay.
I have, &c. (Signed) R. SEMMES.
To his Excellency The Military Governor of the Port of Cadiz, Spain.
At 11.30, a boat with the Spanish flag anchored a short distance from me, evidently a guard upon my movements. The Yankees have been at work, no doubt, to bring all this about. The military governor is telegraphing my reply back, and we shall see what the answer will be.
I was mistaken in the above. The order to proceed to sea was begotten in the wise brains of the local authorities. My reply to it having been telegraphed to Madrid, the authorities were overruled; and the Queen despatched an order to permit me to land my prisoners, and to make such repairs as I needed. So this business, which has troubled us a couple of days, is at an end. This evening, just before dark, a Spanish steam-frigate came down from the Navy Yard, and anchored near us.
Monday, January 6th.—Last night I was aroused at 2.30 A.M., by a boat from the shore, with a note from the military governor, requesting me to delay proceeding to sea, that the benevolent intentions of her Majesty's Government in regard to me might be carried out. The "muddy heads" on shore had received a despatch from Madrid, in reply to my letter to them. Weather clear and bracing. Wind from the North. Thermometer at noon 59.° The steam-frigate disappeared somehow during the night. Protested, as under, against the presence of a health guard-boat:—
C.S. Steamer "Sumter,"
Cadiz, January 6th, 1862.
SIR,—I have had the honour to receive your Excellency's note of to-day, in which you inform me that the proceedings of the local authorities of Cadiz, commanding me to proceed to sea within twenty-four hours, have been overruled by the Government at Madrid, and that the Queen had graciously permitted me to land my prisoners, and to remain to put the necessary repairs upon my ship. Do me the favour to communicate to her Majesty my thanks for her prompt and friendly action in the premises.
In the meantime, allow me most respectfully to protest against the presence of the guard-boat which has been placed in surveillance upon my movements, as though I were an ordinary ship of commerce. Compliance with the laws of quarantine should be left with me as a matter of honour, and the presence of this boat implies the suspicion that a ship of war of a friendly Power could so far forget herself as to infringe the regulations of the port—a suspicion as unworthy the health authorities of the port of Cadiz as it is offensive to me.
I have the honour to be, &c. &c.
(Signed) R. SEMMES.
Señor Ignacio Mendez de Vigo,
Military Governor of the Port of Cadiz.
Tuesday, January 7th.—To-day I received a note from Senor de Vigo, the military Governor, informing me that the Queen's Government had consented to permit me to land my prisoners, and to remain for repairs. He puts my remaining, however, on the ground of necessity arising out of my crippled condition. Received also a reply from the Yankee Consul to my note about the prisoners: declined to receive it on account of its being improperly addressed.[5] Landed all the prisoners. Received another note from the Governor, requesting me to hurry my repairs, &c. Sent to the Captain of the port on the subject. Referred by him to Captain-General.
[Footnote 5:
C.S. Steamer Sumter, Cadiz,
January 7, 1862.
Sir,—Your note of this morning having been sent off to me by a commonboatman, I could not learn the name of the writer without breakingthe envelope. Having done so, and ascertained it to be from yourself,I decline to receive it, as being improperly addressed. My addressis as follows:—
Confederate States Navy,
Commanding C.S. Steamer Sumter.
E.S. Eggleston, U.S. Consul.]
Wednesday, January 8th.—Complained to the Civil Governor of thePaymaster and Surgeon having been called alongside the guard-boat(whilst coming on board in a shore boat). Despatched a Lieutenant to SanFernando to see the Captain-General about docking the ship. He returnedat nightfall, with word that the Captain-General would reply in themorning.
Thursday, January 9th.—Visited by Engineer of docks at SanFernando, to learn the extent of the repairs which we shall require, andto take the dimensions of the ship, to ascertain whether she can enterthe only dock that is empty. A fine, clear day, with a pleasant windfrom the N. Bar. 30'34., the highest that I have ever seen. No answerfrom the Captain-General yet (noon), as to our being docked. Besides thesix ships which Mr. Welles says have been in pursuit of me—viz., thePowhattan, the Niagara, the San Jacinto, the Iroquois, the KeystoneState, and the Richmond—the Ino and the Dacotah are also employed inthis fruitless business. We are fairly in the hands of thecircumlocution office. I suppose they are telegraphing Madrid. Thegreatest excitement prevails all over Europe to learn the result of theEnglish demand for the Commissioners. The general impression is, thatthe Yankees will give them up, and that there will be no war. The packetfrom New York is expected in England to-day. In the meantime, GreatBritain is calling home her ships of war; the Mediterranean fleetarrived at Gibraltar on January 2nd, and threw the commercial communityinto the greatest consternation. Received final permission this eveningfrom the Captain-General to enter dock.
Saturday, January 11th.—Visited the shore. Cadiz full of life andbustle. Met Mr. Oliver; he is from the East. He says Russia is layingdeep schemes for uniting the whole Sclavonic race under her rule; andthat the cotton pressure is felt at Constantinople, up the Danube,and, in short, all over Eastern Europe. Received permission from theGovernor to land the marine who was sentenced by court-martial to bedischarged. News of the great fire in Charleston. Rumour that theYankees have given up the Commissioners. Can scarcely credit it as yet.Yankee-dom can hardly have fallen so low.
Sunday, January 12th.—Landed the discharged marine. The news thatMessrs. Mason and Slidell have been given up appears to be confirmed.The subtle diplomacy, notifying the Yankee Government unofficially,that the ultimatum would be withheld a short time, to allow them time togive up the prisoners voluntarily, was resorted to! The Yankee Consulhere gave a dinner on the occasion! The Cadiz papers comment veryunfavourably upon this back-down, and insist that notwithstanding, it isthe duty of the great Powers to interpose and put an end to the war. Inthe afternoon we got under way, and passing through the fleet ofshipping, went up to the dock at Caracca, some eight miles east of thecity. The harbor is perfect, the water deep, and the buildingsextensive. The pilot who took me up, says he is the man to run me out bythe enemy, when I am ready—that he was in New Orleans sixty years ago,and remained a year in Louisiana, where he learned to speak thelanguage, which he has not yet entirely forgotten.
Monday, January 13th.—At about 10 o'clock the dockyard people came onboard of us, and at 10.30 we were safely docked, and at noon the dockpumped dry. We suffered very little damage from running ashore atMaranham. We indented a small place under the forefoot, and knocked offonly a small portion of our false keel instead of the whole of it, as wesupposed. We are now knocking away bulk-heads, and removing magazine andshell room to get at the shaft. At 1 P.M. called officially upon theNaval-Commandant, and returned him my thanks for the handsome manner inwhich he had docked my ship. I spoke of the back-down of the Yankees,which he asserted would make them lose caste in Europe. The great fireat Charleston was alluded to by him, whereupon I remarked that Europecould see from this incident—(the work of incendiarism prompted andpaid for, no doubt, by the enemy)—the barbarous nature of the war wagedupon us, and told him we were in fact fighting the battles of Spain aswell as our own; for if the barbarians of the North succeeded inovercoming the South (which, however, I pronounced an impossibility),and destroying our slave property, in their wild fanaticism andincreasing madness, they would next make war on Cuba and Porto Rico. Hereplied that this war could not continue much longer; there were peopleand territory enough in North America to make two great governments, andEurope would, no doubt united, soon interpose. I was treated with greatcivility and kindness.
Tuesday, January 14th.—* * * Had an interview to-day with theNaval-Commandant, who explained to me the orders he had received fromthe Government in relation to my ship, which were to put upon her onlythe indispensable repairs, without essential alterations. I expressedmyself satisfied with this; told him I knew the solicitude of hisGovernment to avoid complication; and, that so far as depended upon me,he might rely upon it that I would permit nothing to be done which mightinvolve it in any way. Proceeding with the necessary repairs. Somethousand workmen, many of them convicts, are employed in this yard. Theyhave in dock, receiving her copper, a heavy steam frigate constructedhere, and another still larger on the stocks. Immense quantities oftimber are in the docks, and though the water is salt it is not attackedby the worm, the ebb and flow of the tide preventing it. Timber whichhas been forty years in these docks is perfectly sound. Five of myseamen deserted yesterday—all foreigners, I am glad to say. TheCommandant has promised to put the police on the scent, but I have noexpectation I shall get them.
Wednesday, January 15th.—Having had the plank replaced in the bilge,and re-coppered and overhauled the propeller, we were let out of dock at1 P.M. These repairs were done with a very bad grace by the Spanishofficials, who seemed in a great hurry to get rid of us, lest the affairof our being docked should compromise them! This I suppose was due toofficial timidity, not to any want of good feeling, as the Commandant ofthe yard expressed to me his regret at not being able to put me incomplete repair; personally offering to render me any service in hispower. Our engine not being ready for use, the Captain-General sent asmall steamer to tow me to Cadiz, where we anchored at about 4 P.M.Whilst lying in the dock, a stampede took place amongst my crew, nine ofthem having deserted. Two were brought back; the rest escaped. Some ofthese men had behaved themselves very well, but none of them, of course,had any attachment to the flag, not being natives, or, indeed, citizensat all, and, sailor-like, they had got tired, and wanted a change. Some,no doubt, shrank from the arduous and perilous duties of the service inwhich they had engaged. They took refuge with the Yankee Consul, and itwas useless to ask to have them given up. The enemy is certainly goodat burning cities by means of negro incendiaries, and at enticing awayour seamen. Another lad ran away from a boat this evening. Have directedno boat should leave the ship without an officer, and that the officerbe armed, and ordered to shoot any men who attempt to desert.
Thursday, January 16th.—Called my crew aft and had a talk with themabout the bad conduct of their shipmates who had deserted. Told them Idid not believe I had another man on board capable of so base an act;that men who could run under such circ*mstances would run from theirguns; and that I did not want such, &c., &c.; and ended by telling themthat when funds arrived they should be permitted to go on liberty. * * *At 9 P.M., the aide-de-camp of the Military Governor came on board,bringing a pilot with him, with a peremptory order for me to go to sea.I replied as under:—
C.S. Steamer Sumter, Cadiz, Jan. 16, 1862.
SIR,—I have the honour to inform you that whilst my ship was in thedock at Caracca eight of my seamen deserted, and I am informed that theyare sheltered and protected by the United States Consul. I respectfullyrequest that you will cause these men to be delivered to me, and todisembarrass this demand of any difficulty that may seem to attend it,permit me to make the following observations:—[6]
* * * * *
3. It has been, and is, the uniform custom of all nations to arrest andhand over to their proper officers, deserters from ships of war; andthis without stopping to inquire as to the nationality of the deserter.
[Footnote 6: The paragraphs omitted, contain merely a recapitulation ofthe claim of the Confederate States to full belligerent rights.]
4. If this is the practice in peace, how much more necessary does such apractice become in war; since, otherwise, the operations of war—remote,it is true—but still the operations of war, would be tolerated in aneutral territory.
5. Without a violation of neutrality, an enemy's consul in a neutralterritory, cannot be permitted to entice any seamen from a ship of theopposite belligerents, or to shelter or protect the same; for, if he ispermitted to do this, then his domicile becomes an enemy's camp in aneutral territory.
6. With reference to the question in hand, I respectfully submit thatthe only facts which your Excellency can take cognizance of, are, thatthese deserters entered the waters of Spain under my flag, and that theyformed a part of my crew. The inquiry cannot pass a step beyond, andSpain cannot undertake to inquire, as between the United States Consuland myself, to which of us the deserters in question more properlybelong. Such a course would be tantamount to an interposition betweentwo belligerents, and it would be destructive of the essential rights ofships of war in foreign ports, as well in peace as in war.
7. I am inclined to admit that if a Spanish subject serving under myflag should escape to the shore, and should satisfy the authorities thathe was held by me by force, and either without contract, or in violationof contract, that he might be set at liberty, but such is not thepresent case. The nationality of the deserters not being Spanish, Spaincannot, as I said before, inquire into it. To conclude, the case which Ipresent is simply this:—Several of my crew, serving on board my shipunder voluntary contracts, have deserted, and taken refuge in theconsulate of the United States. To deprive me of the power, with theassistance of the police, to recapture these men, would convert theconsulate into a camp, and the consul would be permitted to exercise theright of a belligerent on neutral territories.
I have the honour to be, &c., &c.
(Signed) R. SEMMES.
Exmo. Sr. Don J. Mendez de Vigo,
Military Governor, Cadiz.
Friday, January 17th.—Before I had turned out this morning theGovernor's aid again came on board, stating the order was madeperemptory, that I should go to sea in six hours, or I should be forced.I called in person on the Governor, a not over bright official, andendeavoured to make him understand how I was situated, but it seemedimpossible. He promised, however, to send a despatch to Madrid, to theeffect that I had no coals, and was awaiting funds to procure the same;but, he added, if he received no despatch in the six hours he shouldrequire me to depart. I returned on board, and gave the necessary ordersto get ready for sea. At 4 P.M., whilst I was weighing my anchor, theGeneral's aide came alongside, and said to me that the Madrid Governmenthad consented to let me remain twenty-four hours, that a despatch wasbeing written to me on the subject, to which the Governor desired that Iwould reply in writing. I told the officer that, if his Government hadpolitely acceded to my request, permitting me to remain until my fundsarrived, I could have appreciated it; but that being restricted toforty-eight hours, I declined to avail myself of the privilege, andshould go to sea; and that the General need not trouble himself to readme the written despatch, as I had no other reply to make. I got underway in a few minutes afterwards, and as I was passing out a boat wasseen pulling in great haste towards me, one of the crew holding up aletter in his hand. I did not stop to receive it; I felt too indignantat the manner in which I had been treated to be very civil. We passedoutside of the harbour a little before sunset, and held on to the lightuntil midnight, when we steamed for the Strait of Gibraltar.
Saturday, January 18th.—* * * * We entered the Strait of Gibraltar atabout 5 A.M., passing the Tarifa Light, and with the bold shores of bothAfrica and Europe in plain sight, in the bright moonlight—bright,notwithstanding the passing clouds. We made the Gibraltar light aboutdaybreak, and saw at the same time a number of sail. We gave chase totwo that looked American, which they proved to be, and which wecaptured. The first was the barque Neapolitan, of Kingston,Massachusetts, from Messina to Boston, laden with fruit and fifty tonsof sulphur. The whole cargo was stated by the master, in hisdepositions, to belong to the Baring Bros., consigned to their agents inBoston—a falsehood, no doubt. Without stopping to look into the bonafides of this claim of neutral ownership, it was enough that thesulphur was contraband, and that the fruit belonged to the same owner; Idestroyed both ship and cargo. No papers as to the latter were produced.The second vessel was also a barque, the Investigator, of Searsport,Maine. She being laden with iron ore, the property of neutrals(Englishmen), I released her on a ransom bond; she was bound to Newport,Wales. One fourth of the vessel was owned in South Carolina, and theshare of the South Carolina owner was omitted from the ransombond—amount of bond being less one-fourth fifteen thousand dollars.Having burned the Neapolitan, I steamed in for Gibraltar at 2.30 P.M.Passed under Europa point at about dusk, and stood in, and anchored inthe bay at about 7.30 P.M. Boarded in a few minutes by a boat from anEnglish frigate, with an offer of service. Sent a boat alongside thehealth ship.
Sunday, January 19th.—We found early this morning we had pratique.A number of English officers and citizens came on board. At 10 I calledon board the frigate that had sent the boat on board of us last night,but was informed that the Captain (who was absent) was not thecommanding officer present, and that the latter lived on shore. At 2P.M. I landed at the arsenal and called upon the commanding navalofficer, who received me very politely. I asked the loan of an anchor,having but one, and the Captain promised to supply me with one if thereshould be no objection on the part of the law officers of the Crown!Walked from the Captain's little oasis—scooped out as it were from thesurface of the Rock, with a nice garden-plot and trees, shrubbery,&c.—down into the town, and called on Lieutenant-General Sir W.J.Codrington, K.C.B., the Governor, an agreeable type of an Englishgentleman of about fifty to fifty-five years of age. The Governortendered me the facilities of the market, &c., and in the course ofconversation said he should object to my making Gibraltar a station,at which to be at anchor for the purpose of sallying out into the Straitand seizing my prey. I told him that this had been settled as contraryto law by his own distinguished judge, Sir William Scott, sixty yearsago, and that he might rely upon my taking no step whatever violative ofthe neutrality of England, so long as I remained in her ports, &c. Thegarrison is about seven thousand strong, and it being Sunday, theparade-ground and streets were thronged with gay uniforms. Spain, withher hereditary jealousy and imperiousness of character, is very formaland strict about intercourse with the Rock. The Duke of Beaufort visitedus to-day.
Monday, January 20th.—Very fresh, threatening a gale. Ship reportedas having dragged her anchor. Ordered steam to be got up and the berthshifted. Ran in nearer to the eastern shore into four fathom water andwhere it was smoother.
Tuesday, January 21st.—The westerly wind is bringing a fleet of shipsinto the bay. To-day Colonel Freemantle came on board to return my visiton the part of the Governor, and to read to me, by the latter'sdirection, a memorandum of the conversation which had passed between uson Sunday. The points noted were—first, that we had agreed that Ishould receive all necessary facilities for the repair (from privatesources) and supply of my ship, contraband of war excepted; and,secondly, that I would not make Gibraltar a station at which to lie atanchor, and sally out upon my enemy. I assented to the correctness ofthe Governor's memorandum. The first Lieutenant and Paymaster ashoremaking arrangements for the purchase of an anchor and chain. The houseof Peaco*ck and Co. refused to supply us, because it would offend theirYankee customers. They made arrangements with another party. The town ofGibraltar, from the fact that the houses are built on the side of theRock, and stand one above the other, presents the beautiful spectacleevery night of a city illuminated. Colonel Freemantle politely requestedme to visit the various batteries, &c.
Wednesday, January 22nd,—Wind still from westward. Received on boardan anchor and chain. Received a letter from Captain Warden, on a pointof international law, to which I assented—to wit, that vessels shouldhave twenty-four hours' start.
Thursday, January 23rd.—Visited by Captain Warden, the Senior NavalOfficer. Received a letter from Hon. Mr. Yancey, who does not believethat the blockade will be raised for three months. Ordered a survey uponthe ship.
Friday, January 24th.—Invited to dine with the 100th, a Canadianregiment. Some of the officers went. Captain Palmer has been relieved byDe Camp.
Saturday, January 25th.—We hear a rumour that the Nashville has beensold. Ships constantly arriving and departing.
Sunday, January 26th.—A charming, balmy day, resembling April inAlabama. At 10, went on shore to the Catholic church; arrived as themilitary Mass ended: many Catholics in the army. Small church, withgroined arches—remnant of Spanish times. After church took a delightfulstroll into the country, just above the Alameda. It is a labyrinth ofa*gave and flowers and shrubbery, among which the path zigzags up themountain-side; geraniums, and jonquils, and mignonette, and lilies arewild. One is only surprised, after looking at the apparently barren faceof the rock, to find so much sweetness of Mother Earth. I clambered up acouple of hundred feet, and from that height the bay, the coasts ofSpain, and sleeping Africa, robed in the azure hue of distance, and thenumerous sail, some under way, and others lying like so many co*ck-boats,as seen from the height, at their anchors—the latteen craft speaking ofthe far East, &c. Statue of General Elliot. A number of fine-lookingMoors in the streets, picturesque in their loose dresses and snowyturbans. Gibraltar is, indeed, a city of the world, where one sees everyvariety of costume, and hears all tongues. Spanish is the predominantlanguage among the commercial classes. Major-General Sir John Inglis(the hero of Lucknow), of the English army, Governor of Corfu, havingarrived on his way to the Ionian Islands, visited us to-day to see ourship, which he was kind enough to say had become "quite distinguished."
Monday, January 27th.—A general exodus of the shipping this morningout of the Straits, within which they had been detained some ten days bya head wind. The English mail steamer from Southampton arrived. Receivedfrom her a Times of the 20th, from which we learn that England hadprotested against the barbarity of blocking up the harbour ofCharleston, by sinking a stone fleet. We feel some anxiety for thesafety of Messrs. Mason and Slidell, they having embarked on board theEnglish gunboat Rinaldo, at Princetown, on the 2nd instant, and nothaving been heard of on the 10th, although bound to Halifax. A heavygale blew on the eve of their embarkation.
Tuesday, January 28th.—Preparing the ship for sea, surveyingmachinery, and impatiently awaiting news from London.
Wednesday, January 29th.—Visited the shore, and went to the MilitaryLibrary and Reading Room, where I found the principal London journals.Reported that the English Government will consult Parliament aboutrecognising us. Took a long stroll to the east end of theRock—exceedingly broken and picturesque. Came upon a Moorishburying-ground, looking out upon Africa. Some of the marble slabs hadbecome almost disintegrated by the weather, so old were they. What ahistory of human affections, hopes, aspirations, tribulations, anddisappointments lay buried here! New works, adding additional strengthto this renowned fortress, are still going on. * * * *
Thursday, January 30th.—* * * * Visited, in company with ColonelFreemantle, the famous fortifications, passing through thegalleries—three tiers, one above the other—in the north end of theRock. These are huge tunnels, extending from a third to half a mile,with embrasures from space to space for cannon—the solid Rock formingthe casemates. From these galleries we emerged out on a narrow footwaycut in the rock, and stood perpendicularly over the sea breaking at ourfeet, and had a fine view of the N.E. face of the Rock rising in amagnificent mass some 1500 feet. From this point a tower, called theQueen of Spain's Chair, was pointed out to me—on the height opposite,to the northward. The legend connected with which is, that during one ofthe sieges of 1752, the Queen of Spain came to this eminence to witnessthe assault and capture of the place, and vowed she would not descendtherefrom until the flag of Spain should wave from the Rock. The assaultfailed, and the Queen in performance of her vow refused to descend,until the Governor of Gibraltar, hearing of the determination of herMajesty, sent her word that he would at a given hour hoist the Spanishensign that she might descend. This was done, and the Queen was rescuedfrom her predicament without breaking her word.
Having finished our inspection of the Rock, we went through the town,and passed out on to the neutral ground, from which I returned after afour hours' ride completely broken down. On the south end, under aperpendicular wall of rock, that in summer breaks the sun from an earlyhour in the afternoon, is the Governor's summer residence, to which heresorts for protection against the heat. We met his Excellency and lady,who had come out to look at their summer home, &c. Colonel Freemantletold me that the Spanish Consul, whom he pointed out as we passed theAlameda, had stated that I was a Spaniard, or at least that my fatherwas—a native of Catalonia—that I spoke Catalan as well as English, andthat my name was a common one in that province.
Saturday, February 1st.—Witnessed a review of about five thousandtroops in the Alameda. Drums draped with black, and the ornaments of theofficers covered with black crape in respect to the memory of the PrinceConsort.
Sunday, February 2nd.—Received letters from N——, informing me, thatas my ship was unseaworthy, Mr. Yancey had determined to send me the newone built at Liverpool, if I desired it.
Wednesday, February 5th.—A United States merchant ship came in andanchored. Ready for sea. Mr. Joyce came on board, and went afterwardswith the Engineer on shore to look at some coal. Mr. Joyce sent wordthat he could not purchase any, there being a combination against us.Sent the First Lieutenant to the Governor to represent the facts to him,and to ask for a supply from the public stores. He replied he had nocoal under his control, that it belonged to the naval officer, but thathe did not think it could be supplied. Expressed his astonishment at thecombination of the merchants. Sent a number of men on shore on liberty.
Friday, February 7th.—Liberty-men staying over their time. Two ofthem have deserted and gone over to the U.S. Consul. One of them hasbeen badly beaten by the rest of the men. Eleven of them came on boardlater. Visited by a Spanish Lieutenant, who had been directed by theSpanish Naval Commander at Algeciras to see me and state that the U.S.Consul had complained to the Spanish government that I had violated theneutrality of Spain by capturing the barque Neapolitan within a mile anda half of Ceutra, on the Morocco coast, and that the Government hadgiven the Admiral orders to see that both belligerents in the war shouldrespect Spanish neutrality. I stated to him in reply that any questionwhich the capture might present was a matter between our twoGovernments, and that I did not recognise the right of the SpanishAdmiral to inquire into the matter. To this the Lieutenant assented. Ithen said that I would take the pleasure of showing him, however, forthe information of the Admiral, that the truth had not been representedto his Government by the United States Consul. I then called my clerk,and showed him the deposition of the Master of the captured vessel, inwhich it was stated that the capture was made within five miles ofGibraltar! The officer seemed equally astonished and pleased, andexpressed his satisfaction.
Saturday, February 8th.—Early this morning the British frigateWarrior came in, and anchored near us. Sent a Lieutenant on board tomake the usual complimentary call. Awaiting the arrival of a vessel withcoal, consigned to Mr. Joyce, who promises to supply us. My coxswain ranoff to-day, and I was pulled off by a drunken crew.
Sunday, February 9th.—Did not go to church, but remained on board tobe present at muster. Eleven of my vagabonds still on shore. Some ofthese, we learn, have gone to the United States Consul, and claimed hisprotection. This official has been seducing them off by an emissary.Wrote to the Governor charging this on the Consul, and wrote also toCaptain Warden, asking to be supplied with coal from the Governmentdockyard.
C.S. Steamer Sumter, Bay of Gibraltar,
Feb. 10, 1862.
Sir,—I have the honour to state for the information of his Excellencythe Governor of Gibraltar, that I am informed and believe that theUnited States Consul, at this place, has, by means of his emissaries,tampered with, and seduced from their allegiance, several of the crew ofmy ship who have visited the shore on liberty. The impropriety andillegality of such conduct is so manifest that I take it for granted hisExcellency will interpose his authority for my protection. GreatBritain, having proclaimed a strict neutrality in the war now pendingbetween the United States and Confederate States, is under theobligation, I respectfully suggest, not only to abstain herself, fromany un-neutral conduct, but to see that all persons whatsoever withinher dominions so abstain. No act of war, proximate or remote, should betolerated in her waters by the one belligerent against the other, or byany citizen or resident against either belligerent. His Excellency willdoubtless concur with me in the justice and propriety of the rule thusstated. To apply this rule to the present case. Being prompted bymotives of humanity to send my crew on shore, in small detachments, forexercise and recreation, after a long confinement on shipboard, myenemy, the United States Consul, sends his agents among them, and byspecious pretences persuades them to desert their ship, and take refugeunder his Consular flag. This Has been done in the case of the followingseamen:—Everett Salmon, John G. Jenkins, Thomas F. Kenny, and perhapsothers. Here is an act of war perpetrated against me in neutralterritory, and the consular residence, or office, has become quoad hoca hostile camp. And this conduct is the more objectionable in that thenationality of most of these men is not American. His Excellency, as asoldier, knows that no crime is regarded with greater detestation in thepresent civilized age of the world, than the one here described. Asbetween contending armies in the field, an offender caught in theperpetration of such an act, would be subjected to instant death; andthis, not only because the act is an act of war, but because it is adishonourable act of war. And can an enemy make use of neutral territoryto do that, which would subject him to an ignominious death, if he werewithout such territory, and within reach of the opposite belligerent?When my men come within his Excellency's jurisdiction I lose all controlover them, and must rely upon his comity to regain possession of them.If they leave me of their own freewill, in the absence of therecognition of my Government, and of treaty stipulation, perhaps I haveno remedy. But when I permit them to go on shore, and enter thejurisdiction of a neutral and friendly power, I do so with the justexpectation that they will receive the shelter and protection of theneutral flag; and that they will not be permitted to be run off by myenemy; and to wheedle and entice a sailor from his ship, and that toowhen, perhaps, he is half drunk, is little better than kidnapping him.In the present case, the violation of the neutral jurisdiction is ascomplete as if the Consul had seized my men by force; for he hasaccomplished the same object; to wit, weakening his enemy bystratagem—a stratagem practised by one belligerent against another. Ifthis act had been committed by a military or naval officer of the enemy,transiently within the limits of Gibraltar, every one would have beensurprised at it, and would have exclaimed against it as a flagrantviolation of the law of nations. And is the offence of less magnitudewhen committed by a Consul, who is peculiarly favored by the law ofnations, as an officer of peace, and one whose pursuits lie wholly inthe walks of commerce? Mr. Sprague, the United States consul, is agentleman whom I have heard favourably spoken of, and it is barelypossible I may do him injustice in imputing to him the conductdescribed, but the evidence came to me in a very satisfactory shape, andI shall be ready to produce it if the allegation be denied. Should theproof be made out to his Excellency's satisfaction, I shall deem it myduty to request that the Consul be suspended from his functions, andthat the question of withdrawing his Exequatur be referred to theBritish Government.
I have, &c., &c.,
(Signed) R. SEMMES.
To Capt. J. Freeling, Col. Sec.
C.S. Steamer Sumter, Bay of Gibraltar.
Feb. 10th.
Sir,—I have the honour to inform you that I have made every effort toprocure a supply of coal, without success. The British and othermerchants of Gibraltar, instigated I learn by the United States Consul,have entered into the un-neutral combination of declining to furnish theSumter with coal on any terms. Under these circ*mstances, I trust theGovernment of her Majesty will find no difficulty in supplying me. Bythe recent letter of Earl Russell (31st January, 1862), it is notinconsistent with neutrality for a belligerent to supply himself withcoal in a British port. In other words, this article has beenpronounced, like provisions, innoxious; and this being the case, it canmake no difference whether it be supplied by the Government or anindividual (the Government being reimbursed the expense), and this eventhough the market were open to me. Much more, then, may the Governmentsupply me with an innocent article, the market not being open to me.Suppose I had come into port destitute of provisions, and the sameillegal combination had shut me out from the market, would the BritishGovernment permit my crew to starve? Or, suppose I had been a sail ship,and had come in dismasted, and the dockyard was the only place where Icould be refitted, would you have denied me a mast? and if you would notdeny me a mast, on what principle will you deny me coal, both articlesbeing declared by your Government innoxious? The true criterion is, notwhether the Government, or an individual may supply the article, butwhether the article itself be noxious or innoxious. The Government maynot supply me with powder—why? Not because I may have recourse to themarket, but because the article is noxious. A case in point occurredwhen I was in Cadiz recently. My ship was admitted into a Governmentdock, and there repaired; firstly, because the repairs were innocent,and, secondly, because there were no private docks in Cadiz. So here,the article is innocent, and there is none in the market (accessible tome); why then may not the Government supply me?
In conclusion, I respectfully request that you will supply me with 150tons of coal, for which I will pay the cash; or if you prefer it, I willdeposit the money with an agent, who can have no difficulty, I suppose,in purchasing the same amount of the material from some one of thehulks, and returning it to her Majesty's dockyard.
I have, &c.,
(Signed) R. SEMMES.
Captain E. Warden, Senior Naval Officer,
Monday, February 10th.—* * * * Received a visit from Captain Cochrane, of the Warrior, son of the late Earl of Dundonald, notorious in the war of 1812, and distinguished in the South American service. Wrote the following letter:—
C.S. Steamer Sumter,
Bay of Gibraltar, Feb. 10, 1862.
SIR,—I have the honour to inform you that I have this day caused to be paid to the Spanish Consul at this port the amount of the bill contracted by this ship under my command while in the dock at Caracca.
I have, &c.,
(Signed) R. SEMMES.
To the Captain of the Port, Cadiz.
Tuesday, February 11th.—* * * * Five men in confinement! Thed——seems to have got into my crew. I shall have to tighten the reins alittle.
Wednesday, February 12th.—* * * * Called on the Governor to have atalk with him on the subject of my deserters. He took the ground that inthe absence of treaty stipulations he could not deliver a fugitiveunwilling to be returned. Whilst I was with him the Tuscarora wasannounced by the telegraph. This ship came in and anchored near us about12 noon, disguised with her mainyards down, so as to resemble a merchantsteamer. I saw Captain Warden on shore also. He informed me that thequestion of my being coaled by the dockyards had been referred bytelegraph to London.
Thursday, February 13th.—Blowing a levanter. In the morning a barquedragged foul of the Tuscarora, and carried away her (the barque's)foreyards. Later in the day the Tuscarora shifted her berth over to theSpanish shore, near San Roque. Several vessels took shelter in theharbour from the gale. Among them a French line-of-battle ship, and aSpanish side-wheel man-of-war. Shut up in my little cabin by the wetweather, I have time to brood gloomily over home and the war, and theprospects of our dear South.
Friday, February 14th. * * *—At noon the Tuscarora got under way, andstood over to Algeciras.
Saturday, February 15th.—Anniversary of the day of my resignationfrom the navy of the United States; and what an eventful year it hasbeen! The Northern States have been making a frantic and barbarous warupon thirteen states and nine millions of people; in face, too, ofMadison's words: "If there be a principle that ought not to bequestioned in the United States, it is that every nation has the rightto abolish an old Government and establish a new one. This principle isnot only recorded in every public archive, written in every Americanheart, and sealed with the blood of a host of American martyrs, but itis the only lawful tenure by which the United States hold theirexistence as a nation." And then what flood-gates of private misery havebeen raised by this war—overwhelming families without number in utterruin and desolation.
Reduced my worthless sergeant to the ranks, and promoted a corporal inhis stead. The British Parliament met on the 6th, and we have in thepapers to-day the address to the Queen, and the speeches of the Earl ofDerby and Lord Palmerston. From the general tone of all these papers weshall not be acknowledged at present. They say the quarrel is nobusiness of theirs, and we must fight it out. Astute Great Britain! shesees that we are able to fight it out, and thus her darling object willbe accomplished without the expenditure of blood or money.
Sunday, February 16th.—* * * * Visited by the Captain of the Scyllafrigate.
Monday, February 17th.—* * * * Visited the Warrior. The Governorand suite and a number of naval and other officers, civilians, andladies visited her by appointment at the same time. The Warrior is amarvel of modern naval architecture, and for a first experiment may bepronounced a success. She is a monstrous, impregnable floating fortress,and will work a revolution in shipbuilding. Wooden ships, asbattle-ships, must go out of use. With this single ship I could destroythe entire Yankee fleet blockading our coast, and this is the bestillustration I can give for the necessity of this revolution inshipbuilding. The British Government has declined to supply me with coalfrom the dockyard, and I must make arrangements to get it from Cadiz.The London, ship-of-the-line steamer, arrived.
Tuesday, February 18th.—* * * * The Southampton mail steamer arrived,bringing news from London to the 12th. The news of the defeat and deathof General Zollicoffer is confirmed.
Wednesday, February 19th.—Called on Captain Warden, and had aconversation with him on the subject of our blockade by the Tuscarora.Called his attention to the prevention of signals, the Tuscaroracommunicating with Gibraltar by boats. Gave notice if the Tuscarora camein I should claim precedence of departure, &c. The Warrior went to sea.Judging from the tone of the English journals there is no prospect ofour immediate recognition. Sent to Cadiz-for coal.
Thursday, February 21st.—* * * * The newspapers state that there areseven Yankee ships in pursuit of us—four steamers and three sail-ships.Three of the steamers were at Teneriffe on the 11th of January. A reporthas reached us that our Paymaster and ex-Consul Tunstall are prisonersin Tangier! Received a letter from Captain Warden, informing me that theGovernor had prohibited all vessels in the harbour from making signals,and had prohibited the Tuscarora from communicating with the harbour byboats so long as she remained in Spanish waters, &c.
Saturday, February 22nd.—The report is confirmed of the illegalimprisonment in Tangier of Paymaster Myers and Mr. Tunstall.
The Tangier difficulty—Loyalty of United States Consuls—A daringact—Imprisonment of the two Confederates—Captain Semmes' appeal—Noresults—An armed force from the Ino—Threatened rescue—Neutralityagain—Foreign Office intelligence—The Harvest Home—Garnered.
The imprisonment of the two gentlemen alluded to at the conclusion ofthe last chapter, is an episode in the history of the Sumter whichdemands something more than mere passing notice. When the news of theoccurrence reached England it excited a considerable amount ofattention, as not only did the case exhibit some curious phases of theworking of the law of "strict neutrality," but it also afforded a veryexcellent idea of the marvellous loyalty of one of the United StatesConsuls. Reference has been previously made to the zealous conduct ofthe consular officials of the North.
It has been shown that at Maranham, Cayenne, Paramaribo, Cadiz, andGibraltar, the respective Yankee Consuls acted upon the broad principlethat every Confederate was the natural enemy of the United States, and arebel to boot. Not content with simply holding this opinion, the taskthese gentlemen set themselves was, to indoctrinate the Governments ofthe several countries in which they were located with the same views ofthe case. In some cases they succeeded so far as to cause considerablevexation to Captain Semmes; and if they failed to convince theauthorities, that the Sumter was a piratical craft, they at leastsucceeded in occasionally entailing needless delays in obtaining thosenecessary supplies, which as an officer in the service of a countryrecognised as a belligerent, the commander of the Sumter had a right todemand.
The Tangier Consul, however, went far beyond his brethren, for he notonly demanded, but succeeded in effecting the arrest and imprisonment ofan officer and a citizen of the Confederate States. These gentlemen, Mr.Myers, the Paymaster of the Sumter, and Mr. Tunstall, a private Southerngentleman, had been despatched by Captain Semmes from Gibraltar toCadiz, in search of coal. The vessel in which they embarked touched atTangier, and the two Americans landed for the purpose of inspecting thecurious old Moorish city. No sooner were they on shore than the UnitedStates Consul hastened to the authorities, denounced his enemies, anddemanded their arrest, alleging that it was authorized by treatystipulation with the United States. After vainly imploring advice fromthe representatives of the Christian Powers, the sorely perplexedauthorities complied with this demand, and the two Confederates wereseized, heavily ironed, and kept prisoners in the Consul's house. At thevery first opportunity they communicated with Captain Semmes, and hewith his usual promptitude at once despatched the following letter tothe Governor of Gibraltar:—
C.S. Steamer Sumter, Bay of Gibraltar,
February 22nd, 1862.
Sir,—I have the honour to ask the good offices of His Excellency theGovernor of Gibraltar in a matter purely my own. On Wednesday last, Idespatched from this port, in a French passage-steamer for Cadiz, onbusiness connected with this ship, my Paymaster, Mr. Henry Myers, andMr. T.T. Tunstall, a citizen of the Confederate States, and ex-UnitedStates Consul at Cadiz. The steamer having stopped on her way atTangier, and these gentlemen having gone on shore for a walk during hertemporary delay there, they were seized by the authorities, at theinstigation of the United States Consul, and imprisoned. A note fromPaymaster Myers informs me they are both heavily ironed, and otherwisetreated in a barbarous manner.
I learn further that the pretence upon which the unlawful proceedingwas had, is, that it is authorized by treaty stipulation with the UnitedStates. Unfortunately I have not a copy of this treaty in my possession;but I presume it provides in the usual form, for the extradition ofcriminals, and nothing more. I need not say to his Excellency thattreaties of this description are never applied to politicaloffenders—which I presume is the only category in which the UnitedStates Consul pretends to place these two gentlemen. An occurrence ofthis kind could not have happened, of course, in a civilized community.The political ignorance of the Moorish Government has been shamefullypractised upon by the unscrupulous Consul. I understand that the BritishGovernment has a diplomatic agent resident at Tangier, and a word fromthat gentleman would no doubt set the matter right, and insure therelease of the unfortunate prisoners. And it is to interest thisgentleman in this humane task that I address myself to his Excellency.May I not ask the favour of his Excellency, under the peculiarcirc*mstances of the case, to address Mr. Hay a note on the subject,explaining to him the facts, and requesting his interposition? If anyofficial scruples present themselves, the thing might be done in hischaracter as a private gentleman. The Moorish Government would nothesitate a moment, if it understood correctly the facts and principlesof the case; to wit, that the principal powers of Europe have recognisedthe Confederate States as belligerents, in their war against the UnitedStates, and that, consequently, the act of making war against theseStates by the citizens of the Confederate States, is not an offence,political or otherwise, of which a neutral can take cognizance; and evenif it were the former, no extradition treaty is ever meant to apply tosuch a case.
I have the honour, &c. &c.
(Signed) R. SEMMES.
Capt. S. Freeling, Col. Sec.
This letter was unattended with success, the maintenance of strictneutrality being a barrier in the way of any interference on the part ofthe British authorities at Gibraltar. Accordingly, Captain Semmes pennedthe subjoined formal protest, and despatched it to the Governor ofTangier.
C.S. Steamer of war Sumter, Bay of Gibraltar,
February 23rd, 1862.
His Excellency the Governor of Tangier, Morocco:
I have the honour to inform your Excellency that intelligence hasreached me of the imprisonment by the Moorish Government at Tangier, ofMr. Henry Myers, the Paymaster of this ship, and Mr. T.T. Tunstall, acitizen of the Confederate States, and late United States Consul atCadiz. I learn further, that these gentlemen are heavily ironed, andotherwise treated with inhumanity. I am utterly at a loss to conceive onwhat ground this illegal imprisonment can have taken place; though Ilearn that the United States Consul demanded it, under some claim ofextradition treaty stipulation. A word or two will suffice to set thismatter right. It must, of course, be known to your Excellency, that theConfederate States have been acknowledged by the principal powers ofEurope, as belligerents in the war in which they are engaged with theUnited States; and that, consequently, the Paymaster of this ship, inany act of war in which he may have participated, can have been guiltyof no offence, political or otherwise, of which any neutral power cantake cognizance. Indeed, as before stated, the neutral powers of Europehave expressly recognised the right of the Confederate States to makewar against the United States. No extradition treaty therefore can applyto Paymaster Myers. Mr. Tunstall not being in the military or navalservice of the Confederate States, can no more be brought within theterms of any such treaty than Paymaster Myers. I have, therefore,respectfully to demand, in the name of my Government, and in accordancewith the laws and practice of nations, that these two citizens of theConfederate States be set at liberty.
I have the honour, &c., &c.
(Signed) R. Semmes.
Determined to leave no stone unturned, the Commander of the Sumtersought to interest the British Charge d'Affaires in the fate of the twoprisoners, as will be seen by the annexed letter:—
C.S. Steamer Sumter, Bay of Gibraltar,
February 23rd, 1864.
Sir,—May I ask of you the favour to act unofficially for me in a matterof humanity, by handing to the proper officer the enclosedcommunication, demanding the release from imprisonment in Tangier of thePaymaster of this ship, and of Mr. T.T. Tunstall, a citizen of theConfederate States. The Moorish authorities have evidently been imposedupon by false representations as to the character and status of thesegentlemen. I hear that the United States Consul demanded theirimprisonment under some extradition treaty. The absurdity of such aclaim will of course be apparent to you. We are recognised belligerents;our acts of war are legal therefore, so far as all neutrals areconcerned, and it cannot be pretended that any officer of this ship canhave committed any offence in any act of war in which he may haveparticipated against the United States, which Morocco can takecognizance of, or bring under the terms of any extradition treaty.
I have the honour to be, &c., &c.
(Signed) R. Semmes.
John Hay Drummond Hay, C.B.,
H.M. Charge d'Affaires, Tangier, Marocco.
On the 24th Mr. Hay replied, and the following extract from hiscommunication will best explain the grounds he assumed:—"You," hewrites, "must be aware that Her Britannic Majesty's Government havedecided on observing a strict neutrality in the present conflict betweenthe Northern and Southern States; it is therefore incumbent on HerMajesty's officers to avoid anything like undue interference in anyquestions affecting the interests of either party which do not concernthe British government; and though I do not refuse to accede to yourrequest to deliver the letter to the Moorish authorities, I think it myduty to signify distinctly to the latter my intention to abstain fromexpressing an opinion regarding the course to be pursued by Morocco onthe subject matter of your letter."
To this despatch Captain Semmes forthwith replied, and his letter isremarkable for the able manner in which the question of neutrality isdealt with. After thoroughly reviewing the transaction, he sums up asfollows:—
"Upon further inquiry I learn that my first supposition that the twogentlemen in question had been arrested under some claim of extradition(unfortunately I have not a copy of the treaty between Morocco and theUnited States) was not exactly correct. It seems that they were arrestedby Moorish soldiers upon the requisition of the United States Consul,who claimed to exercise jurisdiction over them as citizens of the UnitedStates, under a provision of a treaty common between what are called thenon-civilized and the civilized nations. This state of facts does notalter in any degree the reasoning applicable to the case. If Moroccoadopts the status given the Confederate States by Europe, she mustremain neutral between the two belligerents, not undertaking to judge ofthe nationality of the citizens of either of the belligerents, or todecide any other question growing out of the war which does not concernher own interests. She has no right, therefore, to adjudge a citizen ofthe Confederate States to be a citizen of the United States, and nothaving this right herself she cannot transfer it by treaty to the UnitedStates Consul."
The communication, however, produced no effect; and, meanwhile, anotherstep was taken at Tangier. The United States frigate Ino no soonerlearnt the news of the capture made by the Consul than it ran over toTangier, sent a boat on shore with armed men, and carried off theprisoners. This proceeding was not, however, allowed to be performedquite so quietly as the Yankees could have wished. The Christianpopulation, exasperated at the arrest, turned out in force, and fearswere entertained that even the forty men from the Ino would not be ableto secure the safety of their prize. But here the neutral powers were ofassistance: their representatives, with Mr. Drummond Hay at their head,came to the aid of the captors, calmed the mob, and thus averting thethreatened rescue, enabled the United States to carry off the twoConfederates on board the Ino.
Captain Semmes, finding he could do nothing with the authorities at
Tangier, communicated with Mr. Mason, the Confederate commissioner in
London, and that gentleman made strong representations at the Foreign
Office, with what results the following statements of facts will show.
It was on the 28th of February that the captives were finally carriedoff from neutral territory, by an armed force from an enemy's ship. Onthe 8th of March, Mr. Mason was informed by the Under-Secretary, thatthe British Government was under the impression that they had beenreleased from confinement. On the 6th of March, just two days before Mr.Mason received this intelligence, the Ino, which had run back to Cadiz,transferred the two unfortunate prisoners to the Yankee merchant ship,Harvest Home, which carried them away to a prison in the United States.
Such was the history of the Tangier difficulty—a question which, at thetime, created considerable stir in Europe, and which is likely to leavea lasting impression upon the Southern mind.
"The poor old Sumter"—The vessel laid up—What the Sumterdid—Official report—A narrow escape—Movements of CaptainSemmes—Useful missions—Appointment to the Alabama.
Meanwhile the search for coal had been continued by the Sumter and atlength a promise of a supply had been obtained. It so happened, however,that this supply, so long sought and so hardly won, would after allnever be required.
The little Sumter's days as a cruiser were numbered. By no means a newboat when first converted by Captain Semmes into a vessel of war, thehard work and rough usage she had experienced in her seven months atsea, had been too much for her already enfeebled constitution, and shewas now little better than a wreck. At last she fairly broke downaltogether, was surveyed by a board of her officers, pronouncedunseaworthy, and on the 24th of February Captain Semmes makes thefollowing entry in his journal:—
"And so the poor old Sumter is to be laid up. Well! we have done thecountry some service, having cost the United States at least a millionof dollars, one way or another!"
And so she unquestionably bad. Eighteen vessels captured; seven burned,with all their cargo on board; and two released on heavy ransom bonds,represent in themselves no inconsiderable amount of damage. Add to thisthe amount really expended in pursuit of her; the enormously increasedrates of insurance; the heavy losses from reluctance to entrust goods inUnited States bottoms, or to send ships themselves to sea under theUnited States colours, and we have an aggregate of loss that a millionof dollars can hardly cover.
Her career was now over; but she was ere long to find a successor underthe same command, beside whose exploits her own were to sink almost intoinsignificance. The events of the few months that elapsed between thefinal abandonment of the Sumter and the Alabama's start on heradventurous career, may best be gathered from Captain Semmes' ownofficial report to the Secretary of the Navy at Richmond.
Nassau, New Providence, June 15 to 20, 1862.
SIR,—I have the honour to inform you of my arrival at this place, onthe 8th instant, in twenty days, from London. I found here LieutenantsMaffit and Sinclair, and received from the former your letter of May29th, enclosing a copy of your despatch to me of May 2d. As you mightconclude from the fact of my being here, the original of the lattercommunication had not reached me; nor, indeed, had any communicationwhatever from the department. As you anticipated, it became necessaryfor me to abandon the Sumter, in consequence of my being hemmed in bythe enemy in a place where it was impossible to put the necessaryrepairs upon her-to make her fit to take the sea. For some days after myarrival at Gibraltar, I had hopes of being able to reach another Englishor a French port, where I might find the requisite facilities forrepair, and I patched my boilers, and otherwise prepared my ship fordeparture. In consequence of a combination of the coal merchants againstme, however, I was prevented from coaling; and, in the meantime, theenemy's steamers, Tuscarora and Kearsarge, and the sailing sloop Ino,too, arrived and blockaded me. Notwithstanding the arrival of thesevessels, I should have made an effort to go to sea, but for the timelydiscovery of further defects in my boilers, which took place under thefollowing circ*mstances:—An English steamer, having arrived fromLiverpool with an extra quantity of coal on board, offered to supply me.I got steam up to go alongside of her for the purpose, when, with a verylow pressure, my boilers gave way in so serious a manner as toextinguish the fires in one of the furnaces. I was obliged, of course,to "blow off;" and upon a re-examination of the boilers, by a board ofsurvey, it was ascertained that they had been destroyed to such anextent as to render them entirely untrustworthy. It was found, indeed,to be necessary either to supply the ship with new boilers or to liftthe old ones out of her, and renew entirely the arches and otherimportant parts of them, which could only be done in a machinist's shop,and with facilities not to be found at Gibraltar. In this state ofthings, it became necessary, in my judgment, either to lay the ship up,or to sell her. Of course, the remaining by her of myself, my officersand crew, in her disabled and useless condition, was not to be thoughtof. Still, I felt that the responsibility was a grave one; and deemingit more respectful to the department that it should be assumed by someone higher in authority than myself, I reported the facts to the Hon.James M. Mason, our commissioner in London, and requested him to assumethe power.[7]
[Footnote 7: The following is the letter here referred to:—
C.S. Steamer Sumter, Bay of Gibraltar,
March 3rd, 1862.
SIR,—I had the honour to address you a note a day or two ago,requesting you to assume the responsibility of giving me an order to laythe Sumter up, that my officers and myself may return to the ConfederateStates, to take a more active part in the war. I now enclose you a copyof a letter addressed to me by the wardroom officers of this ship on thesame subject, by which you will perceive that there is no difference ofopinion between us as to the policy and propriety of the step indicated.Each succeeding mail is bringing us intelligence that the enemy ispressing us on all sides, and it would seem that we shall have occasionfor every arm and all our energies and resources to defend ourselves.The most that we could hope to accomplish by remaining where we arewould be, perhaps, to occupy the attention of an additional steamer ofthe enemy. One steamer will always remain to watch the ship, in whatevercondition she may be; and probably no more than two would continue theblockade if the officers remained by her. The enemy, having some 300armed ships afloat, one ship would seem to make no appreciabledifference in his offensive force. I would not press this matter uponyou so earnestly if there was any certainty of my hearing from theSecretary of the Navy in any reasonable time; but my despatches areliable to capture, as are his despatches to me, and many months maytherefore elapse before I can receive his orders. I can readilyunderstand how, under ordinary circ*mstances, you might hesitate aboutgiving me this order, but there are frequent occasions in whichresponsibility must be assumed, and I respectfully suggest that this isone of them. To lay the Sumter up without an order from the navaldepartment involves responsibility either in you or in me; and, as Istated to you in my last note, it appears to me that the responsibilitymay be assumed by you with more propriety than by myself, as you are ahigh functionary of the Government, while I am a mere subordinate of adepartment. The question of expense, too, is to be considered—theexpenses of the ship, with the utmost economy, being, in round numbers,1000 dollars per month. Should you decide upon giving me the order, dome the favour to telegraph me as follows, viz.:—"Your request isgranted—act accordingly." Address me also by mail, as it will take somedays to wind up affairs, and I shall have ample time to receive yourletter before leaving for London.
Respectfully, &c. &c. (Signed) R. SEMMES
Hon. Jas. Mason, Com., &c., London.]
This he did very promptly, and in a few days afterwards I discharged andpaid off in full all the crew, except ten men, and detached all theofficers, except Midshipman Armstrong and a Master's Mate. I placed Mr.Armstrong in charge of the ship, supplied him with money and provisionssufficient for himself and his diminished crew for ten months, anddeparted myself for London, whither most of the officers also repairedon their way to the Confederate States. Upon my arrival in London, Ifound that the Oreto (Florida) had been despatched some weeks before tothis place; and Commander Bullock having informed me that be had yourorders to Command the second ship he was building, himself, I had noalternative but to return to the Confederate States for orders. It isdue to Commander Bullock to say, that he offered to place himselfentirely under my orders, and even to relinquish to me the command ofthe ship he was building; but I did not feel at liberty to interferewith your orders. Whilst in London, I ascertained that a number ofsteamers were being prepared to run the blockade with arms, &c., andinstead of despatching my officers at once for the Confederate States, Ileft men to take charge of these ships, as they should be gotten ready,and run them in, deeming this the best service they could render theGovernment under the circ*mstances. I came hither myself (accompanied bymy First-Lieutenant and Surgeon), a passenger in the British steamerMelita, laden with arms, &c., with the same intention. It is fortunatethat I made this arrangement, as many of my officers still remain inLondon, and I shall be able to detain them there, to take them with mein the execution of your order of the 2nd of May, assigning me to thecommand of the Alabama. In obedience to this order I shall return by thefirst conveyance to England, when the joint energies of CommanderBullock and myself will be dedicated to the preparation of this shipfor sea. I will take with me Lieut. Kell, Surgeon Galt, and Lieutenantof Marines, Howell—Mr. Howell and Lieut. Stribling having reached thisport a few days before me, in the British steamer Bahama, from Hamburgh,laden with arms, &c., for the Confederacy. At the earnest entreaty ofLieut. Commanding Maffit, I have consented to permit Lieut. Stribling toremain with him as his First Lieut., on board the Florida; and theFlorida's officers not yet having arrived, Mr. Stribling's place onboard the Alabama will be filled by Midshipman Armstrong, promoted.
It will, doubtless, be a matter of some delicacy and management to getthe Alabama safely out of British waters without suspicion, as Mr.Adams, the Northern envoy, and his numerous satellites are exceedinglyvigilant in their espionage. We cannot, of course, think of arming herin a British port. This must be done at some concerted rendezvous, towhich her battery (and the most of her crew) must be sent in a merchantvessel.
The Alabama will be a fine ship, quite equal to encounter any of theenemy's sloops of the class of the Dacotah, Iroquois, Tuscarora, &c.;and I shall feel much more independent in her upon the high seas than Idid in the little Sumter. I think well of your suggestion of the EastIndies as a cruising-ground, and hope to be in the track of the enemy'scommerce in those seas as early as October or November next, when Ishall doubtless be able to make other rich "burnt-offerings" upon thealtar of our country's liberties.
Lieutenant Sinclair having informed me that you said, in a conversationwith him, that I might dispose of the Sumter either by laying her up orselling her, as my judgment might approve, I will, unless I receivecontrary orders from you, dispose of her by sale upon my arrival inEurope. As the war is likely to continue for two or three years yet, itwould be an useless expense to keep a vessel so comparatively worthlessso long at her anchors. I will cause to be sent to the Alabama herchronometers, charts, &c., and I will transfer to the vessel herremaining officers and crew.
In conclusion, permit me to thank you very sincerely for this new proofof your confidence, and for your kind intention to nominate me as one ofthe "Captains" under the new Navy Bill.
I trust I shall prove myself worthy of these marks of your approbation.
(Signed) R. SEMMES.
Hon. S. Mallory, Sec. of the Navy.
The new vessel—Aide toi et Dieu t'aidera—Accommodation onboard—Cost—Laws of neutrality—Necessary caution—The 29th of July—Abreakfast party—The scene changed—Off—The pursuit—Too late.
The vessel to which Captain Semmes was now appointed had been builtexpressly for the Confederate navy, by Messrs. Laird and Sons, ofBirkenhead. She was a small fast screw steam-sloop, of 1040 tonsregister, not iron-clad, as was at one time erroneously supposed, butbuilt entirely of wood, and of a scantling and general construction, inwhich strength had been less consulted than speed. Her length over allwas about 220 feet, length of keel, 210 feet; breadth of beam, 32 feet,and 18 feet from deck to keel. She carried two magnificent engines, onthe horizontal principle, constructed by the same firm, and each of thepower of 300 horses; while her coal-bunkers were calculated toaccommodate about 350 tons of coal.
The Alabama, or as she should as yet be called, "No. 290," wasbarque-rigged, her standing gear being formed throughout of wire rope;thus combining strength with lightness to the utmost possible extent.Her ordinary suit of sails consisted of the usual square sails in theforemast, fore topmast staysail and jib, large fore and main topsails,maintop sail, topgallant sail and royal, and on the mizen-mast spankerand gaff topsail. Occasionally, this rig would be varied, as was thecase in entering Cherbourg, just before the close of her eventfulcareer, when a crossjack yard was got up across the mizen-mast, withmizen topsail and topgallant yards to match; and the Alabama assumed fora time the appearance of a full-rigged ship. This, however, was only atemporary ruse, and her ordinary cruising sails were similar to thosecommonly in use with vessels of her class.
A little forward of the mizen-mast was placed the steering apparatus, alarge double wheel, inscribed with the significant words: Aide toi etDieu t'aidera; a motto which, in the case of the Alabama, has beenbetter acted up to than such legends usually are. Just before thefunnel, and near the centre of the vessel, was the bridge, at eitherside of which hung the two principal boats, cutter and launch; a gig,and whale-boat, being suspended from the davits on either side of thequarter-deck, and a small dingy over the stern. On the main deck she waspierced for twelve guns, with two heavy pivot guns amidships. Her lineswere beautifully fine, with sharp flaring bows, billet head, andelliptic stern. The cabin accommodation was perhaps somewhat scanty, butthis, in so small a vessel, built altogether for speed, not comfort, wasscarcely to be avoided. The semicircular stern-cabin was, of course,appropriated to the captain, with a small state-room opening out from itin the starboard side. Forward of this came the companion ladder, andforward of this again the wardroom, or senior officers' mess, with smallcabins on either side for the lieutenants, surgeon, and other officers.Passing through the wardroom, the visitor entered the gunroom, or"steerage," allotted on the starboard side to the midshipmen, and on theport to the engineers. Next came the engine-room, occupying an unusualspace for a vessel of the Alabama's size; the coal bunkers, &c.; andfinally, the berth-deck, or forecastle, with accommodation for 120 men.The lower portion of the vessel was divided into three compartments, ofabout equal dimensions. In the aftermost were store-rooms, shell-rooms,&c.; the midship section contained the furnaces and fire-rooms; whilstthe forward compartment was occupied by the hold, the magazines, and theboatswain's and carpenter's stores.
Such was the Alabama, or, as she was long called, "No. 290;" andconsidering the peculiar circ*mstances under which she was built, thenumerous requirements to be satisfied, and the perfection of theworkmanship throughout the vessel, the cost of her construction andarmament cannot but be considered marvellously small. The builder'scharge for hull, spars, sails, boats, cable, and all equipment, exceptarmament, was £47,500. To this must be added the cost of her batteries,£2500; magazine tanks, £616; ordnance stores, £500; and small arms,£600, making a-total cost of £51,716, or in American money, of250,305.44 dollars.
It must not be supposed, however, that in leaving the building-yard ofMessrs. Laird, the Alabama's equipment was by any means complete. Thestrictest injunctions had been given both to Captain Bullock and CaptainSemmes, to avoid doing anything that would by any possibility beconstrued into an infringement of either the municipal law, or theanxiously-guarded neutrality of England; and as the Foreign EnlistmentAct clearly forbade the equipment of ships of war for belligerentuses, it was necessary that the new cruiser should leave Englandunarmed, and take her chance of capture, until some safe place could befound for taking her armament on board.
This was, of course, a delicate operation, and one requiring thepreservation of strict secresy, that the cruisers of the United Statesmight at least not be enabled to pounce upon their new enemy, until shehad been placed to some extent in a condition for self-defence. Nor wasthis the only ground on which caution had to be observed. The career ofthe Sumter had given Captain Semmes a clearer idea than he had probablybefore possessed of the precise meaning of the word neutrality, asapplied to the present war, and there was too much at stake to run therisk of detention from any such views of its obligations as had been putforward in the case of his captive officer at Tangier. The law of thecase might be—he certainly thought it was—clear enough; but there wasno use in throwing temptation in the way of those by whom it was to beinterpreted. The recent cases of the Alexandria, the El Tousson, and theEl Monassir, have shown with sufficient clearness that this calculationwas tolerably correct.
Accordingly, the reticence which has so distinctively marked the men ofthe South throughout the struggle, was most religiously observed in thecase of the Alabama. It was impossible, of course, altogether to concealfrom the diligent researches of Mr. Adams' spies the fact of herdestination. But beyond having a strong suspicion that the vessel sorapidly approaching completion in Messrs. Laird's yard was intended forthe Confederate States, these astute gentlemen were altogether at fault.This, however, was enough, and on the application of Mr. Adams an orderwas despatched to the Customs' authorities at Liverpool to seize theship, and prevent her from going to sea.
Fortunately for the Confederate vessel her friends were equally on thewatch, and tidings of the projected seizure were promptly conveyed toBirkenhead. It was necessary now to act with promptitude, and the finalpreparations were pushed on with the utmost speed. At length, at aquarter past nine on the morning of the 29th July, 1862, the anchor wasgot up for the first time since she had been afloat, and the "No. 290"dropped slowly down the Mersey, anchoring that afternoon in Moelfra Bay.
Even this, however, could not be carried out without considerableprecaution, and it was necessary, as a blind to the suspicious eyes soconstantly employed in watching every movement of the sorely suspectedvessel, to announce that she was merely proceeding for a short trialtrip. To give colour to this pretence, to which her even then unfinishedcondition lent a prima facie sanction, a gay party was assembled onboard. A number of ladies, friends and acquaintances of the builders,enlivened the narrow, and as yet rough and unfinished deck with theirbright costumes, and seemed to afford a sufficient guarantee for thereturn of the vessel to port. Luncheon was spread in the cabin, flagsdecorated the seats hastily improvised on the sacred quarter-deck, andall seemed bent upon making holiday.
Suddenly, however, the scene changed. At a signal from the Alabama asmall steam tug came puffing alongside, and to the visitors' greatastonishment they were politely requested to step on board. Relieved ofher gay cargo, the transformation of the Alabama proceeded withrapidity. The luncheon had been already cleared away, and now seats andflags, and all the rest of the holiday paraphernalia began speedily todisappear. Late that evening and all the next day the bustle ofpreparation continued, and at two o'clock in the morning of the 31stJuly the anchor was once more weighed, and with a strong breeze from theS.W. the "No. 290" started off, ostensibly on a voyage to Nassau in theBahamas.
Just in time. That morning the seizure was to have been made. At thevery moment that "No. 290" was heaving up her anchor, a huge despatch"On Her Majesty's Service" was travelling down to Liverpool, at the topspeed of the north-western mail,[4] commanding the Customs' authoritiesto lay an embargo on the ship. The morning was still but very slightlyadvanced when through the driving south-westerly squalls came thegold-laced officials in search of their prize, only to return in outwardappearance considerably crestfallen, inwardly perhaps not altogether sodeeply grieved as a good neutral should have been at the ill success oftheir uncomfortable trip.
Two days more and another actor appeared upon the scene. Like hercolleague at Tangier, the United States frigate Tuscarora had got scentof a valuable prey, and hurried round to the Mersey at full speed ofsail and steam to secure it. But by the time she arrived at Moelfra Bay,the "No. 290" was already a couple of days upon her outward voyage. Thegame was up, and the only resource of the baffled Yankee now lay inscolding poor Earl Russell, who certainly had been no willing agent inthe escape of the daring little Confederate cruiser.
"No. 290" at sea—The rendezvous—Small mishaps—Good qualities of thenew ship—Nearly discovered—The captain—Terceira—Anxiety about thecrew—Coaling and arming—Getting to rights—Ready for the cruise.
"No. 290" ran rapidly before the S.W. gale up the Irish Channel, andpast the Isle of Man and Ailsa Crag, till as the columns of the Giant'sCauseway began to loom dimly through the driving rain she rounded to,laid her maintopsail to the mast, and sent a boat on shore with thepilot and Captain Bullock, who up to this time had been in command ofthe vessel. She was now transferred to the charge of Captain J. Butcher,late of the Cunard service, her other temporary officers being—ChiefLieutenant, J. Law, of Savannah, Georgia; second, Mr. G. Townley Fullam,of Hull, England; Surgeon, D.H. Llewellyn, of Easton, Wilts; Paymaster,C.R. Yonge, of Savannah, Georgia; and Chief Engineer, J. McNair, anEnglishman. The crew, the greater number of whom had been taken on boardin Moelfra Bay, numbered about seventy men and boys, and were shippedfor a feigned voyage, the Confederate captain trusting to the Englishlove of adventure, to induce them to re-ship when the true destinationof the vessel came to be declared.
Bidding adieu to the Irish coast she now shaped her course for Terceira,one of the Western Islands, where she was to meet her consort, andreceive on board the guns and other warlike stores, she had beenrestrained by respect for English law, from shipping in Liverpool.Throughout this run, which occupied nine days, the wind still continuedblowing a strong gale from the southward and westward, with a heavy searunning, through which "No. 290" dashed along sometimes at a speed ofupwards of thirteen knots an hour. It was not, however, without acertain amount of risk that this pace was maintained. Amongst other lessserious damages the bow port was stove in by a heavy sea, and altogetherthe vessel showed manifest symptoms of the speed at which she had beendriven. But accidents of this kind were of minor importance comparedwith the supreme value of time. Once fairly off, and the news of theescape must spread rapidly through the kingdom. The first whisper of itwould bring the enemy's ships in pursuit, and a single hour's delay inreaching her destination and placing herself in a condition forself-defence, might bring one of them alongside, and the career of thenew cruiser be cut short before it had fairly begun. So "No. 290""crashed on" at top speed, and on the 10th of August "Land, ho!" wascalled from the foremasthead, and she brought up at Porto Praya inTerceira.
During this trying voyage the new vessel had given full promise of thosesplendid qualities as a sea-boat, on which depended so much of theextraordinary success of her after career. She was, of course, by nomeans in the best trim for sailing, whilst everything about her beingbran new was in the worst possible condition, short of being quite wornout, in which to enter on so severe a trial. She came through it howevermost triumphantly, exhibiting a speed and ease of motion rarely to befound in combination. All hands arrived at Terceira in the best spirits,and highly delighted with their new ship.
The bay of Porto Praya, in which "No. 290" was anchored is of no verygreat extent, but presents excellent holding ground for vessels, and issheltered from all but easterly winds. Three or four small forts occupypositions on the shore, but appear never to have been armed, and are atpresent falling rapidly into decay. The bay itself is secluded, and notparticularly well supplied with the means of sustenance, fruit andvegetables being tolerably plentiful, but water very scarce, and beef aluxury only to be obtained by importing it from Angra, on the other sideof the island. The officers however were kindly and hospitably receivedby the inhabitants, and the best the place afforded placed at theirdisposal.
As yet the expected consort of the Confederate vessel had not arrived,and some anxiety was felt by Captain Butcher and his brother officers,as day after day passed by, and no signs of her appeared. On the 13thAugust, expectations were aroused by the cry of "Sail, ho!" but the newcomer proved to be only a Yankee whaling schooner, from Provincetown;and additional anxiety was occasioned on her arrival by the indiscretionof one of the ship's company, by whom the real character and design of"No. 290" was betrayed to the United States schooner, the speedydeparture of which, after learning the news, seemed ominous of trouble.
At last, on the 18th, a large barque was observed steering for the brig,and on a nearer approach proved to be the long-looked-for ship. She wasthe Agrippina, of London, Captain McQueen, with a cargo of ammunition,coal, stores of various descriptions, and six thirty-two pounders. Oncelashed alongside the sloop, and all haste was made to transfer hercargo, and the crews of the two vessels were busily engaged in thisoperation when, on the 20th of August, the smoke of another steamer wasseen on the horizon, and after a brief interval of suspense, lest thenew comer should prove to be a United States vessel of war, in search ofthe escaped Confederate, the Bahama, Captain Tessier, made her number,and three hearty cheers from the crew of "No. 290" gave welcome toCaptain Semmes, and the other officers late of the Sumter.
Captain Semmes embarked on board the Bahama at Liverpool, on the morningof Wednesday, 13th August, joining the ship in a steam-tug, the Bahamahaving dropped down towards the mouth of the Mersey a few hourspreviously. Captain Bullock, who, as it has been said, had seen the newship safely off upon her voyage before leaving her at the Giant'sCauseway, and had reported the happy commencement of the adventure,accompanied him on board the Bahama, in which were also a number ofseamen, shipped, like those on board "No. 290," for a feigned voyage, inthe hope of inducing them to join when the ship was fairly incommission.
* * * * *
As the tug left us to return to the city—writes Captain Semmes—thecrew gave us three hearty cheers, to which we responded. After a passageof seven days, we made the island of Terceira, and soon afterwards theport of Praya, at the eastern end of the island, our appointedrendezvous. As we approached the port we looked with eager eyes for "No.290," and her consort, the Agrippina, which had been despatched to herfrom London with the armament. Greatly to our satisfaction we soondiscovered the spars, and then the hulls of both vessels lying snugly inthe bay, and apparently in contact, and indicating the transhipment ofthe battery, &c.
At about 11.30 A.M. we steamed into the harbour, and were immediatelyboarded by Captain Butcher, who reported that he had already gotten onboard all the heavy guns, and many of the paymaster's stores, &c. As theharbour is open to the east, and as the wind was blowing from the N.E.,driving a considerable swell in, which caused the two vessels to lievery uneasily alongside of each other, I gave orders that they shouldboth follow me to the bay of Angra, where we all anchored about 4 P.M.Hauled the two steamers alongside, and commenced discharging the twoadditional guns.
After having shown the new vessel to the seamen I had on board theBahama (numbering thirty-seven), I addressed them, telling them thatthey were released from the contract they had entered into at Liverpool,and were now perfectly free to dispose of themselves, and that I invitedthem to enter with me on board my ship. I spoke of the war, explained tothem the object of my contemplated cruise, and the inducements held outto them of prize-money, &c. This afternoon about one-half the numbershipped; the others hung back, perhaps, for better terms. There are,perhaps, some sea-lawyers among them influencing their determination. Imoved my baggage on board, and slept my first night on board my newship. Warned by the authorities that West Angra was not a port ofentry, and that we must move to East Angra.
Thursday, August 21st.—Clear fine weather. I am charmed with theappearance of Terceira. Every square foot of the island seems to beunder the most elaborate cultivation; the little fields divided byhedgerows of what appeared to be sugar-cane. The white one-storiedhouses are dotted thickly among all this cultivation, giving evidence ofgreat populousness in this primitive paradise—so far removed away fromthe world, and so little resorted to by commerce. Wind inclined to haulto the S.E., which will open us to the sea again, and I am, of course,quite anxious. Received a letter (or rather Captain Butcher, who isstill the nominal commander of the ship, did) from the English Consul,informing us that the authorities still insisted upon our going round toEast Angra. Replied that we had come in to receive coal from the barquein our company, &c., and that as the day seemed fine, and we shouldprobably have a good lee for the purpose, I would go to sea without themarine league for the purpose. I knew they suspected me of arming aswell as coaling, and hence I resorted to this step to quiet theirapprehensions of my infringing their neutrality.
Stood along the island—the Bahama in company and the barquealongside—and hoisted out the gun-carriages, and mounted as many of theguns as we could. Returned during the afternoon, and after nightfallanchored in East Angra, with the barque still alongside. We were hailedvery vociferously as we passed in very bad English or Portuguese, wecould not make out which, and a shot was fired at us. The Bahama, whichwas following, hauled off and stood off and on during the night; wecontinued our course, and anchored about 8.30 P.M. Near midnight I wasaroused from a deep sleep into which I had fallen after the fatigue andexertions of the day, and informed by the officer of the deck verycoolly that the man-of-war schooner was firing into us. As I knew theydid not dare to fire into me but were only firing at me, perhaps toalarm me into going out of the harbour, I directed the officer to takeno notice of the proceeding. In the morning we learned that this hadbeen a false alarm, and that the firing had been from the mail steamerto bring on board her passengers.
Had a talk with the old boatswain's-mate, who consented to go with me,and to use his best exertion to bring over to me all the good men overwhom he could exercise influence.
Friday, August 22nd.—Wind from the S.W., promising us a smooth dayfor our work. Called all hands at 6 A.M., and commenced coaling. At 7A.M. a number of Custom House officers and the English Consul came onboard. Our coaling was suspended until the two ships could be entered atthe Custom House. We lost a couple of hours by this visit, but I wasgratified to learn as the result of it that we might remain quietly andcontinue our coaling, &c.
We got the remaining guns into position; got up and loaded some of therifles; opened a barrel of cartridges, and made sundry other hastypreparations for defense, in case any attempt should be made to seizethe ship. At 11.30 A.M. signalled the Bahama, and brought her in to heranchors. Towards night the weather became rainy, and considerable seasetting in to the harbour, we shoved the barque off to an anchor. Duringthe night she dragged her anchor, and we were obliged to send a party onboard her to let go another, to prevent her from dragging on shore.There was quite a row this evening on board the barque, ending in ageneral fight, the sailors by some means or other having managed to getdrunk.
Saturday, August 23rd.—Morning cloudy and rainy. We were unable toget the barque alongside, so as to continue coaling before 9 A.M. Stillwe are hurrying the operation, and hope to be able to get through bynight. We have all sorts of characters on board, but the crew is workingquite willingly; now and then a drunken or lazy vagabond turning up. Thesharp fellows thinking I am dependent upon them for a crew are holdingback and trying to drive a hard bargain with me.
Getting the battery to rights, and caulking the screw-well, which leaksbadly when she is under way. Made some acting appointments to fill up myofficers. Received on board a fine supply of fresh provisions andvegetables for the crew. In this beautiful island all the fruits of thetemperate and many of the torrid zone are produced. Pine-apples, pears,plums, and melons were brought off to us.
We finished coaling, except seven or eight tons, by working until 9P.M., when the men were fairly fa*gged out. Hauled the barque off, andresolved to go out with what coal I had on board, as to finish entirelywould involve a delay of Sunday.
Sunday, 24th August—Fairly afloat—Taking command—The whiteensign—Mission of the Alabama—The Modern Tar—At the pumps—Blowinghard—A fruitless chase—Short-handed—The Ocmulgee.
Sunday seemed destined from the very first to be a notable day in theannals of the new Confederate cruiser.
The morning of Sunday, the 24th August, found her afloat ready for sea;the delicate operation of transhipping stores in an open roadsteadsafely accomplished, a supply of coal on board sufficient for some weeksof average steaming, and six of her guns mounted and ready to cast loosefor action at a moment's notice. The early hours of the morning wereoccupied in washing down the decks which were covered thickly with coal,and making matters above board as shipshape as under the circ*mstancescould be managed. By noon this was finished, and all was ready for sea.A brief space was then devoted to the no less necessary operation ofdining, and at noon steam was got up, the anchor weighed, and "No. 290"stood out to sea, the Bahama still keeping her company.
For about four or five miles the two vessels kept silently upon theircourse, until well beyond all possibility of dispute as to the toowell-remembered maritime league of neutrality. Then as four bellssounded from the forecastle the crew were summoned aft, all heads werebared, and stepping in full uniform on to the quarter-deck, CaptainSemmes proceeded in a voice clear and firm, but not altogether free fromemotion, to read aloud to the assembled ships his commission from thePresident as Commander of the Confederate States Steam Sloop, ALABAMA.
As he proceeded, the English flag which had been carried by the vesselduring her days of incognito, was slowly lowered to the deck, and threelittle black balls might be seen wriggling their way swiftly butcautiously to the mastheads and mizen peak of the Alabama. Boom! goesthe starboard forecastle gun as the reading is ended. The three blackballs are "broken out," the long pendant uncurls itself at the main, thered cross of St. George flutters at the fore, and the pure white ensignof the Confederacy, with its starry blue cross upon the red ground ofthe corner, floats gracefully from the peak, as the little band breaksinto the dashing strains of "Dixie," and three ringing cheers peal outover the sparkling sea.
So far all had gone well and hopefully, and the enthusiasm of the momenthad brought a flush to the cheek and a dimness to the eye of many aweather-beaten tar among the little crew. But enthusiasm is fleeting inthese practical days, and the sound of the last cheer had scarcely diedaway upon the summer breeze ere the scene changed, and the truenineteenth century spirit resumed its sway. The ceremony of hoisting theflag and taking command completed, Captain Semmes called all hands aftupon the quarter-deck, and addressed them as he had previouslyaddressed the crew of the Bahama, inviting them to ship with him in theAlabama for the cruise.
The address is described by those who listened to it as most spiritedand effective. It frankly avowed that the principal object of theAlabama was to cripple the commerce of the enemy. But this would not beher only aim. Prudence was essential, and he was not to fight afifty-gun ship, but when the opportunity offered of engaging on anythinglike equal terms, the Alabama would be prompt enough to accept thecombat. "Let me once see you," he said, in conclusion, "proficient inthe use of your weapons, and trust me for very soon giving you anopportunity to show the world of what metal you are made."
The address was greeted with an unanimous burst of cheers, and then camethe anxious moment. "It may be supposed," writes Captain Semmes, inrecording the events of that memorable day, "that I was very nervousabout the success of this operation, as the management of the ship atsea absolutely depended upon it." And of this fact the men were at leastas fully aware as himself. Nor had they any scruples as to availingthemselves most fully of the advantages of their situation. "The modernsailor," continues Captain Semmes, "has greatly changed in character. Henow stickles for pay like a sharper, and seems to have lost hisrecklessness and love of adventure." However this latter proposition maybe, the truth of the former was most amply proved on the day inquestion. Jack niggled and haggled, and insisted pertinaciously on theterms he felt his would-be Captain's necessity enabled him to command;and in the end Captain Semmes was fain to consent to the exorbitantrates of £4 10s. a month for seamen, £5 and £6 for petty officers, and£7 for firemen! "I was glad," he writes, "to get them even upon theseterms, as I was afraid a large bounty in addition would be demanded ofme."
Very curious was the contrast afforded by this scene with the enthusiasmthat had preceded, and the gallant, dashing, reckless career thatfollowed it. These men who thus stood out for the last sixpence theycould hope to wring from their employer's necessity, were the same whosubsequently dashed blindfold into the action with the Hatteras, andlater yet, steamed quietly out of a safe harbour with a disabled ship,to meet an enemy in perfect trim and of superior force, and as theirshattered vessel sank beneath their feet, crowded round the very captainwith whom the hard bargain had been driven, imploring him not to yield.
Finally, the bargaining resulted in the shipping of a crew, all told, ofeighty men; a larger number, perhaps, than Captain Semmes had himselfanticipated, but still not so many by at least twenty-five as wererequired for properly manning and fighting the vessel. With these,however, the Captain was fain to be content, trusting to volunteers fromfuture prizes to complete his complement. A hard evening's work followedin preparing allotments of pay to be sent home to the sailors' wives,and also in paying their advance wages, and sending small drafts forthem to agents in Liverpool. It was not till 11 P.M. that this task wascompleted, and then Captains Bullock and Butcher took a final farewellof the ship, and returned on board the Bahama, which with the remainderof the two crews steamed away for Liverpool, and the Confederate cruiserwas left alone upon the wide ocean, and had fairly started on heradventurous career.
No sooner had the two steamers parted company than sail was made onboard the Alabama. The fires were let down, fore and main topsails wereset, the ship's head turned to the N.E., and by midnight Captain Semmeswas able to leave the deck, and thoroughly worn out with the day'sexcitement and exertions, turn in to an uneasy berth in search of a fewhours' repose.
Of this, however, there was not much to be obtained. The Alabama was nosooner under way than the wind began to freshen, and soon increased to amoderate gale. This was accompanied by one of those ugly seaways socommon in the North Atlantic, and the vessel rolled and tumbled in amanner sufficiently trying, without the addition of the manifolddiscomforts inseparably attendant on a first start. These, too, were, asmay well be supposed, not a little aggravated by the hurried manner inwhich the transhipment of stores from the Agrippina and Bahama hadperforce been conducted. Everything, in fact, was in the wildestconfusion. The ship herself was dirty and unsettled, and her decks belowlumbered in all directions with all manner of incongruous articles. Noone was berthed or messed, nothing arranged or secured. Spareshot-boxes, sea-chests, and heavy articles of baggage or cabin furniturewere fetching away to the destruction of crockery and other brittleware, and the no small danger of limbs. While to crown all, the upperworks of the vessel which had been caulked in the damp atmosphere of anEnglish winter, had opened out under the hot sun of the Azores throughevery seam, and the eternal clank, clank of the pumps, which it wasfondly hoped had been heard for the last time when the poor, worn-outlittle Sumter had been laid up, played throughout the long night adismal accompaniment to the creaking of the labouring vessel, and thewild howling of an Atlantic gale.
So passed the Alabama's first night at sea. The next day the gale stillcontinued, and hindered not a little the energetic exertions of theFirst Lieutenant, who, whilst Captain Semmes endeavoured, by snatching afew hours' sleep, to quiet his worn-out nerves, took his turn in theendeavour to bring something of order out of the apparently hopelesschaos, and gradually reduce the vessel to the trim and orderly conditionproper to a well-commanded man-of-war. On the Tuesday the gale abated,though there were still the remains of a heavy sea. Topsails andgallantsails were set, and the propeller, which had hitherto been merelydisconnected, and left to revolve, was hoisted up out of the water.
Several days now passed in setting matters to rights, passing spare shotbelow, laying the racers for the pivot guns; overhauling and stowing themagazines; securing furniture, baggage, and other loose articles thathad hitherto pretty well "taken charge" of the deck below; and otherwisemaking things somewhat snug and shipshape, and preparing the vessel forself-defence in case of need.
By Friday, August 29th, these preparations were nearly completed, and inthe early morning of that day the cry of "Sail, ho!" was heard for thefirst time from the look-out at the fore-topgallant crosstrees of theAlabama. The ship was at once kept away towards her, and after a longchase, approached at near nightfall to within five or six miles of thestrange sail. The vessel proved to be a brig, and on nearing her Spanishcolours were shown by the Alabama. The brig made no response, and thecruiser proceeded to fire a blank cartridge, as an intimation of hercharacter. Still the stranger kept doggedly upon her way, withoutresponse, and it became a question whether ulterior measures should betaken. After careful examination, however, of all those variousindications by which a sailor can judge of the nationality of a vessel,almost as effectively as from a sight of her colours, it was decidedthat she was, at all events, not an American; and Captain Semmes,being-anxious to haul by the wind, and make his way with all speed tothe westward, the chase was abandoned, and the Alabama proceeded againupon her course.
The next day, Saturday, August 30th, saw the preparations for thebattery complete, and the pivot guns finally mounted, and ready foraction. The men were now allotted to the various stations, and musteredat quarters, when it was found, that by telling off half a dozen of thejunior officers to complete the crew of the rifled gun, there were justhands enough to fight the ship. This was satisfactory; and altogetherthe five hard days' work since quitting Terceira had resulted insomething more like success in the way of order, comfort, andefficiency, than it had at first sight appeared possible to anticipate.
Sunday, August 31st, was a welcome day of rest to all on board; the onlybreak being a brief run off after a brig to leeward, which on beingchallenged with French colours, proved to be a Portuguese. During theday the Alabama made good running to the westward, under topsails, witha fresh breeze well on her starboard quarter; and at midnight made allsnug, and brought by the wind on the port tack. The next day was passedfor the most part in quietly lying to under topsails, with her head tothe southward and eastward, whilst the crew were employed in finishingthe fittings of the battery, and scraping the deck and bulwarks clear ofsome of the accumulated dirt, till 3 P.M., when she filled away again,and started upon a N.W. course.
By Tuesday, Sept. 5th, the Alabama had run into the thirty-eighthparallel, and the temperature was sensibly altering. Up to this periodno prize had been captured, the few vessels overhauled having all beenunder a neutral flag. On this day, however, whilst in chase of a brig,whose extraordinary swiftness enabled her fairly to show the Alabama aclean pair of heels, a vessel was descried in the offing, and theConfederate bore up and made towards her. On approaching she was foundto be lying-to, with her foretopsail laid to the mast, and on a somewhatnearer inspection, proved evidently to be a whaler.
English colours were hoisted on board the Alabama, and a cheer was withdifficulty suppressed as the Stars and Stripes rose in answer to thestranger's deck. Arrived within boarding distance, a boat was at oncesent on board the prize, the Alabama's red ensign giving place to theConfederate flag as the boarding officer gained her deck. She proved tobe the Ocmulgee, of Edgartown, her captain, by name Abraham Osborn,being a thorough specimen of the genuine Yankee. She was, of course,taken possession of, her crew brought on board the Alabama and placed inirons, and a quantity of rigging, of which the latter was much in need,together with some beef, pork, and other small stores, transferred tothe captor. A light was then hoisted at her peak; her helm lashed harda-lee; the prize crew re-transferred to their own ship, and the Ocmulgeeleft to her own devices, the Alabama lying by her during the night.
The next morning another sail hove in sight, so the prize was fired, andthe Alabama again started off in chase, having taken from the prizethirty-six prisoners besides the stores, rigging, &c., before alludedto. The new chase proved to be a Frenchman, bound to Marseilles; andthis fact having been ascertained, the Alabama was kept away N. 1/2 W.,and in two hours afterwards was in sight of the island of Flores.
A muster—Prisoners landed—The Starlight—Santa Cruz—Novel nightprocession—The Alert—Three sacrifices in a day—Weather Gaugecaptured—The Altamaha—A signal—The Benjamin Tucker—Burnt!—TheCourser—Target practice—The Virginia—The Elisha Dunbar.
From the 7th to the 18th of September was a busy time on board theAlabama. Prize after prize was taken, and Captain Semmes' journal, aswill be seen, is chiefly taken up with records of successful chases.
Sunday, September 7th.—Running in for the island of Flores. At 11A.M. mustered the crew for the first time, and caused to be read theArticles of War, to which they listened with great attention. At 3.30P.M., having approached sufficiently near the town of Lagens, on thesouth side of the island, we sent all the prisoners on shore, havingfirst paroled them in the three whale-boats belonging to the prize,Ocmulgee. At 4 P.M. filled away upon the starboard tack to head off aschooner that appeared to be running in for the island. Havingapproached her within a mile, we hoisted the English colours. The chasenot showing her colours in return, fired the lee bow gun. Still payingno attention to us, but endeavouring to pass us, fired a shot athwarther bows. Not yet heaving-to, or showing colours, fired a second shotbetween her fore and mainmast; she then hoisted the United Statescolours and rounded-to. Sent a boat on board and took possession. Thecaptain coming on board with his papers, she proved to be the Starlight,of Boston, from Fayal to Boston viá Flores. She had a number ofpassengers; among others, some ladies. Put a prize crew on board of her.Brought on board all the United States seamen, seven in number,including the captain, and confined them in irons, and ordered the prizeto remain close to us during the night. Some dark clouds hanging overthe island, but the wind light and the sea smooth.
Among the papers captured were a couple of despatches to the Sewards,father and son, informing them of our operations at Terceira. Thissmall craft left Boston only six days before we left Liverpool in theBahama. How strangely parties meet upon the high seas! The master wasthe cleverest specimen of a Yankee skipper I have met, abouttwenty-seven or twenty-eight. He avowed his intention of trying to runthe gauntlet of my shot, deprecated the war, &c., &c.
Monday, September 8th.—* * * * Again stood in to the town of SantaCruz, in company with the prize; lowered the cutter, and sent theprisoners on shore, with a note addressed to the Governor. In themeantime the Governor himself with several citizens came on board us.The Governor offered us the hospitalities of the island, and in return Iexpressed to him the hope that his fellow-citizens who were passengers,had suffered no inconvenience from her capture.
In the afternoon, gave chase and showed English colours to a Portuguesebrigantine. We then wore ship, and chased a barque in the north-west,with which we came up about sunset. She proved to be the whaling barqueOcean Rover, from Massachusetts, forty months out, with a cargo of 1100barrels of oil. Laid her to for the night, and permitted the captain andhis crew to pull in to the shore (Flores) in his six whale boats. Thesea being smooth, the wind light off shore, and the moon near her full,this was a novel night procession!
Tuesday, September 7th.—* * * * I was aroused in the mid-watch,having had about only three hours' sleep, after a day of fatigue andexcitement, by the announcement that a large barque was close aboard ofus. We were lying to at the time in company with our two prizes. Woreship very quietly, and gave chase. The chase rather got the wind of us,though we head-reached upon her, and at daylight we hoisted the Englishflag. The barque not responding, fired a blank cartridge. She still notresponding, fired a shot astern of her, she being about two milesdistant. This brought her to with the United States colours at her peak;put a boat on board, and took possession of her. She proved to be theAlert, from New London, sixteen days from port; bound, via the Azores,Cape de Verde, &c., to the Indian Ocean. Supplied ourselves from herwith some underclothing for the men, of which we stood in need.
About 9 A.M. fired the Starlight; at 11 fired the Ocean Rover; and at 4P.M. fired the Alert. Boarded a Portuguese whaling-brig, the master ofwhich I brought on board with his papers. These proving to be regular, Idismissed him within a few minutes. Sent the captain and crew of theAlert on shore, to the village on the north end of Flores, in their ownboats, four in number.
Sail, ho! at 5 P.M. Filled away, and gave chase to a schooner in theN.E. She was standing for us at first, but tacked on our approach, andendeavoured to run. We had shown her the United States colors, and shealso had hoisted them, but she distrusted us. A blank cartridge broughther round again, and hove her to. Sent a boat on board, and tookpossession of the schooner Weather Gauge, of Provincetown, six weeksout. The last two captures supplied us with large numbers of Northernnewspapers as late as August 18th. * * *
Saturday, September 13th.—Gave chase to a sail reported on theweather bow, and upon coming up with her, and heaving her to with ablank cartridge, she proved to be the hermaphrodite whaling brigAltamaha, from New Bedford, five months out. Little or no success.Captured her, put a prize crew on board, and made sail in chase of abarque to windward.
* * * * *
Sunday, September 14th.—* * * Last night at a quarter past eleven Iwas aroused by the report that a large ship was close on board of us.Hurried on deck, wore ship, and gave-chase; the strange sail being abouttwo to two and a half miles from us, partially to windward. Made allsail, held our wind, and gradually eat him out of the wind, as well ashead-reached on him. Fired a blank cartridge, which he disregarded.Continued to overhaul him, and when we had gotten on his weather-beam,distant about half a mile from him, fired a second gun, which speedilybrought him to the wind with his maintopsail to the mast. Sent a boat onboard, with an order to the officer to show me a light if she shouldprove to be an American; and in a few minutes after the officer got onboard a light was shown at the peak. Lay by him until daylight, when thecaptain was brought on board. The ship proved to be the United Stateswhaler Benjamin Tucker, from New Bedford, eight months out, with about340 barrels of oil. Crew thirty. Brought everybody on board, receivedsome soap and tobacco, and fired the ship. Made sail to the S.E.
Monday, September 15th.—* * * Caulking the decks, which are alreadyquite open. Made the island of Flores from the masthead late in theafternoon. Exercised the crew at quarters. Shipped one of the prisonersfrom last prize—a Hollander.
Tuesday, September 16th.—* * * * At daylight made a schooner on thestarboard bow. Gave chase, and at 7.30 hove her to with a blankcartridge, and sent a boat on board, she showing United States colours.She proved to be the whaling schooner Courser, of Provincetown,Massachusetts. Took possession of her as a prize. Stood in towardsFlores, within four or five miles, and sent all the prisoners from thelast three prizes on shore in their own whale boats, eight in number.Number of prisoners sixty-eight. About 5 P.M., having taken the prizesome eight or ten miles distant from the land, hove her to, called allhands to quarters, and made a target of her, firing three rounds fromeach gun. The practice was pretty fair for green hands for the firsttime. We hulled the target once, and made a number of good line shots.At dark fired the prize, and made sail to the westward.
Wednesday, September 17th.—* * * At 7.30 A.M. gave chase to a sail onthe starboard bow, and at meridian came up with and took possession of,the United States whaling barque Virginia, twenty-one days from NewBedford. Received papers as late as the 28th August. Got on board fromthe prize a large supply of soap, candles, &c.; and after bringing theprisoners on board, fired her; filled away, and made sail to the N.W.
Thursday, September 18th.—* * * Gave chase to a barque, which,discovering our purpose, made all sail and tried to escape. Came up withher at 2 P.M., after a chase of about three hours. Hoisted the Englishensign, to which she refused to respond. Fired the starboard bow gun,and ran up our own flag, when she shortened sail and hove-to. Sent aprize crew on board, she showing the United States ensign. Brought themaster on board. She proved to be the whaling barque Elisha Dunbar, ofNew Bedford, twenty-four days out. As it was blowing fresh andthreatening a gale of wind, we got all the prisoners on board in thecourse of about a couple of hours, and set fire to the barque. Reefedtopsails, set the fore trysail with the bonnet off, and stood on a windon the starboard tack to the S. and E.
Successive gales—Uncomfortable quarters—Weather moderates—Blowingagain—The Emily Farnum and the Brilliant—Neutral cargo—Ransomed—Inflames—The Wave Crest—The Dunkirk—Religious smuggling—A desertercaught—A court martial—The Tonawanda—Precautions—The Manchesterburnt—Hope—Parting company—The Lamplighter—A hurricane—Greatdanger—A cyclone—Safely passed.
After this burst of good fortune in the way of prizes, during which theAlabama had destroyed upwards of 230,000 dollars' worth of United Statesproperty—or an amount very nearly equal to her own entire cost—ineleven days, a lull was experienced. A succession of gales from variouspoints of the compass now prevailed with more or less violence for sevenor eight days, during a great portion of which the Alabama was lying to,in a heavy sea under close-reefed maintopsail and reefed trysails.
These were hard times for the prisoners; huddled together on deck, withno shelter but an extemporized tarpaulin tent between them and thepelting of the pitiless storm, which drenched the decks alternately withsalt water and fresh, as the heavy rain-squalls came down, or the sea,glittering with phosphoric light, came dashing over the weatherbulwarks. There was, however, no alternative. The berth-deck was alreadyfully occupied by the Alabama's own crew, and the unlucky prisoners werecompelled to make the best of their uncomfortable position, and consolethemselves with the hope that some vessel with a neutral cargo mightfall on the same ill-fortune with themselves, and afford them a chanceof being paroled and sent ashore.
As the sun crossed the line the weather moderated, and by the 25th ofSeptember all was again calm and fair, and the crew busy caulking thedecks, which had leaked terribly during the gales. They were followed bya succession of calms and light baffling winds, the delay occasioned bywhich was turned to advantage in practising the crew at the battery, andwith small arms.
With the commencement of another month the rough weather returned. The2nd October was a real ugly-looking day, with dense black clouds and aNewfoundland north-easter blowing freshly. No observation was to be had,the thick clouds altogether shutting out the sun, and the ship being inthe current of the Gulf Stream, the most she could do was to guess ather position within some thirty or forty miles.
On the 3rd the weather moderated, and fortune again smiled upon theAlabama. The morning watch was not yet over when two sails weredescried, the one ahead, the other on the lee bow, each of which in itsturn was overhauled and captured; the one proving to be the EmilyFarnum, from New York for Liverpool; the other, the Brilliant, from thesame port for London, with a valuable cargo of grain and flour.
The cargo of the Emily Farnum being neutral property, the vessel wasreleased as a cartel, the prisoners from the Brilliant being transferredto her, as also those already on board from the other prizes, a change,as may well be imagined, sufficiently acceptable to those unfortunatebeings who had now been exposed for nearly three weeks to all thevicissitudes of an autumn in the North Atlantic. This done, the EmilyFarnum was permitted to proceed upon her way. The Brilliant was thenstripped of everything that could be of use to her captors, set on fire,and left to her fate.[8] From the papers taken on board of this vesselthe crew of the Alabama learned the good news of the Confederatevictories in Virginia, and also of the successful run of thescrew-steamer Florida into a Confederate port. The two vessels alsobrought to the Alabama a prize, in the persons of four new recruits,which, in the short-handed condition of the ship, was of more real valueto her than the vessels themselves.
[Footnote 8: One of the Alabama's officers writes in his privatejournal:—
"It seemed a fearful thing to burn such a cargo as the Brilliant had,when I thought how the Lancashire operatives would have danced for joyhad they it shared amongst them. I never saw a vessel burn with suchbrilliancy, the flames completely enveloping the masts, hull, andrigging in a few minutes, making a sight as grand as it was appalling."]
The barque Wave Crest, of and from New York, for Cardiff, with a cargoof grain, was the Alabama's next victim. She was chased and captured onthe 7th of October, and having no evidence of the neutral ownership ofher cargo, was condemned and set on fire, after serving for some time asa target, at which her captors might practise their firing. She wasstill blazing merrily, when another vessel was descried from themasthead, and at 9.30 P.M. of a beautiful moonlight night, a blank shotfrom the Alabama brought up the smart little brigantine Dunkirk, fromNew York, for Lisbon, also loaded with grain. A boat was sent on boardof her, and her papers handed over to one of the Alabama's officers. Noevidence of neutrality, however, was to be found, and before midnightshe too was a blazing wreck, and her captain and crew prisoners on boardthe Confederate steamer.
The Dunkirk proved noteworthy in two ways. On searching through herpapers, it appeared that besides her ostensible cargo she was alsoemployed in what may be termed a kind of religious smuggling. SomePortuguese copies of the New Testament were discovered, together with anumber of tracts in the same language, tied up in large bundles, on theback of one of which was the endorsem*nt:—"Portuguese Tracts; from the'American Tract Society,' for distribution among Portuguese passengers,and to give upon the coast to visitors from the shore, &c. When in port,please keep conspicuously on the cabin table for all comers to read;but be very careful not to take any ashore, as the laws do not allowit."
It appeared, however, that the conscience of the society had prickedthem for this concession to the majesty of the law, and a pen had beencarefully run through the last sentence. A little lower down, upon thesame packet, was written, "As may be convenient, please report (byletter, if necessary) anything of interest which may occur in connexionwith the distribution; also take any orders for Bibles, and forward themto John S. Peerin, Marine Agent, New York Bible Society, No. 7 BeekmanStreet."
The other noteworthy fact in connexion with the Dunkirk was the captureon board of her of one of the seven sailors who had deserted from theSumter whilst lying at Cadiz ten months before. This man, whose name wasGeorge Forrest, was at once recognised, and on the day but one after hiscapture on board the enemy's vessel, a court-martial, consisting of thefirst lieutenant (president); senior second lieutenant; master, chiefengineer, and lieutenant of marines, with the captain's clerk asjudge-advocate, was assembled in the wardroom to try the prisoner forthe crime of desertion. The evidence was, of course, simple enough, andthe man was found guilty, and sentenced to lose all pay, prize money,etc., already due to him, and to fulfil his original term of service,forfeiting all pay and allowances, except such as should be sufficientto provide necessary clothing and liberty money.
That same afternoon another sail was descried and chased, and justbefore sunset the Alabama came up with and brought to, the fine packetship Tonawanda, of Philadelphia, belonging to Cope's Liverpool line, andbound from Philadelphia to Liverpool with a full cargo of grain, andsome seventy-five passengers. Here was a serious matter ofembarrassment; of the seventy-five passengers, some thirty or more werewomen, and what to do with such a prize it was hard to know. It was, ofcourse, impossible to take the prisoners on board; yet Captain Semmeswas, not unnaturally, reluctant to release so fine a vessel if he couldby any possibility so arrange matters as to be able to destroy her. Itwas therefore determined to place a prize crew on board, and keep theship in company for a time, in hopes that ere long some other vessel ofless value to the enemy, or guarded from destruction by a neutral cargomight, by good luck, be captured, and thus afford an opportunity ofsending the prisoners away upon cartel.
Accordingly, a bond was taken of the captain for eighty thousanddollars, as a measure of precaution, in case it should be foundnecessary to let the ship go without further parley, and a prize masterhaving been put on board the Tonawanda, was ordered to keep company, andher captor started off on a chase after a brig, which on beingoverhauled proved to be English. One transfer, however, was made fromthe prize, being nothing less than a well-grown and intelligent negrolad, named David White, the slave of one of the passengers, who wastransferred to the Alabama as waiter to the wardroom mess, where heremained until the closing scene off Cherbourg, by no means disposed, sofar as his own word may be taken for it, to regret the change ofmasters.
The following day, as an additional security, the master of theTonawanda was brought as a hostage on board the Confederate steamer, theprisoners from the last two ships burned being at the same timetransferred to the prize. In this manner the two vessels cruised incompany for two or three days—an anxious time enough for the crew andpassengers of the unlucky Tonawanda, who spent most of their time ineagerly scanning the horizon, in the hope that some armed vessel oftheir own nation might appear in sight, and rescue them from theirunpleasant predicament. No such luck, however, was to be theirs; but onthe 11th October, a fresh addition was made to their numbers in the crewof the Manchester, a fine United States ship from New York to Liverpool,the glare of which as she, like so many others, was committed to theflames, by no means alleviated their anxiety, as they thought how soon asimilar fate might befall their own vessel, should fortune not interposeto arrest the disaster.
At length, on the 13th October, excitement prevailed on board of bothvessels, and the hopes of the anxious passengers on board the Tonawandarose to fever pitch, as a large vessel was seen bearing down undertopsails only, her easy-going style of sailing seeming to proveconclusively to a sailor's eye, that she must be either a whaler or aman-of-war. On board the Alabama the former was the favoritesupposition, and hopes ran high of another glorious bonfire fed by tonsof brightly burning sperm oil. The aspirations of the Tonawanda werenaturally in favor of the man-of-war, and it was with difficulty thatconsiderations of prudence restrained the open exhibition of theirdelight as the stranger drew near, and the long pendant floating proudlyfrom her masthead seemed to assure them that their hopes were to befulfilled.
But disappointment was equally in store for all. The big easy-going shipproved to be nothing more or less than an ordinary Spanish merchantman,who, with more regard for personal appearance than maritime etiquette,had quietly appropriated to herself the distinguishing ornament of aman-of-war. So the guns of the Alabama, which had been cast loose andloaded, were again secured, and the crew dismissed from quarters; whilethe disconsolate Tonawandas, balked of their fondly anticipated rescue,shook their fists at the deceptive Spaniard, and went below to digest asbest they might their grievous disappointment.
At last, however, this time of suspense was over, and kind fortune cameto their assistance in the shape of a threatening gale of so ugly anappearance that the captain determined not to run the risk of partingcompany, and thus altogether losing his awkward, but not the lessvaluable prize. Accordingly, having accepted from the master a ransombond for eighty thousand dollars, he dismissed him to his ship, and amidthe wildest demonstrations of delight from the closely-packed prisonerson board, the Tonawanda filled away, and was seen no more.
The wind now freshened to a tolerably fresh gale. Not sufficient,however, for the next two days to prevent the Alabama from chasing andcapturing, on the 15th October, the United States barque Lamplighter, ofBoston, from New York to Gibraltar, with a cargo of tobacco, which,however, as it proved, was never destined to soothe the ennui of theBritish soldier at that not very lively station. The sea was runninghigh, and the boats had a rough time of it in boarding the barque, andreturning with prisoners, &c. However, it was managed at last; theunlucky vessel was fired, and after burning fiercely for some time, wentheadforemost to the bottom, leaving behind her a savoury cloud thatalmost tempted her destroyers to regret their work.
And now it proved indeed fortunate for the prisoners who had so latelybeen discharged, that they were not doomed to weather out on theAlabama's deck the gale that came upon her. The 17th of October saw theculminating of the bad weather that had prevailed during the last fouror five days, and for some hours the Alabama was exposed to a perfecthurricane. The storm did not last long, but for about four hours it blewfuriously. It was not yet at its height, and the ship was still carryingher close reefed maintopsail with reefed main trysail and fore topmaststaysail, when a sharper lurch than usual threw a sudden strain upon thebumpkin to which the weather main brace was led, and in a moment it hadsnapped in two. The mainyard no longer supported by the brace, andpressed by the whole power of the straining topsail, flew forward andupward till it was bent nearly double, when with a loud crash it partedin the slings, splintering the topsail into ribands with a noise likethunder.
The ship was now in the greatest peril, for there was no longersufficient after canvas to keep her head to the wind against thepowerful pressure of the foretopmast staysail, and in another moment shemust have fallen into the trough of the sea, and probably been at theleast dismasted, if not altogether swamped. But the quick eye of thecaptain of the foretop saw the danger, and springing to the staysailhalyards he cut the sail away, and the ship relieved of pressureforward, again came up to the wind.
The main trysail was now lowered, though not without splitting the sail,and a small three-cornered storm trysail hoisted in its place. Evenunder this minimum of canvas the tremendous pressure of the gale uponher spars forced her down in the water several streaks, and the idlersand boys were lashed for safety under the weather bulwarks, life-linesbeing stretched before them to prevent them from falling to leeward.
So far as it was possible under the circ*mstances to estimate theprobable extent of this cyclone, its greatest diameter would appear tohave been from about one hundred and sixty to two hundred miles, whilstthe diameter of the vortex, through a considerable portion of which, ifnot actually through the centre, the Alabama appears to have passed,would probably be from about thirty to five-and-thirty or perhaps fortymiles.
The Alabama took the gale at S.W., the wind hauling afterwards to S.,and the vessel passing completely through the vortex. During that timeit lulled for about half or three-quarters of an hour, then hauled in afew minutes to about N.N.W., which was the severest portion of the gale,commencing with the squall by which the mainyard was carried away. Thebarometer sank as low as 28.64. At 2 P.M. it had risen to 29.70, butfell again a little, and then rose gradually. The rise and fall of thebarometer were both very rapid.
During the violence of the gale, the birds flew very low, and with greatrapidity, and some rain fell, though not a great deal. The surface ofthe sea was one sheet of foam and spray, the latter completely blindingall on deck. A curious result of the gale was a huge knot into which astrip of the maintopsail, the clew line, and chain sheet had twistedthemselves in a hundred involutions, defying any attempt at extricationexcept by aid of the knife.
During this tremendous storm the Alabama behaved splendidly, provingherself as fine a sea-boat as ever swam.
By the evening the storm had lulled, but the sea was still runningfearfully high, and it was not until the next day that it was possibleto set about repairing the damage suffered in this by far the severesttrial through which the Alabama had as yet passed.
Out of luck—Tempest-tossed—Rotatory storms—A prize—The case of theLafayette—A long chase—The Crenshaw—Neutral or not?—Rough again—TheLauretta—Condemned!—The Baron de Custine—Released on bond.
The Alabama was again out of luck. For the second time since herdeparture from Terceira, nearly a fortnight passed without bringing asingle prize. It was, indeed, hardly to be expected that the splendidsuccess which had attended the first three weeks of her cruise could bemaintained. From the 1st to the 18th of September, she had captured anddestroyed no less than ten vessels, of an aggregate value of nearly twohundred and fifty thousand dollars. Then had followed an interval of afortnight, during which one vessel only was overhauled, and proving tobe French, permitted to proceed. This dull period over, the 3rd Octoberhad seen the commencement of another run of good fortune, extending overnearly a fortnight, during which she succeeded in capturing five morevessels, all of considerable size, and for the most part with valuablecargoes. In this fortnight alone damage was inflicted upon United Statesproperty to the amount of more than half-a-million of dollars; and itwas but natural that, after so splendid a gift, fortune should for atime hold her hand.
Accordingly, for the next ten or twelve days the Alabama lay helplesslyon the ocean, tossed and beaten about by a succession of gales fromevery point of the compass, culminating, as we have seen, in thehurricane of the 16th October. The season was, indeed, most unusuallysevere, this month of October being commonly one of calm and fineweather. A gale at this time is a most unusual occurrence; but for morethan a week a succession of storms was experienced of the most violentdescription, while for fully three weeks the weather continued dark,rough, and gloomy, with strong shifting winds and heavy rain, the thickclouds rarely separating sufficiently to afford the chance of anobservation.
Occasionally a break in the murky canopy would give promise of a changefor the better; but a very few hours served to dissipate the risinghope. The sky would be again overcast, the wind breeze up from a freshquarter, and another night of discomfort set in. In addition to thisadverse weather, a still further difficulty was experienced in thestrong current that appeared to set continuously from the westward,drifting the vessel bodily out of her course at the rate of sixty orseventy miles a day. During this period, the barometer ranged from28.64 to 29.70. It was remarkable that the winds appeared to succeedeach other with perfect regularity, rotating, as nearly as possible,once in every two days, or at the utmost, in two days and a half. Thecourse taken by these rotatory storms was always the same, and it was arare occurrence for the wind to remain stationary in one quarter duringeight or ten successive hours.
On the 23rd October the gale at last finally broke, and with the returnof better weather the Alabama's luck seemed also about to revive. Atnoon a brief break in the clouds just gave time for an observation forlatitude, and this was barely worked out, when "Sail, ho!" was heardfrom the masthead; and a fine brig was discovered hull down on the leebow. Running down to her under close-reefed topsails, she proved to beEnglish; but though not destined herself to become a prize, thedeviation in the Alabama's course, occasioned by the chase, proved mostfortunate for her. She had scarcely luffed up again, after ascertainingthe brig's nationality, when again the welcome cry was heard, and thehelm shifted in pursuit. Soon the new chase became clearly discerniblefrom the quarter-deck, when she proved to be a large ship running to thenorthward and eastward under a press of canvas. So determinedly was she"cracking on" as to have everything set, even to her main-royal,notwithstanding that the wind was still blowing very nearly half a gale.
The course of the stranger being diagonal to that of the Alabama, thespeed at which she was travelling soon brought her within speakingdistance, and, as usual, a feint was made for the purpose of extorting aconfession of her nationality. The flag chosen this time was the Englishblue ensign, and it was speedily answered by the Stars and Stripes,which fluttered gaily from the merchantman's peak as she dashed alongunder her towering mass of canvas before the breeze, right across theAlabama's path.
Another moment and the scene was changed. The Yankee ensign had hardlyreached her peak, when down came the beguiling signal from the Alabama'sflagstaff, and the white folds of the Confederate ensign unfurledthemselves in its stead. A flash, a spurt of white smoke, curling for amoment from the cruiser's lee-bow, and vanishing in snowy wreaths uponthe wind, and the loud report of a gun from the Alabama, summoned theluckless Yankee to heave to. In a moment all was in confusion on boardthe merchantman. Sheets and halyards were let go by the run, and thehuge cloud of canvas seemed to shrink and shrivel up as the vessel wasrounded to with folded wings like a crippled bird, and with herforetopsail to the mast, lay submissively awaiting the commands of hercaptors.
She proved to be the ship Lafayette, of Boston, bound to Belfast, with afull cargo of grain, &c. Of her own nationality there was, of course, nodoubt; but a question now arose about the ownership of the cargo, andsome hours of patient investigation were necessary before Captain Semmescould determine upon the course to pursue. Finally it was determinedthat the claim of neutral ownership was a mere blind to insure againstcapture; and at 10 P.M., the ship having been formally condemned, thecrew were transferred to the Alabama, and the prize fired and left toher fate.
The following is Captain Semmes' memorandum of the
Ship and cargo condemned. The cargo of this ship was condemned by me asenemy's property, notwithstanding there were depositions of the shippersthat it had been purchased by them on neutral account. These ex-partestatements are precisely such as every unscrupulous merchant wouldprepare, to deceive his enemy and save his property from capture. Thereare two shipping houses in this case; that of Craig and Nicoll, and thatof Montgomery Bros.: Messrs. Craig and Nicoll say that the grainsupplied by them belongs to Messrs. Shaw and Finlay, and to Messrs.Hamilton, Megault, and Thompson, all of Belfast, to which port the shipis bound, but the grain is not consigned to them, and they could notdemand possession of it under the bill of lading, it being consigned toorder, thus leaving the control in the hands of the shippers. Theshippers, farther, instead of sending their grain as freight in ageneral ship, consigned to the owners, they paying the freight, charterthe whole ship, and stipulate themselves for the payment of the freight.If this property had been bonâ fide the property of the parties inBelfast named in the depositions, it would undoubtedly have beenconsigned to them, under a bill of lading authorizing them to demandpossession of it, &c., &c.; the agreement with the ship would have beenthat the consignees and owners should pay the freight upon delivery.Even if this property were purchased, as pretended, by Messrs. Craig andNicoll, for the parties named, still their not consigning it to them anddelivering to them the proper bill of lading passing the possession,left the property under the dominion of Craig and Nicoll, and as such,liable to capture. The property attempted to be covered by the Messrs.Montgomery, is shipped by Montgomery Bros. of New York, and consigned toMontgomery Bros., in Belfast; and the title to the property, so far asappears in the bill of lading, is in the latter house, or in the branchhouse in New York. Further, the mere formal papers of a ship and cargoprove nothing, unless properly verified, and in this case the master ofthe ship, although a part owner of the ship, whose duty it was upontaking in a cargo in time of war, to be informed of all thecirc*mstances attending it, and connected with the ownership, knewnothing, except what he learned from the face of the papers. Thesecertificates, therefore, were pronounced a fraud, and the cargo as wellas the ship, condemned. 3d Phillimore 610-12 to the effect, that if thegoods are going for account of the shipper, or subject to his order orcontrol (as in this case), the property is not divested in transitu.The goods shipped by Craig and Nicoll, were consigned to their order,as has been seen.
As to the Montgomery's, see 3rd Phillimore 605, to the effect that if aperson be a partner in a house of trade in an enemy's country, he is, asto the concerns and trade of that house, deemed an enemy, and his shareis liable to confiscation as such, notwithstanding his own residence isin a neutral country. Further, the property consigned to MontgomeryBros., even admitting the Belfast house not to be a partner in the NewYork house, is liable to the same objection, as in the case of Craig andNicoll; since, although the property is described as belonging to aparty in Sligo, there is no bill of lading among the papers authorizingthat party to demand the possession. The property is not divested,therefore, in transitu.
3rd Phillimore, 599, to the effect, that "further proof" is alwaysnecessary when the master cannot swear to the ownership of the property(as in this case). And as I cannot send my prizes in for adjudication, Imust of necessity condemn in all cases where "further proof" isnecessary, since the granting of "further proof" proceeds on thepresumption that the neutrality of the cargo is not sufficientlyestablished; and where the neutrality of the property does not fullyappear from the ship's papers and the master's deposition, I had theright to act upon the presumption of enemy's property.
By midnight the Lafayette showed only a dim glare on the distanthorizon, but the event formed a topic of discussion for the next twodays, more especially as from the newspapers found on board it wasascertained that news of the captures on the banks of Newfoundland hadalready made its way to the United States, and that the Yankee cruiserswere, therefore, probably by that time in full pursuit.
The 26th October, however, provided the crew of the Alabama with afresh excitement. The weather had cleared beautifully, the wind waslight from the eastward, and the vessel was gliding smoothly andswiftly, with studding-sails set alow and aloft, over the long, easyswell, which alone remained to tell of the heavy gales of the pastfortnight. Every one was enjoying the change, and even the strictdiscipline of the man-of-war was, for the moment, in some measurerelaxed, as officers and men gave themselves up to the full pleasure ofa period of sunshine and tranquillity, after the long spell of gloom andstorm. The look-out-man alone, high up on the fore topgallantcrosstrees, still swept the horizon as eagerly as ever in search of aprize. At about noon his vigilance was rewarded by the sight of a sailon the port-quarter, and in a moment all was again bustle and excitementon board. Quick as the word could be given, the "flying kites" werefurled, yards braced in, and the ship hauled up on a taut bowline inchase.
But the stranger was now well to windward, and fully four or five milesdistant. The Alabama flew through the water with the freshening breeze,flinging the spray over her sharp bows, and stretching to her task asthough she herself were conscious of the work before her, and eager inchase. But the strange sail was almost, if not quite, as fast asherself, and her position so far to windward gave her an immenseadvantage. The day, too, was wearing on, and the sky beginning to cloudover, giving every token of a dark if not a stormy night. If the chasecould only hold on her course till dusk she was safe, and already thehopes of another prize were beginning to fade, and the anxiousspeculators on the forecastle were expecting the order to up helm andrelinquish the chase.
On the quarter-deck, too, the idea was gaining ground that the affairwas hopeless, and that it was not worth while to keep the ship longerfrom her course. But the Alabama was not given to letting a chance slip,and before finally abandoning the pursuit it was determined to try theeffect of a shot or two upon the nerves of the stranger. A slight cheer,quickly checked by the voice of authority, rose from the eager crowd onthe forecastle, as the weather bow gun was cast loose and loaded, and inanother minute the bright flash, with its accompanying jet of whitesmoke, leaped from the cruiser's bow, as the loud report of a 32 pounderrang out the command to heave to.
A moment of breathless suspense, and another cheer rose from thedelighted throng of sailors, as the stranger's sails were seen for amoment to shiver in the wind, and the frightened chase luffed to thewind, and then lay motionless with the Stars and Stripes at hermizenpeak. Another sharp hour's beating and the Alabama was alongside,and had taken possession of the United States schooner Crenshaw, fromNew York to Glasgow, three days out.
And now began another investigation into the character of the cargo, andnotes were once more carefully compared, lest any bonâ fide neutralproperty should become involved in the fate that would otherwise befallthe captured enemy. Finally, however, the case was decided against shipand cargo, and both were accordingly committed to the flames, thefollowing entry being made by Captain Semmes of the grounds of hisdecision:—
This vessel was captured under the North American flag, and had on boarda North American register—there is, therefore, no question as to theship. There has been an attempt to cover the cargo, but without success.The shippers are Francis Macdonald and Co., of the city of New York; andMr. James Hutchison, also of New York, deposed before the Britishconsul, that "the goods specified in the annexed bills of lading wereshipped on board the schooner Crenshaw, for, and on account of, subjectsof Her Britannic Majesty, and that the said goods are wholly and bonâfide the property of British subjects." No British subject is named inthe deposition, and no person is therefore entitled to claim under it.Further: even admitting the goods to have been purchased on Britishaccount, the shipper has not divested himself of the possession by aproper consignment, under a proper bill of lading. The property isconsigned to the order of the shipper, which leaves it entirely underhis control; and it having left the port of New York as his property,the title cannot be changed while the property is in transitu.
As to the first point—to wit, the failure to point out some particularBritish owner of the property—see 3d Phillimore 596, to the followingeffect:—"If in the ship's papers, property, in a voyage from an enemy'sport, be described 'for neutral account,' this is such a general mode aspoints to no designation whatever; and under such a description noperson can say that the cargo belongs to him, or can entitle himself tothe possession of it as his property," &c.
And as to the second point—to wit, the failure on the part of theshipper to divest himself of the title and control of the property by aproper bill of lading—see 3rd Phillimore 610-12, as follows, viz.: "Inordinary shipments of goods, unaffected by the foregoing principles, thequestion of proprietary interest often turns on minute circ*mstancesand distinctions, the general principle being, that if they are goingfor account of the shipper, or subject to his order or control, theproperty is not divested in transitu" &c.
* * * * *
Monday, October 27th.—Another gale of wind! In the mid-watch lastnight the barometer commenced falling, and by 3 this afternoon it hadgone down to 29.33, where it remained stationary for a time, and thenbegan to rise slowly, being at 29.45 at 8 P.M. The wind began to blowfreshly from the south, and hauled gradually to the westward, thebarometer commencing to rise when the wind was about W.S.W. In the earlypart of the gale we had the weather very thick, with heavy squalls ofrain, clearing about nightfall, with the wind from the W.S.W.
In the midst of a heavy squall of wind and rain, and with a heavy seaon, we discovered a brig close aboard of us, on our weather quarter; butas we were on opposite tacks we soon increased our distance from eachother. Wore ship, and hove to, under close-reefed topsails on thestarboard tack. Being about a degree to the southward of St. George'sBank, got a cast of the lead at 7 P.M., with no bottom at eighty-fivefathoms. Lat. 39.47 N., Long. 68.06 W., a little over two hundred milesfrom New York.
Tuesday, October 28th.—Weather cloudy; wind light from the north,hauling to the eastward. The heavy sea, from the effects of the galeyesterday, continued all day rolling and tumbling us about, and keepingthe deck flooded with water. In the morning watch descried a brigrunning off to the southward. She being some distance off, and runningin the wrong direction, we did not chase. Soon afterwards another sailwas reported to the westward, standing in our direction; shaped a courseto head her off, and at 11 A.M., having approached her within half amile, hoisted the English blue. The stranger showing United Statescolours, we hoisted our own, and hove him to with a gun. Brought themaster on board with his papers, and finding the cargo condemnable, gotthe crew on board, fired the ship, and filled away.
The prize proved to be the barque Lauretta, of Boston, from New York,for Madeira and the Mediterranean. Received papers as late as the 24th.The intelligence of our captures (as late as the Brilliant) seems tohave created great alarm for the safety of commerce in New York.
This ship being under American colours, with an American (U.S.)register, no question arises as to the ship. There are two shippers ofthe cargo, Messrs. Chamberlain, Phelps, and Co., and Mr. H.J. Burden,both houses of New York city. Chamberlain, Phelps, and Co. ship 1424barrels of flour, and a lot of pipe staves, to be delivered at Gibraltaror Messina, to their own order; and 225 kegs of nails to be delivered atMessina, to Mariano Castarelli. The bill of lading for the flour andstaves has the following indorsem*nt, sworn to before a notary: "State,city and county of New York: Louis Contenein being duly sworn, says,that he is a clerk with Chamberlain, Phelps, and Co., and that part ofthe maize in the within bill of lading, is the property of subjects ofthe King of Italy." This certificate is of no force or effect for itsgenerality; it points to no one as the owner of the merchandise, and noperson could claim it under the certificate. See 3rd Phillimore, 596.Farther: the property is consigned to the order of the shipper. Thetitle, therefore, remains in him, and cannot be divested in transitu.See 3rd Phillimore, 610-12. The contingent destination of this property,too, shows that it was property for a market. It was to be deliveredeither at Gibraltar or Messina, as the shipper might determine—probablyon advices by steamer, before the ship should reach her destination. Shewas to stop, as we have seen, at Madeira, which would give ample timefor the decision.
The bill of lading for the 225 kegs of nails has a similar indorsem*nt,except that it is asserted that the whole of the property belongs tosubjects of the King of Italy. It is not sworn that the property belongsto Castarelli, the consignee, and for aught that appears, Castarelli isthe agent of the shipper to receive this consignment on his, theshipper's account. The presumption being, that notwithstanding aconsignment in due form by an enemy shipper to a neutral, the propertyis enemy's property, until the contrary be shown. The consignment alonedoes not show the property to be vested in Castarelli, and thecertificate does not indicate him as the owner. Although Castarellicould demand possession of the goods, under this consignment, he couldnot claim to hold them as his property under the certificate. There is,therefore, no evidence to show that he is not the mere agent of theshipper. What renders this consideration still more clear is, that ifthe goods had really belonged to Castarelli, it would have been sostated in the certificate. Why say that the goods belonged to "subjectsof the King of Italy," when the consignee was the real owner?
The property shipped by H. Jas. Burden consists of 998 barrels of flourand 290 boxes of herrings, and is consigned to Charles B. Blandly, Esq.,at Funchal, Madeira. The shipper, H.J. Burden, makes the followingaffidavit before the British consul in New York, to wit: "That all andsingular the goods specified in the annexed bill of lading, were shippedby H.J. Burden, in the barque Lauretta, for and on account of H.J.Burden, subject of Her Britannic Majesty." Now, Burden may be a verygood subject of Her Britannic Majesty, but he describes himself as of 42Beaver Street, New York, and seems to lose sight of the fact, that hisdomicile, for the purposes of trade, in the enemy's country, makes himan enemy, quoad all his transactions in that country. Further: if theH.J. Burden, the shipper, is not one and the same person with the H.J.Burden for whom the property is claimed, then there is nothing in thepapers to show that property is vested in the latter, since it is notconsigned to him, nor is it shown that the consignee, Charles B.Blandly, Esq., is his agent. The presumption, in the absence of proof,is, that the consignee is the agent of the shipper.
* * * * *
Wednesday, October 29th.—* * * * At 10 A.M. hove to; let down thepropeller, and put the ship under steam. Chased and overhauled a Dutchbarque, and towards nightfall came up with the United States brigantine,Baron de Custine, from Bangor, with lumber for Cardenas. The vesselbeing old, and of little value, I released her on ransom bond, andconverted her into a cartel, sending some forty-five prisoners on boardof her, the crews of the last three ships burned.
Disappointment—Out of the track—The Levi Starbuck—Fresh vegetables—News—The other side of the case—Kindness repaid—The T.B. Wales—Afamily—Volunteers—In man-of-war trim.
The month of October went out as it came in with severe and blusteringweather. The Alabama was still upwards of two hundred miles from NewYork, and it seemed as though a change would become necessary in herplans. Ever since starting upon his adventurous cruise, it had been afavorite scheme with Captain Semmes to make his appearance off this thevery chief of the enemy's ports, and, if not strong enough actually tothreaten the place itself, at all events to make a few captures withinsight of the capital city of the North. It had been, therefore, aspecial disappointment to find himself baffled by a continued successionof hostile winds and contrary currents; and even the brilliant successthat had thus far attended him in the capture of twenty-one vessels andthe destruction of property to very nearly a million of dollars, seemedhardly to compensate for the failure of his pet project.
It was fast becoming evident, however, that the scheme for putting in anappearance off New York must be abandoned, at all events for thepresent; and on the 30th October the chief engineer was consulted as tothe amount of coal remaining in the bunkers. The report was unfavorable.Four days' fuel only was left; and it was clear that even had the vesselbeen nearer than she was to her intended cruising ground, this wouldhave been rather a short supply with which to venture on so dangerous anexperiment. Reluctantly, therefore, the scheme was relinquished, thefires let down, propeller hoisted up again, and sail made to thesouthward and eastward en route for the coal depôt.
The ship was now out of the track of commerce, and for some timescarcely a vessel was seen. The 2d November, however, brought a prize inthe shape of the ship Levi Starbuck, five days out from New Bedford, ona whaling voyage of thirty months to the Pacific Ocean. Like allwhalers, she carried a stronger crew than is common with other vesselsof similar tonnage, and twenty-nine prisoners were transferred from herto the Alabama. Being bound, too, on so long a cruise, she was wellfurnished with all necessaries, and the captor was enabled to supplyhimself from her with various articles of which, by this time, and afterthe rough weather he had experienced, he had begun to stand somewhatsorely in need.
Not the least highly-prized among the spoils of the Levi Starbuck was anoble collection of cabbages and turnips, fresh from their native soil!These were, indeed, invaluable. The Alabama had now been upwards ofseventy days at sea, and during nearly the whole of that period her crewhad subsisted entirely on salted provisions. Happily, as yet, no illeffects had appeared; but the fresh vegetables came most opportunely toward off any danger of that scourge of the sailor's existence, scurvy,to which a longer confinement to salt diet must inevitably have exposedthem.
Indeed, but for the consciousness of how vitally necessary a change ofdiet is to the health of a ship's crew, there would have been somethingalmost ludicrous in the delight with which the men, who for the last sixmonths had been almost daily destroying thousands of pounds' worth ofthe most valuable property of every description, now hailed theacquisition of a sack or two of turnips and a few strings of humblecabbages. But abstinence is a wonderful quickener of apprehension; andfor teaching the true value of the good things of this life, there arefew recipes more effectual than a voyage in the forecastle of a cruisingman-of-war.
Besides the cabbages and turnips, which were so welcome forward, theLevi Starbuck contributed not a little to the comfort of the after-partof the vessel by her contribution of newspapers, which passed eagerlyfrom hand to hand, through wardroom and steerage, affording a pleasantchange from the worn-out topics of discussion that had now grownthreadbare through the wear-and-tear of many a dull day and stormynight. The Starbuck's papers brought news from Yankeeland as late as the28th of October, and not the least important item was that which told ofthe excitement occasioned among the enemy by the little craft whoseofficers were now jesting merrily over the consternation she had raised,and the measures that were being taken for her destruction.
It was certainly not a little amusing to read in the angry columns ofYankee newspapers, the magnificently-exaggerated accounts of thedepredations of the dreaded Confederate "pirate." It was difficultsometimes to recognise the events referred to under the gorgeousembellishments with which they were invested. Occasionally, too, anexclamation of disgust would be heard from some officer, more excited orless philosophic than his comrades, as with his head half-buried in somebroad, ill-printed, vilely-smelling sheet, he would declaim from itscolumns, for the edification of the mess, paragraph after paragraph ofabuse of the vessel and her officers, and withering denunciations of thebarbarity with which their unfortunate prisoners were treated while onboard. Among those who thus revealed their true nature by abusing andvilifying the men, who, though enemies, had endeavoured while they hadthem in their power to alleviate in every possible way the inevitablehardships of captivity, the master of the ship Brilliant obtained forhimself an unenviable pre-eminence, by the grossness of the falsehoodswith which he retaliated upon his captors for their mistaken kindness;and many a vow was registered in the wardroom and gun-room of theAlabama, that should this gentleman ever again fall into their hands,they would be wiser than to waste courtesy on one who could so littleappreciate it.
The Levi Starbuck having been disposed of in the usual manner, sail wasagain made upon the Alabama, and on the 5th November, Bermuda, "thestill vexed," was passed, though at too great a distance to sight theland.
Saturday, November 8th.—… In the mid-watch a sail was reported—aschooner, standing south. Wore ship (1.30 A.M.) and gave chase. Soonafter daylight, the chase being some five miles dead to windward of us,a ship was discerned standing to the northward and westward.Discontinued the chase of the schooner, and gave chase to the ship. At10 A.M., the latter having approached to within a mile of us (we havingUnited States colours flying), hove her to with a gun, and a change offlags. Sent a boat, and brought the master on board. She, proved to bethe ship T.B. Wales, of Boston, from Calcutta for Boston. There being noclaim of neutral property among the papers, and the master having noknowledge on the subject, except that the linseed belonged to the ownerof the ship, condemned both ship and cargo. A large portion of thiscargo was consigned to Baring Brothers, Boston, including 1704 bags ofsaltpetre—contraband of war—which would have condemned all theproperty of the Barings, even if proof of ownership had been found onboard, which was not the case.
We are to be embarrassed with two females and some children, the masterhaving his wife with him, and there being also a passenger and his wife.I shall bestow them upon the wardroom, having a couple of state roomsvacated for them. Poor women! They are suffering for the sins of theirwicked countrymen who are waging this murderous war upon us.
* * * * *
About nightfall another sail was descried from aloft, and a light wasseen after dark; but we did not get hold of the sail. Just at dark,having taken all the prisoners on board from the prize, and got hermainyard on board to replace ours, carried away in, the storm of the16th ultimo, we set fire to her, and filled away on our course. Nine ofthe crew of this ship volunteered, and were shipped as part of our owncrew—an acquisition more valuable than the prize herself.
Sunday, November 9th.—… My ménage has become quite home-likewith the presence of women and the merry voices of children. We have hada quiet Sabbath-day, there being nothing in sight.
* * * * *
For some time from this date quiet days preponderated. The Alabama wasnow in the region of the trade winds, but it was some time before theywere fairly taken. From the 9th November, in Lat. 27.52 N., Long. 58.24W., to the 15th November, in Lat. 21 N., Long. 57.49 W., the windcontinued light and variable, sometimes even for a few hours blowingdirectly from the southward. On the 15th November the N.E. tradeappeared to have fairly set in, and from this time fine weather andfavouring breezes became the order of the day.
* * * * *
Sunday, November 16th.—Beautiful clear weather, with a moderate tradefrom about east by south. Woollen clothes becoming uncomfortable. At 11A.M. mustered the crew, and inspected the ship. A quiet Sabbath-day,with nothing in sight. Our ship begins to look quite like a ship ofwar—with her battery in fine order, her decks clean, freshly-paintedoutside, masts scraped, &c., &c., and the crew well disciplined. Thusfar I have never seen a better disposed or more orderly crew. They havecome very kindly into the traces.
Monday, November 17th.—… Running before the wind, withstudding-sails set on both sides. At 2 P.M. made the island of Dominica,half a point on the starboard bow.
Martinique—News from home—Friendly greetings—Mutiny!—Orderrestored—The San Jacinto—Neutrality of the port invaded—Promptmeasures—Expectation—Ready for action—Success—Locking an emptystable—Temptation—The Clara L. Sparks—Refitting—A court-martial—Dismissed.
The 18th November saw Captain Semmes again off Martinique, which he hadvisited in the Sumter just twelve months before. Making the north end ofthe island at about 4 A.M., the propeller was lowered and steam got up,the day breaking just as the Alabama's screw began to revolve. At 10A.M., having run past St. Pierre, she anchored in the harbour of Fort deFrance.
Here she found her faithful consort, the Agrippina, from whom she hadparted at Terceira on the 24th of August. On her departure from thatport, she had returned with all speed to Cardiff, from which she hadagain sailed for the rendezvous at Martinique, and was now ready with afresh supply of coal for the Alabama, and had been waiting her arrivaljust eight days. In addition to the much needed supply of coal, theAgrippina brought a small mail for the Alabama's officers, who thusreceived news from friends at home for the first time for more thanthree months.
No sooner was the anchor down than a lieutenant was sent ashore to paythe usual visit of ceremony to the Governor, carrying with him a note,informing his Excellency of the arrival of the Confederate steamerAlabama in French waters. A few hours brought a courteous reply,extending to the Alabama the hospitality of the port; and the healthofficers having visited the ship, arrangements were made for laying in astock of provisions, and such other articles as were required after thecruise. Nor were the amenities of the Alabama's reception confined tothe authorities alone. An enthusiastic greeting awaited her from almostevery one; the clubs were placed at their disposal, and invitations àdiscretion poured in from every side.
It would, perhaps, have been better for the discipline of the Alabamahad the welcome extended to her crew been somewhat less cordial. Wearyof their long confinement, and bent, as the sailor always seems to be onfirst putting into port, on a "good spree," a considerable number of hermen fairly succumbed to the hospitality of the worthy islanders, aresult that was not a little aggravated by the exertions of thedeserter, Forrest. This man appears to have entertained a deliberatepurpose of exciting a mutiny on board of the vessel, and with thisobject in view, managed to slip overboard unobserved, swam to a boat,and returned on board with a quantity of spirits, which he distributedthrough the forecastle. The result was a disturbance, which at one timewore a serious aspect, and which, but for the energy and promptitude ofthe means taken to subdue it, might have had very awkward results.
The Captain of the Alabama, however, was not a man to be intimidated ortaken off his guard. No sooner was the disturbance reported than thedrums beat to quarters, and the sober portion of the crew were at oncedirected to seize the rioters. Placed in double irons, and effectuallydrenched with buckets of cold water by their laughing comrades, theunlucky mutineers soon came to their senses, and order was restored. Theringleader, Forrest, was then triced up in the mizen-rigging, "two hourson and two off," to await the punishment of his crimes.
The next day brought a fresh vision of the Stars and Stripes, but thistime from the mizen-peak of a heavily-armed steamer, which appearedearly in the morning, standing in towards the harbour. The Alabama wasat once cleared for action, and, as a precautionary measure, her fundswere despatched on shore for deposit in the event of the engagementwhich appeared likely to ensue. This, however, was not to be. Themerchants, thinking evidently that Captain Semmes was in their power,and must pay their price for taking charge of his treasure, refused tohave anything to do with it at a lower rate than five per cent. To thisthe officer in charge would not agree, and the money was again carriedon board. Fortunately, as it turned out, for when the true character ofthe stranger came to be ascertained, he proved to be the United Statessteamer San Jacinto, of fourteen guns—viz., twelve 68 pounders, and twoeleven-inch shell-guns, and therefore much too heavy for the Alabama toventure on an attack. This point was but just settled when the merchantsappeared alongside with an abatement in their charges for taking care ofthe Confederate treasure; but the chance was gone, and they werecompelled to return as empty-handed as they had come.
Meanwhile, the authorities ashore had been bestirring themselves toprevent any violation of the neutrality of their port. A boat wasdespatched to the San Jacinto with orders either to come to an anchor,in which case she must remain in the harbour full twenty-four hoursafter the departure of the Alabama, or else to proceed again to sea, andcruise beyond the limits of the maritime league from the harbour. Thelatter alternative being preferred by the United States Captain, the SanJacinto put her helm aport, and came slowly round, returning to theprescribed distance from the shore, where she proceeded to steam slowlybackwards and forwards, in the hope of intercepting her little enemy,should the latter venture to leave her anchorage.
Pending this submission on the part of the United States cruiser to theorders of the Governor, the French gunboat Fata received instructions toget up steam, and shifting her berth, took up her position closealongside of the Alabama, fully prepared to offer her own contributionto any controversy that might arise between the two rival vessels. HerCaptain and officers were very friendly, offering every assistance, andpointing out on the chart the best means of eluding the enemy, thesuperiority of whose size and weight put an end to all idea of adeliberate attack, though there were still some among the crew of theAlabama who could not relinquish the hope that in making their way outof the harbour an engagement might be forced upon them.
All the vigilance of the authorities, however, though extending to theprohibition of any intercourse whatever between the San Jacinto and theshore, was unable to prevent the Yankee from establishing a code ofsignals by which he might at once be put in possession of any movementon the part of the Confederate steamer, which he now, no doubt, fullylooked on as his prize. Two of his boats were, as was afterwardsdiscovered, on the look-out during the night, and an understanding hadbeen come to with the master of the Yankee vessel lying in the harbourto signal the Alabama's departure.
By dusk, Captain Semmes' preparations were completed; the funds, whichthe Martinique merchants had allowed to slip through theirtoo-widely-opened fingers, were safely despatched on their way toLiverpool; the necessary supplies were on board; and, with decks clearedfor action, all lights carefully extinguished, and all hands atquarters, the Alabama stole quietly from her anchorage, and steamedcautiously across the harbour on her way to the open sea.
It was a period of intense anxiety as the Alabama slipped silentlythrough the tranquil water of the harbour, each moment bringing hernearer to the powerful enemy, who, when dusk had shut him from theirview, had been planted in the very centre of the entrance, eagerlylooking out for the expected prize. Presently it was found that hermovements were, at all events, known to the spies of the enemy, and asuccession of signals from the Yankee vessel they had left at anchorwere evidently intended to warn the San Jacinto of the attempted escape.Momentarily now was expected the flash of the enemy's gun, and thehoarse roar of his shot, and each crew stood by its loaded gun readywith a prompt reply. Not a word was uttered on the crowded deck, and sodeep was the silence, that the low throbbing of the Alabama's propeller,as it revolved slowly in the water, seemed to strike on the ear with anoise like thunder. But the minutes passed by and the expected broadsidenever came. The straining eyes of the look-outs could see no sign of theSan Jacinto. Either she had misunderstood the signals of her accompliceon shore, or by some strange fatality they had altogether escaped her;and the Alabama held on her course unmolested, until, at twenty minutespast eight, less than an hour after the start, she was considered fairlyout of danger of interception.
The guns were now run in and secured, the word passed to the engineersto fire up and give her a full head of steam; the men were piped below,and the Alabama, throwing off the silence in which for the last hour shehad been wrapped fore and aft, darted off merrily over the ripplingwaves, in the direction of the island of Blanquilla, at the rate offourteen knots an hour. It subsequently transpired that, notwithstandingall her vigilance and all her pre-arranged signals, the San Jacinto hadbeen totally unaware of the escape of her agile foe, and actuallyremained for four days and four nights carefully keeping guard over thestable from which the steed had cleverly stolen away.
The morning of the 21st of November found the Alabama off the Hermanas,and by 1.30 PM. she was in sight of the island of Blanquilla, theappointed rendezvous of the Agrippina, who had already, about nineo'clock that morning, been descried on the port bow making all speedtowards her destined anchorage. Here both vessels arrived in the courseof the afternoon; the Alabama, which was a far swifter sailer than hermerchant tender, being the first to drop anchor, and the Agrippinafollowing her in.
As the two vessels neared the shore, a schooner was discovered at anchorin the little bay, and on the approach of the strangers she hoisted theStars and Stripes. On being overhauled by a boat, despatched for thatpurpose from the Alabama, she proved to be the United States whalingschooner, Clara L. Sparks, of Provincetown; and great was the grief andastonishment of the unlucky master when the white flag of theConfederacy was discovered floating at the new comer's peak.
The temptation was great to seize her, and devote her to the flames, butCaptain Semmes was anxious for nothing so much as to avoid all possibleground of complaint with regard to any infringement of neutrality. Ithappened, fortunately for the Clara Sparks, that a few herdsmen fromVenezuela were supporting a miserable existence in the barren island offwhich she was anchored, and to make prize of the vessel under thesecirc*mstances, might possibly be construed into a breach of neutralprivilege. In the end, therefore, it was determined not to molest thewhaler; and her master was informed, much to his relief and delight,that so soon as the Alabama's arrangements were completed, he would befree to continue his course. Meanwhile, however, it was peremptorilynecessary that he should not be permitted to escape, and reward theforbearance of his captors by giving her enemy information as to herwhereabout. Orders were therefore given that the master and mate of theschooner should repair every evening on board the cruiser, remainingwith her till the morning, when they were permitted to return on board,and resume their avocations.
At 8 A.M. of Saturday, the 27th November, the operation of coalingcommenced, the men working in groups, which were relieved every twohours, and by nightfall about seventy tons had been got on board. Thewind was fresh enough to raise a slight sea, causing the two vessels tochafe considerably as they lay closely locked together for the purposeof transhipping the coal. But notwithstanding the breeze, the day was sohot as to deter Captain Semmes from visiting the shore, despite theinevitable longing, after a confinement on board of more than threemonths, to find the foot once more planted on solid ground. Some of theother officers, however, explored the island, which they found a barrenplace enough; the three herdsmen, who constitute the entire populationof the country, maintaining themselves after a fashion, by rearing a fewgoats. They must, indeed, lead a life of privation, the island producingscarcely anything; and even the water supply being extremely scanty, andso brackish as to be hardly fit for human use.
Although to-day is the Sabbath—writes Captain Semmes, in his journal ofthe following day—I did not consider it any violation of Christian dutyto continue coaling, as we are liable to be surprised at any moment, andto have our purpose defeated.
So, too, thought the Alabama's crew, who worked cheerfully on throughoutthe day, completing their task by half-past eleven on the Mondaymorning. The Alabama had now on board about 285 tons, nearly 200 tonshaving been received from the Agrippina. Estimating her consumption atsixteen tons a day, which would give a moderate rate of steaming, shehad, therefore, in her bunkers fuel for about eighteen days.
This important matter arranged, the next thing to be done was to senddown the mainyard, which had been carried away in the cyclone, androughly fished together, and to supply its place with the second newspar taken from the ship T.B. Wales. This occupied the greater portionof the 25th, and Captain Semmes then proceeded to "break out" the hold,for the purpose of taking stock of his provisions, no opportunity havingyet offered, since the hurried shipment of stores off Terceira, toascertain the precise amount in hand of salted provisions, and othernecessaries. Batches of liberty-men were also sent on shore to recruitthemselves with a run upon terra firma—an amusem*nt in which such ofthe officers as could be spared were but too glad to join.
Wednesday, the 26th November, saw all these arrangements completed, andthe last batch of liberty-men safely on board again after their run. TheAlabama was now ready for a fresh cruise, but before taking leave ofBlanquilla, there was an act of justice to be done. Accordingly, thatafternoon a court-martial was summoned for the trial of George Forrest,the seaman who had originally deserted from the Sumter, and who, on hisrecapture, had been sentenced to serve out his time, forfeiting all pay,prize-money, &c. His present offence was that of endeavouring to incitethe crew to mutiny, and of procuring with that object the liquor withwhich the rioters of the 18th November had been made intoxicated.
The case was clearly proved, and after some consultation judgment waspassed, sentencing him to lose all prize-money, and to be dismissed theship in disgrace. At a quarter past seven in the evening, all hands weremustered aft to hear the sentence read; and after a short but effectiveaddress from Captain Semmes, the prisoner was informed that he was nowdismissed the Confederate service with the stain of infamy upon him, andbundled over the side into the boat that was to convey him to the shore.
This ceremony over, and the ship rid of the incorrigible scoundrel whohad so long disgraced her, the men were dismissed, and preparations madefor the Alabama's departure. She had been already preceded by theAgrippina, three of whose hands had volunteered in exchange for threefrom the steamer, and on the return of the boat no time was lost ingetting her under way. The captain and mate of the Yankee schooner werereleased, and the Alabama stood out to sea under easy sail.
At sea again—Moulded into shape—House-cleaning—Rates of pay—Atimely capture—The Parker Cook—A fix—A good night's rest—Sangfroid—Amid jessamine bowers—Looking out for a rich prize—The Mina—"Inconsequence of the Alabama."
The Alabama was now on the look-out for a Californian steamer, and itwas quite possible that in so doing she might run into a fight. However,should that be the case, there would be no disposition to shirk it. Thevessel was already three months in commission; and though some of hercrew had no doubt been originally a rough lot—the boys especiallypicked up in the streets of Liverpool, being designated by CaptainSemmes as most incorrigible young rascals—three months of steady,strong-handed discipline had done wonders in reducing these roughelements to order, and making out of a set of merchant sailors, gatheredhere and there at random by the prospect of high pay and stirringadventure, as orderly and well-trained a crew as could be found on boardmany a man-of-war of twice her length of service.
All hands, then, were ready and eager for a brush with the enemy. It wasnecessary, of course, that the relative strength of the two ships shouldnot be too disproportionate; but the approach of an United States shipof anything like their own force would have been hailed with delight byall on board.
Considerable excitement was occasioned when, on the second day afterleaving Blanquilla, a prospect of an encounter seemed to present itself.It was still early morning when a sail was reported on the lee bow, andsoon the stranger was made out to be a large side-wheel steamer,barque-rigged, and standing towards the Alabama. She was of considerablysuperior size, but it was determined at least to see what she was madeof; and the Alabama was luffed to the wind, while preparations were madefor lowering her propeller and getting her under steam. It was soonperceived, however, that the stranger was keeping quietly on her course,without paying the slightest attention to these manoeuvres; and as itwas pretty certain that no enemy's ship, so greatly superior in size,would lose so tempting an opportunity, it was at once clear that shemust needs be a neutral, probably some French war-steamer bound forMartinique. So the propeller was left where it was, and the Alabamaslipt away again upon her course.
At nine o'clock the same morning, the coast of Porto Rico was in sight,and a few hours afterwards the Alabama entered the Mona Passage,shortening sail as she did so to permit a barque to run up with her forthe purpose of ascertaining her nationality. The barque, which proved tobe English, dipped her ensign as she passed to the Stars and Stripeswhich were flying from the peak of the Alabama; but the compliment notbeing really intended for the Confederate vessel, but for her enemies,was, of course, not returned.
The Mona Passage being the regular track of United States commerce, itwas looked upon as almost a certainty that at least one cruiser would bestationed for its protection. A bright look-out, therefore, was kept,and hopes again ran high of a speedy brush with the Yankees. Nothing,however, appeared; and the attention of the Alabama was for the mostpart devoted throughout the day to strictly domestic affairs.
To-day—says Captain Semmes, in his journal—has been a great"house-cleaning" day with the first lieutenant, who, regardless of MonaPassages, strange sails, &c., is busy with his holy-stones and sand. * **
Gave an order to the paymaster to-day, authorising him to pay theincreased rates agreed upon with the crew off Terceira, viz.
£ s. Dollars.
Master-at-arms per month 6 0 — 29.04
Yeoman " 6 0 — 29.04
Ship's steward " 6 0 — 29.04
Ship's corporal " 6 0 — 26.62
Armorer " 6 0 — 29.04
£ s. Dollars.
Ship's cook per month 5 10 — 26.62
Chief boatswain's mate " 6 0 — 29.04
Second ditto " 5 10 — 26.62
Gunner's mate " 6 0 — 29.04
Carpenter's mate " 6 0 — 29.04
Sailmaker's mate " 5 10 — 26.62
Quartermaster " 5 10 — 26.62
Quarter gunners " 5 10 — 26.62
co*ckswains " 5 10 — 26.62
Capt. of forecastle " 5 10 — 26.62
Capt. of top " 5 0 — 24.20
Capt. of aftguard " 5 0 — 24.20
Capt. of hold " 5 0 — 24.20
Cabin steward " 5 0 — 24.20
Ward-room steward " 5 0 — 24.20
Seamen " 4 10 — 21.78
O. seamen " 4 0 — 19.36
Landsmen " 3 10 — 14.94
Boys " 2 0 — 9.68
Firemen " 7 0 — 33.38
Trimmers " 5 0 — 24.20
Sunday, November 30th.—Mustered and inspected the crew.At 9 A.M., sent a boat on board of a Spanish schooner twentydays from Boston, bound to the port of San Domingo. Receivedsome newspapers by her as late as to the 13th inst. Soon afterwardsanother sail was discovered to leeward, beating up the coast.Ran down for her, and when within proper distance hoisted UnitedStates colours. The stranger responded with the same; whereupon,in accordance with our usual practice, we hoisted our owncolours and fired a blank cartridge. This hove her to, when wesent a boat on board of her. She proved to be the barque ParkerCook, of and from Boston, bound to Cayes. This was a verytimely capture, as we were running very short of provisions, andthe prize was provision-laden. Got on board from her a quantityof pork, cheese, crackers, &c.; and at 10 P.M. illuminated theshores of San Domingo with a flambeau furnished by wicked menwho would gladly see another San Domingo revolution in ourunhappy country.
In the afternoon the weather became angry, and the wind blewfresh, raising a considerable sea. As we were in the bight of Samana,I felt a little uneasy about drifting too near the shore.These are some of the anxieties of a commander that his officersscarcely ever know anything about. Our prize was burned offCape Raphael. I did not turn in until near midnight; was calledtwo hours afterwards, upon having run a prescribed distance;turned in again, and had just fallen comfortably asleep, when theofficer of the deck came down in great haste to inform me that alarge ship was standing down directly for us. We were hove to,and as the moon had gone down, and the night was dark, I knewshe must be close aboard of us. I immediately ordered the maintopsailto be filled, and hurrying on a few clothes, sprang on deck.At a glance I saw that the danger was passed, as the intruder wasabaft the beam, running to leeward. Wore round and followed him.
Monday, December 1st.—A stiff trade, with squall clouds. Awhirlwind passed near us. We had just time to take in the portstudding sails, which had been set in chase of the unwelcome disturberof my rest last night. The chase proved to be a Spanishhermaphrodite brig. * * * * Land in sight on the portbeam, and at noon the cape just ahead.
Tuesday, December 2nd. * * * * Running down the land.Off the Grange at noon. Last night, at ten o'clock, a sail was reportedon the port quarter, nearly astern, running down before thewind like ourselves. Having lights up, and looming up large, Icalled all hands to quarters and cleared the ship for action, pivotingon the port side, and loading the guns. As the strangerranged up nearly abeam of us, distant about eight hundred yards,we discovered him to be a heavy steamer, under steam, and withall studding sails set on both sides. Here was a fix! We had nosteam ourselves, and our propeller was triced up!
A few minutes, however, decided our suspense. From the quietmovement of the steamer on her course, without shortening sail, orotherwise, so far as we could see, making preparation for battle, itwas quite evident that he was not an enemy. He was a ship ofwar—probably a Spaniard, bound from San Domingo to Cuba.My first intention was to range up alongside and speak him, andfor this purpose I set the foresail and topgallant sails. But wewere soon left far astern, and the stranger was out of sight longbefore we could have got up steam and lowered the propeller inchase.
About 3 P.M. made the island of Tortuga. A sail reported onthe starboard bow, standing across our bows on the port tack.Through the stupidity of the look-outs the next thing we knewwas that she was off on the starboard quarter, and to windwardof us, she having been on the starboard tack all the while! Iturned in to-night, hoping to get some rest, as I had been up thegreater part of last night. But after undressing, and before gettinginto my cot (10 P.M.), the officer of the deck came below in agreat hurry to say there was a large vessel running down on us—wewere hove to—which appeared to be a steamer. Immediatelyordered the officer to fill away; went on deck, and at a glanceperceived that the sail was a brig running clear of us, and somedistance astern.
Went below again, and this time succeeded in actually gettinginto bed, when I was again aroused by the announcement that avessel, with very white canvas, was running down upon us, a littleforward of our weather beam. Went on deck, filled away again,and ran on under easy sail to assist the stranger's approach. Thenight squally, with showers of rain, and the wind fresh. At 1.30A.M. the stranger approached, and we spoke him. He was a smallschooner—white, as almost all the West Indian schooners are—Spanish,&c. Turned in at two o'clock, and at daybreak down came intelligenceagain that there were two sail in sight, and at 7 A.M., one of thembeing within signal distance, I had again to turn out. This night willserve as a specimen of a great many spent by me in my cruises.
Wednesday, December 3rd.—We are cruising to-day, with theweather very fine and clear, in the passage between San Domingoand Cuba. Caused two neutral vessels to show their colours, andat noon squared away for the east end of Cuba. Where can allthe enemy's cruisers be, that the important passages we have latelypassed through are all left unguarded? They are off, I suppose, inchase of the Alabama!
At 10 P.M. a barque, having come quite near us in the brightmoonlight, we fired a blank cartridge to heave him to, and woreship. As he disregarded our signal, I directed a round shot to befired at him above his hull. This had the desired effect, our shotpassing—as we learned from him afterwards—between his fore-stayand foremast. He proved to be the French barque, Feu Sacré,from Port au Prince to Falmouth.[9] When asked why he didnot heave to at the first shot, he replied that he was a Frenchman,and was not at war with anybody! * * * At midnight made the light onCape Maise.
[Footnote 9: From the boarding officer's memoranda it appears thatthe master of this vessel protested vehemently against being annoyedby United States vessels—the Alabama passing in this case as the U.S.ship Wyoming.]
Thursday, December 4th.—* * * * Standing off and onCape Maise, waiting for our Californian friend, who should haveleft Aspinwall on the 1st, and should pass this point to-day or to-night.Fires banked, so as to give us steam at a short notice. Severalsail passing during the day. Exercised the crew at the batteryat sunset. A beautiful bright night, with the wind somewhat toofresh from the N.E. Lying to off Cape Maise. Everybody on thetiptoe of excitement, and a good many volunteer look-outs. As formyself, having put the ship in the right position, I turned in at 10P.M., giving orders not to call me for a sail-ship, and got a goodnight's rest, of which I stood very much in need.
Friday, December 5th.—A very fine morning, with highly-transparentatmosphere. The west side of Haiti visible, though distantninety miles. On this fine balmy morning I enjoyed exceedinglythe cheerful notes of our canary. This is a little prisoner made onboard one of the whalers; and sometimes at early morning I fancymyself amid "jessamine bowers," inhaling the fragrance of flowersand listening to the notes of the wild songsters so common in ourdear Southern land. May God speedily clear it of the wicked,fanatical hordes that are now desolating it under pretence of libertyand free government!
If the Californian steamers still take this route, the steamer ofthe 1st must have been delayed, otherwise she should have passedus last night. Several sail in sight, but I cannot yet leave my stationto overhaul them, lest my principal object should be defeated.At noon, a schooner would insist on stumbling right into my path,without the necessity of a chase. I brought her to, and she provedto be United States property. She was the Mina, of and fromBaltimore, for Port Maria, on the north side of Jamaica. Hercargo being English, I released her on a ransom bond for 15,000dollars. She was of ninety tons, and thirteen years old. Kept herby me until sunset, and then permitted her to depart, havingsent on board her the prisoners from the barque Parker Cook.
Our hopes of capturing a Californian steamer were considerablydamped by the intelligence given us by the mate of this schooner,that these steamers no longer ran this route, but that the outwardbound took the Mona Passage (?), and the homeward bound theFlorida gulf passage. Still, I will wait a day or two longer tomake sure that I have not been deceived.
Saturday, December 6th.—… At 9 A.M. hoistedthe propeller, and made sail to the northward and eastward. Theoutward-bound Californian steamer is due off the Cape to-day, ifshe takes this route at all; I will therefore keep the Cape in sightall day. I glean the following paragraph from a New York letter,published in a file of the _Baltimore Sun, _received from theschooner Mina:—
"The shipments of grain from this port during the past weekhave been almost entirely in foreign bottoms, the American flagbeing for the moment in disfavour in consequence of the raid ofthe rebel steamer Alabama!"
The Alabamans lucky day—A trial of speed—Brought to—The Ariel—Buyingan elephant—Prisoners of war—Prize-money—Still on the look-out—Broken down—A dilemma—Yellow fever—Release of the Ariel—Under repair.
Sunday again! The Alabama's lucky day; and this time, atleast, destined to be especially marked with white chalk in theannals of the ship. The morning passed calmly enough; the shipin her quiet Sabbath trim; and nothing giving token of what wasabout to follow, save here and there a group anxiously scanningthe horizon, or eagerly discussing the chances of a rich capturebefore nightfall.
The forenoon wore slowly away, and five bells had just sounded,when the cry of "Sail, ho!" from the masthead put every one onthe _qui vive, _the excitement growing rapidly more and more intenseas bit by bit the description of the stranger became moreaccurate and minute. She is a steamer—and a large one! Thatsounded well, and the hopes of the sanguine rose higher andhigher. Brigantine rigged—and a side-wheel steamer!—so far sogood. This answers exactly to the description of the Californiansteamers. A few minutes will decide it now; the Alabama'scanvas has some time since been snugly furled, the fires spread andwell supplied with fresh fuel, the propeller lowered, and the ship'shead turned in a direction to intercept the approaching vessel.Rapidly the chase looms larger and larger, as the two swift steamersapproach each other at almost top speed. And now the hugewalking-beam can be plainly distinguished, see-sawing up anddown between the lofty paddle-boxes, and the decks appear crowdedwith hundreds of passengers, conspicuous among whom are tobe seen the gay dresses of numerous ladies; and—yes, surely thatis the glimmer of bayonets, and that military-looking array drawnup on the hurricane-deck is a strong detachment of United Statesmarines!
Swiftly, and in grim silence, the Alabama approached her hugebut defenceless prey. From her open ports grinned the blackmuzzles of her six 32 pounders, each with its crew standing round,eager for the word. High above them towered the huge, blackpivot-gun, while from the mizzen-peak floated the delusive Starsand Stripes, the sight of which was to tempt the stranger into aconfession of his own nationality.
The ruse was, as usual, successful, and as the two vessels crossed,the Alabama passing a short distance astern of the stranger, thelatter also hoisted United States colours, and expectation gave wayto certainty among the delighted crew of the Confederate steamer.Down came the Yankee colours from her gaff, and in its stead thewhite ensign of the Confederacy fluttered gaily in the breeze,while a blank shot from the Alabama's lee bow-chaser summonedthe chase to surrender. Surrendering, however, seemed to be thelast thing in the chase's thoughts. Already she was ahead of theConfederate cruiser, and trusting to her own well-known speed,appeared determined to make at least one effort to escape. Sheheld steadily on her course, at top speed, without noticing thepursuer's summons; the black smoke that poured in volumes fromher funnel, showing no less plainly than the rapid revolutions ofher paddles the strenuous exertions she was making to escape.
This state of things, however, could not last long. For a fewminutes the chase was permitted to try her speed against that ofher pursuer; but the latter soon found that with the highest pressureof steam she had been able to raise during the short periodthat had elapsed since the enemy first hove in sight, she was by nomeans overhauling the chase as rapidly as could be desired. Sothe friendly warning having been disregarded, the adoption ofmore peremptory measures was decided on, and a shotted gun wasordered to be fired over her.
Boom! went the Alabama's bow-chaser, as she yawed for amoment to permit the gunner to take aim—and boom! at almostthe same instant went one of her broadside guns, the enthusiasticcaptain of which could not contain himself until the order to firewas given, but must needs bring down upon himself a reprimandfrom the authorities of the quarter-deck for his precipitation.Fortunately, however, this irregular shot did no harm—not improbably,perhaps, from the very fact of its having been launchedso totally without consideration. The first, however, did itserrand most effectively, and the shower of white splinters that flewfrom the chase's foremast as the shell, after grazing the funnel,struck full against it, afforded most satisfactory evidence of theaccuracy of the line. Happily, the shell contented itself with cuttingthe foremast very nearly in two, and did not explode until ithad passed safely overboard, otherwise the havoc created by it onthe crowded deck of the steamer must have been fearful.
The hint, however, was sufficient. The paddles of the chaseceased to revolve, the huge walking-beam remained poised in midair,and the steamer rounding to, submitted herself to her captors.A boat was now lowered and, sent on board of the prize, whichproved to be, as anticipated, the mail steamer Ariel, from NewYork to Aspinwall, having on board one hundred and forty marineson their way to join the enemy's Pacific squadron; severalmilitary and naval officers, among the latter of whom was CommanderSartori, on his way to take command of the St. Mary's; and about fivehundred other passengers, a large proportion of whom were women and children.
The Alabama had "bought an elephant," and now the questionarose—what was to be done with her valuable but most unwieldyacquisition? The first step, of course, was to send a prizecrew on board. The second to transfer to the Alabama sundryimportant matters, such as the ship's papers, three large boxes ofspecie, a 24 pounder rifled gun, 125 new rifles, 16 swords, andabout 1,000 rounds of ammunition. The marines and officerswere then put on parole, the former being disarmed, and allpledged not to fight again against the Confederate States untilthey should be regularly exchanged.
But this done, Captain Semmes' task was not half accomplished.There was still the ship herself to be disposed of, and with her theremaining five hundred and odd passengers, including among theirnumber a large proportion of women and children. What was tobe done? It was clear he could not fire the ship until all thesewere safely out of her. It was at least equally clear that, squeezeand contrive how he would, he could not possibly transfer such ahost of prisoners to his own already sufficiently crowded decks.His only choice, then, was either to release the captured vessel atonce, upon a ransom bond, or to keep her by him for a time inthe hope that something might turn up to obviate the necessity ofso unsatisfactory a step. Captain Semmes decided upon the lattercourse, and detaining the captain of the Ariel on board his ownship, sent a prize crew to take charge of the Ariel, with orders tokeep company with the Alabama through the night.
This done, the Alabama returned under easy sail to her stationoff the Cape, still anxiously looking out for the homeward-boundsteamer, which would of course prove a very far richer prize thanthe one home-bound vessel he had captured. The following afternoonthe precaution was taken of disabling the captured vessel,by removing from her engines the "bonnet of the steam chestand a steam valve," which were sent into safe custody on boardthe Alabama; care being also taken to prevent the Ariel fromavailing herself of her sails as a means of escape should-theAlabama have to start off in pursuit of her homeward-boundconsort.
No homeward-bound steamer, however, appeared, and it wasnow determined to convey the Ariel into Kingston, Jamaica,where it was proposed to land the passengers, and after providingthe Alabama, from the prize, with coal, provisions, and othermatters of which she stood in need, to take her out again to seaand burn her. With this view the portions of the machinerywhich had been removed during the night were restored to theirplaces, and the two vessels made sail towards Jamaica, on or aboutthe line which it was supposed would be taken by the Californiansteamer.
The next morning was fine, and, with the prize in company, theisland of Navaza was made at about 9.30 A.M., on the port bow;and five hours afterwards the two steamers were in sight of theeast end of Jamaica. By half-past seven that evening, the Alabamawas within about nine miles of Point Morant Light, and checked herspeed to enable the prize to come up with her.
And now a catastrophe occurred which, but for the most carefuland excellent management, might have had most serious results.At about eight o'clock in the evening chase was given toan hermaphrodite brig, on coming up with which a blank cartridgewas fired, and a boat despatched to board her and examine herpapers. At this moment, up came the engineer to report that theengine had suddenly become entirely useless from the giving wayof some of the valve castings, and that twenty-four hours, at least,would be required before the damage could be repaired. At thisuntoward intelligence, the captain's first thought was of the chase,and, casting a rapid glance in that direction, to his equal amazementand disgust, he perceived that she had not obeyed the signalto heave to, but was still standing quietly upon her course!
Here was, indeed, a pleasant predicament. Not a step couldhe stir in pursuit, nor did he dare fire a shot after the departingvessel, for fear, in the darkness of the night, of sending to thebottom his own boat, which was now in full pursuit of her.What if the boat should be led away too far in the ardour of thechase, and of course taking for granted that as soon as the brigantine'scontumacy was discovered, the Alabama herself would atonce be after her? What, too, if the Ariel should get scent ofher captor's predicament, and take this favourable opportunity ofshowing her a clean pair of heels, carrying off the unlucky prizecrew as a running horse might carry off the unskilful rider whohad imprudently bestridden it?
The moment was an anxious one, and great was the relief tothe minds of all who were in the secret, when the welcome soundof oars working regularly backwards and forwards in their rowlockswas again heard, and the boat returned, having managed tooverhaul the stranger; the wind having fortunately fallen toolight for her to escape.
The chase proved to hail from one of the German States, andwas just out of Kingston. According to her statement, this latterport was now suffering from a severe visitation of yellow-fever.This intelligence caused an entire change in the Alabama's plans.It had been Captain Semmes' intention to run into Kingston, andendeavour, at all events, to obtain permission to discharge hisnumerous prisoners; this being, apparently, the only way inwhich he could hope to disencumber himself of them, except byreleasing the ship at the same time. To turn some seven hundredprisoners, however, many of them delicate women and children,adrift in a place known to be suffering from the fearful scourge ofyellow-fever, would have been an act of inhumanity of which theConfederate captain was quite incapable. Sorely to his disappointment,therefore, he felt himself compelled to abandon the Kingstonscheme, and forego the pleasure of making a bonfire of thesplendid steamer that had fallen into his hands. It is an ill windthat blows nobody any good, and to the yellow-fever were the passengersby the Ariel indebted for an uninterrupted voyage, and herowners for the preservation of their valuable vessel.
The question once decided in favour of the Ariel's release, it was,of course, under existing circ*mstances, an object of no small importanceto get the matter concluded as speedily as possible. Hadshe only known her captor's crippled condition she would havehad nothing to do but just to have steamed quietly away, takingthe prize-crew with her as compensation for the inconvenience towhich she had been put by her detention. And any momentmight reveal the all-important secret; so without delay, a boatwas again sent on board for the master, who was evidently nota little relieved on being told that the vessel was to be released.
Some little discussion now arose as to the amount of ransom tobe exacted, but both parties were equally, though not as openly,anxious to conclude the transaction; and the amount was finallyfixed at 261,000 dollars—a handsome sum, indeed, but one byno means exorbitant, when the value of the vessel to be ransomedis taken into consideration.
The bond duly signed, and safely deposited among the othersecurities of the kind, Captain Semmes breathed more freely, and afeeling of satisfaction at having steered safely through a situationof such difficulty, offered some slight compensation for the disappointmentarising from the enforced release of the prize. The two vessels now partedcompany; all parties, both civil, naval, and military, on board of theAriel, uniting their testimony in eulogy of the quiet, orderly, andrespectful conduct of their unwelcome guests. So with mutual amenitiesthe two courteous enemies parted, the Ariel steering a course to the S.S.W.,the Alabama still hard at work in the repairs of her machinery, standing offand on within easy distance of the Jamaica coast, and keeping as faras possible from the track of vessels until the untoward disastershould be repaired.
Again ready—Gloomy weather—A Norther—The Arcas—Thesecond Christmas at sea—The war—Plymouth rock leaven—Onthe lonely island—"Splicing the main-brace"—Searching for shells—Tiredof hard service—In irons—Well disciplined—A phenomenon—Thenew year—In memoriam—To sea again.
The exciting episode of the Ariel was followed by a period altogetherdevoid of incident, though by no means destitute eitherof interest or anxiety for those on board the Alabama. Fromdaybreak to dusk the click of the hammer, and the shrill screamingof the file, arose incessantly from the engine room, as theengineer and his staff laboured without a pause to repair thedamage to the machinery. The task proved even longer thanhad been anticipated, and it was not until the afternoon of thethird day that the mischief had been finally remedied, and theAlabama was pronounced in a condition to resume with safety herdestructive career.
Meanwhile, a brighter look-out than ever was kept from her mastheads.There was still a possibility—though but a slight one—offalling in with the homeward-bound Californian, for which theyhad been waiting so long and so anxiously; whilst it was morethan ever necessary to care against surprise from any of theenemy's cruisers, who might fairly be expected to be in considerableforce somewhere in the neighbourhood.
The northern shores of Jamaica, however, off which the Alabamawas now lying, standing along the coast, under easy sailduring the day, and at night laying her maintopsail to the mast,appeared to be but little frequented by vessels of any kind, andthe cruiser was permitted to carry on her repairs without a singleinterruption in the way of either a chase, or a call to quarters.And it was perhaps as well that such an interval of rest shouldhave been afforded after the severe strain of the previous fewdays. For Captain Semmes, at all events, it was a great boon,for on that officer's never very robust constitution, the continuedanxiety and constant night-calls on deck, in wind and rain, hadhad a very serious effect, and he was fairly laid up with cold andfever.
The evening of Friday, December the 12th, saw the repairs ofthe machinery of the vessel completed, the Alabama being at,nightfall about opposite to the little town of St. Anne's. Thatevening the crew were exercised at quarters; and the next day,after a thorough cleaning of the decks, &c., the vessel ran awayto the westward of the Island of Jamaica, en route for anotherpoint of rendezvous, at which to take in fresh coal, and otherneedful supplies.
* * * * *
Saturday, December 13th.—… Nothing in sight, andI intend to see nothing—unless it be a homeward-bound Californiansteamer—at present, as it is important I should make therun I contemplate without being traced. I should have muchliked to touch at the Caymans for fruit and vegetables for thecrew, but forbear on this account.
* * * * *
_Monday, December 15th.—_Fresh trade, ship rolling along undertopsails. This running down, down, the ever-constant tradewind—to run up against it, by and by, under steam—is not verypleasant. Still, God willing, I hope to strike a blow of some importance,and make my way safely out of the Gulf.
Wednesday, December 17th.—The wind blew quite fresh duringthe night from about N.E. by N. To-day it is blowing a moderategale from about N.N.E. This is probably a norther from theAmerican coast, modified by its contact with the N.E. trade wind.The clouds look hard and wintry. Close-reefed at nightfall….The gale has continued all day, with a rough sea, inwhich the ship is rolling and tumbling about. Weather cloudyand gloomy-looking, and the wind moaning and whistling throughthe rigging—enough to give one the blues. These are some ofthe comforts of sea-going, and we have had our share of them inthe Alabama.
Thursday, December 18th.—The gale continues, with denseclouds in every direction obscuring the heavens so that we get nomeridian altitude. I got a glimpse of the sun at about nine minutespast noon. When one's ship is in a doubtful position, howeagerly and nervously one watches the shifting clouds near noon,and how remorsely they sometimes close up their dense massesjust at the critical moment, shutting out from us the narrowly-watchedface of the sun! One is foolish enough sometimes almostto feel a momentary resentment against inanimate nature—weakmortals that we are!
The gale has drifted us so far to leeward that the wind from itspresent quarter will no longer permit us to "lay through" theYucatan passage, so at 2 P.M. we tacked to the southward andeastward. Weather still thick in the afternoon, with light rain atintervals. We had a very ugly sea lashing us this morning—theship rolling so heavily as to awaken me frequently, though I sleepin a swinging cot; and the water swashing over the decks, andrushing by bucketsful down the companion-way, which we areobliged to keep open to avoid being smothered.
Friday, December 19th.—The gale continues with the tenacityof a norther, this being the third day. This is but a foretaste ofthe weather we may expect in the Gulf of Mexico. Being now inthe Gulf of Honduras, there is but a small strip of land between usand it.
Saturday, December 20th.—As ugly a day as one often sees,with a great variety of wind and weather. In the morning thewind was fresh from the N.E., with flying clouds, and a brightsun, now and then obscured. At about 9 A.M. a cloud bank inthe north began to rise, and by 11.30 we had a densely overcastsky, with heavy rain-squalls. I was running for Cape Catoche,and was greatly disappointed at not getting a meridian altitude,especially after the promise of the morning. At about 11.30made the land—two islands, as described by the man at the masthead.At 4 P.M. sounded in twenty-eight fathoms. Weather threatening a gale.At six, double-reefed the topsails, and sounded in twenty-five fathoms.I shall endeavour to feel my way around the Cape, and gradually bear upfor the westward. The bank is apparently clean and safe, but stillgroping one's way in the dark in strange waters is a somewhat nervous operation.
Sunday, December 21st.—We doubled Cape Catoche very successfullylast night, hauling around it gradually in from twenty-fiveto thirty fathoms, and ran along in the latter depth all night,course W. and W. by S., sounding every hour. The wind blewhalf a gale, and the weather looked threatening. This morningthe wind hauled more to the eastward, and moderated somewhat.The sky still looks wintry, and the sun sheds a lurid light througha semi-transparent stratum of dull grey clouds. At 11 A.M. musteredthe crews and at meridian passed a large steamer (hull down)steering to the eastward, probably a French ship of war from VeraCruz.
Monday, December 22nd.—Ran on during the night in a veryregular line of soundings of twenty fathoms, on a W.S.W. course.At 9 P.M., having run within about twenty miles of the Areas,anchored for the night in twenty fathoms.
Tuesday, December 23rd.—At 9 A.M. called all hands up anchor;and at ten we were under way, steering W.S.W.; at meridianobserved six miles to the northward of the Areas, and alteredcourse to S.W. At 1.30 P.M. made the Areas half a point on thestarboard-bow, distant about twelve miles; and at sunset cameto anchor in eleven fathoms of water, with the south Area bearingN.W. by N. In the course of the afternoon our coal-ship,which I had ordered to rendezvous here, hove in sight, and joinedus at the anchorage a few minutes after we came to.
Wednesday, December 24th.—In the forenoon went out of theharbour, and examined the entrances and anchorage. The dangersare all visible, and it is only necessary to give a berth to thereefs that make off from the points. There is an inner reef makingoff to the westward from the northern island; but it, like theother, is visible, and there is no danger whatever in approachingit. The Areas are three low keys, lying in a triangle; the northernkey being the largest. We found a hut on this latter key, aboat hauled up on the island, a net inside the hut, a boiler or twofor trying out oil, and other evidences of the inhabitancy of fishermenor turtlers; but this not being the season for these pursuits,everything had apparently been abandoned for some time.Numerous birds of the gull species were the only living thingsfound in the island, and of these there were varieties of old birdsand their fledglings, and some of the former were still laying andsitting. They seemed to have no fear of our men, and sufferedthemselves to be caught by the hand, and knocked on the headwith sticks. The vegetation found was on the larger island, andon that it consisted of a dense carpeting of sea-kale—not a shrubof any kind. In the transparent waters on the inner reef, a greatvariety of the living coral was found in all its beauty, imitatingthe growth of the forest on a small scale. At P.M. we gotunder way, and stood in and anchored under the south side of thelarger island in nine fathoms, and moored ship with an openhawse to the north.
We entered by the S.E. passage between the south and thenorth islands. The barque followed us, coming in by the S.W.passage between the south and the west islands, and anchored alittle to the S.E. of us. Our anchorage is open to the S.E., but atthis season it does not blow from that quarter, and probablywould not bring in much sea if it did. We feel very comfortableto-night in snug berth.
Thursday, December 25th.—Christmas-day!—the second Christmassince we left our homes in the Sumter. Last year we werebuffeting the storms of the North Atlantic, near the Azores; nowwe are snugly anchored, in the Arcas: and how many eventfulperiods have passed in the interval! Our poor people have beenterribly pressed in this wicked and ruthless war, and they haveborne privations and sufferings which nothing but an intense patriotismcould have sustained. They will live in history as a peopleworthy to be free; and future generations will be astonished atthe folly and fanaticism, wickedness and want of principle, developedby this war among the Puritan population of the North. And in this classmay nine-tenths of the native population of the Northern States be placed,to such an extent has the "Plymouth Rock" leaven "leavened the whole lump."A people so devoid of Christian charity, and wanting in so many of theessentials of honesty, cannot but be abandoned to their own folly by a just andbenevolent God.
Our crew is keeping Christmas by a run on shore, which theyall seem to enjoy exceedingly. It is, indeed, very grateful to thesenses to ramble about over even so confined a space as the Arcas,after tossing about at sea in a continued state of excitement formonths. Yesterday was the first time I touched the shore since Ileft Liverpool on the 18th August last, and I was only one weekin Liverpool after a voyage of three weeks from the Bahamas; sothat I have in fact been but one week on shore in five months.My thoughts naturally turn on this quiet Christmas-day, in thislonely island, to my dear family. I can only hope, and trust themto the protection of a merciful Providence. The only sign of aholiday on board to-night is the usual "splicing of themain-brace"—Anglicè, giving Jack an extra allowance of grog.
Friday, December 26th.—* * * Weather fine, but the barometerhas gone down the tenth of an inch to day, and is now (7 P.M.)29.96. I shall begin to look for a norther in about twenty-fourhours. We commenced caulking our leaky decks to-day, anddespatched the launch to assist in ballasting the barque. I strolledon the islands to-day, and amused myself searching for shells alongthe beach. There are some very pretty diminutive shells to befound, similar to those on the Florida coast; but none of a largersize than the common "conch," of which there are a few. Wehave made free with the turtle nets of the fishermen found in thehuts, and have set them. As yet, we have only caught two or threesmall turtle. I landed on the south island to-day, where they aregetting off ballast. This islet is occupied exclusively by the blackman-of-war bird; whilst the north islet seems to be divided betweenthe white gannet (with the lower edges of its wings black)and the black warrior; the colonies being quite distinct. Thebirds are still laying and incubating.
Saturday, December 27th.—The barometer has risen again, andthe weather still continues fine. Ballasting the barque, and overhaulingand setting up our topmast and lower rigging, and caulkingdecks. Took a stroll in the north island towards sunset. It isdull recreation after the novelty has worn off, with the somewhattough walking through the sand, and the smell and filth of theclouds of gannet.
Sunday, December 28th.—Weather cloudy, with the wind fromthe N.E. At 8.30 descried a schooner from aloft in the N.W., thefirst sail we have seen, and quite an unexpected sight at this seasonof the year. After we had armed and manned the cutter, toboard the sail when it should heave in sight from the deck, it wasascertained that the look out had been deceived, and that the supposedsail was probably a cloud in the horizon, it having suddenlydisappeared.
At 11 A.M. mustered the crew and inspected the ship. A quietSabbath. Strolled on the island towards sunset, with the gannetsfor companions, the surf for music, and the heavy sand for a promenade.The weather cleared at nightfall, with the breeze freshfrom the N.N.E. Some of the men are getting tired of their hardservice; the chief boatswain's-mate having applied to return toEngland in the barque. Refused him permission, of course. Constantcruising, vigilance against being surprised by the enemy,salt provisions, and a deprivation of the pleasures of port, sodear to the heart of a seaman, are probably what most of themdid not expect. A tight rein and plenty of work will cure theevil.
Monday, December 29th.—Weather clear and fine. At daylighthauled the barque alongside, and commenced coaling. Anotherseaman got drunk to-day, and seized his bag to go on boardthe barque to return to England. Confined him in double irons.Many of my fellows no doubt thought they were shipping in asort of privateer, where they would have a jolly good time andplenty of license. They have been wofully disappointed, for Ihave jerked them down with a strong hand, and now have a well-disciplinedship of war, punishment invariably follows immediatelyon the heels of the offence. It has taken me three or four monthsto accomplish this, but when it is considered that my little kingdomconsisted of one hundred and ten of the most reckless fromthe groggeries of Liverpool, this is not much.
Tuesday, December 30th.—The weather still continues remarkablyfine, with a moderate breeze from the E.S.E. We finished coaling to-day,and hauled the barque off in the afternoon. Getting ready generally forour dash at the enemy's coasts; or rather, at the enemy on our own coasts,of which he is in possession. A brig hove in sight to-day to the S. and E.,approaching the islands on the starboard tack, until she becamevisible from the bridge, and then tacking—probably a Frenchman,making way from Vera Cruz to the eastward on the banks.Took my usual afternoon stroll on shore. About nightfall, thesky assumes a peculiarly lurid aspect, becoming dark overhead,whilst the western horizon is lighted up with the rays of the settingsun, although there is not a cloud visible. One witnessingsuch a scene elsewhere would fancy himself on the eve of a storm;I attribute it to the reflection from the green waters of the bank.We have cleared away all the old eggs from the gannets' nests,and these prolific layers are now supplying us with fresh. Of fishwe can catch none, except by trolling. We have no better successwith our turtle nets.
Wednesday, December 31st.—The weather has been good allday, though we have had a heavy surf on all the reefs, indicatingthat there is a gale somewhere in our vicinity—probably a norther,along the Mexican coast to the west of us. The wind is at N.N.E.and moderate, and the barometer has been rising all day, thoughit has not been a tenth below 30.21; it is now (4 P.M.) 30.15, sowe shall probably not feel the gale here.
Thursday, January 1st.—The first day of the new year.What will it bring forth? The Almighty for a wise purpose hidesfuture events from the eyes of mortals, and all we can do is to performwell our parts, and trust the rest to His guidance. Success,as a general rule, attends him who is vigilant and active. It isuseful to look back on the first day of the new year and see howwe have spent the past; what errors we have committed, and ofwhat faults we have been guilty, that we may in the future avoidthe one and reform the other.
Although the wind blew pretty fresh during the past night, wedid not feel the gale in any force; and to-day it has moderated,and the weather become fine again. Still caulking and painting.The former seems to be an interminable job with our small gangof caulkers. In the afternoon a brig approached the island, nearenough to be seen, hull up, from the deck. She was beating upthe bank to the eastward probably from Vera Cruz.
Friday, January 2nd.—The wind has been fresh all day fromthe eastward, bringing in some sea, and as we have been ridingacross the tide, the ship has had some motion. Caulking andpainting, tarring down and squaring ratlines, &c. Commencedcondensing water to supply the barque for her return voyage toEngland. I must get to sea on Tuesday, though I fear we shallnot have finished caulking; but Banks' expedition must be assemblingoff Galveston, and time is of importance to us if we wouldstrike a blow at it before it is all landed. My men will rebel a littleyet. I was obliged to-day to trice one of them up for a little insolentbehaviour.
Saturday, January 3d.—A gale opened after all from the S.E.,which I had hoped to escape, so rare is it to have blows from thisquarter at this season of the year. We have veered to forty-fivefathoms on each chain, and are in six fathoms water astern (therebeing nine where the anchors are), and are tailing directly on thesurf, with a few hundred feet only between us and it, which ofcourse makes me feel a little solicitude. We are open to the S.E.winds, though these blow over the bank from landwards. Stillthe water is deep and the land distant, and a considerable sea comesin. I have ordered the fires to be lighted under another boiler toguard against accidents. The Arcas are a dirty little anchoragefor large ships, being but an open roadstead, affording good shelteronly from the north. There is a very small basin between the tworeefs, running off from the northern island, fit for very small vessels,where they could be made secure against northerly and southerlywinds; but everywhere they would be exposed more or lessto wind from the westward.
Sunday, January 4th.—Weather clear, with the wind freshfrom the S.E., dying away in the afternoon. Having determinedto get to sea this evening, we commenced getting our coal-bags onboard from the barque, omitting the usual Sunday muster. Busywith the seamen, as usual on such occasions, sending home theirallotments, &c. The weather begins to portend a norther, so Ihave directed the engineer to hold on with his steam for the present.
Monday, January 5th.—It did not blow last night as I expected.This morning the wind has gone round again. I cannot waitlonger for the norther,[10] so I must get under way. At 11 under way, and stood out from the anchorage under steam.Let the steam go down, hoisted the propeller, and put the shipunder sail.
[Footnote 10: One of the officers of the Alabama enters in his journalthat on this day, in anticipation of news being received of Lincoln'sproclamation, a tombstone, consisting of a board about four feet inlength and two in breadth, was sent on shore and placed in the mostprominent position the largest island afforded. Inscribed on the tombstone,in black letters on a white ground, was the following:—"In memory ofAbraham Lincoln, President of the late United States, who died of nigg*ron the brain, 1st January, 1863."—"No. 290." Upon a piece of paper,protected from the weather, was written in Spanish—"Will the finderkindly favour me by forwarding this tablet to the United States Consul,at the first point he touches at?" This affair originated with, and wasexecuted by, the steerage officers.]
Another mission—General Banks' expedition—To Galveston—Sundaythe 11th of January—A small mistake—Preparing for action—The Hatteras—A fight in the dark—Sharp and decisive—Surrender—Rescue of the crew—Sunk!—Casualties—Out of the hornet's nest.
Contrary to her usual aspirations, the principal wish of the Alabama,as she started on this fresh cruise, was to reach her destinationwithout having seen a single vessel. She was now in fact ona service of a kind altogether different from that which had yetoccupied her. In his address to the crew, upon taking commandoff Terceira, Captain Semmes had promised that the first momentthey were in a condition of training and discipline, to enable themto encounter the enemy, they should have an opportunity of doingso. That time had come, and laying aside for a short period hermore especial rôle of annihilating as rapidly as possible the enemy'scommerce, the Alabama set steadily out in search of a fight.
The grand expedition of General Banks, which had been thesubject of so much speculation in the United States, and of whichtheir newspapers had long before duly informed the Confederatecruiser, seemed to offer the most favourable opportunity possiblefor such an enterprise. The expedition would, of course, be accompaniedby one or more armed vessels, but the principal portionof it would be composed of troop-ships, crowded with the enemy'ssoldiers; and should the Alabama but prove victorious inthe fight, these transports would be a prize of more practical importancethan all the grain and all the oil ever carried in a merchantman'shold.
It was a daring adventure certainly. To steer, with a solitarylight-armed sloop, close upon a coast, blockaded from north tosouth, by hundreds of armed vessels, in deliberate quest of asquadron, not improbably four or five times stronger than herself,was an act of almost reckless hardihood, fully in keeping with therest of the Alabama's career. The event indeed proved the fulldanger of the adventure; whilst, at the same time, nothing couldhave more clearly showed how utterly groundless were the dastardlyimputations upon the courage and prowess of her crew, poured out dailyfrom the foul-mouthed organs of the Northern press. There could be noquestion of the fighting qualities, or disposition, of the Confederatecruiser, after such a test as this.
For five days the Alabama kept steadily on her course for Galveston,where she expected to find the fleet of which she was insearch. At length, on Sunday, the 11th January—her "luckyday"—the moment so anxiously looked for came.
* * * * *
Our position at noon—writes Captain Semmes—put us justwithin thirty miles of Galveston, and I stood on, intending eitherjust to sight the shipping at a great distance, without being seenmyself, or else to anchor just out of sight until the moon shouldrise the following night, which would be about half-past eleven,and then run in, and attack, as I hoped, "Banks' expedition."Owing, however, to a little carelessness in the look-out at "masthead,"we were permitted to approach the ships anchored off thebar in such plain sight, before they were announced, that we werediscovered, although we tacked immediately and stood off, in thehopes of eluding the vigilance of the enemy.
There were three ships found lying off the bar—one heavily-sparredship, which our look-out took for a sail frigate, but whichafterwards proved to be the Brooklyn steamer, our old friend thatchased us in the Sumter, and two steamers supposed to be propellers.Very soon one of the steamers was seen to be getting upsteam, and in about an hour and a half afterwards she was reportedto be under weigh, standing out for us.
I lowered the propeller, and directed steam to be got in readiness,and awaited the approach of the stranger, who overhauled usvery slowly, and seemed to reconnoitre us, as he came along, withgreat caution.
All this time we were standing on under topsails away from thebar, and the stranger was approaching us stern on. I gave myship a little motion with the engine occasionally, both to draw theenemy—for I, of course, supposed him to be such—away from hisconsorts, so that in case of a conflict the latter might not hear ourguns, and to prolong the time until dark to enable me to take inmy topsails, and close with him in so short a time that the movementshould not be noticed by him until too late to escape, whichI feared he might attempt, if he saw me turn upon him with theintention of pursuing him.
Accordingly, soon after dark—the enemy in the meantimehaving approached us so near as not to endanger our losing sightof him—I clewed up, and furled the topsails, beat to quarters, anddoubled suddenly upon the stranger. He came in quite boldly,and when within hailing distance of us, hailed us, and inquired—
"What ship is that?"
"Her Majesty's ship Petrel. What ship's that?"
To this inquiry there was no reply, and although we repeatedit several times there was no rejoinder.
During the colloquy, I endeavoured to place myself in a rakingposition astern of him, which he as carefully avoided by keepinghis broadside to me. From this manoeuvre I knew him prettycertainly to be an enemy, and having approached to within abouttwo hundred yards, I directed my First Lieutenant to repeat thequestion. "What ship's that?" was accordingly again shouted,and this time there was a reply.
We distinctly heard that he was an United States something orother, but the name we could not make out. I then directed theFirst Lieutenant to tell him that this was the Confederate Statessteamer Alabama, and to open fire on him immediately, which wedid from our starboard battery. He returned our fire in a minuteor two, and the action was thus commenced.
We continued to run side by side at a distance ranging fromtwo to five hundred yards, both of us keeping up a rapid fire ofboth artillery and rifles, when, after the lapse of thirteen minutes,the enemy fired two guns from his off, or starboard side, andshowed a light above his deck in token of his being whipped.
At once we ceased firing, and approaching him still nearer,asked him if he surrendered and needed assistance. To both ofthese questions he replied in the affirmative, and we immediatelydespatched our quarter boats to him; these, with his own fourboats, were busily employed in transporting the crew on board,which had only been accomplished when the ship went down.[11]
[Footnote 11: United States Consulate, Kingston,
Jamaica, Jan., 21, 1868.
SIR,—It is my painful duty to inform the Department of the destructionof the United States steamer Hatteras, recently under my command, bythe rebel steamer Alabama, on the night of the 11th instant, off the coastof Texas. The circ*mstances of the disaster are as follows:—
Upon the afternoon of the 11th inst., at 2.30 P.M., while at anchor incompany with the fleet under Commodore Bell, off Galveston, Texas, Iwas ordered by signal from the United States flag-ship Brooklyn to chasea sail to the southward and eastward. I got under weigh immediately,and steamed with all speed in the direction indicated. After some time,the strange sail could be seen from the Hatteras, and was ascertained tobe a steamer, which fact I communicated to the flag-ship by signal. Icontinued the chase, and rapidly gained upon the suspicious vessel.Knowing the slow rate of speed of the Hatteras, I at once suspected thatdeception was being practised, and hence ordered the ship to be clearedfor action, with everything in readiness for a determined attack and avigorous defence.
When within about four miles of the vessel, I observed that she hadceased to steam, and was lying broadside and awaiting us. It was nearlyseven o'clock, and quite dark; but notwithstanding the obscurity of thenight, I felt assured, from the general character of the vessel and hermanoeuvres, that I should soon encounter the rebel steamer Alabama.Being able to work but four guns on the side of the Hatteras—two short32 pounders, one 30 pounder rifled Parrot gun, and one 20 pounder rifledgun,—I concluded to close with her that my guns might be effective, ifnecessary.
I came within easy speaking range—about seventy-five yards—andupon asking "What steamer is that?" received the answer, "Her BritannicMajesty's ship Petrel." I replied that I would send a boat aboard,and immediately gave the order. In the meantime the vessels werechanging positions, the stranger endeavouring to gain a desirable positionfor a raking fire. Almost simultaneously with the piping away of theboat the strange craft again replied, "We are the Confederate steamerAlabama," which was accompanied with a broadside. I at the samemoment returned the fire. Being well aware of the many vulnerablepoints of the Hatteras, I hoped, by closing with the Alabama, to be ableto board her, and thus rid the seas of the piratical craft. I steameddirectly for the Alabama, but she was enabled by her great speed and thefoulness of the bottom of the Hatteras, and consequently her diminishedspeed, to thwart my attempt when I had gained a distance of but thirtyyards from her. At this range musket and pistol shots were exchanged.The firing continued with great vigour on both sides. At length a shellentered amidships in the hold, setting fire to it, and at the same instant—as I can hardly divide the time—a shell passed through the sick bay,exploding in an adjoining compartment, also producing fire. Anotherentered the cylinder, filling the engine-room and deck with steam, anddepriving me of my power to manoeuvre the vessel, or to work the pumps,upon which the reduction of the fire depended.
With the vessel on fire in two places, and beyond human power, ahopeless wreck upon the waters, with her walking-beam shot away, andher engine rendered useless, I still maintained an active five, with thedouble hope of disabling the Alabama and attracting the attention of thefleet off Galveston, which was only twenty-eight miles distant.
It was soon reported to me that the shells had entered the Hatteras atthe water-line, tearing off entire sheets of iron, and that the water wasrushing in, utterly defying every attempt to remedy the evil, and thatshe was rapidly sinking. Learning the melancholy truth, and observingthat the Alabama was on my port bow, entirely beyond the range of myguns, doubtless preparing for a raking fire of the deck, I felt I had nolight to sacrifice uselessly, and without any desirable result, the livesof all under my command.
To prevent the blowing up of the Hatteras from the fire, which wasmaking much progress, I ordered the magazine to be flooded, and afterwardsa lee gun was fired. The Alabama then asked if assistance was desired,to which an affirmative answer was given.
The Hatteras was then going down, and in order to save the lives of myofficers and men, I caused the armament on the port side to be thrownoverboard. Had I not done so, I am confident the vessel would havegone down with many brave hearts and valuable lives. After considerabledelay, caused by the report that a steamer was seen coming fromGalveston, the Alabama sent us assistance; and I have the pleasure ofinforming the Department that every living being was conveyed safelyfrom the Hatteras to the Alabama.
Two minutes after leaving the Hatteras, she went down, bow first,with her pennant at the masthead, with all her muskets and stores ofevery description, the enemy not being able, owing to her rapid sinking,to obtain a single weapon.
The battery upon the Alabama brought into action against the Hatterasnumbered nine guns, consisting of six long 32 pounders, one100 pounder, one 68 pounder, and one 24 pounder rifled gun. The greatsuperiority of the Alabama, with her powerful battery, and her machineryunder the water-line, must be at once recognized by the Department, whoare familiar with the construction of the Hatteras, and her total unfitnessfor a conflict with a regular built vessel of war.
The distance between the Hatteras and the Alabama during the actionvaried from twenty-five to one hundred yards. Nearly fifty shots werefired from the Hatteras, and I presume a greater number from the Alabama.
I desire to refer to the efficient and active manner in whichActing-master Porter, executive officer, performed his duty. The conductof the Assistant-surgeon, Edward S. Matthews, both during the actionand afterwards, in attending to the wounded, demands my unqualifiedcommendation. I would also bring to the favourable notice of the DepartmentActing-master's mate McGrath, temporarily performing duty as gunner.Owing to the darkness of the night and the peculiar construction of theHatteras, I am only able to refer to the conduct of those officers who cameunder my especial attention; but from the character of the contest, andthe amount of damage done to the Alabama, I have personally no reasonto believe that any officer failed in his duty.
To the men of the Hatteras I cannot give too much praise. Theirenthusiasm and bravery were of the highest order.
I enclose the report of Assistant-surgeon E.S. Matthews, by which youwill observe that five men were wounded and two killed. The missing, itis hoped, reached the fleet at Galveston.
I shall communicate to the Department, in a separate report, the movements
of myself and my command from the time of our transfer to the
Alabama until the departure of the earliest mail from this place to the
United States.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Lieutenant Commanding.
Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy, Washington.
For a further account of this action from the journal of one of thejunior officers, see Appendix.]
The prize proved to be the United States gunboat Hatteras,Lieut.-Commanding H.C. Blake, which officer came on board after his crewhad been transported, and delivered up his sword. I said to him:—
"I am glad to see you on board the Alabama, and we will endeavour tomake your time as comfortable as possible."
The Hatteras had the following armament, viz.:—32 pounders of 27 cwt.,4; 30 pounders, rifled, 2; 20 pounders, rifled, 1; 12 pounders,howitzer, 1: total, 8.
The armament of the Alabama was:—32 pounders of 52 cwt., 6; 100pounders, rifled, 1; 24 pounders, rifled, 1; 8-inch shell gun, 1: total,9.
A great disparity in weight of metal in our power; but we equalized thisto a considerable extent by the fair fight which we showed the enemy inapproaching him so very close as to render his small guns almost asefficient as larger ones.
The tonnage of the Hatteras was eleven hundred tons; material, iron,with watertight compartments; age, eighteen months. Her crew numbered ahundred and eight men, and eighteen officers; our own numbering ahundred and eleven men, and twenty-six officers.
The casualties on both sides were slight. On board the enemy two weremissing (firemen), supposed to have been killed in the fire-room, andthree wounded, one of them severely, and two slightly. On boardourselves, only two slightly wounded.
After the action had been over an hour or more, and whilst I wassteaming off on my course, it was reported to me that a boat of theenemy, containing an acting master and five men, which had been loweredbefore we opened fire upon him, to board "Her Majesty's steamer Petrel,"had escaped. As the sea was smooth and the wind blowing gently towardsthe shore, distant only about nineteen miles, this boat probably reachedthe shore in safety in five or six hours. The night was clear andstarlit, and it would have no difficulty in shaping its course. But forthese circ*mstances, I should have turned back to look for it, hopelessas this task must have proved in the dark. The weather continuedmoderate all night, and the wind to blow on shore.
It was ascertained that Galveston had been retaken by us, and that theBrooklyn and four of the enemy's steam-sloops were off the port,awaiting a reinforcement of three other ships from New Orleans tocannonade the place. So there was no "Banks' expedition," with itstransports, heavily laden with troops, &c., to be attacked, and but forthe bad look-out of our man at the masthead, we should have got insteadinto a hornet's nest.
Crowded with prisoners—Chasing a friend—At Jamaica—Enthusiasticreception—Rest on shore—Speech making—Up anchor!—A prize—Case ofthe Golden Rule—Reinstating the discipline—Capture of theChastelain—San Domingo—The Palmetto—Men of the day in the UnitedStates.
The Alabama's little fighting holiday was over, and she returned to herappointed task of annoying the enemy's commerce. Her course lay towardsJamaica, the captain being anxious to relieve himself as soon aspossible of the nest of prisoners that crowded his decks, and werenecessarily the occasion of considerable inconvenience to both men andofficers. The latter especially were most uncomfortably crowded, thecaptain setting the example of self-sacrifice, by giving up hisstate-room for the benefit of Lieutenant Blake, Commander of the sunkenHatteras.
It may be supposed that, under these circ*mstances, the Alabama was notvery anxious to increase the number of her involuntary passengers. Stillduty was duty, and when, on the day following the engagement, a sail wasreported from aloft, chase was at once given, and expectation again ontiptoe at the thought of a prize. No prize, however, was to be takenthat day. At about half-past two, the Alabama came withinsignal-distance of the chase, and was already busy exchanging the usualinformation, when the "stranger" barque was discovered to be no otherthan their old friend and faithful tender the Agrippina; and the Alabamacontinued her course, not a little amused at her own blunder in thuschasing her most particular friend.
Another week passed by with no event of interest, the Alabama workingher way towards Jamaica, through a succession of more or less heavygales, which, in the crowded state of the ship, were anything butcomfortable. On the 20th January, she sighted land a little beforedaybreak, passing Portland at about 3 P.M., and arriving off thelighthouse on Plum Point at half-past four. Here French colours weredisplayed in case of accident, and a gun fired for a pilot. At abouthalt-past six, that important individual made his appearance, and inabout three-quarters of an hour more the Alabama was safely at anchor inPort Royal harbour.
* * * * *
Wednesday, January 21st.—Found here several English men-of-war—theJason, the Challenger, the Greyhound, &c., the Commanders of all ofwhich called on us. I saw the Commodore (Dunlop) this morning, andrequested of the Governor through him permission to land my prisoners,&c., which was readily granted. Made arrangements for coaling andprovisioning the ship, and for repairing damages; and in the afternoonran up to Kingston, and thence proceeded to the mountains with Mr. Fyfe.
Thursday, January 22nd.—Had a delightful ride over a fine, naturalMcAdamized road, for about ten miles, and thence by horse andbridle-path through the most picturesque of mountainous regions, withits lovely valleys, abrupt precipices, streams of water, luxuriantfoliage, &c., to Flamstead, the residence of the Rev. Mr. Fyfe, who soonreturned from town and received me most hospitably.[12] Spent adelightful, quiet day, riding to Flamstead, and walking in the afternoonalong the winding mountain paths. Jamaica—that is, the south side—is awilderness, and the town of Kingston a ruin. The negro population idle,thriftless, and greatly subject to diseases of an inflammatory kind. Nomorals—gross superstition, &c.
[Footnote 12: As soon as our arrival became known the most intenseexcitement prevailed. It is impossible to describe the hospitablewelcome we received, every one placing their houses at our disposal. Upto 9 P.M. visitors were constantly received, all expressing a mosthearty, encouraging sympathy for our cause, and speaking hopefully forour prospects. Still the same enthusiasm prevails: visitors of each sexand every class coming on board, officers and men going on shore, andreceiving the most flattering attentions.]
Friday, January 23rd.—Rode over to, and spent a day and night at,Blocksburgh, visiting en route the English-looking cottage of CaptainKent, now absent in England. Had some lady-visitors at Blocksburgh inthe evening.
Saturday, January 24th.—Returned to town to-day by the way of Mr.Mais' fairy little cottage, kept in the nicest of order, and in aperfect picture of a country. Upon my arrival in town I found that myfriends had kindly put a notice in the papers, informing the goodpeople that I would be at the Exchange at noon, &c. &c. Was obliged togo, and made a speech to the people, which was well received. Returnedon board in the evening.
Sunday, January 25th.—Workmen still engaged trying to get the shipready for sea to-night. Returned my visits to the English Captains, allof whom I found very agreeable. Settling the ship's bills, and gettingthe drunken portion of my crew on board by aid of the police. Three ofthem in broad daylight jumped into a shore boat and tried to escape; butwe pursued and captured them. Work all done, and fires lighted at 5P.M., and at half-past eight we steamed out of the harbour.
Monday, January 26th.—At 10.30 A.M. descried a sail, which we came upwith at 1.20 P.M. She proved to be the Golden Rule, from New York forAspinwall. Captured and burned her, there being no certificate on boardof the neutrality of the cargo. This vessel had on board masts, spars,and a complete set of rigging, for the United States brig Bainbridge,lately obliged to cut away her masts in a gale at Aspinwall. Nineprisoners. At about 6 P.M., the prize being well on fire, steamed onour course.
* * * * *
No certificate of the neutral ownership of any portion of the cargo. Theonly bills of lading found on board are the following:—
Marcial and Co. to Gregorio Miro and Co., 2069.28 dollars; insuredagainst war risk.
Keeler and Vonhiss to John Wilson, 724.20 dollars. Consigned to order,and for account and risk of "whom it may concern."
Woolsey, consigned to order. Amount not stated, and no letter ofadvice.
Berner to Field. Amount not stated, and no letter of advice.
Herques and Maseras to Juan Melendez, 41.58 dollars.
F. Hernias to Gillas. Amount not stated, and no letter.
* * * * *
The Golden Rule furnished a supply of papers containing an abundance ofwelcome news. From them the Alabama learned of the safe escape of hersister cruiser, the Florida, from Mobile, as well as of the founderingof the United States gunboat Monitor in a gale, during her passage downthe coast. The good news was also received of the entire failure of anattack on Vicksburg.
The time was now pretty much taken up in reinstating the disciplinewhich had been somewhat shaken by the brief stay at Port Royal, and inawarding due punishment for the various offences there committed. On thewhole, however, considering the hard service the men had undergone, andthe length of the confinement they had sustained without a single"spell" on shore, the offences could not be considered very numerous. Afew of the petty officers were disrated, and various minor penaltiesinflicted, and on the 31st of January the court-martial, which had beenemployed on this unpleasant but necessary service, terminated itssittings and was dissolved.
Meanwhile another prize had fallen into the Alabama's hands, in theshape of the United States brig Chastelain, of Boston, from Martiniqueand Guadaloupe for Cienfuegos; and the following day, after dulycommitting her prize to the flames, the Alabama arrived at San Domingo,dropping anchor off the town at 6 P.M.
In the harbour were two other vessels: one a New York brig, underEnglish colours. The anchor had not been long down when a visit wasreceived from the Captain of the Port, who proved to be an oldacquaintance of Captain Semmes, he having piloted the brig Porpoiseabout the island at the time when the latter officer was FirstLieutenant of that vessel. He seemed much pleased to renew theacquaintance, and volunteered to take on shore, to the Governor, CaptainSemmes' request for permission to land his prisoners.
Soon he returned, bringing with him a commander of the Spanish navy withthe required permission. The prisoners were accordingly sent on shore,from whence they shortly returned, somewhat crestfallen, with theintelligence that no one was allowed to land after dark. The Captain,however, being anxious to depart, application was made to theauthorities, who courteously permitted the prisoners to be sent for thenight to the government vessel, undertaking to send them on shore in themorning.
This matter was settled, the Alabama again stood out, having thusdisplayed for the first time, in San Domingo, the flag of the youngrepublic.
The only excitement of the next few days was an alarm of fire, which, onthe 2nd of February, occasioned for a short time very considerableanxiety. It came from the carelessness of the captain of the hold, who,in direct violation of the written rules of the ship, took a naked lightinto the spirit-room to pump off liquor by. The moment he commencedoperations, the fumes of the spirit took fire, placing the ship for afew minutes in imminent peril. The danger, however, was brief, for thecaptain happened to be on deck at the time, and at once gave the orderto beat to quarters; before it could be obeyed the fire wasextinguished, and the ship's company quitte pour la peur. Not so,however, the delinquent captain of the hold, who was at once sent toexpiate his fault in the durance vile of a suit of double irons.
The 3rd February brought a small prize in the United States schoonerPalmetto, from New York for St. John's, Porto Rico, with a mixed cargoof provisions. She, too, laid claim to immunity on the ground ofneutrality of cargo; but inquiry soon led to condemnation, and aftertaking from her a large quantity of biscuit, cheese, &c., the crew wereremoved on board the Alabama, and the schooner burned.
* * * * *
The schooner was U.S., per register and flag. The cargo was shipped byHerques and Maseras, of New York, to Vincente Brothers, in San Juan,Porto Rico. There was no affidavit or certificate of neutral property onboard, and the cargo would have been condemnable on this ground alone.It being in an enemy's ship, it is presumed to be enemy's property untilthe contrary be shown by proper evidence under oath. The Master, uponexamination, testified that he had no knowledge of the ownership of thecargo; and this, though he was the agent and charterer of the ship, aswell as Master. The correspondence found on board—that is to say, aletter from the shippers to the consignee—states that the cargo isshipped, two thirds on account of the consignee, and one third onaccount of the shippers—the parties being the joint owners of theundivided cargo in these proportions. Therefore, whatever may be thegeneral business-relations of the parties, they are, quoad thisshipment, partners; and the house in the enemy's country having shippedthe goods, the other partner's share is condemnable, notwithstanding hisresidence in a neutral country. See 3rd Phillimore, 605; and theVigilantia, 1 Rob., pp. 1-14, 19; the Susa, ib., p. 255.
* * * * *
Several days now passed without adventure of any kind, the monotony ofalternate gales and calms being only varied by the receipt of a few oldnewspapers from the schooner Hero, of Yarmouth, N.S., giving news of theangry "resolutions" passed by the New York Chamber of Commerce withreference to the Alabama; and also—which was of considerably moreimportance—the information that the Vanderbilt and Sacramento were bothto sail towards the end of January, in pursuit of the Confederatecruiser.
Sunday, the 15th February, dawned dark and gloomy, the wind blowingnearly a whole gale from the north, and the Alabama dashing along, withthe wind well abeam, under reefed topsails.
This boisterous Sabbath, writes Captain Semmes, is the secondanniversary of my resignation from the United States navy, and of courseit has called up many reminiscences. I have more and more reason, astime rolls on, to be gratified at my prompt determination to quit theservice of a corrupt and fanatical majority, which even then hadoverridden the constitution, and shown itself in so aggressive andunscrupulous a form as to give us just cause of alarm.
But what shall we say of its course since? If the historian perform hisduty faithfully, posterity will be amazed at the wickedness andcorruption of the Northern and Western peoples, and will wonder by whatprocess such a depth of infamy was reached in so short a time.
The secret lies here. The politicians had become politicalstock-jobbers, and the seekers of wealth had become usurers andswindlers; and into these two classes may be divided nearly the wholeYankee population. Such is "Plymouth Rock" in our day, with its Beechersin the pulpit, and its Lincoln in the chair of Washington! With itsSumners and its Lovejoys in Congress, and its Simmonses et id genusomne in the contract market!
Not easily baffled—Two prizes—The Olive Jane—The Golden Eagle—Thewhite ensign saluted—In trepidation—Obstinacy—The Washington—TheWilliam Edward—Patience Rewarded—Case of the John S. Parks.
More than a week passed without the occurrence of any event worthy ofrecord. Saturday, the 21st February, however, brought an exciting chase.By 8 A.M. four vessels had been reported in sight. The first seen provedtoo far ahead and to windward, to be worth chasing, and sail was thenmade in the direction of two others, which were observed to beexchanging signals with considerable diligence. Their conversationended, they parted company and sailed off in different directions,evidently with the object of distracting the attention of the Alabamawhich was now in full chase.
But the Alabama was not so easily to be baffled. Devoting her attentionfirst to the vessel which appeared by her slower rate of sailing tooffer the promise of an easier capture, she got up steam as she wentalong, and the black smoke was already poured from her funnel and thepropeller beginning to revolve as she came within hail of the chase. Ablank cartridge was fired as usual; but the stranger kept doggedly uponhis way, evidently determined, if he could not escape himself, at allevents to do his best to increase the chances of his consort.
Even this chivalrous determination, however, was of no avail. A secondgun from the pursuer quickly followed upon the first, and this time thecommand was pointed by the emphatic accompaniment of a round shot whichwent whizzing through the rigging of the chase. Finding his enemy inearnest, the ship now gave up the game, and hove to with the UnitedStates colours at her peak. Putting a prize crew on board, the Alabamawore round, and started at full speed in the direction of the secondvessel, which was making the best of her way off, and was by this timesome fifteen miles distant. The Alabama was now, however, under a fullhead of steam, flying through the water at the rate of three to one ofthe chase, and by the end of a couple of hours, she also was brought to,with the Stars and Stripes flying, and her maintopsail to the mast.
A rapid investigation of papers resulted in the decision that the claimof neutral ownership of the cargo was totally unsustained by evidence,and the crew of the Olive Jane[13] were transferred to the Alabama, andthe barque set on fire, whilst her captor again came round and ran downto meet his other prize. On communicating with the prize-master incharge she proved to be the United States ship Golden Eagle, fromHowland's Island in the Pacific Ocean to Cork for orders.
[Footnote 13: Of Boston, from Bordeaux to New York, with a partial cargoof French wines and "knickknackeries."]
The following particulars relating to these two vessels, are given in
Captain Semmes' journal:—
Under United States colours and register—from Bordeaux for NewYork—cargo consigned generally to houses in New York, with theexception of five of the shipments which are consigned to order; butthere is no claim among the papers of French property, even in theselatter shipments, and non constat but that the property is American,and that the consignment on the face of the papers was made in thismanner to give a semblance of French ownership, until the propertyshould reach its destination, when the real owner would claim it under aduly-indorsed bill of lading, forwarded to him by steamer. At allevents, the presumption of law is, that all property found on board anenemy is enemy's property, until the contrary be shown by properevidence; and no evidence has been presented in this case at all. Themaster, though quarter owner of the barque, and who, consequently,should be well informed as to her cargo, &c., knows nothing, except thatone of the shippers—a Frenchman—told him that forty casks of wine,worth, perhaps, twenty dollars per cask, belonged to him. Vessel andcargo condemned.
* * * * *
Ship under United States colours and register. From San Francisco, via
Howland's Island, for Cork, laden with guano by the American Guano
Company. Cargo consigned to "orders." There is no question, therefore,
of property. Ship and cargo condemned.
* * * * *
On the morning of the 23rd February four vessels were in sight; but onoverhauling them they one and all proved to be under the protection ofneutral flags. One of them, however—a Frenchman from Buenos Ayres toHavre—relieved the Alabama of two French prisoners, an artist and hisson, captured on board one of the late prizes. One of the othervessels—the Prince of Wales, from Melbourne to England—dipped herensign to the Yankee colours displayed from the Alabama, on which thelatter, unwilling to appropriate a compliment intended for another,lowered the Stars and Stripes and hoisted her own ensign. Hardly had thechange been effected when a bustle was observed on board the Englishvessel, and passengers and crew crowded on deck to have a look at therenowned Confederate. The formal compliment accorded to the flag firstdisplayed was renewed with hearty good-will, and this time accompaniedby the most enthusiastic demonstrations from all on board, the mencheering and the ladies waving their handkerchiefs in honour of thegallant little cruiser of which they had heard so much.
The next day, the Alabama being in the vicinity of the crossing of the30th parallel by the San Roque and India-bound United States ships, sailwas shortened, and a bright look-out kept, but until nearly sunsetnothing was seen; and when, at length, "Sail, ho!" was cried, and theConfederate cruiser on nearing the stranger showed the Yankee colours,it was replied to by the tricolour of France. Again, at 9.30 P.M., whenanother vessel was descried, there was still no prize, although itrequired two cartridges, a chase of three-quarters of an hour, andvociferous demands in both English and French to compel the vessel toheave to. When, at last, the Master obeyed the command, it wasdiscovered that the brig was a Portuguese, bound from Pernambuco toLisbon. The officer despatched to overhaul the chase found, on steppingon board, everything in the wildest confusion, and everybody so alarmed,that neither skipper, mates, nor seamen seemed to know what they wereabout. So great, indeed, was their trepidation, that upon an explanationbeing asked of their strange conduct, the excuse given was that theywere too frightened to heave to!
The 25th February was a blank, only two sail being seen; the one aDutchman, the other English. The master of the latter coolly asked theAlabama to take to England a discharged British seaman, and on thefollowing morning another master of an English ship made a similarrequest—both being met with a refusal. On the 26th, no less thanthirteen sail were sighted by the Alabama, but not one of them displayedthe Yankee flag. The only excitement of the day was an obstinateHamburgh barque, which refused to show colours until the Confederatecruiser was nearly upon her, and even then a blank cartridge wasrequired to bring her to.
After the large number of neutrals that the Alabama had overhauled, camea prize. On the morning of the 27th February, the United States shipWashington was captured. The vessel was the property of the enemy, butas she carried a cargo of guano from the Chincha Islands, on account ofthe Peruvian government, consigned to their agents at Antwerp, theWashington was released on giving a ransom bond for 50,000 dollars. Theprisoners on board the Alabama having been transferred to the capture,the two vessels parted company; the United States ship going on itscourse, rejoicing that the neutral cargo she carried had saved her froma fiery end. Two days after, another prize was taken. On the 1st March,the Bethia Thayer, of Rockland, Maine, was overhauled, and like theWashington, having on board guano the property of the Peruviangovernment, was released on a bond of 50,000 dollars.
Shortly after, a suspicious barque, with the English flag at the peak,hove in sight. Immediately the Alabama set every stitch of canvas, thestranger did the same, and away the two dashed before the freshsouth-wester that was blowing. The chase was most exciting, and lastedseven hours; but gradually the Alabama overhauled the suspicious craft,and at 4.30 P.M. was enabled to signal it. The Confederate hoisted theUnited States flag, and announced herself by an assumed name. The barquereplied that she was the William Edward, from Bahia, for Liverpool.After some further communication, which convinced the Alabama that thebarque was English, the cruiser announced her real name, and permittedthe William Edward to proceed on her course. At nightfall another shipwas chased, which, upon being brought to, also proved to be English, theNile, bound from Akyab to London. The master of this vessel informed theboarding-officer that a United States man-of-war, supposed to be theIno, was in the South Atlantic, in eager search of the Alabama!
At daybreak, on the 2d March, a sail was made out through the hazyatmosphere, slowly steering towards the cruiser. Patiently theConfederate waited, as the light wind from the south bore the strangertowards them; their patience, too, was rewarded, for at 6 A.M., aboarding-officer stepped on board the ship John S. Parks, of Hallowall,Maine. The skipper, his wife, and crew, were transferred to the cruiser,together with sundry stores and provisions; and then, after CaptainSemmes had carefully examined the papers of the capture, the prize wasset fire to, making number thirty-five on the list of the Alabama'ssuccesses. With respect to the cargo of the Parks, there was a plea ofneutrality set up, to which, as the following extracts will show,Captain Semmes gave the fullest consideration:—
Ship under U.S. colours and register. Cargo, white pine lumber, laden onboard at the port of New York. The cargo was shipped by Edward F.Davidson, who appears, from the statement of the master, to be a largelumber dealer, and is consigned to Messrs. Zimmerman, Faris, and Co., atMonte Video, or Buenos Ayres. Annexed to the bill of lading is whatpurports to be an affidavit sworn to before "Pierrepont Edwards," whosigns himself as "vice-consul." Above his name are the words, "by theconsul," from which it appears he professes to act for the consul, andnot for himself as "vice-consul."[14] The affiant is Joseph H. Snyder,who describes himself as of "128, Pearl Street, New York." He statesthat the cargo was shipped by Edward F. Davidson, "for and on account ofJohn Fair and Co., of London, &c." First, as to the form of thisaffidavit. A vice-consul is one who acts in place of a consul when thelatter is absent from his post; and when this is the case, he signshimself as vice-consul, and his acts take effect proprio vigore, andnot as the acts of the consul—which this act purports to do. Further,the Master was unable to verify this document, which, to give itvalidity, he should have been able to do—he declaring that he could notsay whether it was a forgery or not. "Although, as has been said, theship's papers found on board are proper evidence, yet they are so onlywhen properly verified; for papers by themselves prove nothing, and area mere dead letter if they are not supported by the oaths of persons ina situation to give them validity." 3rd Phillimore, 394. Further, "Valinsur l'Ordonnance" says, "Il y a plus, et parceque les pièces en formetrouvées abord, peuvent encore avoir été concertées en fraude, il a étéordonné par arrêt de conseil du 26 Octobre, 1692, que les dépositionscontraires des gens de l'équipage prís, prévaudrojent à ces pièces." Thelatter authority is express to the point, that papers found on board aship are not to be credited, if contradicted by the oath of any of thecrew, and I take it that an inability to verify amounts to the samething. For if this had been a bona fide transaction, it was the dutyof the party interested to take the master before the consul to witnessthe taking of the deposition, so that he might verify "the paper," ifcaptured. But why should Mr. Snyder be the party to make thisaffidavit? He was not the shipper, but Davidson, a lumber dealer; andDavidson, who, if he sold the lumber at all, must have known to whom hesold it, was the proper person to testify to the fact. Further: themaster says that Snyder bought the lumber from Davidson, as he wasinformed by his (the master's) brother, who was the owner of the ship.If so, then Snyder being the owner of the lumber (whether on his own orforeign account, it matters not) was the real shipper, and not Davidson,and the proper person to consign it to the consignees, either in his ownname, or in the name of his principal, if he were an agent. But the billof lading, and Davidson's letter to the consignees, show that Davidsonwas both the shipper and the consignor. The ship was also chartered byDavidson, and 13,000,000 dollars freight-money paid in advance, forwhich Davidson required the owner of the ship to secure him by a policyof insurance against both marine and war risk—the policy made payableto him (Davidson) in case of loss. Two questions arise upon that policy:1st—why, if the property were bonâ fide neutral (the cargo itself wasalso insured in London) the war clause should be inserted? and, 2nd—whyDavidson should make the policy payable to himself? If he advanced thisfreight money on the credit of the London house, he had no insurableinterest in it; and if the lumber really belonged to the London house,and was going to their partners or agents at the port of delivery, whyshould Davidson pay the freight in advance at all? And if Snyderpurchased the lumber of Davidson, why should Snyder not have made theadvance for his principal instead of Davidson? The conclusion would seemto be, that Davidson was shipping this lumber on his own account toagents, in whose hands he had no funds or credit, and as the lumbermight not be sold readily, the ship could not be paid her freight unlessit were paid in advance? Further: the ship had a contingent destination.She was either to go to Monte Video or Buenos Ayres, as the consigneesmight find most advantageous. This looks very much like hunting for amarket. But further still. Although Davidson prepared a formal letter ofconsignment to Zimmerman, Faris, and Co., to accompany the consularcertificate, he at the same time writes another letter, in which hesays, "The cargo of John S. Parks I shall have certified to by theBritish Consul as the property of British subjects. You will find it avery good cargo, and should command the highest prices." How is Davidsoninterested in the price which this cargo will bring, if it belongs, aspretended, to the house in London? And if Davidson sold to Snyder, andSnyder was the agent of the house in London, Davidson should have stillless concern with it. In that same letter in which a general account ofrecent lumber shipments is given, the following remarks occur:—"Messrs.Harbeck and Co. have a new barque, Anne Sherwood, in Portland, forwhich they have picked up in small lots a cargo of lumber costing 20,000dollars. I have tried to make an arrangement for it to go to you (onaccount of John Fair and Co., of London?); but they as yet only proposeto do so, you taking half-interest at twenty-five dollars, and freightat eighteen dollars, payable at yours (port?), which is too much. If Ican arrange it on any fair terms, I will do so for the sake of keepingup your correspondence with H. and Co."
[Footnote 14: Extract from a letter, captured on the barque Amazonian,from Mr. Edward F. Davidson to Messrs. Zimmerman, Faris, and Co., ofMonte Video:—
"You will learn from London of the loss of the ship John S. Parks, andcollection there of insurance on her cargo: the freight is insured here,at the Great Western Company. They have thirty days, after receipt ofthe captain's protest, to pay the loss in. Captain Cooper has arrived inPortland, and gone to his home at Hallowall; and the company require acopy of the protest made in London, certified by the Consul, which Ihave sent for. In the meantime, I have requested the captain to come tothis, and trust not to have to wait receipt of the document fromLondon."]
This letter would seem to show that Zimmerman, Faris, and Co. arefavourite consignees with Davidson, and that he not only consigns hisown lumber to them (for it must be remembered that he is a lumberdealer) but endeavours to befriend them by getting them otherconsignments. It may be that Davidson in New York, John Fair and Co., inLondon, and Zimmerman, Faris, and Co., in Buenos Ayres, are allconnected in this lumber business, and that the trade is attempted to becovered under the name of the London house; or it may be that Davidsonis the sole owner, or a joint owner with Zimmerman, Faris, and Co. Ineither case the property is condemnable, being shipped by the house oftrade in the enemy's country. Ship and cargo condemned.
Discomforts of life at sea—A stern chase—Seized—The Punjaubransomed—Rain-squalls—A luxury—The Morning Star—Neutral cargo—TheFairhaven—The Ino on the look-out—The Charles Hill—TheNora—Fire-water—Commercial morality—The Louisa Hatch—BlackDiamonds—Coaling at sea under difficulties—Fernando de Noronna.
Captain Cooper, of the John Parks, and his wife and two nephews, werefortunate in not being condemned to a long period of captivity. Theburning remains of his unlucky vessel were still within sight, when anEnglish barque ranged up alongside of the Alabama, and an arrangementwas soon effected with her captain to convey the whole party to England.
A long interval now, with nothing but the Englishman's excitement—theweather—to break the weary monotony of an eventless voyage. So far,however, as gales of wind could offer a distraction, the Alabama hadlittle of which to complain, and the vessel rolled and tumbled about inthe heavy seas in a manner which sorely tried the endurance of, at allevents, her unfortunate captain.
The gale still continues, writes Captain Semmes, on the 11th March. WindE.N.E. For four days now we have been rolling and tumbling about, withthe wind roaring day and night through the rigging, and rest more orless disturbed by the motion of the ship. Sea-life is becoming more andmore distasteful to me. The fact is, I am reaching an age when men longfor quiet and repose. During the war my services belong to my country,and ease must not be thought of; but I trust that the end is not afaroff. The enemy, from many signs, is on the point of final discomfiture.Nay, a just Providence will doubtless punish the wicked fanatics whohave waged this cruel and unjust war upon us, in a way to warn andastonish the nations upon earth. Infidelity and wickedness in everyshape let loose upon themselves, must end in total destruction. TheYankee States have yet to go through an ordeal they little dreamed of inthe beginning of their unholy crusade against the Southern people.
On the 12th, the vessel was within fourteen degrees of the equator, butso cool did the weather still continue that all hands were still wearingwoollen clothing, and sleeping under a couple of blankets. The skycontinued grey and overcast, with an occasional slight sprinkle of rain,and a stiff breeze. The barometer falling steadily until, on the 14thMarch, it had reached as low as 29.96, about the usual standard of thetrade winds.
That night brought, however, a slight relief from the long dullness. Itwas just midnight when the startling cry of "Sail, ho! close aboard!"was heard from the look-out; and in less than five minutes the Alabamawas within hailing distance of a large ship standing close on a windtowards the northward and westward.
"Ship ahoy!—what ship's that?" rang hoarsely through thespeaking-trumpet from the deck of the Alabama. But no answer came, andthe hail was repeated. Still no answer, the strange sail keepingsteadily on her course, regardless of every thing, her huge hulltowering up high and dark as she passed almost within harpooningdistance of the Alabama, and shot away again into the darkness, like aphantom that on being spoken to, had vanished away.
But the Alabama could have brought-to the Flying Dutchman himself, if hehad attempted to pass by without answering a hail. "Hands, wear ship!"was the order before the sound of the second summons had well died away.Up went the helm, round came the Alabama's head in the direction inwhich the stranger had disappeared; and with the reefs shaken out of hertopsails, away she went in chase like a greyhound after a hare.
By the time sail was made, and headway got on the ship, the chase wassome three miles in advance, and gliding swiftly along with a strongbreeze. But though a stern chase is proverbially a long chase, thesplendid sailing qualities of the Alabama soon made themselves felt, andwithin three hours after her helm was put up, she was within a fewhundred yards of the stranger, who now hove to at the first summons fromthe cruiser's bow-guns.
She proved to be the United States ship Punjaub, of Boston, fromCalcutta for London, and having an English cargo on board, as appearedfrom sworn affidavits among the papers, from the nature of thevoyage—from one British port to another—and from the cargo of jute andlinseed, she was released on a ransom bond for 55,000 dollars, theremaining prisoners from the John Parks being transferred to her forpassage home.
The 21st March brought a change of weather, with heavy squalls of rain.The variety was greatly enjoyed by all on board, Captain Semmesrecording in his journal his own pleasure at once more hearing the rollof the thunder, for the first time for many months, and the delight withwhich both officers and men paddled about on the deck with their barefeet, enjoying, "like young ducks," the first heavy rain they hadexperienced for a considerable time.
On the morning of Monday, March 23rd, a sail hove in sight, which, beingoverhauled about noon, was found to be the United States ship MorningStar, from Calcutta to London. This ship also had a neutral cargo, dulyvouched as such by the proper legal certificates; so she, too, wasreleased on ransom bond. A second prize, however, which fell into theAlabama's hands the same day, was less fortunate. This was the UnitedStates schooner Kingfisher, of Fairhaven, Massachusetts, some months outon a whaling voyage. It was well for her that she but very recentlydischarged into another vessel her second cargo of oil, and could only,at present, boast of some twenty barrels, all of which were at onceconsigned to the flames, together with the unlucky vessel.
The Kingfisher brought a piece of intelligence which afforded immensesatisfaction to all on board, being of no less a fact than the presenceof the United States sloop of war, Ino, at Ascension, where theKingfisher had left her but a fortnight before. This was the identicalvessel that had assisted in the piratical capture of Messrs. Myers andTunstall, on neutral ground, scarcely fourteen months before; and allhands were rejoicing in the prospect of an early brush with her, whenthe outrage then perpetrated might be avenged. Anxious as all were for afight on any terms, there was possibly not a vessel in the United Statesnavy they would have more gladly encountered.
It was a curious circ*mstance connected with this schooner, that hermaster was, according to his account, one of the only three persons inhis native place, Fairhaven, who, in the last fatal election of aPresident for the United States, had voted for the Southern candidate,Breckinridge.
Two more captures were made on the following day—one, the ship CharlesHill, of Boston, from Liverpool to Monte Video; the other, the shipNora, also of Boston, from Liverpool for Calcutta. In both cases theusual claim was set up to a neutral ownership of cargo, and as usual oninvestigation proved to be altogether unsupported by anything like realevidence.
The following are the cases:—
Ship under U.S. flag and register, laden with salt (value in Liverpoolsix shillings per ton), under charter party with H.E. Falk to proceedfrom Liverpool to Monte Video or Buenos Ayres. No claim of neutralproperty in the cargo. Ship and cargo condemned.
* * * * *
Ship under the U.S. flag; laden with salt, under charter party with Mattos, of London, to proceed to Calcutta. In the bill of lading thecargo is consigned to "order;" and on the back of the bill is thisendorsem*nt:—"I hereby certify that the salt shipped on board the Norais the property of W.N. de Mattos, of London, and that the said W.N. deMattos is a British subject, and was so at the time of shipment.
"(Signed) H.E. FALK, Agent for W.N. de Mattos."
At the bottom of the signature is "R.C. Gardner, Mayor," presumed to beintended for the signature of the Mayor of Liverpool. As this statementis not under oath, and as there is no seal attached to it, it does noteven amount to an ex parte affidavit. Vessel and cargo condemned.
* * * * *
Some valuable supplies were extracted from these two ships, and theprisoners—one of them a female—having been transferred to the Alabama,the vessels were fired on the evening of the day after their capture. Aswas but too frequently the case in boarding prizes, access was by somemeans obtained to their strong liquor, and that evening saw a good dealof drunkenness on board the Alabama. Unfortunately, the delinquents werebut too often some of the best men in the ship. They could be trustedwith anything in the world but rum or whisky; but against temptation ofthis kind they were not proof, and the duty of boarding offered only tooeasy an opportunity of indulging this true sailor's taste. However, ifthe prizes had their little bit of revenge in thus creating a temporarydisorder among their captors, they in this case, at all events, morethan made up for it, by contributing an accession of half-a-dozen seamento the crew, which, notwithstanding the discharge of the men sent homein the——, was now fast growing very strong.
The following extract from a letter found on board the Charles Hill maythrow some light on the pretensions of that vessel at all events, to theprotection of neutrality:—
DEAR SIR,—I have read your several letters from Philadelphia. As arebel privateer has burned several American ships, it may be well if youcan have your bills of lading endorsed as English property, and haveyour cargo certified to by the English Consul, &c.
* * * * *
After crossing the equator during the night of the 29th-30th March, theAlabama experienced a succession of calms and wet weather; at one timechasing a vessel in so thick a mist that, though not more than a mile ortwo ahead, she was more than once lost sight of for an hour at a time.She was still involved in this misty, uncomfortable weather, when, onthe night of the 4th April, she again fell in with an United Statesship, the Louisa Hatch, deeply laden with that, to the Alabama, mostinvaluable article—coal. An investigation of her papers gave thefollowing result:—
Ship, under U.S. colours. Among the papers is a charter party, datedLondon, 1st January, 1863, executed between John Pirie and Co., andWilliam Grant, the Master, by which the ship was chartered to take coalto Point de Galle, Ceylon, or Singapore, as ordered, &c. Without anyassignment of this contract, as far as appears, the ship seems to havebeen loaded by entirely new parties, to wit, by one J.R. Smith, whodescribes himself as the agent of H. Worms, of Cardiff. By the bill oflading, the ship is to proceed to the. Point de Galle, and there deliverthe coal to the company of Messageries Imperiales. On the back of thebill of lading is the following certificate:—"I certify that thewithin-mentioned cargo is French property, having been shipped by order,for the account of the Messageries Imperiales." This certificate issigned by Mr. Smith, but is not sworn to, nor is the order, nor any copyof the order to ship this cargo to an account of the MessageriesImperiales, found among the papers. As the ship was not chartered by anyagent of this company, and as the coal was not shipped by any suchagent, Smith being the agent of Worms, and Worms not being described asthe agent of the company, the presumption is that, if there was any suchorder at all in the case, it was a mere general understanding that thecompany would pay so much per ton for coal delivered for them at theirdepots, the property remaining in the shippers until delivery. Thepresumption, in the absence of proof, is, that the cargo being on boardan American ship is American; shipped on speculation to the far east, bythe owner, or his agent, in Cardiff; and we have seen that there is nolegal evidence in the case; the unsworn certificate of Mr. Smith noteven amounting to an ex parte affidavit. Ship and cargo condemned.Probable value of cargo in Cardiff, 2500 dollars. Cost of coal inBrazil, 15 to 17 dollars per ton.
* * * * *
The Alabama now stood away in the direction of Fernando de Noronha, withher prize in company, with the intention of there taking on board afresh supply of coal. The run was not a little protracted by the lightand baffling winds that still prevailed, and as though this was notenough, fortune must needs play her a trick, by sending her off on achase of fourteen miles after a supposed Yankee whaler, which, when atlast overhauled, turned out to be nothing but a poor littlegreen-painted "Portiguee."
Rain—rain—rain, the sun sometimes showing himself for an hour or two,just a few minutes too early, or a few minutes too late, for anypurposes of observation, and then again retiring behind the dense massesof cloud that hid the whole horizon in one drenching down-pour. And allthis while every mile of latitude of the last importance, as the Alabamagroped her way slowly to the southward and eastward in search of thelittle island at which she was to take in her supplies, and which shemight at any moment run past in the darkness altogether! Trying work,indeed, for the patience of men cooped up in their narrow floatingprison, and longing to be at work again.
Too trying, at last, to be borne any longer without an effort at action;so a bold attempt was made at coaling while under way upon the open sea!Steam was got up, and the prize taken in tow, and then two boats werelowered, and set to work. But the scheme, bold and ingenious as it was,was soon found to be impracticable. The boats managed to get loaded fromthe captured collier, but they had then to be warped up alongside theAlabama, and the lowest speed that could be given her was too great forthem to be hauled up against it. So each time, as they were filled, itwas necessary to stop the engine, and thus occasion another difficulty.
We now—says Captain Semmes—began to part our tow lines by thesestoppages and startings, and it took a long time to get the line fastagain; so after a sleepless night, during which, as I lay in my cottrying to sleep, it seemed as if a dozen stentors on deck were rivalingeach other in making the night hideous, I sent word to get the boats runup again, and to continue our course to Fernando de Noronha withoutinterruption.
At daylight we made the peak of the island a long way off, somethirty-eight or forty miles, and in the afternoon at 2.30 came to, withthe peak bearing S.W. 1/2 S. and the N.E. end of the Rat Island N.E. byE. 1/2 E., depth of water thirteen and a half fathoms. Anchored theprize near us. But for our steam we should have been still drifting tothe S.W., as the day has been nearly calm throughout. Fernando deNoronha, in the wayside of the commerce of all the world, is sighted bymore ships, and visited by fewer, than any other spot of earth. It is abroken, picturesque, volcanic rock, in mid ocean, covered with apleasing coat of verdure, including trees of some size, and the top ofthe main island is cultivated in small farms, &c. Awfully hot when thesun shines, and indeed, when he does not shine. Just after dark hauledthe prize alongside, and commenced coaling.
An official "in trouble"—On shore again—A breakfast party—Onhorseback—Blowing hard—Taken in the net—Easy captures—The KateCory—The Lafayette—A polite Governor—The Louisa Hatch burned, andKate Cory burned—Landing prisoners—Tired of waiting—A scramble—Outof harbour again.
April 11th.—Light and variable airs; misty from the southward andeastward, and oppressive; ther. 83°. Last night the two vessels layalongside of each other so roughly, and we received so much damage (ourforechannels being crushed in, and our topsail mainyard being carriedaway) that we were compelled to haul the prize off, and continue coalingby means of our boats.
The authorities on shore having hoisted no colours, we have not set oursto-day. We were visited this morning by a couple of gentlemen from theshore, bearing a letter from the Governor in reply to an inquiry I hadcaused the Paymaster to address to him on the subject of supplies. Theirinterpreter very naively informed me that he was a German, who had beensentenced to banishment here from Rio, and that he had a year and a-halfto serve. This was said while my servant was drawing the cork of achampagne bottle. The forger (for such was his offence) taking his glassof wine with the rest! The Governor informed me that I could procuresupplies of beef, fresh pork, fowls, &c., and that he would be glad toexchange these articles with me for flour, wine, sugar, coffee, &c. Iwas glad to find that he raised no question of neutrality, though hehad, no doubt, been informed by a boat's crew from the shore that gotthe information on board, of the ship in my company being a prize. Hekindly invited me to visit the shore. During the night (one o'clock) wehad a surprise in the way of a strange steamer making her appearance,coming round the point of Rat Island. I had all hands called toquarters, and the battery made ready, fires extinguished, and chains gotright for slipping. Although she came within a mile of us, with theintention, as we thought, of coming to anchor, she kept on her courseto the southward and we piped down, the men, much fa*gged from coaling,not having lost more than half an hour's rest by the operation.
Sunday, April 12th.—The exigencies of war compel me to work to-day incoaling ship. Weather clear and very hot during morning, clouding aboutnoon and raining for several hours.
I visited the island this morning in company with the Surgeon, andcalled on the Governor. The surf was too heavy to land, but we found abolsa moored at some distance from the shore, and transferring ourselvesto this we were very skillfully put through the surf by three or fournaked fellows, two of them not having even a breech-cloth about theirloins. Fine, well-made fellows they were too. We found horses inwaiting, and rode about a mile to the village and residence of theGovernor—a Major in the Brazilian army; passing an immense sand-drift,which we had not expected to find on this volcanic rock.
We found the Governor at breakfast, and he insisted on our seatingourselves, and making a second breakfast with him in company with hiswife—a sprightly, bright mulatto—and a pretty girl, quite white, ofabout sixteen, and the padre. After breakfast we were introduced to anumber of what appeared to be the gentry of the island, and who hadassembled thus early to meet us. Having smoked and chatted awhile, weremounted for a ride over the island.
We were not in the saddle more than twenty minutes when one of thoseshowers, so sudden in this climate, overtook us, and gave us a completedrenching; we had other showers during the day, but were compensated bythe sun hiding himself during the entire ride. We passed under theshadow of the gigantic peak, and soon reached the summit of the island,which spreads out into a most beautiful and productive plain of some twoor three hundred acres. The soil is a ferruginous clay of the richestdescription, and covered with the choicest vegetation of wild grapes,Indian corn, the cotton plant, the castor bean, &c., &c. We stopped afew minutes to examine a manioc manufactory. Continuing our ride, wepassed through a small but dense forest, to a cocoa-nut plantation onthe south-west part of the island, where we found the water-melongrowing in its choice soil—sand. Here we took shelter again fromanother heavy rain, and got some fine grapes. Whilst waiting for theshower to pass, I had quite a talk with the Governor on various topics;among others, on the state of the mixed races in the Brazils, &c., &c.The island, at the season at which we visited it, was a gem ofpicturesque beauty—exceedingly broken and diversified with dells androcks, and small streams, &c., &c. It was the middle of the rainyseason. The little mountain paths as we returned became small brooksthat hummed and purled in their rapid course. I took occasion to informhis Excellency that my tender was a prize, so that he might be under noapprehension. Number of convicts 1000. Whole number of population, 2000.The Governor expressed himself our very good friend, &c., &c. Got onboard at 5 P.M.
Monday, April 13th.—Another rainy day. Showers very heavy, but stillwe continue our coaling. Wind from northward and westward, and thoughlight, there is considerable sea on. The bad weather continued all day,and the night having set in with threatening appearances, I causedeverybody to be brought on board from the prize, to guard against thepossibility of her being driven on shore, and endangering life. I hadthe steam got up, and the chain ready for slipping, and was fearful thatI should be obliged to slip; but we held on during the night. Night verydark, with heavy rain, and much sea on.
Tuesday, April 14th.—Wind this morning from about W.S.W.; weatherstill louring. Our friends came off from the shore again this morning,bringing the fresh provisions ordered for the crew. Every thing is verydear here. Meat forty cents per pound; but still my crew has been solong on salt diet that flesh is an anti-scorbutic necessity for them. Ihave arranged to sell forty or more tons of coal for a Brazilianschooner there is in the harbour, and had a proposition for purchasingthe prize, which I offered to sell as low as 20,000 dollars; but thissum seemed to alarm them, they saying there was not so much money inFernando de Noronha. Continued our coaling.
Wednesday, April 15th.—Weather clear, and light wind from theeastward. Finished coaling ship this morning. At about 11 A.M. a coupleof whale-boats from two vessels in the offing pulled into the harbour;went on board our prize, and thence to the shore. Although the twomasters were told that we were the Iroquois, they seemed at once to havecomprehended the true state of the case, and to make haste to putthemselves out of harm's way. We were an hour and more getting up steamand weighing our anchor for the chase; and if in the meantime thesewhaling captains had pulled out to their ships, and run into shore so asto get within the league, they might have saved them. We gave chase, andcame up with both of them on the south side of the island, abouthalf-past 3 P.M., and captured them—both of them being without theleague. One the hermaphrodite brig Kate Cory, of Westport, and the otherthe barque Lafayette, of New Bedford; the barque we burned, and thebrig we brought into the anchorage, arriving after dark, about 7 A.M. Wesounded in thirteen fathoms on a bank on the south side, on the southernextremity of which there is a breaker lying out from two and a half tothree miles. There is also a reef off Tobacco Point running out half amile. We saw no other dangers.
* * * * *
With reference to these captures, the following amusing account isextracted from the private journal of the officer of the Alabama who wasprize-master on board the Louisa Hatch:—
'At noon, on the 15th of April, two vessels were descried to the south,standing off and on, under reduced sail. At 12:30 two boats wereobserved pulling towards us, asking my ship's name, the port I hailedfrom, &c. I answered correctly. The person in charge of the other boatthen inquired if the war-steamer was the Alabama. I replied, 'Certainlynot, she was the Iroquois U.S. steamer.' 'Have you any news of theAlabama?' 'Yes, we had heard of her being in the West Indies, at Jamaicaor Costa Rica, &c.' A conversation ensued, by which I learned that theboats belonged to the two vessels in the distance, that they were bothwhalers put in for supplies, and that seeing the steamer they wererather dubious as to her nationality, and had therefore spoke me, togain the required information. A brisk conversation was then kept up; myobject in engaging them in it was to enable the Alabama to get under wayere the whalers took the alarm, feeling certain that the preparationswere being made to go after them.
'I then invited the masters to come on board my ship, which theycheerfully consented to do, and were within a boat's length, when a cryof alarm broke from the steersman in the foremost boat. Shouting to hiscrew to 'Give way, men; give way for your lives!' he with a fewwell-directed, vigorous strokes, turned his boat's head round, and madefor the shore, the other boat following, blank astonishment beingdepicted on the face of each member of the crews. To the franticinquiries of the person in charge of the other boat as to the cause ofhis (the steersman's) extraordinary conduct, his only reply was,'There!' pointing to a small Confederate flag of about fifteen incheslong and six inches broad, which I had inadvertently left flying at thegaff; the gaff being lowered down, the little flag having been used as adog-vane, in order to tell the direction of the wind, &c. No sooner didthe men perceive it than they redoubled their exertions to gain theshore; one of the masters calling out that they had spoken a ship a weekago, from whom they had obtained news of peace. No credence, however,could be, or was placed in this statement.
'Immediately after they left I despatched a boat to the Alabamainforming them of the character of my visitors. At 9.15 the Alabama wasobserved to get under way, steaming out of the anchorage after the twovessels.
'The larger island being between the scene of the Alabama's operationsand the Louisa Hatch, I was not, of course, an eye witness of thecaptures. But at 5.30 I observed a dense column of smoke, which, as itgrew later, turned into a ruddy glare, leaving no doubt in our minds asto the fate of the whalers. At 7 P.M. observed the Alabama coming roundthe northern part of the island with a vessel in tow, both anchoring at7.30. The next morning I learnt that the captures were the barqueLafayette, of New Bedford, and the brig Kate Cory, of Westport. Thebarque was burnt and the brig kept, it being our intention to send offall the prisoners we had on board, consisting of 140, including thewomen stewardesses, in her; but on communicating with the authorities,it was resolved to land them on the island, a Brazilian schoonerengaging to convey them to Pernambuco. For this purpose provisions fortwenty-one days were sent ashore, the prisoners, after being paroled,following.
The remainder of the day was spent in transferring provisions, &c., forship's use. The next evening the prizes, the Louisa Hatch and Kate Cory,slipped cables, and stood seaward. When about five miles from land bothvessels were set fire to; Mr. Evans, the officer in charge of the brig,returning on board long before me, the strong westerly current renderingit extremely difficult to stem it.
'We remained painting and cleaning ship until the 22nd. At 9.30 A.M. wegot under way, steering and cruising towards Bahia, at which place wearrived on the 11th of May, having captured and burnt four vesselsbetween Fernando and Bahia.
'The news of our doings off the islands had preceded us, of course withadditions and manipulations ad lib., the schooner having left Noronhathe day previous to our departure. The Governor of Pernambuco had sentthree war vessels to the islands to enforce the neutrality of the place,which, according to Yankee representations, had been infringed. Notcontent with this, the American representatives had succeeded inprocuring the recall of the Governor, whose only crime was that he hadlet us anchor off the place—a crime of which he was necessarilyguiltless, because he had no power to prevent our anchoring if weinsisted on it.
'Whilst at Bahia I was shown a letter from the master of one of thewhaling barques to an agent, in which he wrote that he would spare nomoney or time to follow to the uttermost ends of the earth, and bring tojustice, the man who had so cruelly deceived him. This sentence hadreference to my denial of the Alabama and the substitution of the U.S.steamer Iroquois for that of C.S. steamer Alabama. The ingratitude ofsome people!!'
On the 16th April Captain Semmes resumes his diary as follows:—Weatherclear; wind light from the southward and eastward. Our banner, lastnight a lurid flame, is a tall column of smoke advertising us fortwenty-five or thirty miles round. My first intention was to ship all myprisoners, amounting to about one hundred and ten, in the prize brig,but the Governor having consented to my landing them, I am busy to-daygetting them on shore, with their baggage and provisions, and receivingprisoners from the Louisa Hatch. Sun very warm. The Governor paid me avisit this morning, and requested that I would write him on the subjectof the captures yesterday, stating the fact (with which he wassatisfied, or at least, to which he made no objection) that they werecaptured beyond the league from the land, and requesting leave to landthe prisoners, in order that our understanding should assume an officialshape, which I did.
Friday, April 17th.—The weather still continues very warm; wind lightfrom the S.E., and cloudy. Busy receiving and stowing away provisions,replacing the coal consumed, and getting ready for sea generally. Thelanding of so many prisoners amid so small a population has created avery great stir, and the excitable Brazilians are discussing amongthemselves and with the Yankee captains the question of the American warwith great vehemence. Several sail have been reported as usual. Theafternoon set in rainy, and the rain continued all night. Towardsnightfall sent the prizes, Louisa Hatch and Kate Cory, a league outsidethe island, and burned them. Received four recruits from the LouisaHatch, and more volunteered, but I am full.
Saturday, April 18th.—Morning cloudy, with wind light from the S.E.Loosed sails to-day. I am anxiously expecting the arrival of theAgrippina, my store ship, from England, which was ordered to rendezvoushere—not so anxiously, however, as if my coal-bunkers were empty. Butshe has a couple of additional guns on board, that would make animportant addition to my battery.
Sunday, April 19th.—Rain in the morning, with light airs. Oursteam-tubes leak badly, and I am afraid the leaks will increase so as togive us trouble. Every time we get up steam, even a few pounds forcondensing water, we find that large quantities of hot water flow intothe hold; eight inches escaped in about twelve hours yesterday.Unfortunately, too, this tubing is laid so low in the bottom of theship, as to be out of reach for examination or repairs without beingtaken up. The Governor sent me off a fine turkey and some fruit, and hislady a bouquet of roses. The roses were very sweet, and made mehome-sick for a while.
Monday, April 20th.—A dull, heavy, rainy day—the rain coming down atintervals in torrents, as it is wont to do in these regions. Stilllaying at our anchors, waiting for the Agrippina. She should be outthirty-five days, to-day, from Cardiff. In the afternoon the rainceased, except an occasional light sprinkle, but the dull canopy ofclouds did not break, and we had a strong breeze from the S.E. for fouror five hours, indicating the approach of the trades to this latitude.
Tuesday, April 21st.—Morning clear, wind light from S.E. The Islandafter the rain is blooming in freshness and verdure, and as my eye roamsover its green slopes I long for repose and the quiet of peace in my ownland: I do not think it can be far off. Fresh "trade" in the afternoon.Towards night the Brazilian steamer sailed with a load of our prisoners.
Wednesday, April 22nd.—Cloudy, with squalls for rain. At 9.30 gotunder way under steam, and stood to the eastward. Cut away fourwhale-boats that the islanders might have a scramble for them. They soonstarted in chase! Steamed due east, about forty-five miles, let thesteam go down, and put the ship under sail. No sail seen.
A curious prize—The Nye—The Dorcas Prince—An anniversary—The UnionJack and-the Sea Lark—In the harbour of Bahia—Explanations—Unexpectedmeeting—The Georgia—A little holiday—Diplomacy—Moreneutrality—Home-sick.
A curious prize was the next that fell into the clutches of theall-devouring Alabama. A whaling barque, the Nye, of New Bedford, elevenmonths out, without having once put into port! Three whole months beforethe launching of the Alabama, had that patient little vessel beenploughing the seas, gathering, as it turned out, only additional fuelfor her own funeral pyre. A weary voyage to have so sad a termination!
Among her crew, transferred as prisoners to her captor, was aLieutenant of Marines from the Quaker State, serving on board thewhaler in the capacity of steward!
Next came the Dorcas Prince, of and from New York, for Shanghai. Cargochiefly coal, probably intended for United States ships of war in theEast Indies—a supposition that undoubtedly gave additional zest to thebonfire, which—no claim to neutrality being found among her papers—indue course followed on her capture.
Saturday, May 2nd.—An anniversary with me—writes Captain Semmes—mymarriage-day. Alas! this is the third anniversary since I was separatedfrom my family by this Yankee war! And the destruction of fifty of theirships has been but a small revenge for this great privation.
On that day two more were added to the long list, and the barque UnionJack, of Boston, and ship Sea Lark, of New York, shared the fate oftheir fifty predecessors. The former of these two vessels added threewomen and two infants to the already far too numerous colony of theweaker sex, by which the Alabama was now encumbered.
There was no claim of neutral property among the papers of either ofthese ships, except in the case of one Allen Hay, who was the shipper offive cases of crackers, and ten barrels of butter, on board the UnionJack. In this case, a Thomas W. Lielie made oath before the BritishConsul at New York, that the said articles were shipped "for and onaccount of Her Britannic Majesty." This certificate was of no force oreffect, for its indefiniteness, as decided in other cases. A claim ofproperty must point out the owner or owners, and not aver that itbelongs to the subjects of a nation generally. There must be some onedesignated who has a right to the possession of the property under thebill of lading. The certificate was accordingly set aside, and the shipand cargo condemned.
Besides the women and children, the Union Jack furnished also anotherprisoner of a somewhat unusual character, in the person of the Rev.Franklin Wright, late editor of a religious paper, and newly-appointedconsul at Foo Chow. The worthy clergyman's entry, however, upon his newduties was for the time indefinitely postponed by the confiscation ofhis appointment, along with the other public papers in his charge. So,for a time, Foo Chow had to exist without the advantages arising fromthe presence of a functionary from the United States.
* * * * *
Monday, May 11th.—Showed the United States colours to a Spanishbrig. In the afternoon ran in and anchored in the harbour of Bahia. APortuguese steamer, the only vessel of war found here. No Yankeeman-of-war had been here for some months. The health officer came onboard, just at nightfall. The Agrippina not here, and I begin to fearthat some disaster has befallen her.
Tuesday, May 12th.—This morning the President sent a messenger to mewith a copy of the Diario de Bahia of the 8th May, in which appears asort of proclamation or request, addressed to me by the President ofPernambuco, desiring that I should leave Fernando de Noronha intwenty-four hours after the receipt of the same. This paper seems to bebased on certain false statements carried to Pernambuco by the Yankeeprisoners whom I had sent to this place. It is alleged that I violatedthe neutrality of the island, &c. I replied to the President, that therewas no truth in this statement; but that, on the contrary, I had paidrespect to the neutrality of Brazil. In reply to my communication, thePresident informed me that I should be admitted to the usualhospitalities of the port; but the bearer of his despatch took occasionto say that he hoped I would not stop more than three or four days, asthe President was afraid of being compromised in some way. The master ofan English barque came on board and informed me that he had coal andprovisions for the Confederate steamer Japan, which was to meet him hereon the 6th instant.
Wednesday, May 13th.—Early this morning a strange steamer wasdiscovered at anchor about half a mile from us; and at 8 A.M., when wehoisted our colours, to our great surprise and delight, she too hoistedthe Confederate flag. We then exchanged the established signals; and onsending a boat on board of her, we ascertained that she was the Georgia,Lieut. Commanding Maury. Chapman and Evans, two of my SumterLieutenants, were on board of her. The Georgia sailed from England aboutthe 2nd of April, and armed off Ushant. Our ship has been crowded withvisitors ever since we came in.
Thursday, May 14th.—At 12.15 P.M. with a party of officers from theGeorgia and my own ship, I took a steam-tug and proceeded up the harbourto the railroad depot, at the invitation of the manager of the road, foran excursion into the country, which proved to be very pleasant. Wepassed along the whole port of Bahia, the lower town skirting the water,and the upper town the crests of a semicircular height, the intermediatespace being filled with trees and shrubbery. The houses are mostlywhite, and many of them very picturesque. The terminus of the road is abeautiful and spacious iron building, situated in the middle of a greatsquare; and the road itself is a very substantial job. We rode outtwenty-four miles through a picturesque country, the road bordered formost of the way by the bay and lagoons, with beautiful little valleysoccasionally opening on either hand, with their patches of sugar-caneand cotton. On our return we sat down to a beautiful lunch, withchampagne. Our hosts were attentive and agreeable, and we returned onboard at dusk, after a very pleasant day. The English residents herehave been very attentive to us. Our tug-man, who was a Thames waterman,dodged in and out among the launches and vessels in a way that only aThames man can do. The French mail came in to-day, and brought us newsthat the Florida was at Pernambuco.
Friday, May 15th.—This morning a person in citizen's dress came onboard and said that the President had requested him to ask me to showhim my commission. I replied that I could have no objection to show mycommission, but it must be to an officer of my own rank, and that thisofficer must come on board in his uniform for the purpose; that I couldnot show my commission to any person who might come on board incitizen's dress, bringing me a mere verbal message, and without anycredentials of his rank, &c. I remarked, however, that it would give mevery great pleasure to call on the President myself and exhibit it. Tothis he readily assented; and having appointed an hour for theinterview, I went on shore, accompanied by my aide, and had a long andagreeable chat with his Excellency, who was a man of about thirty-fiveyears of age, tall and delicate-looking, with black eyes and hair.
We discussed various points relating to the subject of neutral andbelligerent rights, &c.; and I took occasion to repeat the assurances Ihad previously given him in my letter, that I had paid due attention tothe neutral rights of Brazil during my visit to Fernando de Noronha, &c.I told him I only desired him to extend to me and to the Georgia thesame hospitality as he would extend to a Federal cruiser; but that Imight say to him as an individual, that we were entitled to the warmsympathies of Brazil, &c.
I arranged about coaling the Georgia and this ship by means of launches,as there were port objections to the ship being hauled alongside. Heseemed anxious that our stay should be as short as possible, lest ourdelay might compromise his neutrality in some way. He said my sailorshad been behaving very badly on shore, and indeed I knew they had. Itold him he would oblige me by securing the rioters and putting them inprison. This evening we were entertained very handsomely at theresidence of Mr. Ogilvie, where we met all the English society of theplace.
Saturday, May 16th.—This day the ship (Castor), from which theGeorgia was coaling, was ordered to be hauled off, and the operationsuspended, the Yankee Consul having alleged to the Government that shehad munitions of war on board.
_Sunday, May 17th.—_In the morning an officer came on board and readme a despatch from the President, expressing displeasure at my remainingso long in the port, and directing me to proceed to sea in twenty-fourhours. The same paper was read on board the Georgia. I replied that theGovernment itself had caused our delay, by prohibiting us from coalingfrom the ship from which we had purchased our coal; and that I could goto sea in twenty-four hours after this prohibition was removed, &c., &c.A party of English ladies and gentlemen visited the ship this afternoon.We were crowded all day, besides, with miscellaneous visitors.
Tuesday, May 19th.—This morning, at the request of the President, Iwent on shore to see him, and we had a long and animated discussion, inwhich he stated he had certain proofs, adduced by the United StatesConsul, to the effect that the coal-ship Castor had been sent here tomeet us, &c.; and that under these circ*mstances (the ship beingcharged, besides, with having munitions of war on board), he felt it hisduty to prevent us from coaling from her, but that we might have freeaccess to the market, &c. The Consul, too, had told him that I hadshipped one of the prisoners after landing him: the fact being that,although many of them volunteered, I refused to receive any of them,having already a full crew on board. In the afternoon addressed a letterto the President, insisting upon the right to coal from the Castor.
Wednesday, May 20th.—We were promised lighters with coal from theshore this morning; but not one has yet come off—half-past twelve. Justat nightfall a lighter came alongside, and during the night we filledup. The next day we got under way and steamed out of the harbour.
Sunday, May 24th.—I am quite home-sick this quiet Sunday morning. Iam now two long, long years away from my family, and there are nosigns of an abatement of the war; on the contrary, the Yankees seem tobecome more and more infuriated, and nothing short of a war of invasionis likely to bring them to terms, unless indeed it be the destruction oftheir commerce; and for this, I fear, we are as yet too weak. If we canget and hold Kentucky, the case may be different. Well, we mustsacrifice our natural yearnings on the altar of our country, for withouta country we can have no home.
Two more!—The Gildersliene and Justina—Case of the Jabez Snow—Thebarque Amazonian—Relieved of prisoners—A hint—The Talisman—Underfalse colours—The Conrad—A nobler fate—Re-christened—The Tuscaloosacommissioned—Short of provisions.
The 25th May witnessed the capture of the ship Gildersliene and thebarque Justina. The latter having a neutral cargo, was ransomed on abond for 7000 dollars; the former condemned and burned, after aninvestigation terminating in the following decision:—
Ship under the United States colours and register. Charter-party withMessrs. Halliday, Fox, and Co., of London, who describe themselves asmerchants and freighters, to make a voyage to Calcutta and back toLondon or Liverpool. Cargo taken in at Sunderland, and consisting ofcoal, said to be shipped for the "service of the Peninsular and OrientalSteam Navigation Company," but not even averred to be on "their accountand risk." No certificate or other evidence of property; ship and cargocondemned. Master knows nothing of property except what appears by thepapers.
* * * * *
Friday, May 29th.—We had another chase last night from about 2 A.M.,but with better success than the two previous nights, since at 7.30 A.M.we came up with and captured the ship Jabez Snow, of Rockport, Maine.Just at daylight, being within about four miles of her, we hoisted ourown colours, and fired a gun. She did not show any colours in return,and stood a second gun before heaving to; she finally showed hercolours. Got on board from the prize a quantity of provisions andcordage; transhipped the crew, and about sunset set her on fire. Found aletter on board, the writer of which referred to American ships beingunder a cloud "owing to dangers from pirates, more politely styledprivateers," which our kind friends in England are so willing "shouldslip out of their ports to prey on our commerce." This letter was datedBoston, November 25th, 1862.
Ship under United States colours, cargo coals, from Cardiff for MonteVideo. On the face of the bill of lading is the following: "We certifythat the cargo of coals per Jabez Snow, for which this is the bill oflading, is the bonâ fide property of Messrs. Wilson, Holt, Lane, &Co., and that the same are British subjects and merchants; And also thatthe coals are for their own use.
As this certificate was not sworn to, it added no force to the bill oflading, as every bill of lading is an unsworn certificate of the factsit recites. There being no legal proof among the papers to contradictthe presumption that all property found under the enemy's flag isenemy's property, and as the Master, who was the charterer and agent ofthe ship, and whose duty it was to know about all the transactions inwhich he was engaged, swore that he had no personal knowledge of theowner of the cargo, except such as he derived from the ship's papers,the cargo, as well as the ship, is condemned as prize of war. Thefollowing significant extract from a letter of the Master to his owners,dated Penrith Roads, April 19th, 1863, was found on board, though notproduced by the Master:—
"I have my bills of lading certified by the Mayor, that the cargo isbonâ fide English property. Whether this will be of any service to mein the event of my being overhauled by a Southern pirate, remains to beproved."
The certificate above recited seems, therefore, to have been procured bythe Master to protect his ship from capture, and not to have been aspontaneous act of the pretended neutral owners to protect the cargo.The cargo and advance freight were insured against war-risk, the shippaying the premium. No effort was made by Wilson, Holt, Lane, & Co., toprotect the cargo, and they were the proper parties to make the oath.The agent who shipped the coal for this firm, and who wrote theabove-quoted certificate, could only know, of course, that he hadshipped them by order of his principal. Why, then, did Wilson, Holt,Lane, & Co., decline to make the necessary oath to protect the cargo?They should have taken the necessary steps to protect either themselvesor the insurers, but they did no such thing. It would seem, probably,that they were the agents of some American house, and that they couldnot, in conscience, take the oath required by law.
* * * * *
The next prize was the Amazonian, of Boston, from New York to MonteVideo, captured, after a long chase, on the 2d of June, but not untiltwo blank shots had failed to bring her to, and the stronger hint of around from the rifled gun had convinced her of the impossibility ofescape.
* * * * *
Ship under United States colours; has an assorted cargo on board, and isbound from New York to Monte Video. There are two claims of neutralproperty—one for twenty cases of varnish and fifty casks of oil,claimed as shipped on "account of Messrs. Galli & Co., French subjects."This claim is sworn to by a Mr. Craig, before a notary. It does not averthat the property is in Messrs. Galli & Co., but simply that it wasshipped "on their account." There is no outside evidence of the truth ofthis transaction, as the master knows nothing about it.
* * * * *
Right glad was the Alabama to fall in, on the day after this lastcapture, with an English brigantine, the master of which proved willing,in consideration of a gift from Captain Semmes of one of his noblecollection of captured chronometers, to relieve him of the crowd ofprisoners with which he was encumbered. To the number of forty-one theywere forthwith transferred, along with a stock of provisions sufficientfor a fortnight's consumption; and the Alabama breathed freely again,relieved of her disagreeable charge.
It may not be an uninstructive, and it is most assuredly an amusingcomment, upon the claims of neutrality so loudly insisted upon, to quotethe following extract from a New York letter, captured on board one ofthe recent prizes. It is dated April 7th, and addressed to acorrespondent in Buenos Ayres:—
"When you ship in American vessels, it would be as well to have theBritish Consul's certificate of English property attached to the bill oflading and invoices; as in the event of falling in with the numerousprivateers, it would save both cargo and vessel, in all probability. AnAmerican ship, recently fallen in with, was released by the Alabama onaccount of a British Consul's certificate showing the greater part ofthe cargo to be English property. If you ship in a neutral vessel, wesave five per cent, war insurances."
Another prize. The Talisman, a fine ship of 1100 tons, under UnitedStates colours and register, with no claim of neutral property in cargo;and before the glare of her funeral pyre had faded from the horizon,another hove in sight, so evidently American, that notwithstanding theEnglish ensign flying at her peak, she was at once brought to andboarded. And American she proved to be in her origin; but her owners hadbeen wise, and, so far as her papers went, she had been regularlytransferred to the protection of the British flag—humiliating, perhaps,to the proud "Yankee nation," but effective as a precaution againstcapture; though, had the Confederate cruiser been able to send her intoport for adjudication, the transfer might very possibly, when theevidence came to be sifted, have proved but a "bogus transaction" afterall.
So the "Englishman" had to be released, consenting, however, to relievethe Alabama of a prisoner and his wife, recently captured on board theTalisman. A week passed away, and then came another instance of asimilar transfer under the strong pressure of fear, the whilom Yankeebarque Joseph Hall, of Portland, Maine, now seeking a humiliating safetyas the "British" Azzopadi, of Port Lewis, Isle of France!
Alas! for the Stars and Stripes, the Azzopadi was not hull down on thehorizon ere the once-renowned Yankee clipper Challenger lay humbly, withher maintopsail to the mast, in the very place in which her countrymanhad just been performing a similar penance, claiming, as theBritish-owned Queen of Beauty, a similar immunity.
At last, however, as the impatient crew of the Alabama were beginning tothink that their enemy's flag had finally vanished from the face of theocean, an adventurous barque hove in sight, with the old familiarbunting at her peak. She proved to be the Conrad, of Philadelphia, fromBuenos Ayres for New York, partly laden with wool, the ownership ofwhich was, as usual, claimed as neutral. On investigation, the claimproved an evident-fabrication, the facts of the case being as follows:—
Ship under American colours and register. A Mr. Thomas Armstrong, whodescribes himself as a British subject doing business at Buenos Ayres,makes oath before the British Consul that a part of this wool belongs tohim and a part to Don Frederico Elortando, a subject of the ArgentineRepublic. This may or may not be true, but the master is unable toverify the document, he not having been present when it was prepared,and not knowing any thing about it. There is, besides, so strong acurrent of American trade with Buenos Ayres, that the presumption is,from the very fact that this wool was going to New York in an Americanbarque, under the imminency of capture, which our presence in theseseas—well known at Buenos Ayres when the barque sailed—must haveshown, that the property is American, and that the certificate is anattempt to cover it; Mr. Armstrong probably being a brother or a partnerin the transaction with some American house. Ship and cargo condemned.
* * * * *
From an examination of the correspondence in this case, brought on boardafter the ship's papers had been examined, it appeared that Mr.Armstrong, the party shipping a part of the cargo, swears before hisconsul that he and one Don Frederico Elortando, are the owners of theproperty, and swears before the United States Consul that he is the soleowner of the property. Both of these oaths cannot be true. It furtherappears that, whilst the property in the bill of lading is consigned toSimon de Visser, Esq., in the letters of Messrs. Kirkland and Von Sachsit is spoken of as consigned to them. The letters make no mention of anyjoint-ownership with Armstrong, but treat the consignment as his soleproperty. But though, like so many of her countrymen, condemned, theConrad was not to die. A nobler fate was in store for her—no less adestiny than that of carrying the proud young flag to which she hadsuccumbed, and taking the sea, under a new name, as the consort of hercaptor. Accordingly, Acting-Lieutenant Low was appointed to the command,assisted by Acting-Master Sinclair and two master's mates. The tworifled pounders captured in the Talisman were mounted on board, a duecomplement of rifles, revolvers, ammunition, &c., supplied, and then thetransformed barque fired her first gun, ran up the Confederate ensign toher peak, and amid a burst of cheering from her own crew and that of herconsort, made a fresh start in life as the Confederate Statessloop-of-war Tuscaloosa.
The Alabama was now bound for the Cape of Good Hope, where her faithfultender, the Agrippina, was again to meet her. On the 27th of June,however, when in lat. 20.01 S., long. 28.29 W., it was discovered that agreat portion of the supposed month's supply of bread had been destroyedby weevils, and that there was not enough left for the run. A visit tosome port nearer at hand thus became inevitable, and the ship's coursewas accordingly shaped for Rio Janeiro.
An insult to the Yankee flag—Fine weather—The Anna F. Schmidt—"Whatship's that?"—The Express—A supply of bread—Saldanha Bay—Visitorsfrom the country—A funeral—The Tuscaloosa's prize—The capture offCape Town—The Sea Bride won—Ship crowded—Sympathy.
Sunday, June 28th.—At 4.30 this evening brought-to a heavy ship witha blank cartridge; or rather she seemed to come-to of her own accord, asshe was evidently outsailing us, and was, when we fired, at very longrange. Soon after heaving-to she burned a blue light, and whilst ourboat, with a light in it, was pulling towards her, she burned another.She afterwards said she would not have hove-to but that she thought wemight be in distress. The boarding officer reported us as the UnitedStates ship Dacotah, and demanded to see the ship's papers, which wererefused, the Master stating that we had no right to see his papers. Theboarding officer having been informed of her name (the Vernon), and thatshe was from Melbourne, for London, and being satisfied, fromobservation, that she was really an English ship, she being one of thewell-known frigate-built Melbourne packets, returned on board, and theship filled away; and she was already at considerable distance from uswhen I received the boarding officer's report. Under all thesecirc*mstances, I did not chase him afresh to enforce my belligerentright of search. Cui bono, the vessel being really English? Although,indeed, the resistance to search by a neutral is good cause of capture,I could only capture to destroy; and I would not burn an English ship(being satisfied of her nationality) if the Master persisted to the lawin not showing his papers. Nor did I feel that the Confederate Statesflag had any insult to revenge, as the insult, if any, was intended forthe Yankee flag. Most probably, however, the ship being a packet-ship,and a mail-packet, the Master erred from ignorance.
Lat. 26.35, long. 32.59.30, current S.E. thirty miles; ship rolling andtumbling about, to my great discomfort. The fact is, I am getting tooold to relish the rough usage of the sea. Youth sometimes loves to berocked by the gale, but when we have passed the middle stage of life, welove quiet and repose.
Tuesday, June 30th.—The bad weather of the past week seems at lengthto have blown itself out; and this morning we have the genial sunshineagain, and a clear, bracing atmosphere. With a solitary exception, theCape pigeons, true to their natures, have departed. There is still someroughness of the sea left, however, and the ship is rolling and creakingher bulk-heads, as usual. Wind moderate from about East.
Another prize on the 2nd of July, the Anna, F. Schmidt, of Maine, fromBoston for San Francisco; and another cautious Yankee transformed intoan Englishman; and then came a large ship flying before the wind, withall sail set to her royals, and answering the Alabama's challenge with agun from her own bow port.
A man-of-war this, from her fashion of replying, even had the fact notbeen sufficiently apparent from the cut of her heavy yards and loftyspars. An enemy, perhaps! And wild with the hope of a fight, though itbe with an enemy not much less than double her size, away flies theAlabama, at top speed of sail and steam, in chase. The sea was smooth,though with a strong breeze; and ere long the saucy little cruiserranged up alongside of the fine frigate, with ten black muzzles grinningthrough his ports on either side.
"This is the Confederate States ship Alabama!" rang out from thequarter-deck, as the two ships flew through the water, side byside:—"What ship's that?"
But there was to be no fight that day. The chase contented herself withthe laconic reply, "Her Britannic Majesty's ship Diomede;" and wenttearing along upon her course under the tremendous press of canvas,beneath which her spars were bending like a whip, and was soon out ofsight, evidently bound on some errand that would not brook delay.
Some small compensation for this disappointment was found two daysafterwards in the capture of the fine ship Express, of Boston, fromCallao for Antwerp, loaded with guano, the particulars of which arerecorded as follows:—
Ship under United States colours and register; cargo guano, shipped bySenan, Valdeavellano and Co., at Callao, and consigned to J. Sescau andCo., at Antwerp. On the back of this bill of lading is the followingendorsem*nt: "Nous soussignés chargé d'affaires et consul général deFrance à Lima, certifions que la chargement de mille soixante douze deregister de Huano spécifié au présent connaissem*nt, est propriéténeutre."
Fait à Lima, le 27 Janvier, 1863.
(Signed and impressed with the Consular seal.)
This certificate fails to be of any value as proof, for two reasons:first, it is not sworn to; and secondly, it simply avers the property tobe neutral (the greater part of it, for it does not touch the guano insacks), instead of pointing out the owner or owners. A Consul mayauthenticate evidence by his seal, but when he departs from the usualfunctions of a Consul, and becomes a witness, he must give his testimonyunder oath, like other witnesses. This certificate, therefore, does noteven amount to an ex parte affidavit. If the property had been in theshipper's or consignee's name, it would have been quite as easy to sayso as to put the certificate in its present shape. Why, then, was thesimple declaration that the property was neutral made use of?—the lawwith which every Consul, and more especially a chargé d'affaires, issupposed to be acquainted with, declaring them to be insufficient? Theconclusion from these two facts—viz., that there was no oath taken, andthat there was no owner named—seemed to be that the Consul gave a sortof matter-of-course certificate, upon the application of some one whodeclared the property to be neutral, perhaps with a knowledge to thefact, or contrary to the fact, neither party taking any oath. Now, thepresumption of law being, that goods found in an enemy's ship belong tothe enemy, unless a distinct neutral character be given to them, bypointing out the real owner, by proper documentary proof, as neitherthe bill of lading nor the certificate, which is a mere statement of afact, like the bill of lading, not under oath, nor the Master'stestimony, who knows nothing (see his deposition) except as he has beentold by the shipper, amounts to proper documentary proof, the ship andcargo are both condemned. It must be admitted that this is a case inwhich, perhaps, a prize court would grant "further proof;" but as Icannot do this, and as a distinct neutral character is not impressedupon the property by former evidence, I must act under the presumptionof law. Sect. 3rd, Phillimore, 596. The charter-party in this casedescribes the charterers, J. Sescau and Co., of Antwerp, as agents ofthe supreme Peruvian Government. But if so, why was it not certificatedby the government, as was done in the case of the Washington, capturedand released on bond by this ship? And then the master swears that theshippers told him that the cargo belonged to them; and if the PeruvianGovernment must resort to a French official for a certificate, why not,then, on oath made before him? and why did he not state the fact that itso belonged, which would have protected it?
* * * * *
The Alabama was now again heading for the Cape, the Anna Schmidt havingyielded a supply of bread sufficient, with strict economy, to last outthe passage. There she arrived on the 29th July, anchoring in SaldanhaBay, at about 1.45 P.M.
Thursday, July 30th.—Last night the sky and atmosphere weresingularly brilliant. Landed this morning at eight, to get sight for mychronometers, this being the first time that I ever set foot on theContinent of Africa. Saldanha is a gloomy, desert-looking place, theshore comprised of sand and rock, without trees, but with green patcheshere and there. There are three or four farm-houses in sight, scatteredover the hills. The farmers here are mostly graziers. The cattle arefine and good; a great number of goats graze on the hills, andsheep-raising is extensive, the mutton being particularly fine. Smalldeer are abundant. We had a venison steak for breakfast. The littleislands in the bay abound in rabbits, and there is goodpheasant-shooting in the valleys. Already a party of officers has goneout to stretch their limbs, and enjoy the luxury of shooting.
July 31st.—Took a stroll on shore, and walked round some fineoat-fields. The soil resembles our hummock land in Florida, and producesfinely. Engaged caulking, painting, &c. An abundance of wild-flowers inbloom. Huge blocks of granite lie about the sand, and from the tops ofprojections, &c.
Saturday, Aug. 1st.—I returned on board, after a stroll on shore, at2 P.M. During my walk I met some farmers in a four-horse waggon comingto see the ship. They brought me a wild peaco*ck—not quite so large asour wild turkey. It was without the gorgeous plumage of the domesticbird. The schooner Atlas came in this afternoon, with letters for mefrom some merchants at Cape Town, offering their services to supply mewith coal, &c., and expressing their good-will, &c., &c. I took occasionby this vessel, which returned immediately, to write to the Governor,Sir Philip B. Wodehouse, informing him of my presence here.
Sunday, Aug. 2nd.—The inhabitants say that this winter has beenremarkable for its general good weather, and for the few gales they havehad. Crowds of country people, from far and near, came on board to lookat the ship to-day.
Monday, Aug. 3rd.—Another crowd of visitors to-day, who came in theircountry waggons and on horseback. They all speak Dutch, and it is rareto find one among them who speaks English. Although it is nearly half acentury since England took final possession of the colony, the Englishlanguage has made but little progress, the children being taught by aDutch schoolmaster, and the papers being, many of them, printed inDutch. There was an intelligent young boer (about twenty-three) amongthem, who had never been on board a ship before. He was quite excited bythe novelty of everything he saw. Some of the female visitors wereplump, ruddy, Dutch girls, whose large rough hands, and awkward bows andcurtsies, showed them to be honest lasses from the neighboring farms,accustomed to milking the cows and churning the butter. I found thegeranium growing wild in my rambles to-day. Just as we were going tosun-down quarters, a boat came alongside with the body of ThirdAssistant-engineer Cummings, who accidentally shot himself with his gun.
Tuesday, Aug. 4th.—In the afternoon, at three, the funeral processionstarted from shore with the body of the deceased engineer. He was takento a private cemetery about a mile and a half distant, and interred withthe honours due to his grade, the First Lieutenant reading the funeralservice. This is the first burial we have had from the ship.
Wednesday, Aug. 5th.—At 6 A.M. got up the anchor, and getting underway, steamed out of the bay and shaped our course for Cape Town. At 9.30descried a sail a point on the starboard bow, and at 10.30 came up withand sent a boat on board of the Confederate barque Tuscaloosa, andbrought Lieutenant Lowe on board. He reported having captured, on the31st July the American ship Santee, from the eastward, laden with rice,certificated as British property, and bound for Falmouth. He releasedher on ransom for 150,000 dollars. I directed Lieutenant Lowe to proceedto Simons Bay for supplies. Steamed in for the town. At 12.30 made abarque, two points on starboard bow; gave chase, and at about 2 P.M.came up with and hove the chase, she having up United States colours.This was a close pursuit, as the barque was not more than five or sixmiles from the shore when we came up with her. The Master might havesaved himself if he had stood directly in for the land; but we ran downupon him under English colours, and he had no suspicion of our characteruntil it was too late. The United States consul at once protestedagainst our violation of British waters (!). The Governor telegraphed tothe Admiral (Walker), at Simon's Bay, to send a man-of-war round; andabout 10 P.M. her Majesty's steamship Valorous, Captain Forsyth, came inand anchored. Some correspondence has passed between the Governor andmyself on the subject of the capture, and I believe he is satisfied asto distance, &c. Put a prize crew on board the prize (Sea Bride), anddirected her to stand off and on until further orders. The moment ouranchor was dropped we were crowded with visitors.
Thursday, Aug. 6th.—Notwithstanding the bad weather, the ship hasbeen crowded with visitors all the morning, and my cabin has beenconstantly filled with people pressing to shake hands with me, and toexpress sympathy for my cause. During the night we had some thunder andlightning, first from the S.E., and then from the N.W.; and the windspringing up, very gently at first, freshened to a gale by morning, withshowers of rain and hail. Communicated with the prize, and directed thePrizemaster, in case he should be blown off by a gale, to rendezvous atSaldanha Bay by the fifteenth of the month. Captain Forsyth, of theValorous, came on board. Returned his visit.
Friday, Aug. 7th.—I should have been under way for Simons Bay thismorning but for the gale. The wind is blowing very fresh from northwardand westward, with dense clouds climbing up and over the Table, Lion'shead, &c.—presenting a very fine spectacle, with the rough waters, theships with struck upper yards, and the town half enveloped with flyingmists, &c. The bold watermen in all the gale are cruising about the bayunder reefed sails, some of them with anchors and cables, ready toassist any ships that may require it. Last night, in the first watch, asail was reported to be on the shore near the lighthouse and firingsignal guns. Very soon we saw two or three boats put out to herassistance. In the morning we heard that it was a Brazilian brig, andthat the crew was saved. The brig is fast breaking up in the gale.
Wrecked!—A narrow escape—Respect for neutral waters—The MarthaWenzell—At the Cape—Dense fogs—Heavy weather—"Are you a vessel ofwar?"—-Firmness and obstinacy—Simon's Town—Misrepresentations—Alittle rest—Land-sharks—A night scene—To the Indian Ocean—The barqueAmanda.
Saturday, August 8th, 1863.—The gale broke last night, but there isstill some breeze blowing, and the sea is quite rough. Last night aBremen brig was wrecked off Point Monille. We heard her firing guns, andI feared at first it was our prize; and yet I could not conceive how myPrizemaster, who was acquainted with the soundings, could have made sucha mistake. The weather has checked the throng of visitors, and yet a fewget off to us, asking for autographs, and looking curiously at the ship.We are finishing our repairs, and getting supplies on board. Our prizehas not made her appearance to-day. She will rendezvous at Saldanha Bayon the 15th inst.
Sunday, August 9th, 1863.—Weather has again become fine. At 6 A.M.precisely, we moved out of the bay, and steamed along the coast towardsthe Cape. We gave chase to two sail off the mouth of False Bay, andoverhauling them, one proved to be an English, and the other an Americanbarque. The latter we boarded; but when I came to get bearings and plotmy position, it unfortunately turned out that I was within a mile, or amile and a quarter, of a line drawn from the Cape Lighthouse to theopposite headland of the bay, and therefore within the prescribed limitof jurisdiction. The master of the barque, in the meantime, having comeon board, I informed him of those facts, and told him to return to, andtake possession of his ship, as I had no authority to exercise anycontrol over him; which he did, and in a few minutes more, we were understeam standing up the bay. What a scene for the grim old Cape to lookdown upon. The vessel boarded was the Martha Wenzell, of Boston, fromAkyab for Falmouth. At 2 P.M. anchored in Simon's Bay, and was boardedby a Lieutenant from the flag-ship of Admiral Walker.
Monday, August 10th.—Weather fine. I called on Admiral Walker at hisresidence, and was presented by him to his family, and spent anagreeable half hour with them, giving them a brief outline of ourquarrel and war. Dined on board the Chinese gunboat Kwang-Tung,Commander Young. This is one of Laird's side-wheel steamers, built forCaptain Sherrard Osborne's fleet. Capt. Bickford, of the Narcissus, andLieut. Wood, flag Lieutenant, dined with us.
Tuesday, August 11th.—Weather fine. Visited the flag-ship ofRear-Admiral Sir Baldwin W. Walker and the Kwang-Tung. Employed caulkingand refitting ship. Many visitors on board.
Wednesday, August 12th.—Wind fresh from the southward and eastward.Photographers and visitors on board. The Kwang-Tung made a trial trip ofher engines, after having repaired them, with the Admiral's family onboard. Wind freshened to a gale towards night.
Thursday, August 13th.-—Weather cloudy; blowing a moderate gale fromthe S.E. The Tuscaloosa is ready for sea, but is detained by theweather. Dined with Rear-Admiral Walker; Governor Sir Philip Wodehouseand lady were of the party. My sailors are playing the devil as usual.They manage to get liquor on board the ship, and then becomeinsubordinate and unruly. We have to force some of them into irons. Theman Weir, whom I made a Quartermaster, has run off; also two of theStewards, and two dingy boys; the latter were apprehended and brought onboard.
Friday, August 14th.—We have a dense fog to-day and calm. TheTuscaloosa, which went out at daylight, anchored some four or five milesoutside the harbour. The mail steamer from England arrived at Cape Townto-day, bringing us news of Lee's invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania.Finished our repairs this evening.
Saturday, August 15th.—We were ready to get under way at daylightthis morning, but were delayed by the dense fog until eleven o'clock,when we moved out of the harbour. As we neared the Cape another fog bankrolled over and enveloped us for a couple of hours. At 2.30, boarded anEnglish barque. At 3, let the steam go down, and raised the propeller.Weather threatening. Barometer 29.80. Took single reefs in the topsails.At 11 P.M. a steamer passed close, to leeward of us.
Light winds and thick weather now for rather more than a week, varied bya stiff northwester on the 22nd August, lasting over the greater part oftwo days.
Tuesday, August 25th.—Dense, cloudy morning. Got a glimpse of the sunand latitude at twelve o'clock. Our freshwater condenser is about givingout, the last supply of water being so salt as to be scarcely drinkable.This will be a serious disaster for us if we cannot remedy it at CapeTown, for we have no tank room for more than eight days' supply, and noplace to store casks except on deck, where they would interfere with theguns. And so I have borne up to run for Angra Pequena, where I expect topick up my prize-crew that I may return to Simon's Bay to see what canbe done, without further delay. I am quite knocked up with cold andfever, but sick as I may be, I can never lie by and be quiet, thedemands of duty being inexorable and incessant.
Thursday, August 27th.—Morning fine; made all sail at early daylightand stood in for the land, having every promise of getting latitude atmeridian for position, and running in to an anchor early in theafternoon. But an ominous fog-bank, that we had noticed hanging over theland for a short time before, suddenly enveloped us at eight, and shutus in so completely as to render it difficult to see a hundred yards inany direction; the wind the while blowing fresh from the south; weathercool and uncomfortable, and the rigging dripping rain. Hove to, andawaited anxiously the disappearance of the fog; but hour after hourpassed, and still no change—six, seven bells struck, and the fogappeared to grow more dense, and the wind to increase; wore ship, andput her head off shore; went below, and turned in, in supreme disgust.At 1.30 aroused by the report that there was a topsail schooner closeaboard. She ran down for us, when we backed main topsail, and sent aboat and brought the Master on board. Being like ourselves bound forAngra, he consented to pilot us in. Filled away, and made sail. We wereto-day, at noon, by computation, W.S.W. from Pedestal Point (Angra);distance about ten miles. The fog continued most relentlessly until 4P.M., when it disappeared, and we wore ship for the land, and wereprobably on the point of making it just at sunset, when the fog came onagain, and enveloped everything in impenetrable darkness. Wore shipseaward, and stood off and on during the night: the weather blustering.
Friday, August 28th.—Morning cloudy, wind blowing half a gale. At8.50 took a single reef in the topsail—the schooner in sight toleeward. At 9.30 made the land, and soon came in full view of it. Mywould-be pilot could not recognise it, until the schooner, having run inahead of us, ran down, to leeward, by which we knew that she had madeout our position. I followed her, and ran in, and anchored in SheerwaterBay; my pilot being of no sort of assistance to me, he seeming to have avery imperfect knowledge of the locality. Soon after anchoring, a boatcame out of the lagoon to us, and we recognised some of our prize-crewof the Sea Bride in her.
In effect the Tuscaloosa and the prize had both been three days in theharbour of Angra Pequena. In the afternoon we got up our anchor again,and ran into the lagoon, and anchored near the Sea Bride in sevenfathoms of water. A number of the officers are off this evening to visitthe Tuscaloosa—no doubt to get a good drink of fresh water. I havesent my pitcher for some, being nearly parched up with the salt-water wehave been drinking for the last three days. We are lying in smoothwater, in a snug harbour, and I hope to get what I have not had forseveral nights—a good night's rest. A more bleak and comfortlessprospect, in the way of landscape, could scarcely present itself to theeye. Nothing but land and rock—not a sprig of vegetation of any kind tobe seen. In fact it never rains here, and this is consequently a guanoregion. We passed a bank of guano in Halifax island, a shanty, a fewlabourers, and a large army of penguins spread out with much solemnityon the island.
Saturday, August 29th.—Getting on board flour, &c., from the SeaBride, and water from the schooner—1500 gallons, which will enable usto cruise some twenty days. Hauled a borrowed sieve in the afternoon,and caught a fine lot of fish.
Sunday, August 30th.—At 10.30 mustered the crew, and landed JamesAdams, O.S., discharged by sentence of court-martial, with forfeiture ofpay and prize-money.
Monday, August 31st,—At 7 A.M. got under way, and stood out of theharbour.
* * * * *
The Alabama was now visited by a succession of the heavy gales prevalentduring winter time in the neighbourhood of the Cape. On the 7thSept.—Captain Semmes writes—we had a rough, ugly night of it, with acontinuance, and even increase of the gale, and a short and abrupt sea,in which the ship occasionally rolled and pitched with violence,frequently thumping my cot against the beams overhead and awaking me.Shipped large quantities of water through the propeller well; cabin-deckleaking.
Tuesday, September 8th.—Weather cloudy, the sun shining faintlythrough the grey mass. Gale continues; the wind (E.S.E.) not havingvaried a hair for the last sixteen hours. Barometer gradually falling;ship rolling and pitching in the sea, and all things dreary-looking anduncomfortable. I am supremely disgusted with the sea and all itsbelongings; the fact is, I am past the age when men ought to besubjected to the hardships and discomforts of the sea. Seagoing is oneof those constant strifes which none but the vigorous, the hardy, andthe hopeful—in short, the youthful, or at most, the middle-aged—shouldbe engaged in. The very roar of the wind through the rigging, with itsaccompaniments of rolling and tumbling, hard, overcast skies, gives methe blues. This is a double anniversary with me. It was on the 8th ofSeptember that I received my first order for sea-service (1826); and itwas on the 8th of September that Norton's Division fought the battle ofMoline del Ray (1847). What a history of the United States has to bewritten since the last event! How much of human weakness and wickednessand folly has been developed in these years! But the North will receivetheir reward, under the inevitable and rigorous laws of a justgovernment of the world.
Another week passed with a solitary excitement in the shape of anobstinate English skipper, who stoutly refused to heave to. Thefollowing account of this affair is extracted from the journal of one ofthe Alabama's officers:—
Towards evening of the 10th of September the wind fell considerably. At8.30 P.M. a sail in sight on weather bow. Immediately we turned towindward, and stood in chase. At 9.45 fired a gun to heave chase to.Chase, however, still kept on her course. At 10.35 we ran up alongside,and the officer of the deck hailed her—"Ship ahoy!" "Halloa! heave to,and I will send a boat on board." "What do you want me to heave tofor?" "That's my business." "Are you a vessel of war?" Captain Semmesthen waxing wroth, replied, "I'll give you five minutes to heave to in.""You have no right to heave me to unless you tell me who you are." "I'lllet you know who I am." To officer of the deck—"Load that gun withshot, sir, and rain on that fellow—he's stupid enough to be aforeigner." "Tell me who you are," yelled out the master of the ship."If you are not hove to in five minutes I'll fire into you." Addressingthe officer of the watch, Captain Semmes asked, "Is that gun ready forfiring, sir?" "All ready, sir." "Then stand by to fire."
The Captain of the ship beginning to realize the fact that we were inearnest, rolled out a volley of oaths, not only loud, but deep also.That little ebullition being finished, he hauled his mainsail up and layto. Captain Semmes then gave me orders to board and ascertain who thevessel was, as the reluctance to heave to was suspicious in itself.
On boarding, the Mate met me at the gangway and introduced me to a tall,burly man, who proved to be the Master. With the utmost suavity Iinquired, "What ship is this?" "Who are you?" he blurted out. "What shipis this, captain?" I repeated. "I sha'n't tell you," was the politereply. "Captain, what vessel is this?" "Are you a man-of-war?" asked he."Of course we are," replied I. "Who are you?" queried he.
With the greatest distinctness possible, and with the utmost sternness,I said, "We are—we are the United States steamer Iroquois, CaptainPalmer, on a cruise; and now, having told you this, I have somethingmore to tell you—namely, that I am come on board to ask questions, notto answer them; further, I have asked you three times who you are, andhave not yet received an answer. So just step down into the cabin, andproduce the ship's papers."
With a very ill grace he descended into the cabin, I following, and Ihad just removed my cap when he roared out, "Who are you? Are youEnglish? Say you are an English man-of-war, and I will let you look atmy papers." Said I, "Captain, either you are crazy or else you think Iam. Here we fire a gun, and any man with a grain of sense would haveunderstood that it was meant for a ship to heave to, more especiallywhen a nation is at war. You are told to heave to, are boarded, andasked a question. Instead of replying, you ask, perfectly savagely, 'Whoare you?' I tell you we are the United States ship Iroquois, and thenyou ask, 'Are you English? Tell me you are an English man-of-war!' It'sabsurd, I tell you."
"Mr. Officer," yelled he, "'crazy!' 'sense!' 'absurd!' By G—d, sir, ifan English man-of-war were here, no Yankee dare set foot on this deck,sir. Who are you?" "Captain," I said to the man, "it is time this pieceof folly were ended. Now understand me. Look at that clock: it wantstwelve minutes to eleven; I want to see your papers; I give you twominutes to produce them in. If, at ten minutes to eleven, the papers arenot forthcoming, I shall adopt measures to place them in my possession."
I then sat down. Question after question did the worthy skipper ask, butno reply did I deign to give. At length it wanted but a few seconds tothe time specified, when with a bad grace the irate Master produced hiskey, unlocked his safe, and brought forth his papers. Upon examination Ifound it was the ship Flora, of and to Liverpool, from Manilla, with ageneral cargo.
While looking over his papers, a ceaseless string of interrogations waskept up by the Master, to which I returned no answer, merely returningthe papers, and remarking that he had given himself and us also, somereally causeless detention. "Have you any news, captain?" I asked. "Yes,I have some news; news that some three or four of you would like to beacquainted with, but news that one of you would rather not know. But I'dsee you Yankees sunk forty fathoms deep before I would tell you it.""Come, captain, don't be uncharitable; you know what is written in theBible."
He then went on to state what a bad passage he had made so far, havingmet with a succession of baffling winds ever since he had left Manilla;that he had made all sail for a fair wind, and which had only lasted fora few hours, the wind coming ahead again; and it looking threatening, hehad reduced sail considerably, and was making but slow progress when hewas stopped by us.
"Stopped by a Yankee, too! That's something I won't forget in a hurry,"said he.
I could not help laughing at the "offended majesty" air he assumed, andwishing him a speedy passage, returned on board. From one of my boat'screw I learnt that the Flora had either seen or been boarded a couple ofdays ago by a two-masted long-funnelled steamer, supposed by the Masterto have been a Confederate, though showing Yankee colours.
* * * * *
Wednesday, September 16th.—At 3 P.M. doubled the Cape of Good Hope andsteamed into the anchorage at Simon's Town, which we reached at about4.30 P.M. The Vanderbilt had left on Friday last, and was reported tohave hovered near the Cape for a day or two. Greatly disarranged by thenews from home—Vicksburg and Port Hudson fallen; Rosecrans' armymarching southwards; and Lee having recrossed the Potomac. Our poorpeople seem to be terribly pressed by the Northern hordes.
But we shall fight it out to the end, and the end will be what anall-wise Providence shall decree.
Thursday, September 17th.—Called on the Admiral, and received a visitfrom the Captain of the Narcissus.
Various misrepresentations had been made to the Admiral as to myproceedings since I left, &c., by the United States Consul, which Iexplained away. Spent an agreeable half-hour with the Admiral and hislady. There being no coal here—the Vanderbilt having taken it all—Imade arrangements for it to be sent to me from Cape Town.
Saturday, September 19.—The steamer Kadie arrived with coals for mefrom Cape Town. Hauled her alongside, and commenced coaling. Walked onshore, and lunched with Captain Bickford. Dispatched letters for themail-steamer for England. Liberty-men drunk, and few returning. Dinedwith the Admiral. A very pleasant party, composed entirely of navalofficers, including the Captains of the ships present, theCaptain-superintendent of the dockyard, &c. After dinner the youngladies made their appearance in the drawing-room, and we had some music.
Sunday, September 20th.—Hauled the ship over to get at the copperaround the blow-pipe, which was worn off. Visited the shore at half-pastnine, took a long walk, dropped in upon the Post-captain, and went tochurch—Father Kiernan saying mass. He is an earnest, simple-mindedIrish priest, with a picturesque little church on the hill-side, and asmall congregation composed chiefly of soldiers and sailors—a seamanserving mass. Captain Coxon and a couple of the Lieutenants of thesquadron being present. Liberty-men returning in greater numbersto-day—the money is giving out.
Monday, September 21st.—At daylight, hauled the steamer alongsideagain, and recommenced coaling. Called to see the ladies at theAdmiral's after dinner, and walked through their quite extensive garden,winding up a ravine with a rapid little stream of water passing throughit.
Tuesday, September 22nd.—A large number of liberty-men on shore yet.The Yankee Consul, with his usual unscrupulousness, is trying topersuade them to desert. With one or two exceptions, the whole crew havebroken their liberty—petty officers and all. With many improvements inthe character of the seaman of the present day, in regard tointelligence, he is, in some respects, as bad as ever. Finished coalingthis evening.
Wednesday, September 23rd.—Refitting the fore-topmasts. Some twentymen still absent. A few are picked up by the Simon's Town police for thesake of the reward. And the sailor-landlords, those pests of allsea-ports, are coming on board and presenting bills for board, &c. Ofcourse these claims are not listened to. It is a common contrivance withJack and these sharks, to endeavor to extort money out of their ships.
The process is simple enough. The landlord gives Jack a glass or two ofbad liquor, and it may be, a meal or two, and it is agreed between themthat a bill of twenty times the value received shall be acknowledged.The land-shark charges in this exorbitant way for the risk he runs ofnot being able to get anything, so he has nothing to complain of when hehappens to come across a captain who is disposed to protect his seamenfrom such extortion. Knowing the villains well, I did not permit them toimpose upon me.
Thursday, September 24th.—Waiting for the chance of getting over mydeserters from Cape Town. Informed by telegraph, in the afternoon, thatit was useless to wait longer, as the police declined to act. It thusappears that the authorities declined to enable me to recover mymen—fourteen in number, enough to cripple my crew. This is another ofthose remarkable interpretations of neutrality in which John Bull seemsto be so particularly fertile. Informed by telegrams from Cape Town thatvessels had arrived reporting the Vanderbilt on two successive days offCape Aguthas and Point Danger. The moon being near its full, I preferrednot to have her blockade me in Simon's Bay, as it might detain me untilI should have a "dark moon," and being all ready for sea, this wouldhave been irksome; so the gale having lulled somewhat, towards 9 P.M., Iordered steam to be got up, and at half-past eleven, we moved out fromour anchors.
The lull only deceived us, as we had scarcely gotten under way, beforethe gale raged with increased violence, and we were obliged to buffet itwith all the force of our four boilers. The wind blew fiercely; butstill we drove her between five and six knots per hour in the very teethof it.
Nothing could exceed the peculiar weird-like aspect of the scene, as westruggled under the full moonlight with the midnight gale. Thesurrounding mountains and high lands, seemingly at a great distance inthe hazy atmosphere, had their tops piled with banks of fleecy clouds,remaining as motionless as snow-banks, which they very muchresembled—the cold south wind assisting the illusion; the angry watersof the bay breaking in every direction, occasionally dashing on board ofus; the perfectly clear sky, with no sign of a cloud anywhere to beseen, except those piled on the mountains already mentioned;—the brightfull moon, shedding her mysterious rays on all surroundingobjects—illuminating, yet distancing them—all these were things to beremembered. And last, the revolving light on the Cape, at regularintervals, lighting up the renowned old headland.
We passed the Cape at about 3 A.M., and bearing away gave her thetrysails reduced by their bonnets, and close-reefed topsails; and Iturned in to snatch a brief repose, before the trials of another dayshould begin.
Friday, September 25th.—Delivered the jail, as usual, upon getting tosea. It will take several days, I am afraid, to work the grog out of thecrew, before they are likely to settle down into good habits andcheerfulness.
The next fortnight's run through the heavy gales that prevail almostincessantly in the higher latitudes of the Indian Ocean, brought theAlabama some 2400 miles upon her course. Two days more brought her offthe Island of St. Paul's, a distance of 2840 miles. Another couple ofdays, and she had made about sufficient easting, and began to shape hercourse towards the north—the "sunny north."
A few short extracts from the journal will give sufficient idea of theperiod thus passed through:—
October 16th.—Lat. 35.23; Long. 89.55; no observations for current;distance some 135 miles. The gale in which we lay-to ten hours, havingbroken in upon our day's work. Bar. 29.57, and on a stand; runningbefore the wind, under close-reef and reefed foresail. Afternoon galeincreased, and between twelve and one it blew furiously, the whole seabeing a sheet of foam, the air rendered misty by the spray, and theheavy seas threatening to jump on board of us, although we were scuddingat the rate of very little less than fifteen knots—the wholeaccompanied by an occasional snow-squall from dark, threatening-lookingclouds. It is not often that a wilder scene is beheld: in the meantimethe Cape pigeons are whirling around us, occasionally poising themselvesagainst the stern, as serenely, apparently, as if the elements were atrest. The barometer has remained perfectly stationary at 29.57 duringthis blow for seven hours (from morning to 7 P.M.), without varying asingle hair's breadth, during all of which time the gale was raging withunmitigated violence from about S.W. by W. to S.W. During this period,we were travelling about on an average speed of eleven knots; and ofcourse this must have been the rate of speed of the vortex—distant fromus probably 150 to 200 miles. At 7 P.M. the mercury began to riseslowly, and at 8 was at 27.60, the weather looking less angry, and thesqualls not so frequent or violent. Verily, our good ship, as she isdarted ahead on the top of one of those huge, long Indian Ocean wavesthat pursue her, seems like a mere co*ck-boat.
It is remarkable that this is the anniversary of the cyclone we took offthe banks of Newfoundland.
October 18th—Observing has been particularly vexatious during thepast week. What with the heavy seas constantly rising between theobserver and the horizon, preventing him from producing a contact at thevery instant, it may be, that he is ready for it, the passage of aflying cloud under the sun when his horizon is all right, and the heavyrolling of the ship requiring him to pay the utmost care to thepreservation of his balance, and sometimes even to "lose hissight"—from the necessity of withdrawing one hand suddenly from hisinstrument to grasp the rail or the rigging to prevent himself fromfalling—what with all these things, the patience of even as patient aman as myself is sorely tried. Perhaps this stormy tumbling about at seais the reason why seamen are so calm and quiet on shore. We come to hateall sorts of commotion, whether physical or moral.
At last the region of endless gales was passed, and escaping entirelythe southern belt of calms, the Alabama dashed along in the S.E. trade.On the 26th October, as she was nearing the Line, news reached her froman English barque, that the United States sloop Wyoming was on guard inthe Sunda Straits, accompanied by a three-masted schooner. This sloopbeing about the Alabama's own size, hopes of a fight were again rifeamong both officers and men; and great was their impatience when thetrade at length parted from them, and light, variable winds again beganto baffle the eager ship.
Drawing slowly nearer to the Straits, news still came from passing shipsof the enemy's presence there, reports going at length so far as tostate, that she had been specially dispatched thither by the UnitedStates consul at Batavia, in search of the Alabama herself.
At last, on the 6th November, came another prize, the first sinceleaving the Cape of Good Hope, nearly six weeks before. She proved to bethe barque Amanda, from Manilla to Queenstown for orders, the followingbeing the particulars of her case:—
Ship under U.S. colours and register. Cargo, sugar and hemp.Charter-party to proceed to Europe or the United States. On the face ofeach of the three bills of lading appears the following certificate forthe British Vice-consul at Manilla:—
"I hereby certify that Messrs. Ker and Co., the shippers of themerchandize specified in this bill of lading, are British subjectsestablished in Manilla, and that according to invoices produced, thesaid merchandize is shipped by order, and for account of Messrs.Halliday, Fox, and Co., British subjects of London, in Great Britain."
As nobody swears to anything, of course this certificate is valueless,and the presumption of law prevails, viz., "that all property foundunder the enemy's flag is enemy's property," until the contrary be shownby competent and credible testimony under oath, duly certified to by aConsul or another officer. Ship and cargo condemned.
New cruising-ground—Case of the Winged Racer—A good chase—TheContest—On the look-out—Not to be deceived—No prizes—Condore—AFrench settlement—Kindly greetings—Monkey Island—Far fromhome—Whistling Locusts—Instinct—Why no one sees a deadmonkey—Homewards—Yankee ships scarce.
The 8th of November saw the Alabama again in sight of land, and afteranchoring for a night off Flat Point, and sending a boat ashore, in thevain hope of finding in the Malay villages a supply of some sort offresh provision, she again lifted her anchor and proceeded to sea understeam.
* * * * *
Tuesday, November 10th.—Passed between the islands of Beezee andSonbooko, both high and picturesque, the channel about a mile wide, somevillages under the groves of cocoa-nut trees on the former. The nakednatives coming down to the beach to gaze at us. We ran through theStrait of Sunda about 2 P.M., passing to the westward of Thwart-the-Way.
Soon after passing out of the Strait and shaping our course, wediscovered a clipper-looking ship, under topsails, standing towardsNorth Island. Gave chase, although we were in the midst of a rainsquall, and in the course of fifteen or twenty minutes we were nearenough to him to make him show his colours. They were United States, andupon being boarded he proved to be the Winged Racer, a vessel for whichwe had been hunting outside the Strait. We captured him and sent him toanchor about three miles from North Island (the Island bearing aboutW.S.W.), and ran up and anchored near him ourselves. By working hard wewere enabled to get everything we wanted out of him by 2 o'clock A.M.;and having despatched her crew, together with the crew of the Amanda, inthe boats of the prize, at their own request, we got under way at 4A.M., and steamed out of sight of the coast by daylight. We werefortunate enough to get some fowls, fruits, and vegetables from abum-boat of Malays, who made a business of supplying ships. The boatreported that, when she left Angra about two days before, the Wyomingwas there. Fired the ship.
* * * * *
Ship under United States colours and register, and no claim of theneutrality of the cargo among the papers; ship bound to New York. Shipand cargo condemned.
* * * * *
Wednesday, November 11th.—Made the North Watcher soon after daylight,and finding that if I continued on at the same speed, I should be upwith Gasper Strait early in the night, and should be obliged to anchoruntil daylight, I ordered the steam to be let down, and we were aboutmaking arrangements for getting up the propeller, when a sail wasdescried on the port bow, close hauled on the starboard tack. She soonproved to be a rakish-looking ship, evidently United States. Kept awayfrom her from time to time as she passed towards our bow, and when wecame near enough we showed her the United States colours. She repliedwith the same. I then fired a gun and hoisted our own colours (newflag). Instead of obeying this signal to heave to, she made sail andran. We at once started the fires afresh, the steam having gone entirelydown, and made all sail in pursuit. The chase at this time was aboutfour miles from us, and for a long time we gained scarcely any thingupon her. We threw a rifleshot astern him, but he disregarded this also.Finally, after an exciting chase of one hour and a half (shifting guns,and sending men aft to trim ship, and giving her a full head of steam),we came near enough to him to throw a 32 pound shot between his masts,when he shortened sail, came to the wind, and hove to. If the wind hadbeen very fresh (it was blowing a good breeze) he would probably haveran away from us. He proved to be the clipper ship Contest, fromYokohama (Japan) for New York Captured him, and anchored in the open seain fourteen fathoms of water, and took from the prize such supplies aswe wanted. All our people having returned on board about nightfall, itwas discovered soon after that the prize was dragging her anchor, whichshe did so fast in the freshened breeze that a boat which was sent toboard and fire her sculled until the officer nearly lost sight of us,and fearing that if he continued he might lose sight of us altogether ina rain squall, returned. Got up steam immediately and weighed anchor,and ran down to the prize, sent a boat crew on board of her and burnedher.
* * * * *
Ship under United States colours and register, and no claim for cargo;ship and cargo condemned.
* * * * *
Concluding, that on receiving intelligence of the Alabama's arrival, theWyoming, if, in truth, she was near the Strait, would run at once forGaspar Passage in search of her, Captain Semmes now determined to doubleupon his enemy, and gave her the start of him, holding himself for a fewdays in the Java Sea, a little east of the Strait. A week passed bywithout any incident worthy of record. At length a change came.
Thursday, November 19th.—At 3.30 P.M. boarded the English shipAvalanche (transferred) two or three days from Singapore, withnewspapers from England of the 10th of October—only forty days!Gratified at the general good aspect of the news, and particularly atour victory at Chicamauga. Reports several American ships laid up atSingapore, and a general stagnation of American trade. This ship came toanchor some two miles astern of us, and we sent off the prisoners of theContest by her, the Master consenting to take them for a chronometerwhich I sent him. He will probably put them on shore at Angra Point. Wefirst hoisted the Dutch flag, and sent a German, Master's Mate we had,on board of him; but the Master, when told that we were a Dutch ship ofwar, said, "Oh! that won't do; I was on board of her in Liverpool, whenshe was launched!"
Friday, November 20th.—Lowered and rigged the cutter, and sent her toboard a couple of barques, which reported four American ships atBankok; there about to lay up, lest they should fall in with us, and oneAmerican ship at Manilla.
Saturday, November 21st.—At 3 P.M. got under way under sail, with thewind from the south-west.
Sunday, Nov. 22nd.—At 3 A.M. lowered the propeller, and went aheadunder steam. Passed within about four miles of Direction Island at 5.15P.M.
Monday, Nov. 23rd.—At 8 A.M. made Seraia.
Thursday, Nov. 26th.—Lat. 5.36; Long. 111.42, or within fifty milesof dangerous ground, towards which the current is setting us. Noanchoring ground. 47 fathoms. After noon, the calm still continuing, letgo a kedge in 50 fathoms of water—mud—and veered to 150 fathoms.
Friday, Nov. 27th.—Noon. The struggle against the current is hopelessin the death-like calm that prevails, and so we have come-to again withthe kedge.
Sunday, Nov. 29th.—After five days of dead calm, we took the monsoonthis morning at daylight, settling in lightly, and at 9 A.M. we gotunder way, and stood to the northward and westward.
Thursday, Dec, 3rd.—At daylight we discovered a small vessel atanchor near the head of the harbour of the Island of Condore, withFrench colours, and awnings and other indications of her being a vesselof war. Sent a boat in to examine water. Boat returned at 1 P.M. withthe commander of the vessel—a French vessel of war—and I was quitesurprised to learn that we had arrived in civilized waters, and that theIsland of Condore was in the possession of the French. There was a smallgarrison of 50 or 60 at the village on the east side. There had been arecent revolt of the natives, the French officers said; and for thisreason there were few vegetables or fruits to be had, and most of thenatives had betaken themselves to the mountains. Got underway and raninto the harbour, the Frenchman politely showing me the way, andanchored in nine fathoms. Got a spring out, so as to present our portbroadside to any enemy that might be disposed to violate neutrality,and, to save coal, permitted all the fires to go out. A couple of ships,running before the wind, passed in sight during the day—the shipsprudently running a little out of the track to sight the island in thisuncertain sea.
Friday, December 4th.—The harbour is picturesque, with mountainsrising abruptly from the water to the height of 1800 feet, clothed withdense verdure from water's edge to top, many of the trees being of largesize. The soil is very rich, but there is little cultivated land, themountain-sides being too steep. The French have constructed two or threehuts on the northern shore, and a couple of rude jetties, or landingplaces of loose stone. Landed on one of these to get sight for thechronometers. Found a Frenchman overseeing three or four Chinese seamenchopping wood and thatching a hut. The French make slaves, both here andon the mainland, of prisoners of war. The island is under the governmentof an Enseign de Vaisseau.
The Commander of the Junk is a Midshipman, so that we have gotten amonghigh dignitaries. Landed at noon, at an inviting little sand-beach onthe south shore, to get latitude—8° 39' 10". Found the ruined hut of aFrenchman, with his grave close by, and his name carved on the bark of atree on the beach. A picturesque burial spot, amid eternal shades, withthe lullaby of the ocean.
Saturday, December 5th.—Amused this morning, watching some sedate oldbaboons sitting on the sand-beach opposite, and apparently observing theship very attentively. Large numbers of these caricatures of humanityinhabit these islands; yesterday, when a boat landed, great numbers ofyoung ones were seen gamboling about; but one of the old ones havingcalled out to them, they soon all disappeared in the thick wood.Returned the visit of the Frenchman. He is on board a miserable countrycraft, of about 40 tons burthen. Sent a boat to the village on the eastside to call on the Governor, and see if we could get some fruit andvegetables. Boat returned at nightfall. The village is a mere militaryport, the native inhabitants, except a few prisoners or slaves, havingfled to the mountains, and no supplies were to be had. The Governor'sresidence is a thatched hut, as are all the other houses, with noindustry or taste displayed in their structure. A few patches ofcultivation were visible—rice, fruit, and cotton—the latter lookingrather unpromising. The destroyers of their rice were the monkeys. Thereare several varieties of fine large pigeons here, and in abundance. Theyare beautiful in feather and fat. A common variety has a green back andgolden tail. This must be a paradise for monkeys, so abundant is theirfood in the forests, almost every tree bearing a fruit or nut of somesort. These French officers had heard and believed that we sunk orburned every ship we took, with all on board, and received thePaymaster rather coolly at first, but became quite cordial when theyobserved we were Christians, and did not commit this wholesale murder.
Sunday, December 6th.—Another lonely Sabbath-day—lonely, though inthe midst of one hundred and fifty people. Away, away from home, by halfthe circumference of the globe! One of the most frequent and unpleasantof my experiences since I entered the China Sea, is an oppressivesense of great distance from home, and the utter strangeness ofeverything around me, almost as though I had entered another planet.
Monday, December 7th.—The commander of the island, M. Bizot, visitedme to-day. He is an agreeable and intelligent young man of twenty-fouror five years of age, and appeared very friendly and expressed sympathyfor our cause. His position is a flattering one for a man of his age andrank, and he seems to have entered upon his duties with pride and zeal.He brought me a chart of the island, surveyed last year. The French havebeen in possession two years and a half. He spoke of my having hoistedthe English flag upon first anchoring, and seemed surprised that we hadnot heard of the possession of the island by the French, which, he said,had been notified to all the Powers. I pleasantly told him that I hadhad some notion of taking possession of it myself, but that I had foundthe French ahead of me. He brought down for me the welcome present of apig and some little fruit, and told me he had a potato patch onshore, which he would share with me. Fresh provisions of all kinds areso scarce here that I fear my generous friend has been robbing himself.He told me that he had one hundred and forty forçats—slave-prisoners—at the village, whom he meant to put to good use in constructing storeand dwelling-houses, &c. The hunters brought on board to-day an East Indiabat, or vampire, measuring two feet ten inches from tip to tip of wing. Itshead resembled that of a dog or wolf more than any other animal, its teethbeing very sharp and strong. Among the curiosities of the island is a locust,that has a whistle almost as loud as that of a railroad.
Tuesday, Dec. 8th.—The Commander of the Junk came on board, andbrought me a couple of fowls. The apes here are very large, and quitefierce. They will not run from you, but come around you, and grin andchatter at you. An officer shot one, and he died like a human being,throwing his hands over his wound and uttering piercing cries! Thismonkey was afterwards buried in the sand by his comrades, though theinterment was not quite complete when the operators were interrupted.This is the reason why nobody ever sees a dead monkey, any more, as theSinghalese proverb says, than a white crow or a straight cocoa-nut tree.A curious vegetable product was brought on board to-day, it being to allappearance a finely-made Havana cigar. The fibre is woody, covered witha smooth bark, and the colour of dark tobacco. It comes from the treeperfect in shape, and is not a seed-pod or fruit. One is at a loss toconceive its use or functions. The illusion caused by its appearance isperfect. We had no success with the sieve, the fish here being alljumpers, and jumping out of the net.
Wednesday, Dec. 9th.—The excessive heat and moisture of the climatehere is very enervating. We begin to feel its effects already. It weighsupon us like a vapour-bath, and we feel indisposed to take the leastexercise; a walk on shore of half a mile or so quite overcomes us.
Thursday, Dec. 10th.—At about 2.30 P.M. a French steamer passed theGap, going to the southward. Afterwards informed by the Commander thatit was the mail steamer from Saigon, for Singapore. The Saigon peopleare expecting us there.
Friday, Dec. 11th.—In the afternoon the Commander and Surgeon came onboard, bringing us a bullock! and some vegetables.
Sunday, Dec. 13th.—The crew dined off the Commander's bullock to-day,being the first meal of fresh meat since leaving Simon's Town, nearlythree months ago; and yet we have no one on the sick list!Causes—good water, temperance, strict government, and, as aconsequence, a reasonable degree of contentment, and moderate andconstant employment. The crew has had several runs on shore, too,without the possibility of getting drunk. A present of cocoa-nuts thismorning from the Commander. This young Frenchman is very attentive tous.
Monday, Dec. 14th.—To-day we applied the principle of the coffer-damto the replacement of the copper around our delivery or blow-pipe, somethree feet below water. The operation proved quite simple and easy ofaccomplishment. Getting ready for sea. The news of our "whereabouts"probably reached Singapore on the evening of Saturday, and it is onlytwo days from Singapore here, for a fast steamer; and so, whilst theenemy, should there be one at Singapore, is coming hitherward, we mustbe going thitherward to seek coal and provisions.
Tuesday, Dec. 15th.—At daylight got under way, under sail, and stoodout of the harbour—lighting and banking the fires. On account of ourproximity to the shore, and the very light breeze, we had barely room topass the point—not more than a ship's length to spare, in case we hadbeen obliged to let go our anchor. I felt quite nervous for a fewminutes, but held on, and we caught a light breeze that soon sent usahead out of danger.
Well, we are on the sea once more, with our head turned westward, orhomeward. Shall we ever reach that dear home which we left three yearsago, and which we have yearned after so frequently since? Will it bebattle, or shipwreck, or both, or neither? And when we reach the NorthAtlantic, will it still be war, or peace? When will the demon-likepassions of the North be stilled? These are solemn and interestingquestions for us, and an all-wise Providence has kindly hidden theanswers behind the curtain of Fate. A lengthened cruise would not bepolitic in these warm seas. The homeward trade of the enemy is now quitesmall—reduced probably to twenty or thirty ships per year; and thesemay easily evade us by taking the different passages to the IndianOcean, of which there are so many, and so widely separated. The foreigncoasting trade (as between one port in China and another, and the tradeto and from Calcutta and to and from Australia), besides facilities forescape, are almost beyond our reach—at least we could only ransom theship, the cargoes being all neutral—that is to say, such of them asget cargoes, now not many. And then there is no cruising or chasing tobe done here successfully, or with safety to oneself, without plenty ofcoal; and we can only rely upon coaling once in three months at someEnglish port. At the other ports there would probably be combinationsmade against us, through the influence of the Yankee Consuls. So I willtry my luck around the Cape of Good Hope once more; then to the coast ofBorneo; and thence perhaps to Barbadoes, for coal; and thence—-? If thewar be not ended, my ship will need to go into dock, to have much of hercopper replaced, now nearly destroyed by such constant cruising, and tohave her boilers overhauled and repaired; and this can only be properlydone in Europe. Our young officers, who had had so agreeable a changefrom the cramped ship to the shores and forests of Condore, with theirguns and their books, had become so attached to the island that theyleft it with some regret.
In the East—Aor—Marine nomads—Suspicious—At Singapore—A busycity—Chinese merchants—Whampoa and Co.—Calculating machines—Underway—The Martaban of Maulmain—Transformation—The TexanStar—Evasive—Getting at the truth.—Sonora—To the Cape.
The Alabama was now steering for Singapore, and for three or four dayskept her course without the occurrence of anything particularlynoteworthy. On the 19th December she anchored for a time in the bay onthe south-east side of the island of Aor, with its lofty hills clothedwith green to their summits, and its little sandhills and groves ofcocoa-nut trees. The island is unclaimed by any European nation.
Sunday, Dec, 20th.—To-day being Sunday, and the weather being stillthick, and blowing, I have resolved to remain until to-morrow beforemaking the run for Singapore. Weather improved this morning, however,and the barometer going up. Several islands visible that were hid fromus yesterday. Pulo Aor looking beautiful and picturesque. Some of thenatives on board with their scant stores of fowls, eggs, and cocoa-nuts.They are larger than the natives of Condore, and stouter, and moredeveloped, but with countenances not very prepossessing. The Governor, arough-looking, middle-aged fellow, above the common height, pulled outsome greasy papers, the recommendations of former visitors, and desiredthat I also would give him one, which I declined, as I knew nothingabout him. Their canoes are light and graceful, and occasionally theypresent quite a picture with their gaily-dressed or half-dressedoccupants. We heard their tom-toms and banjoes last night as evening setin, but a music much sweeter to our ears was a chorus from some frogs,with notes somewhat finer than their relatives on our side of the earth.These islanders are nothing more than marine nomads, that lead an idle,vagabond life, intermixed with a good deal of roguery. They have a finephysique, as might be supposed from their open-air mode of life, inwhich they have plenty of healthful exercise without being overworked,as Mother Nature feeds them spontaneously, and they require little moreclothing than they brought into the world with them.
In the afternoon some of the officers visited the shore, and werehospitably received. There were from ninety to one hundred natives, men,women, and children, visible, and there were probably as many more onthe other side of the island, as they have a S.W. monsoon village there.They seemed to have plenty of fowls, and they are very expert fishermen.They were gambling—such a thing as labour being out of the question.The island seems originally to have been a solid mass of rock, the rockywalls of the mountains peeping out in many places from the midst of thedense forest, and gradually as time and the elements disintegratedportions of it, plants and trees took root, until the island became whatit is now, a mass of luxuriant vegetation. There were some fine largeboats carefully hauled up on the beach, quite large enough for piraticalpurposes, for which they were probably intended, and some swivels werelying near the chief man's door. The cocoa-nut tree has climbed themountain sides, and waves its feathery foliage from the crests of theridges. It is food, and cordage, and light to the natives. Severaldelightful little valleys presented themselves, upon which, and on theadjacent steeps or the mountains, were thatched huts. Probably to themere animal part of our nature, the life that these people lead ishappier than any other; wants few and easily supplied, labour not toopressing, and the simple tastes satisfied with such pleasures as theyfind.
Rain, rain, in the afternoon. Most of the moisture is deposited on themountain-tops, and the clouds sweep over it. And now for Singapore, Godwilling.
Monday, Dec. 21st—At 3.30 A.M. we got under way, under steam andsail, and steered S. by E. 32 1/2 miles, South 18 miles, and S. by W. 14miles; and the weather setting in very thick, with heavy rain, obscuringall things, we were obliged to come to in 10 1/2 fathoms, with the northpoint of Bintang island bearing, and within 11 miles by computation ofthe Pedra Branca lighthouse. We have thus to war against the weather aswell as our enemies. Soon after daylight we made a ship-rigged steameron our port bow, bound also for Singapore. She anchored near us astern.It clearing a little at noon, we got hold of the marks and got underway, and taking a Malay pilot, anchored off Singapore at 5.30 P.M.
Tuesday, Dec. 22d.—At 9.30 A.M. the pilot came on board, and we ranup into New Harbour alongside of the coaling depôt, and commencedcoaling. Singapore is quite a large town, with an air of prosperity—alarge number of ships in the harbour. The country is beautiful, andgreen, with an abundance of fine fruit, &c.; the country around highlyimproved with tasteful houses and well-laid-out grounds. The Englishresidents call it the Madeira of the East, in allusion to itshealthfulness. Some twenty-two American merchant ships here, most ofthem laid up! The Wyoming was here twenty days ago, and left for RhioStrait, where she remained for some days. Finished coaling last night,the operation having occupied no more than ten hours. Receivedprovisions.
Wednesday, Dec. 23rd.—Weather variable, with occasional showers ofrain—raining heavily in the afternoon. Visited the city, and wasastonished at its amount of population and business. There are fromeighty to one hundred thousand Chinese on Singapore island, nearly allof them in the city, from twelve to fifteen thousand Malays, and aboutfifteen hundred Europeans. Singapore being a free port, it is a greatentrepôt of trade. Great quantities of Eastern produce reach it fromall quarters, whence it is shipped to Europe.
The business is almost exclusively in the hands of the Chinese, who arealso the artisans and labourers of the place. The streets are throngedwith foot-passengers and vehicles, among which are prominent the ox, orrather the buffalo cart, and the hacks for hire, of which latter thereare nine hundred licensed. The canal is filled with country boats ofexcellent model, and the warehouses are crammed with goods. Money seemsto be abundant and things dear. They are just finishing a tastefulGothic church, with a tall spire, which is a notable landmark as youapproach; they are also completing officers' quarters on a hill whichcommands the town. Barracks for three or four regiments lie unoccupied acouple of miles outside the city, and a large court-house.
The moving multitude in the streets comprises every variety of the humanrace, every shade of colour, and every variety of dress, among which areprominent the gay turbans and fancy jackets of the Mahomedan, Hindu, &c.Almost all the artisans and labourers were naked, except a cloth or apair of short trousers tucked about the waist. The finest dressed partof the population was decidedly the jet-black, with his white flowingmantle and spotted turban. The upper class of Chinese merchants areexceeding polite, and seem intelligent. I visited the establishment ofWhampoa and Co. Whampoa was above the middle height, stout, and with alarge, well-developed head. I was told that his profits some yearsamounted to forty or fifty thousand pounds! He was sitting in a small,dingy, ill-lighted little office on the ground floor, and had before hima Chinese calculating machine, over the numerous small balls of which,strung on wires, he was running his hands for amusem*nt, as a gamblerwill sometimes do with his checks. At the suggestion of the gentlemanwho was with me, I requested him to multiply four places of figures bythree places, naming the figures, and the operation was done about asrapidly as I could write down the result. Their shaved heads, and longqueues, sometimes nearly touching the ground, are curious features oftheir personal appearance. The workshops front upon the streets, and inthem busy, half-naked creatures may be seen, working away asindustriously as so many beavers all day long, seeming never to tire oftheir ceaseless toil.
Amid all this busy population I saw but one female in the streets, andshe was of the lower class. Dined in the country with Mr. Beaver. Theride out was over good roads flanked by large forests and ornamentaltrees, among which was the tall, slender, graceful palm of thebetel-nut. The Botanical Gardens are on an elevation commanding a fineview of the town and the sea, and are laid out with taste, ornamentedwith flowering trees and shrubs, and flowers. Hither a band of musiccomes to play several times a week, when the townspeople turn out toenjoy the scene. A few miles beyond the town the whole island is ajungle, in which abounds the ferocious Bengal tiger. It is said that oneman and a half per day is the average destruction of human life by theseanimals. Visited opium-preparation shop. It pays an enormous licence.
All this beauty fails to reconcile the European lady to this country, Iwas told. The eternal sameness of summer, and the heat and moisture,weigh upon them, and their husbands being away all day on business, theypine for their European homes. The life seems agreeable enough to themen. The Governor of the "Straits Settlement" is a Colonel.
Thursday, Dec. 24.—Cloudy; five of my men deserted last night. TheKwang-tung got under way at 8 1/2 A.M., and we followed her and steeredfor the strait of Malacca. Several sails in sight; Malay pilot on board.Passed the Kwang-tung very rapidly. At about 1 P.M. we fired a gun andhove to an American-looking barque, under English colours, with thename, "Martaban, of Maulmain," on her stern. Sent a boat on board; andthe officer reporting that she was an American-built ship, with Englishregister, and that the Master refused to come on board, I went on boardmyself to examine the case. There being no bill of sale, the transactionbeing recent, the Master and Mate, &c., being Americans, I had no doubtthat the transfer was fraudulent, and captured and burned her. The cargohad no paper on board connected with it, except the ordinary bill oflading. It consisted of rice, and was shipped in Maulmain by a Mr.Cohen, and consigned to his order at Singapore, whither the ship wasbound. Of course, the cargo followed the fate of the ship under suchcirc*mstances. Upon examination of the Master (Pike), under oath, headmitted that the transfer was a sham, and made to protect the ship fromcapture. At 11.30 P.M. came to anchor about four miles distant fromMalacca, bearing N., in fifteen fathoms water, for the purpose oflanding our prisoners.
* * * * *
The boarding officer's journal furnishes the annexed description of theinterview with the Master of the prize:—
I was sent on board to examine her papers. The barque was Americanbuilt, had a new English flag, and on her stern was painted "Martaban,of Maulmain." We knew that many Yankee vessels had been transferred toEnglish owners, and of course had to have an English flag; but thequestion arose—Was there not some jobbery in this case? Nearing theMartaban I saw that she was newly painted; pulling round and under thestern, I saw that a name had been painted over, but could not see whatthe name was. I further observed that the last four letters of Maulmainhad been painted much more recently than the other ones, so I determinedto most rigidly scrutinize her papers. Upon my arrival on board, Iinquired after the Captain's health, and then expressed a wish to make afew inquiries respecting his vessel.
He with the utmost affability was equally ready to afford me anyinformation required, at the same time informing me I should find"everything correct." The vessel I found was the Martaban of Maulmain,Captain Pike, from Maulmain to Singapore, rice laden. I then requestedto see the ship's papers, which request was readily granted. Accordinglythe register, clearance bills of lading, and crew list, were speedilyproduced and examined, not omitting the Master's certificate. These butcorroborated what I previously knew. Putting a few questions to theCaptain, and comparing his answers with the papers, I learned thefollowing facts—viz., that the barque was American built, that she hadbeen upwards of five months in Maulmain; that she had been transferredon the 10th December, after the cargo was in, and on the day in whichshe cleared, and only one day previous to her sailing; that the captainhad no certificate or bill of sale, nor, in fact, any papers respectingthe transfer on board; that he, the Captain, was an American, and hadcommanded the barque previous to her transfer.
Taking the register up again and closely scrutinizing it, I observedwhat had previously escaped my attention—viz., that the register, whichis a printed form, with spaces for written insertions, had been firstwritten with a lead pencil, and over that with ink. No professionalregistrar or shipmaster would, I felt certain, have so prepared it.Looking again at the crew list I made another discovery, that all thenames of the crew were written in one handwriting, from the mate to theboys. Now I well knew that some of the crew, and especially the mates,would be able to write, and of the mate's ability to use a pen Ispeedily satisfied myself by making him produce his logbook, wherein hisname, &c., was written; or, if unable to write, the usual X, his mark,would have been affixed to each name. I had now no doubt about thepapers, believing them to be false. I then requested the Master to takehis papers and go on board the Alabama, which, however, he positivelyrefused to do, unless forcibly compelled; stating that "this was anaffair that flag (pointing to the English colours flying at his peak)wouldn't stand." He still persisting in his refusal to go on board ourship, I took possession of his vessel, pending Captain Semmes' decision.
Finding that the Mountain wouldn't come to Mahomet, Mahomet went to theMountain; for, after calling a man out of my boat and stationing him atthe wheel, I dispatched the boat back to the Alabama with a report ofthe irregularity of the papers, and a request for further instructions.To my surprise, Captain Semmes came himself and stopped at the gangway,and told the Captain he had come to examine the ship's papers. CaptainPike signifying his assent, we went into the cabin, and the papers beingproduced, I pointed out some of the discrepancies and acts previouslymentioned.
Captain Semmes then sharply interrogated Pike, insisting upon additionaldocuments to prove the legality of the transfer. None being forthcoming,Captain Semmes put some questions, as only a lawyer can (Captain Semmesnot only having studied, but practised law), the answers to which onlyconvinced Captain Semmes that what he had suspected was true—viz., thatthe ship was sailing under false colours, and was to all intents andpurposes an American vessel.
Captain Pike of course protested, to which Captain Semmes replied byordering the destruction of the vessel. Captain Semmes returning to theAlabama, I ordered the English flag to be hauled down, and directed theMates and crew to pack their luggage, and hold themselves in readinessto go on board our ship. The First Lieutenant coming off, our boats gotoff a few stores, and the prisoners were transferred to the Alabama.
By 5.20 had applied the torch, and regained our ship 5.30. The steamerKwang-Tung was observed near our burning prize. We then shaped ourcourse for Malacca, intending to land our prisoners there.
About 7.30 the same evening, Mr. Smith, captain's clerk, and self hadthe boatswain and a seaman down in the steerage; and putting them onoath obtained the following additional particulars—viz., that theyshipped on board the Martaban at Hong Kong and Singapore respectively;that she was then an American vessel, and called the Texan Star, ofGalveston or Boston (she having had two American registers); that sheleft Maulmain as the Texan Star, and on leaving there hoisted Americancolours; that the name Martaban, of Maulmain, was painted by thecaptain's nephew two days after leaving that port; that the English flagwas hoisted for the first time when the Alabama hove in sight this day;and that no articles were signed by them at Maulmain; nor, indeed, wasany agreement made by the crew to serve in a British vessel, all hands,in fact, believing her to be American. The Mate having also made a fewadmissions, they and the preceding depositions were shown to CaptainSemmes, who, after sending for Captain Pike, put the following questionsto him—viz.:
What is your name?—Samuel B. Pike.
Where were you born?—At Newbury Port, Massachusetts.
Are you a naturalized citizen of any foreign government?—I am not.
How long have you been in command of the Martaban, formerly the Texan
Star?—Two years and a half.
In what part of the United States was the Texan Star registered?—Shewas built and registered at Boston.
Has she but one register in America?—There was a change of owners, andshe has had two American registers.
Who were the owners under the last American register?—John Alkerm,
Samuel Stevens, George L. Rogers, and myself.
What proportion of the ship did you own?—One-sixth.
When did you sail from the last port in the United States?—A year agolast July.
It is stated in the present British register that Mr. Mark Currie is theowner?—That is as I understand it.
Do you state upon your oath that the sale was a bonâ fide sale?—I donot state that.
Do you not know that it was intended merely as a cover to preventcapture?—Yes, I do know it.
This closed the matter; nothing more was necessary. Here was admissionenough to destroy any legal doubt that might have arisen from thedestruction of a vessel under the English flag. What added to ourtriumph was the copy of a letter from Captain Pike to his owners, inwhich he stated that "he had taken such precautions as would deceiveSemmes and all the Confederates." Had the Texan Star escaped, how Yankeecuteness would have been extolled! Why, as the Bostonians have presenteda gold chronometer to the master of the barque Urania for such a daringdeed as hoisting the American flag over his American vessel in a neutralport (Cape Town), whilst the Alabama was lying there, I say, had theTexan Star escaped from the Alabama, nothing short of the Presidency, ora statue in marble, or the deed graved in letters of gold, or some otherequally ridiculous token of admiration, would have awaited the gallantmaster, and the fame of his clever trick would have been handed down toYankee posterity.
Captain Semmes thus resumes his diary on the 25th December:—At daylightsent the prisoners of the Texan Star on shore, with a note to theCommander. Malacca is a pretty little village, or at least thesea-point, viewed from our anchorage, with a picturesque hill in therear, on which is situated the fort and lighthouse. The flagstaff wasdecorated with flags and signals in honour of Christmas Day. A couple ofboats with some English officers and citizens ran off, and visited usfor a few minutes. Got under way at 9.30, under steam; at night anchorednear Parceelar Hill in 25 fathoms water.
Saturday, December 26th.—At 6 A.M. got under way, and stood out forthe lightship, and soon made a couple of American-looking ships ahead,at anchor; steamed up to the first, which refused to show colours. Senta boat on board, when she proved to be the American ship Senora, fromSingapore. Captured her, and steamed to the second, which in like mannerrefused to show colours. Upon sending a boat on board, she proved to bethe American ship Highlander, also from Singapore. Captured her. Both ofthese ships were very large, being over a thousand tons each. They wereboth in ballast, bound to Aycaab for rice. At 10 A.M., having sent offthe crews of the two prizes in their own boats, at their own election,fired the ships, and steamed out. Passed the lightship at about 11 A.M.,and discharged the pilot.
From the 26th December to the 13th of January the Alabama steadilypursued her course, meeting with little adventure. Only four sail wereseen in the period, and these all proved to be neutrals. On the last dayof the year 1863 the North Indian Ocean was entered, and the ship's headonce more laid in the direction of the Cape.
The Emma Jane—Quilon—An alarm—Landing prisoners—Johanna andMohilla—Friendly authorities—Slavery—A trading monarch—Distancelends enchantment to the view—Cousins-german of the Sultan—Princesgardens—Mahommedan sympathy—Off again.
On the 14th January, as the Alabama was lazily drifting in anorth-easterly direction, near the Malabar coast, a ship was discoveredrunning down towards her. The useful decoy—the United States flag—wasat once hoisted, and the same colours were run up by the stranger. A gunbrought the Yankee vessel to, and the Alabama forthwith took possessionof the Emma Jane of Bath, Maine, bound from Bombay to Amherst inballast, and at 8.30 P.M. the prize was set fire to.
About this period the cruiser experienced a series of calms, and shedrifted with the current rather than sailed. On the 16th of January theGhaut Mountains were made, and Captain Semmes makes the following entryin his journal.
Saturday, January 16th.—At meridian made the town of Quilon, and boreup east 1/2 south for the town of Angenga, which we made about 2 P.M. At4.30 came to in the road abreast of the fort, and despatched aLieutenant on shore to see about landing my prisoners. In the eveningthe residing magistrate's son came on board, and I arranged the matterwith him. There being no external trade or shipping at Angenga, theprisoners could not well get away by sea; but my visitor stated thatthere was lagoon navigation inland all the way to Cochin, someseventy-five miles to the northward, and that at Cochin there werealways means of reaching Bombay and other ports. Native boats werepassing every day between Angenga and Cochin, and if I would send thenecessary provisions on shore for the prisoners, his father would seethem transported to Cochin. I sent a Lieutenant on shore after nightwith the son, to arrange the matter with the father; and as the boat wasdelayed much beyond her time, and we heard some firing as of revolversand muskets, and as there was also some surf running, I became uneasy,and despatched the First Lieutenant in another boat to look into thematter. The chief magistrate had only been at public worship—the causeof the detention of the boat. Both boats returned about 11.30 P.M.
Sunday, January 17th.—At daylight I sent all the prisoners on shore,where they were landed apparently in the presence of half thevillage—the native boats taking them through the surf—and at 9.30 gotunder way. The town of Angenga was formerly of some importance as ashipping port for the produce of the country—cocoa-nut oil, pepper, &c.But all its trade has passed to its more prosperous rival—Cochin. It isabout fifty miles from Travancore, the residence of The Rajah. There iswater communication all the way, and the journey is generally made (incanoes) in the night to avoid the heat of the sun. The natives arenearly as black as the Africans, but with straight hair and Europeanfeatures. A large number of them visited the ship this morning. Theywere fine specimens of physical development, and wore scarcely any othercovering than a cloth about the loins. They were sprightly and chatty,and in their quaint canoes made quite a picture.
* * * * *
On the 17th January the Alabama left Angenga, arriving without furtheradventure on the 21st at the Island of Minicoy, and after three weeksmore of fine weather, found herself off the island of Comoro.
* * * * *
Tuesday, February 9th.—At 3.30 A.M. passed in sight of the N.E. endof Comoro. Soon after daylight made the Islands of Johanna and Mohilla.At 1.30 P.M. came to anchor about three-quarters of a mile from theshore. Despatched the Paymaster to the-town to arrange for freshprovisions. In the afternoon visited by several canoes, with a couple ofpoles lashed across the gunwales, attached to a float in each, tomaintain their stability. Stalwart naked negroes were for the most parttheir occupants. Many of them spoke a little English. Among others, adignitary of the Church came on board with the compliments of the chiefpriest (Mahommedan). We made arrangements with him for the supply of theship. One of his companions asked me to which of the belligerent partiesI belonged to, the North or the South. I replied, to the South. "Then,"said he, "you belong to the side which upholds slavery." "Yes," said I,"we belong to the country where the black man is better taken care ofthan in any other part of the world." The churchman seeing me put on thedefensive, as it were, came to my aid, and said: "Oh, we areslaveholders here; being Mahommedans, we have no prejudices that way;our only trouble is, we cannot get slaves enough. The English, who haveno control over us, we being an independent government, are strongenough to interfere in everybody's business, and to say to us, that webring over from the main no more slaves. The slaves themselves wouldgladly come to us, as they are much better off than under their nativechiefs, who are continually making war upon and enslaving one another."
My informant was himself a full-blooded African negro, as black as theace of spades, but with an immaculate white turban on his head, and theflowing robe and loose jacket of the Mahommedan.
Wednesday, February 10th.—Visited by the King's Dragoman thismorning, who came to pay the respects of the authorities, to say he wasglad to see us in Johanna. In the course of conversation, he was pleasedto say that our ship was well known to him, and the news of our havingappeared off the Cape some months ago had driven off all the Yankeewhalers, several of which had been accustomed to resort hither. KingAbdallah, he said, resided on the east side of the island. The kinghimself would come to see us, but was very busy just now patting up asugar-mill, which he had just received from the Mauritius.
The island is a beautiful, picturesque spot. There is quite a mountainin the interior, and the higher parts of Johanna are densely wooded; themountain-sides being in some places so steep that the tops of some treestouch the trunks and roots of others.
The inhabitants are a mixture of Arabs and negroes. They are intelligentand sprightly, and had not only heard of the American war, but said itbore heavily on them, as they were now compelled to pay a much higherprice for their goods, which are mostly cotton. We have driven away,they say, all their Yankee trade. The Sultan is a young man oftwenty-eight, with a moderate harem of only five wives.
Thursday, February 11th.—Visited the town to get sights for mychronometers—which puts the town at 44.26.30 N., just 30" less thanCaptain Owen's determination. The town, as viewed from the anchorage, isa picturesque object, with its tall minaret, its two forts, one perchedon a hill commanding the town, and the other on the sea-beach, and itsstone houses; but the illusion is rudely dispelled on landing. You landon a beach of rocks and shingle, through a considerable surf even in thecalmest weather. The beach was strewn with the washed clothes of theship, and a set of vagabonds of all colour, save only that of theCaucasian, were hanging about looking curiously on. The town isdilapidated and squalid to the last degree—the houses of rough stones,cemented and thatched; the streets five feet wide, and rendered, as itwould seem, purposely crooked.
It was the second day of the fast of Ramadan, and groups of idlers werecongregated in the narrow porticoes reading the Koran. The language,which is peculiar to the island, is very soft and pleasing to the ear.We visited one of the principal houses. The walls were filled with anumber of small niches, receptacles for everything imaginable—coffee-cups,ornaments, &c. A number of couches were ranged round the room.
A crowd of half-clad, dirty children gathered round us, but no femalemade her appearance. We took our sights among the gaping multitude, allof whom were very civil and polite, and returned on board about 5 P.M.,having seen all the outside life that was to be seen at Auzuan. Theinside life was, of course, out of our reach.
Upon coming on deck this morning I was struck with the soft picturesquebeauty of the hills, as shone upon by the morning sun lighting up thetops and sides, and throwing the valleys and ravines into shade. Atnight I am lulled by the roar of the sea upon the beach. It isdelightful to sniff the fragrance of the land as it comes off to usupon the dew-laden wings of the softest of breezes. My fellows on shorelooked rueful and woe-begone—nature had no charms for them—there wasno liquor to be had! If I were to remain here long, I should send themon shore as a punishment.
Friday, February 12th.—This is the Mahommedan Sabbath, but they donot keep it so grimly as the Puritans. We had a number of visitors onboard, and among others, several princes, cousins-german of the Sultan,one of them being the Commander-in-Chief of the army. He gave me anaccount of the affair of the Dale. Some years ago two Yankee whalerscame in. One of them obtained provisions to the amount of two hundredand fifty dollars, telling the people he was too poor to pay for them inmoney, but that he would give them a bill on the Consul at Zanzibar. Tothis they assented; the skipper then ran off with his ship in the night,without giving the bill. They seized the other Captain and took him onshore, to keep him as a hostage while his ship should go in pursuit ofthe runaway and get the promised bill. But they thought better of it ina few hours, and released him. The Dale came the next season anddemanded twenty-five thousand dollars, threatening to burn the town ifthe money was not paid. They could not pay them, there being probablynot so much money in the island. The Yankees then set fire to one end ofthe town, cannonaded the fort, doing some damage, and withdrew. This isabout the usual origin of Yankee shipmasters' complaints to theirgovernment. I made a present of a captured Yankee clock to each of theprinces, and gave them a package of writing-paper. They seemed anxiousto get some finery for their wives, but I told them we were not in thatline, like Yankee whalers.
Saturday, February 13th.—Visited the town again to-day. Called at thehouses of a couple of the princes, in which I found everything dirty,with an attempt at tawdry finery. A black houri was set to fan me. Wewere served with rose syrup. Walked to the prince's garden—a beautifulwilderness of cocoa and betel nuts, sweet orange and mango, withheterogeneous patches of rice, sweet potatoes and beans, and here andthere a cotton plant. Two or three slave huts were dotted about, andwalls of loose stones ran along crooked lanes and bye-ways. As we cameoff, some of the inhabitants were at evening prayer, and otherspreparing to take their evening meal. People met us everywhere withkindly greetings, and the Cadi, a venerable-looking old man, wished me asafe return to my own country.
Sunday, February 14th.—Visited in force again to-day by the princes,and other chief men. In the afternoon the high-priest visited me. He wasa fine-looking man—Arab by descent—with a well-developed forehead,and easy, gentlemanly bearing. He wore a sword, and was evidently lookedupon with great respect by his attendants. He expressed much sympathywith our cause, and said he would pray to Allah for our success. TheYankee whalers, he said, invariably stole some of their slaves. Saidthey could not do very well without the whalers, as they were the onlytraders to the island, and brought them many useful things.
Monday, February 15th.—Received on board some bullocks and fruit;paid our bills, and were taken leave of affectionately by the simplepeople. At meridian moved out of the anchorage under steam, amid thecheers, given in real English fashion, by the many boatmen thatsurrounded us.
"Man overboard!"—Blowing hard—Three Years—Wearing out—The Capeagain—Seizure of the Tuscaloosa—Towards Europe—War News—What theAlabama effected—Case of the Rockingham—The last capture—TheTycoon—Nineteen overhauled—In the Channel—At Cherbourg.
From the middle to the 28th February there was but little excitement onboard the Alabama. On that day the usual routine of life on a man-of-warwas broken by the cry of "Man overboard." The vessel was at once hoveto, but before a boat could be lowered a gallant fellow, Michael Mars,leapt overboard, and swimming to the rescue of his shipmate, fortunatelysucceeded in saving the man's life.
On the third of March they saw the first Cape Pigeon and Albatross, andon the 4th Captain Semmes writes as follows:—
The gale still continues, though moderating very fast; sea not soturbulent, though the surf is thundering into it now and then, andkeeping the decks flooded. 'Tis three years to-day since I parted withmy family in Washington, on the day in which Washington's great republicwas humiliated by the inauguration as President of a vulgar democraticpolitician, in whom even the great events in which, by a singulardestiny, he has been called to take a part, have not been able to sinkthe mountebank. These three years of anxiety, vigilance, exposure, andexcitement, have made me an old man, and sapped my health, renderingrepose necessary, if I would prolong my life. My ship is wearing out,too, as well as her commander, and will need a general overhauling bythe time I can get her into dock. If my poor services be deemed of anyimportance in harassing and weakening the enemy, and thus contributingto the independence of my beloved South, I shall be amply rewarded.
* * * * *
The Alabama still kept on through gales, with creaking cordage andjerking tiller ropes, until on the 11th of March the Cape was sighted,off which they were knocked about until the 20th instant; lying in thetrack of vessels bounding before the gale at the rate of ten or twelveknots an hour, and only able to see them when within a mile of the ship.
Arrived in Table Bay, Captain Semmes received intelligence of theseizure of the Tuscaloosa, upon which he at once wrote a despatch toAdmiral Walker.[15]
[Footnote 15: For papers relating to the seizure of this vessel, seeAppendix.] The Cape was left on the 25th of March, the vessel's headbeing laid towards Europe, and on the 29th the following entry is foundin the journal:—
"I have at length had a little leisure to read the late papers receivedat the Cape. The Yankee Government and people, and with them a greatportion of the English press and people, seem to have jumped suddenly tothe conclusion that we are beaten, and that the war must soon end by oursubmission! Mr. Lincoln has even gone so far as to prescribe the termson which our States may re-enter the rotten "concern"—to wit, by areorganization of the States government by one-tenth of the people.Verily, the delusion of these men in the matter of this war isunaccountable. No power on earth can subjugate the Southern States,although some of them have been guilty of the pusillanimity of makingwar with the Yankees against their sisters. History will brand them astraitors and cowards. As for the tone of the English press, I am notsurprised at it. England is too rich to be generous. Our war for her isa sort of prize-fight, and she is looking on in about the same spiritwith which her people lately viewed the prize fight between King andHeenan. Hurrah one; well done the other."
* * * * *
From March 29th to April 22d there were no events calling for specialattention, save that on the sixteenth the intelligence was learned fromthe master of a French ship that there were no American vessels at theChincha Islands, though in July, 1863, there were between seventy andeighty American sail there. This speaks volumes of the terror theAlabama had excited.
The night of the 22d of April was employed in giving chase to a strangesail, which was overhauled at daybreak on the following morning; and theUnited States flag having been responded to by a display of the samecolours, the Alabama boarded and took possession of the guano-ladenship, Rockingham, which was employed as a target, and then set fire to.The cargo being claimed as the property of neutrals, Captain Semmesexamined the ship's papers and entered the following in his journal:—
"Ship under United States colours and register. Is from Callao, bound toCork for orders, and loaded with guano. This guano purports to beshipped by the Guano Consignment Company to Great Britain. One Joseph A.Danino, who signs for Danino and Moscosa, certifies that the guanobelongs to the Peruvian Government; and Her Britannic Majesty's ActingConsul at Lima certifies that the said Joseph A. Danino appeared beforehim and 'voluntarily declared' 'that the foregoing signature is of hisown handwriting, and also that the cargo above mentioned is truly andverily the property of the Peruvian Government.'
"As this is the only certificate of the neutrality of the cargo amongthe papers, and as nobody swears to anything in this certificate, thereis no testimony at all. The ship being enemy's property, and the cargobeing presumed to be enemy's property also, from being found on boardthe ship, it was incumbent on the neutral parties, if there are any suchin the case, to have documented their property by sworn certificates;and this rule of law is so well known, that the absence of an oath wouldseem to be conclusive as to the fraudulent attempt to cover. Ship andcargo condemned."
* * * * *
This capture was followed by that of the Tycoon, on the 27th of the samemonth; and as no claim of neutrality of cargo was made, the ship wasburned. This, as it afterwards turned out, was the last of the Alabama'sprizes. Nineteen other vessels were overhauled before she reachedCherbourg, but not one of them sailed under the Stars and Stripes. Whenit is remembered that no less than sixty-five American ships had beentaken by the gallant cruiser, it is not much to be wondered at that theYankee flag was a rara avis on the high seas.
From the 25th of May to the 10th of June the Alabama was making her waynorth, and on the last-named date she was abreast of the Lizard, and wasboarded by a Channel pilot. "I felt," writes Captain Semmes, "greatrelief to have him on board, as I was quite knocked up with cold andfever, and was too ill-qualified physically for exposure to the weatherand watching through the night. And thus, thanks to an all-wiseProvidence, we have brought the cruise of the Alabama to a successfultermination."
Little could Captain Semmes have imagined, when he penned these lines,that the cruising days of his vessel were so soon to end. The vesselentered Cherbourg on the morning of the 11th. Two days after news wasreceived that the Kearsarge would shortly arrive there, intelligencewhich was confirmed next day by the appearance of that vessel.
The Kearsarge—Preparations—The iron-clad—State of the Alabama—Outof the harbour—The Deerhound—The Captain's address—Armaments of thecombatants—Plan of action—The engagement—Rapid fire—Badlywounded—Sinking—The end of the Alabama—In the water—Gallantconduct—Surgeon Llewellyn—The Deerhound to the rescue—The enemy'sboats—Not a wrack—The informing spirit.
It was written that the Alabama was never to behold the ports of hercountry!
The latest entries in the diary of Captain Semmes are of an interest toogreat to permit us to exclude them, prior to the narration of thememorable duel which closes the history of a vessel whose renown, shortas her career has been, may challenge that of any ship that has spread asail upon the waters, and casts a lustre even upon the heroic history ofthe Confederate States.
On Tuesday, June 14th, Captain Semmes writes:—
"Great excitement on board, the Kearsarge having made her appearance offthe eastern entrance of the breakwater, at about 11 A.M. Sent an orderon shore immediately for coal (one hundred tons), and sent down theyards on the mizen-mast, and the topgallant yards, and otherwisepreparing the ship for action.
"Wednesday, June 15th.—The Admiral sent off his aide to say that heconsidered my application for repairs withdrawn upon my makingapplication for coal, to which I assented. We commenced coaling thisafternoon. The Kearsarge is still in the offing; she has not beenpermitted to receive on board the prisoners landed by me, to which I hadobjected in a letter to the Admiral. Mailed a note yesterday afternoonfor Flagofficer Barrow, informing him of my intention to go out toengage the enemy as soon as I could make my preparations, and sent awritten notice to the U.S. consul, through Mr. Bonfils, to the sameeffect. My crew seems to be in the right spirit, a quiet spirit ofdetermination pervading both officers and men. The combat will no doubtbe contested and obstinate; but the two ships are so equally matched, Ido not feel at liberty to decline it. God defend the right, and havemercy upon the souls of those who fall, as many of us must!"
* * * * *
It has been denied that the captain of the Kearsarge sent a challenge tothe Alabama. Captain Semmes, indeed, says nothing of it himself. Whatthe Kearsarge did—and with a particular object, there cannot be adoubt—was, as recorded, to enter the breakwater at the east end, and"at about 11 A.M., on Tuesday, she passed through the west end withoutanchoring." These are the words of a French naval captain, who speaksof what he saw. Few will deny that among brave men this would beconsidered something equivalent to a challenge. It was more than achallenge—it was a defiance. The officer we have quoted adds, that"anyone could then see her outside protection." It is easy to seeeverything after the event. The Kearsarge looked bulky in her middlesection to an inspecting eye; but she was very low in the water, andthat she was armed to resist shot and shell it was impossible todiscern. It is distinctly averred by the officers of the Alabama thatfrom their vessel the armour of the Kearsarge could not bedistinguished. There were many reports abroad that she was protected onher sides in some peculiar way; but all were various and indistinct, andto a practical judgment untrustworthy. Moreover, a year previous to thismeeting, the Kearsarge had lain at anchor close under the critical eyeof Captain Semmes. He had on that occasion seen that his enemy was notartificially defended. He believes now that the reports of her platingand armour were so much harbour-gossip, of which during his cruises hehad experienced enough.
Now the Kearsarge was an old enemy, constantly in pursuit, and herappearance produced, as Captain Semmes has written, great excitement onboard the Alabama. And let us here call attention to what the officersand men of the illustrious Confederate ship had been enduring for thespace of two years. During all this time they had been homeless, andwithout a prospect of reaching home. They had been constantly crowdedwith prisoners, who devoured their provender—of which they never hadany but a precarious supply. Their stay in any neutral harbour wasnecessarily short as the perching of a hawk on a bough. Like the hawk'sin upper air, the Alabama's safety as well as her business was on thehigh seas. Miserably fed, hunted, eluding, preying, destroying—is thisa life that brave men would willingly have to be continuous? They werefortified by the assurance of a mighty service done to their country.They knew that they inflicted tremendous damage upon their giant foe.They were, perhaps, supported by the sense that their captain'sunrivalled audacity had done more harm to the United States than theoperations of many thousand men. But their days were wretched; theirtask was sickening; it demands an imagination that can fix its eye uponstern, barren duty as a planet never darkened, always visible, for sucha life as this to be carried on uncomplainingly and without a passionatelonging for the bare exercise of hard blows. In addition, they read ofthe reproaches heaped upon them by comfortable shore-men. They werecalled pirates, and other gloomy titles. The execrations of certain ofthe French and English, and of all the United States press, sounded intheir ears across the ocean; but from their own country they heardlittle. The South was a sealed land in comparison with the rest of theworld. Opinion spoke loudest in Europe, and though they knew that theywere faithfully, gallantly, and marvellously serving their country inher sore need, the absence of any immediate comfort, either physical ormoral, helped to make them keenly sensitive to virulent criticism, evento that of avowed and clamorous enemies.
It was this state of mind through the whole crew which caused theexcitement on board the Alabama when the Kearsarge steamed in and out ofthe breakwater. Now, and at last, our day of action has come! was thethought of every man on board. The chivalrous give and take of battlewas glorious to men who had alternately hunted and fled for so dreary aterm. They trusted for victory; but defeat itself was to be avindication of their whole career, and they welcomed the chances gladly.
The application for coal at a neutral port was in itself a renunciationof any further hospitality from the harbour, as Captain Semmes wasaware. The Port-admiral contented himself with pointing it out to him. Aduel is not an unpopular thing in France. The prospective combat of twoapparently equally-matched ships of war would have been sufficient tohave melted any scruples entertained by Frenchmen in authority; theywere only too happy to assist towards an engagement between Federals andConfederates, the latter being as popular in France as in England, tosay nothing for the sympathy excited for the Alabama. French officersagreed with Captain Semmes in thinking that there was marked offence anddefiance in the manoeuvres of the Kearsarge, and that he could hardly doless than go out and meet her. We have done our best to show that theCaptain, whether in his heart he felt the mere chances to be equal ornot, was anxious to persuade himself that they were so. He knew hisopponent to be the heavier in ship, battery, and crew, but "I did notknow that she was also iron-clad," he says. Personally he desired thebattle; the instigations of an enthusiastic crew, unanimous for action,as also of friendly foreign officers, are to be taken into account.Those who venture, now that we are enabled to measure by results, tocast blame upon him, should first, in justice, throw themselves into hisposition. President Davis may deplore the loss of a vessel that did amighty service, but we doubt not that he will endorse the honourablewords of Mr. Mason in his justification of Captain Semmes, and rejoicethat the man who was the ship, is saved for further service to theConfederacy.
On Sunday, in the morning, being the 19th June, the Alabama steamed outof Cherbourg harbour by the opening to the west, and steered straight tomeet the Kearsarge, accompanied by the French iron-clad La Couronne. Thelate foul weather had given way to a gentle breeze, and the subsidingswell of the Atlantic wave under a clear sky made the day eminentlyfavourable for the work in hand. All Cherbourg was on the heights abovethe town and along the bastions and the mole. Never did knightlytournament boast a more eager multitude of spectators. It chancedfortunately that an English steam-yacht, the Deerhound, with its owner,Mr. John Lancaster, and his family, on board, was in harbour at thetime. The Deerhound followed the Alabama at a respectful distance, andwas the closest witness of the fight. Some French pilot-boats hung asnear as they considered prudent. At the limit of neutral waters theAlabama parted company with her, escort, and the Couronne returned towithin a league of the shore.
Left to herself at last, the Alabama made her final preparations for thecoming struggle. Mustering all his ship's company upon the deck, CaptainSemmes addressed them as follows;—
"You have, at length, another opportunity of meeting the enemy—thefirst that has been presented to you since you sunk the Hatteras! In themeantime, you have been all over the world, and it is not too much tosay that you have destroyed, and driven for protection under neutralflags, one-half of the enemy's commerce, which, at the beginning of thewar, covered every sea. This is an achievement of which you may well beproud; and a grateful country will not be unmindful of it. The name ofyour ship has become a household word wherever civilization extends.Shall that name be tarnished by defeat? The thing is impossible!Remember that you are in the English Channel, the theatre of so much ofthe naval glory of our race, and that the eyes of all Europe are at thismoment upon you. The flag that floats over you is that of a youngrepublic, which bids defiance to her enemy's, whenever and whereverfound. Show the world that you know how to uphold it. Go to yourquarters."[16]
[Footnote 16: The above is a correct report of Captain Semmes' addresson this occasion. Various statements have appeared as to the way inwhich it was continued: received. Captain Semmes states, "The onlyreplies that were made were shouts from the seamen of 'Never! never!'when I spoke of the name of their ship being tarnished by defeat."]
It took three-quarters of an hour for the Alabama to come within rangeof the Kearsarge. At the distance of one mile, the Alabama opened firewith solid shot. The Kearsarge took time to reply. After ten minutes thefiring was sharp on both sides.
According to the statement of the Captain of the Kearsarge, her batteryconsisted of seven guns—to wit, two 11-inch Dahlgrens—very powerfulpieces of ordnance; four 32 pounders, one light rifle 28 pounder. Shewent into action with a crew of 162 officers and men.
The armament of the Alabama consisted of one 7-inch Blakeley rifled gun,one 8-inch smooth-bore pivot gun, six 32 pounders, smooth-bore, inbroadside. The Alabama's crew numbered not more than 120. On this headCaptain Winslow speaks erroneously. He sets down the Alabama's crew at150 officers and men. The Alabama had a formidable piece in the Blakeleyrifled gun, but she was destitute of steel shot.
It will thus be seen that there was inequality between the antagonists.Captain Winslow speaks of the Alabama having "one gun more" than theKearsarge. His two great Dahlgrens gave the balance altogether in hisfavour. But in an estimate of the rival capabilities of the two vessels,the deteriorated speed of the Alabama should be considered as herprincipal weakness. Cherbourg had done little to repair the copper ofher bottom, which spread out in broad fans and seriously impeded hercutting of the water; and it had been found impossible to do more thanto patch up the boilers for the day's business. They were not in a stateto inspire the engineers with confidence. The Kearsarge, on the otherhand, was in first rate condition and well in hand. She speedily showedthat she could overhaul the Alabama. In fact, the Alabama entered thelists when she should have been lying in dock. She fought with anexhausted frame. She had the heroism to decide upon the conflict,without the strength to choose the form of it. After some littlemanoeuvring this became painfully evident to Captain Semmes. TheKearsarge selected her distance at a range of five hundred yards, andbeing well protected she deliberately took time and fired with sureeffect.
Captain Semmes had great confidence in the power of his Blakeley rifledgun, and we believe it is a confidence not shaken by its failure to winthe day for him. He wished to get within easy range of his enemy, thathe might try this weapon effectively; but any attempt on his part tocome to closer quarters was construed by the Kearsarge as a design tobring the engagement between the ships to a hand-to-hand conflictbetween the men. Having the speed, she chose her distance, and made allthought of boarding hopeless.
It was part of the plan of Captain Semmes to board, if possible, at someperiod of the day, supposing that he could not quickly decide the battlewith artillery. It was evidently Captain Winslow's determination toavoid the old-fashioned form of a naval encounter, and to fightaltogether in the new style; his superior steam power gave him theoption. When the Alabama took her death-wound she was helpless. We mustinterpret the respectful distance maintained by the Kearsarge up to thevery last, and the persistent plying of her guns while the side of thesinking ship was visible, as a settled resolution on Captain Winslow'spart to trust to guns alone, and throughout, so that a dangerousproximity might be shunned. That much homage was paid by him to thehostile crew, and that his manoeuvre was creditably discreet, few willdeny.
The crew of the Alabama, seamen and officers, were in high spiritsthroughout the engagement, though very early the slaughter set in andthe decks were covered with blood. Their fire was rapid and admirable.It has been said in the House of Lords by no less a person than the Dukeof Somerset, that her firing was positively bad; and that she hit theKearsarge only three times during the action. By Captain Winslow's ownadmission the Kearsarge was hit twenty-eight times by shot and shell—oronce to every fifth discharge. No seaman knowing anything of an actualengagement on the deep will object to the accuracy of such an aim. Hadthe Kearsarge shown the same blank sides as the Alabama, another talemight have been told. Captain Semmes, however, perceived that his shellrebounded after striking her, and exploded harmlessly. This led him torely upon solid shot. The Alabama, not being thus or in any wayshielded, was pierced with shell, and soon showed vast rents in herafter-part. Her pivot-gun was a distinct mark for the enemy, and asingle shell exploding near it killed and wounded half the number of menby whom it was worked. Each ship fought her starboard broadside, andsteamed in a circle to keep that side to the enemy. So, for an hour,this, to a distant spectator, monotonous manoeuvre continued, withoutperceptibly narrowing the range. Captain Semmes was standing on thequarter-deck when the chief engineer sent word to say that the ship wasendangered by leakage. The first lieutenant, Mr. Kell, was sent below toinspect the damage. He returned with word that the ship was sinking.Captain Semmes at once ordered the ship to be put about and steeredtowards shore. But the water was rising in her: the fires were speedilyextinguished. The Alabama's shot from slackening had now ceased. It wasevident to all on board that she was doomed. To have continued firingwould have been to indulge a stupid rancour, and to act in such a manneris not in the nature of a seaman like Captain Semmes. On the contrary,his thoughts were directed towards saving the lives of his crew. He gavecommand for the Confederate flag to be hauled down.
Many wild stories are being told of something like a mutiny of the crewat this desecration of the Southern banner; of how they implored theCaptain to spare them the disgrace of it; and of a certain quartermasterdrawing his cutlass, daring any hand on board to haul down the flag, andbeing dramatically threatened with a loaded pistol by Mr. Kell, theFirst Lieutenant, and so brought to his senses. The fact is, that theflag came down quietly and decorously. All on board perceived that therewas no help for it, and that it would be a shocking breach of humanityto imperil the lives of the wounded men.
The general detestation of the Yankee was yet more strongly instancedwhen the men were struggling for life in the water. The head of everyman was pointed away, as if instinctively, from the vessel that stoodnearest to rescue him. One who was hailed from the Kearsarge with theoffer of a rescue, declined it civilly, and made his way for the neutralflag. The men swam as if they had still an enemy behind them, and notone that was ready to save. Tardy as were the boats of the Kearsarge indescending to perform this office, they found many of the poor fellowsstill painfully supporting themselves above the surface. Of these, bothmen and officers, when, after being hauled into the boats, they haddashed the blinding salt water from their eyes and discovered among whomthey were, many sprang overboard again, preferring any risk to theshelter of the Federalists. Hatred to the flag of the old Union and loveof their Captain appear to have been their chief active passions. Whentaken on board the Deerhound, the question as to the safety of CaptainSemmes was foremost in every mouth.
Captain Semmes asserts that shots were fired at the Alabama after thesignal of surrender. We will not attempt to substantiate a charge likethis: but French officers maintain it to be an undeniable fact that,after the Confederate flag had been lowered, the Kearsarge fired no lessthan five shots into her. We believe that Captain Winslow does not denythe charge; but asserts that he was unaware of the act of surrender. Inhis letter to the Daily News, he declares the accusation that he hadbeen guilty of this act to be "twaddle" (we quote his own phrase).
The master's mate of the Alabama, Mr. Fullam, was despatched in thedingey to the Kearsarge with a request that assistance might immediatelybe given in rescuing the lives of the wounded men. It was promised, butthe fulfilment of the promise, owing, as we trust it may be proved, tocirc*mstances incidental to the fight, was, as we have said, tardy.Captain Winslow expressed himself in kindly terms with regard to his oldshipmate in the days when the Union was not a mockery of its name;Captain Semmes having served with him in the same vessel many yearsback. During Mr. Fullam's absence the Alabama had gone down sternforemost. All the wounded had been stretched in the whale-boat fortransmission to the Kearsarge. The surgeon of the Alabama, anEnglishman, Mr. David Herbert Llewellyn, son of an incumbent of aWiltshire parsonage, and godson of the late Lord Herbert of Lea, wasoffered a place in this boat. He refused it, saying that he would notperil the wounded men, and he sank with the Alabama. The rest of thecrew, with their captain, were already in the waves. Mr. Lancastermeantime had steamed up to the Kearsarge, requesting permission toassist in saving life, and he was soon among them, throwing lines fromthe yacht, and picking up many exhausted men in his boats. The loss ofmen by drowning was nineteen, including an officer (Mr. Llewellyn),carpenter, and assistant-engineer. The loss in killed and wounded wastwenty-eight, of whom seven were killed. Not a wrack of the Alabama wassecured by the victors in this memorable sea-fight. The captain and hisofficers dropped their swords into the deep; the men drove their oarsinto the bottoms of the boats. One spirit—the spirit of theunconquerable Confederation of the Southern States—animated all. Not aman who was able to support himself in the water, swam towards theKearsarge.
So sank the Alabama. It would have been glorious for her to have won,but it was not disgraceful that the day went against her. She foughtagainst odds such as brave commanders are not in the habit of declining;she fought to the water's edge. An end like this, and the splendidantecedents she points to, have made her name and that of her captainhousehold words. Her flag has been indeed a "meteor flag," and that itshall "yet terrific burn" we may reckon to be probable, when it isremembered that the informing spirit, of which the good vessel was butthe gross body, is alive, and prepared once more to offer himself to theland of his choice for service upon the seas.
* * * * *
No. I.
Ably Bradford—Of New York, from New York to Puerto Caballo. Captured25th July, 1861, N.E. of Laguayra, Venezuela.
Sent to New Orleans. Recaptured by enemy.
Albert Adams—Of Massachusetts. Captured 5th July, 1861, four leaguesoff Cienfuegos.
Sent to Cienfuegos. Released by Captain-General of Cuba.
Arcade—Of Maine, from Portland, Maine, to Guadaloupe. Captured 26thNovember, 1861, in lat. 20° 27' N., long. 57° 15' W.
Ben Dunning—Of Maine. Captured 5th July, 1861, four leagues offCienfuegos.
Sent to Cienfuegos. Released by Captain-General of Cuba.
Cuba—Of Maine, from Trinidad to English ports. Captured 4th July,1861, in lat. 21° 29' N., long. 84° 06' W.
Sent to Cienfuegos. Retaken by enemy.
Daniel Trowbridge—Of Connecticut, from New York to Demerara. Captured27th October, 1861, in lat. 17° 54' N., long. 56° 30' W.
Ebenezer Dodge—Of Massachusetts, from New Bedford to South Pacific(whaling). Captured 8th December, 1861, in lat. 30° 57' N., long. 51°49' W.
Golden Rocket—Of Bangor, Maine. Captured 3d July, 1861, in lat. 21°29' N., long. 84° 06' W. Valued at $35,000.
Investigator—Of Maine, from Spain to Newport, Wales. Captured 18thJanuary, 1862, in Straits of Gibraltar. Valued at $15,000,
Released on ransom bond.
Joseph Maxwell—Of Pennsylvania. Captured 27th July, 1861, seven milesfrom Puerto Caballo.
Sent to Cienfuegos. Released by Governor-General of Cuba.
Joseph Parkes—Of Massachusetts, from Pernambuco to Boston. Captured25th September, 1861, in lat. 6° 20' N., long. 42° 24'W.
Louisa Kilham—Of Massachusetts. Captured 6th July, 1861, five milesfrom Cienfuegos.
Sent to Cienfuegos. Released by Captain-General of Cuba.
Machias—Of Maine, from Trinidad to an English port. Captured 4thJuly, 1861, in lat. 21° 29' N., long. 84° 06' W.
Sent to Cienfuegos. Released by Captain-General of Cuba.
Montmorency—Of Maine, from Newport, Wales, to St. Thomas. Captured25th November, 1861, in lat. 18° 30' N., long. 58° 40' W. Valued at$20,000.
Released under ransom bond.
Naiad—Of New York. Captured 6th July, 1861, five miles fromCienfuegos.
Sent to Cienfuegos. Released by Captain-General of Cuba.
Neapolitan—Of Massachusetts, from Messina to Boston. Captured 18thJanuary, 1862, in Straits of Gibraltar.
Vigilans—Of Maine, from New York to Island of Sombrero. Captured 3dDecember, 1861, in lat. 29° 10' N., long. 57° 22' W. Valued at $40,000.
West Wind—Of Rhode Island. Captured 6th July, 1861, five miles offCienfuegos.
Sent to Cienfuegos. Released by Captain-General of Cuba.
* * * * *
Alert—Of New London, from New London to the Indian Ocean (whaling).Captured 9th September, 1862, off Flores. Valued at $20,000.
Altamaha—Of New Bedford, from New Bedford (whaling). Captured 13thSeptember, 1862, in lat. 40° 34' N., 25° 24' W. Valued at $3,000.
Amanda—Of United States, from Manilla to Queenstown. Captured 6thNovember, 1863, in lat. 7° 00' S., long. 103° 19' E. Valued at $104,442.
Amazonian—Of New York, from New York to Monte Video. Captured 2dJune, 1863, in lat. 15° 09', long. 55° 04'. Valued at $97,665.
Anna F. Schmidt—Of Maine, from Boston (via St. Thomas) to SanFrancisco. Captured 2d July, 1863, in lat. 26° 14', long. 37° 51'.Valued at $350,000.
Ariel—Of New York, from New York to Aspinwall. Captured 7th Dec.,1862, off Cape Maize. Valued at $261,000.
Released on bond.
Baron de Castine—Of Castine, from Bangor to Cardenas. Captured 29thOctober, 1862, in lat. about 39° 18' N., long. about 69° 12' W. Valuedat $6,000.,
Released on bond.
Benjamin Tucker—Of New Bedford, from New Bedford (whaling). Captured14th September, 1862, off Flores. Valued. at $18,000.
Bethia Thayer—Of Maine. Captured 1st March, 1863, in lat. 29° 50' N.,long. 38° 31' W. Valued at $40,000.
Released on bond.
Brilliant—Of New York, from New York to Liverpool. Captured 3dOctober, 1862, in lat. 39° 58' N., long. 50° 00' W. Valued at $164,000.
Charles Hill—Of Boston, from Liverpool to Monte Video. Captured 25thMarch, 1863, in lat. 1° 22', long. 26° 08'. Valued at $28,450.
Chastelaine—Of Boston, from Martinique to Cienfuegos. Captured 27thJanuary, 1863, in lat. 17° 19' N., long. 72° 21' W. Valued at $10,000.Burned.
Contest—Of the United States, from Yokohama, Japan, to New York.Captured 11th November, 1863, in lat. 4° 48' S., long. 106° 49' E.Valued at $122,815.
Courser—Of Province Town, from Province Town (whaling). Captured 16thSeptember, 1862, off Flores. Valued at $7,000.
Crenshaw—Of New York, from New York to Glasgow. Captured 26thOctober, 1862, in lat. 40° 11' N., long. 64° 32' W. Valued at $33,869.
Dorcas Prince—Of New York, from New York to Shanghai. Captured 26thApril, 1862, in lat. 7° 36', long. 31° 57'. Valued at $44,108.
Dunkirk—Of New York, from New York to Lisbon. Captured 7th October,1862, in lat. about 41° 00' N., long. 53°. Valued at $25,000.
Elisha Dunbar—Of New Bedford, from New Bedford (whaling). Captured18th September, 1862, in lat. 39° 50' N., long. 35° 25' W. Valued at$25,000.
Emily Farnum—Of New York, from New York to Liverpool. Captured 3dOctober, 1862, in lat. 39° 58' N., long. 50° 00' W.
Neutral cargo, Released and made a Cartel.
Emma Jane—Of Maine, from Bombay to Amherst (in ballast). Captured14th January, 1864, in lat. 7° 57' S., long. 76° 09' W. Valued at$40,000.
Express—Of Callao, from Callao to Antwerp. Captured 6th July, 1863,in lat. 28° 28', long. 30° 20. Valued at $121,300.
Gildersliene—Of London, from Sunderland to Calcutta. Captured 25thMay, 1863, in lat. 12° 04', long. 35° 10'. Valued at $62,783.
Golden Eagle—Of United States, from San Francisco (via Howland'sIsland) to Cork. Captured 21st February, 1863, in lat. 29° 28' N., long.44° 58' W. Valued at $61,000.
Golden Rule—Of New York, from New York to Aspinwall. Captured 26thJanuary, 1863, off Jamaica. Valued at $112,000.
Hatteras—Of United States Navy, gunboat. Sunk 11th January, 1863, offGalveston. Valued at $160,000.
Highlander—Of the United States, from Singapore to Aycaab (inballast). Captured 26th December, 1863. Valued at $75,965.
Jabez Snow—Of Cardiff, from Cardiff to Monte Video. Captured 29thMay, 1863, in lat. 12° 54', long. 35° 18'. Valued at $72,881.
John A. Parks—Of Maine, from New York to Monte Video. Captured 2dMarch, 1863, in lat. 29° 25' N., long. 37° 47' W. Valued at $66,157.
Justina—Of the United States. Captured 25th May, 1863, in lat. 12°04', long. 35° 10'. Valued at $7,000.
Kate Cory—Of Westport (whaler). Captured 15th April, 1863, in lat. 4°08', long. 32° 01'. Valued at $10,568.
Kingfisher—Of Massachusetts, from Fair Haven (on whaling expedition).Captured 23d March, 1863, in lat. 2° 08' N., long. 26° 08' W. Valued at$2,400.
Lafayette (1)—Of New York, from New York to Belfast. Captured 23dOctober, 1862, in lat. 39° 34' N., long. 63° 26' W. Valued at $110,337.
Lafayette (2)—Of New Bedford (whaler). Captured 15th April, 1863, inlat. 4° 08', long. 32° 01. Valued at $20,908.
Lamplighter—Of Boston, from New York to Gibraltar. Captured 15thOctober, 1862, in lat. 41° 32' N., long. 54° 17' W. Valued at $117,600.
Lauretta—Of Boston, from New York to Madeira and Mediterranean.Captured 28th. October. 1862, in lat. 39° 18' N., long. 67° 35' W.Valued at $32,880.
Levi Starbuck—Of New Bedford, from New Bedford to the Pacific(whaling). Captured 2d November, 1862, in lat. 36° 13' N., long. 66° 01'W. Valued at $25,000.
Louisa Hatch—Of Rockland, from Cardiff to Point de Galle. Captured4th April, 1863, in lat. 3° 12', long. 26° 9'. Valued at $38,315.
Manchester—Of New York, from New York to Liverpool. Captured 11thOctober, 1862, in lat. 41° 08' N., long. 55° 26' W. Valued at $164,000.
Morning Star—Of Boston, from Calcutta to London. Captured 23d March,1863, in lat. 2° 08' N., long. 26° 08' W. Valued at $61,750.
Released on bond.
Nora—Of Boston, from Boston to Calcutta. Captured 25th March, 1863,in lat. 1° 22', long. 26° 08'. Valued at $76,-636.
Nye—Of New Bedford, from New Bedford (whaling barque). Captured 24thApril, 1863, in lat. 5° 45', long. 31° 53'. Valued at $31,127.
Ocean Rover—Of Massachusetts, from Massachusetts (out whaling).Captured 8th September, 1862, off Flores. Valued at $70,000.
Ocmulgee—Of Edgartown. Captured 5th September, 1862, in about lat. 37°20' N., long. 28° 08' W. Valued at $50,000.
Olive Jane—Of the United States, from Bordeaux to New York. Captured21st February, 1863, in lat., 29° 28' N., long. 44° 58' W. Valued at$43,208.
Palmetto—Of New York, from New York to St. John's, Porto Rico.Captured 3d February, 1863, in lat. 27° 18' N., long. 6° 16' W. Valuedat $18,430.
Parker Cook—Of Boston, from Boston to Aux Cayes. Captured 30thNovember, 1862, in lat. 18° 59' N., long. 68° 45' W. Valued at $10,000.
Punjaub—Of Boston, from Calcutta to London. Captured 15th March,1863, in lat. 8° 36' N., long. 31° 43' W. Valued at $55,000.
Released on bond.
Rockingham—Of the United States, from Callao to Cork. Captured 23dApril, 1864, in lat. 15° 52' S., long. 31° 44' W. Valued at $97,878.
Sea Lark—Of New York, from New York to San Francisco. Captured 3dMay, 1863, in lat. 9° 39' S., long. 32° 44' W. Valued at $550,000.
Sonora—Of the United States, from Singapore to Aycaab (in ballast).Captured 26th December, 1863, off Malacca. Valued at $46,545.
Starlight—Of Boston, from Fayal to Boston. Captured 7th September,1862, off Flores. Valued at $4,000.
Talisman—Of New York, from New York to Shanghai. Captured 5th June,1863, in lat. 14° 35', long. 36° 26'. Valued at $139,195.
Texan Star—Of the United States, from Maulmein to Singapore. Captured24th December, 1863, off Malacca. Valued at $97,628.
Tonawanda—Of Philadelphia, from Philadelphia to Liverpool. Captured9th October, 1862, in lat. 40° 03' N., long. 54° 38' W. Valued at$80,000.
Released on ransom bond.
Tycoon—Of the United States, from New York to San Francisco. Captured27th April, 1864. in lat. 11° 16', long. 32° 6'.
Union—Of Baltimore, from Baltimore to Jamaica. Captured 5th December,1862, off Cape Maise. Valued at $15,000.
Released on bond.
Union Jack—Of Boston, from Boston to Shanghai. Captured 3d May, 1863,in lat. 9° 39', long. 32° 44'. Valued at $77,000.
Virginia—Of New Bedford, from New Bedford (whaling). Captured 17thSeptember, 1862, in lat. 40° 03' N., long. 32° 46' W. Valued at $25,000.
T.B. Wales—Of Boston, from Calcutta to Boston. Captured 8th November,1862, in lat. 29° 15' N., long. 57° 57' W. Valued at $245,625.
Washington—Of New York, from Chincha Islands to Antwerp. Captured27th February, 1863, in lat. 30° 19' N., long. 40° 01' W. Valued at$50,000.
Released on bond.
Wave Crest—Of New York, from New York to Cardiff. Captured 7thOctober, 1862, in lat. about 41° 00' N., long. 53°. Valued at $44,000.
Weather Gauge—Of Province Town, from Province Town (whaling).Captured 9th September, 1862, off Flores. Valued at $10,000.
Winged Racer—Of the United States, from Manilla to New York. Captured10th November, 1863, in Strait of Sunda. Valued at $150,000.
No. II.
1861. July 1 Lat. 26.18 N. Long. 87.23 W. 2 23.04 86.13 3 21.29 84.06 4 No observation. 5 Off the Jardinelles. 6 At Cienfuegos, Cuba. 7 do do 8 Off the Caymans. 9 Off Jamaica. 10 to 15 No observation. 16 to 24 At St. Anne's, Curaçao. 25 to 27 At and off Puerto Caballo. 28 Off Tortuga. 29 to Aug. 5 At Port of Spain. 6 9.14 59.10 7 8.31 56.12 8 7.19 53.34 9 6.10 50.48 10 4.29 48.25 Aug. 11 Lat. 2.38 N. Long. 47.48 W. 12 4.10 49.37 13 4.56 50.55 14 4.49 51.19 15 16 At Cayenne. 17 5.56 18 Off the mouth of the Surinam. 19 to 31 At Paramaribo. Sept. 1 No observation. 2 4.50 50.20 3 3.05 48.44 4 00.44 47.12 5 1.03 44.48 6 to 15 At Maranham. 16 00.17 S. 42.59 17 2.19 N. 41.29 18 3.38 40.57 19 4.33 40.41 20 4.46 41.00 21 5.12 41.59 22 5.37 42.12 23 5.25 42.19 24 5.35 41.27 25 6.20 42.27 27 6.24 43.10 28 6.10 44.20 29 6.55 45.08 30 7.33 45.28 Oct. 1 7.39 45.55 2 8.19 46.23 3 8.30 46.21 4 8.55 46.58 5 9.13 47.21 6 8.31 47.08 7 8.13 47.13 8 8.52 46.44 9 7.21 46.30 10 6.22 45.48 Oct. 11 Lat. 6.38 N. Long. 45.13 W. 12 6.56 44.41 13 7.04 44.47 14 8.31 45.46 15 9.36 48.11 16 10.22 50.05 17 11.37 51.49 18 13.01 53.12 19 13.33 53.46 20 13.46 54.06 21 14.00 54.07 22 14.21 54.16 23 14.36 54.37 24 15.20 54.51 25 16.54 55.30 26 18.13 56.04 27 17.54 56.30 28 17.03 57.07 29 16.54 57.33 30 16.40 58.16 31 16.54 57.59 Nov. 1 16.52 57.25 2 16.32 56.55 3 16.35 57.38 4 16.43 57.45 5 17.10 59.06 6 16.39 59.54 7 16.00 60.46 8 9 15.08 61.54 10 to 23 At Martinique. 24 16.12 25 18.11 58.48 26 20.07 57.12 27 22.22 56.27 28 24.22 57.12 29 25.51 57.36 30 27.16 58.29 Dec. 1 27.38 58.20 2 28.12 58.09 3 29.10 57.22 Dec. 4 Lat. 30.03 N. Long. 55.09 W. 5 30.19 53.02 6 29.35 52.02 7 29.27 51.35 8 30.57 51.49 9 31.35 51.14 10 32.39 49.47 11 32.48 49.32 12\ 13/ 33.28 47.03 14 33.49 44.47 15 34.00 42.05 16 33.24 40.43 17 33.24 40.00 18 33.53 38.43 19 34.30 36.40 20 34.17 35.31 21 35.17 33.05 22 No observation. 23 36.29 32.32 24 27.31 31.30 25 36.08 28.42 26 35.09 25.56 27 35.00 22.49 28 35.17 20.53 29 35.43 18.59 30 35.39 17.33 31 35.22 16.27 1862. Jan. 1 35.53 13.14 2 35.52 9.36 3 35.49 7.00
On the 4th of January the Sumter reached Cadiz, and on the 17th left forGibraltar. She entered that port on the following day, where she wasfinally put out of commission.
* * * * *
1862. Aug. 25 Lat. 39.15 N. Long. 26.30 W. 26 39.39 26.07 27 39.59 24.34 Aug. 28 Lat. 39.58 N. Long. 21.30 W. 29 38.56 19.23 30 37.23 19.06 31 Lat. by acc. 36.23 21.54 Sept. 1 Lat. 35.33 22.17 2 35.29 24.22 3 36.16 25.56 4 37.22 28.08 5 No observation. 6\ to | Off Flores. 11/ 12 40.17 34.05 13 40.34 35.24 14 40.12 33.02 15 40.03 32.46 16 Off Flores. 17 40.03 32.46 18 39.50 35.25 19 38.32 35.03 20 37.20 36.26 21 36.35 36.58 22 35.21 37.26 23 34.43 38.38 24 34.52 48.28 25 34.59 41.10 26 35.35 41.36 27 37.12 43.13 28 37.40 42.00 29 37.09 43.13 30 38.87 45.03 Oct. 1 40.27 46.31 2 40 to 40.30 48 to 48.20 3 39.58 50.00 4 39.52 50.41 5 40.19 51.14 6 41.02 53.50 7 No observation. 8 Lat. (D.R.) 41.00 Long. (D.R.) 55.43 Long. Chro. 54.37 9 Lat. 40.03 Long. 54.38 10 41.13 53.45 11 41.08 55.26 Oct. 12 Lat. 41.42 N. Long. 56.48 W. 13 Assumed 40.30 59.28 14 41.21 59.31 15 41.32 59.17 16 (D.R.)42.16 59.18 17 (D.R.)42.06 59.46 18 Supposed 41.25 59.10 19 40.21 62.08 20 40.28 62.40 21 40.18 62.40 22 By acct. 40.16 64.17 23 39.34 63.26 24 40.04 62.05 25 39.57 63.18 26 40.11 64.32 27 39.47 68.06 28 39.18 67.35 29 No observation. 30 39.18 69.12 31 37.51 67.34 Nov. 1 36.15 65.55 2 36.13 66.01 3 35.17 67.11 4 34.27 63.30 5 31.34 61.27 6 29.05 61.22 7 29.03 59.22 8 29.15 57.57 9 27.51 58.24 10 25.40 57.50 11 24.05 57.36 12 22.58 57.37 13 22.08 57.43 14 21.11 57.49 15 20.40 58.24 16 18.00 59.27 17 15.51 60.20 18 13.15 63.01 21 12.10 64.35 22\ to | At Island of Blanquilla. 25/ 26 13.12 65.30 Nov. 28 Lat. 16.19 N. Long. 66.06 W. 29 17.45 67.15 30 18.59 68.45 Dec. 1 19.40 69.49 2 20.04 71.50 3 20.12 72.58 4 \ to | Off Cape Maise, Jamaica, and Cuba. 12 / 13 18.47 78.28 14 18.16 80.43 15 18.39 83.06 16 19.16 84.10 17 19.18 84.25 18 19.47 85.46 19 20.00 85.31 20 21.20 86.32 21 22.06 88.40 22 21.26 91.15 23 20.18 91.50 24 \ to | At the Arcas. 31 / 1863. n. 1 \ to | At the Arcas. 5 / 6 21.11 93.13 7 22.35 94.26 8 24.36 94.45 9 26.19 94.11 10 27.45 94.42 11 28.51 94.55 12 28.03 93.08 13 27.05 90.37 14 25.58 88.58 15 26.16 88.35 16 23.43 87.35 17 21.45 85.34 18 19.50 82.51 19 18.30 80.34 20 \ to | At Port Royal. 25 / Jan.26 Lat. 17.50 N. Long. 74.52 W 27 17.19 72.21 28 17.56 70.28 29 At San Domingo. 30 19.31 67.38 31 21.45 68.06 Feb. 1 24.08 68.18 2 26.17 68.06 3 27.18 66.10 4 28.00 64.11 5 27.10 61.30 6 25.44 60.32 7 26.36 60.15 8 25.41 58.48 9 24.51 57.55 10 24.32 56.53 11 24.52 56.34 12 25.15 56.36 13 26.08 55.32 14 27.09 53.17 15 28.29 50.07 16 28.45 46.57 17 28.11 45.01 18 28.15 44.37 19 28.04 44.29 20 28.32 45.05 21 29.28 44.58 22 29.33 44.57 23 30.21 43.55 24 30.32 42.50 25 30.22 41.03 26 30.23 40.42 27 30.19 40.01 28 30.07 39.38 March 1 29.50 38.31 2 29.25 37.47 3 28.42 36.59 4 27.02 35.44 5 26.04 35.23 6 24.09 32.20 7 24.30 35.12 8 22.36 34.32 9 20.22 33.53 Mar. 10 Lat. 18.26 N. Long. 33.17 W. 11 16.18 32.36 12 13.57 31.47 13 11.31 31.25 14 9.24 31.48 15 8.36 31.43 16 7.46 30.21 17 7.53 30.34 18 7.14 29.26 19 5.59 28.01 20 4.32 27.00 21 2.47 26.23 22 2.11 26.24 23 2.08 26.08 24 1.41 26.13 25 1.22 26.08 26 1.12 26.32 27 No observation. 28 00.46 26.19 29 00.18 26.10 30 00.34 S. 25.35 31 00.39 25.19 April 1 1.00 25.20 2 2.10 26.02 3 2.52 25.58 4 3.12 26.09 5 3.25 27.04 6 3.46 28.00 7 3.57 30.07 8 4.01 Long. (D.R.) 31.17 9 4.08 32.01 10 \ to | At Fernando de Noronha. 22 / 23 4.42 31.49 24 5.45 31.53 25 6.22 31.44 26 7.36 31.57 27 8.16 32.18 28 8.19 31.40 29 8.22 31.07 30 9.02 31.39 May 1 9.17 32.17 May 2 Lat. 9.37 S Long. 32.34 W 3 9.39 32.44 4 8.48 32.34 5 10.06 32.45 6 10.24 32.30 7 12.08 33.07 8 12.30 33.52 9 12.55 34.49 10 13.29 36.07 11 \ to |At Bahia. 21 / 22 13.04 37.36 23 12.33 36.39 24 11.34 34.54 25 12.04 35.10 26 11.39 34.47 27 12.15 35.05 28 12.54 35.18 29 13.31 35.38 30 14.19 35.36 31June 1 14.44 35.15 2 15.01 34.56 3 15.09 35.04 4 14.46 34.57 5 14.35 36.26 6 15.17 35.26 7 16.07 35.37 8 15.55 35.28 9 16.55 35.36 10 16.17 34.35 11 15.32 33.46 12 17.25 34.24 13 19.21 35.37 14 19.54 35.18 15 22.38 35.11 16 23.41 35.36 17 23.54 35.53 18 24.16 37.15 19 24.57 39.01 20 25.48 40.18 21 25.46 40.16 June 22 Lat. 25.55 S. Long. 40.21 W. 23 25.24 38.40 24 25.19 36.36 25 25.56 33.44 26 Lat.(D.R.) 26.40 30.16 27 26.01 28.29 28 25.57 30.31 29 26.35 32.59 30 25.56 35.12 July 1 25.38 36.38 2 26.14 37.51 3 26.31 37.33 4 27.27 34.37 5 27.58 31.43 6 28.28 30.20 7 29.45 27.36 8 30.00 24.20 9 29.57 21.16 10 29.29 17.47 11 28.00 15.12 12 26.44 13.32 13 28.13 13.27 14 29.21 11.31 15 30.07 8.06 16 Lat.(D.R.)30.39 4.05 17 30.16 00.20 18 29.54 3.04 E. 19 at.(D.R.)29.47 5.32 20 29.57 7.23 21 30.43 10.19 22 31.33 12.37 23 31.59 14.12 24 33.24 14.51 25 33.56 15.34 26 33.26 16.37 27 33.46 17.17 28 33.46 17.31 29 \ to | At Saldanha Bay, and the Cape. Aug. 16 / 17 34.03 17.11 18 33.24 16.56 19 32.52 17.09 Aug. 20 Lat. 32.45 S. Long. 16.55 E. 21 33.14 15.41 22 32.13 16.08 23 31.43 15.30 24 31.24 14.34 25 31.18 13.37 26 27.57 14.12 27 No observation. 28 \ to | At Angra Pequena. 30 / 31 26.51 14.40 Sept. 1 No observation. 2 28.37 10.13 3 29.43 8.59 4 30.04 8.46 5 30.24 9.28 6 30.35 11.16 7 31.17 11.07 8 31.41 11.16 9 32.30 12.49 10 33.16 15.20 11 33.10 16.37 12 33.43 16.03 13 33.51 17.34 14 34.28 17.43 15 34.26 17.30 16 \ to | At Simon's Town. 24 /
25 35.26 18.15 26 37.28 17.58 27 37.52 19.03 28 39.02 23.07 29 39.02 27.20 30 39.12 31.59 Oct. 1 39.15 35.46 2 38.27 39.02 3 38.46 42.49 4 38.43 46.56 5 38.47 49.20 6 38.44 53.33 7 37.51 57.30 Oct. 8 Lat. 38.04 S. Long. 60.23 E. 9 38.16 64.15 10 38.26 68.57 11 38.28 72.40 12 38.46 77.12 13 38.15 80.29 14 37.47 83.42 15 35.23 89.55 16 35.23 89.55 17 32.59 93.28 18 30.59 96.17 19 28.26 98.43 20 25.33 99.42 21 22.41 100.12 22 21.13 100.10 23 18.52 100.10 24 15.45 101.25 25 Lat. (D.R.) 12.26 Long. (D.R.) 102.00 26 10.27 102.13 27 9.55 Long. 101.50 28 9.38 101.51 29 9.20 101.53 30 9.09 102.14 31 8.53 102.50 1 8.55 103.51 2 9.30 103.28 3 9.17 103.31 4 8.31 103.06 5 7.22 103.15 6 7.00 103.19 7 6.59 103.27 8 \ to | Off Flat Point. 10 / 11 4.48 106.49 12 4.19 108.00 13 3.59 107.25 14 3.44 109.05 15 3.03 109.27 16 2.44 109.16 17 \ to | Off the Malays. 23 / Nov. 24 Lat. 3.40 N Long. 109.45 E. 25 Supposed Lat. 3.50 Supposed Long. 110.30 26 4.36 111.42 27 4.51 111.54 28 4.51 111.54 29 5.01 111.47 30 6.14 110.31 Dec. 1 7.30 108.42 2 8.30 107.15 3 \ to | At Cindore. 14 / 15 8.24 106.48 16 7.18 107.27 17 (D.R.) 6.11 106.12 18 4.48 105.10 19 \ and | At Island of Aor. 20 / 21 \ to | At and off Singapore. 26 / 27 4.08 100.11 28 Supposed 4.46 99.40 29 Supposed 5.29 98.16 30 5.39 96.40 31 Off N. end of Sumatra.1864. Jan. 1 6.23 93.35 2 5.39 93.08 3 5.29 92.33 4 6.05 Long. (D.R.) 91.40 5 6.29 90.37 6 6.07 88.40 7 5.39 87.22 8 5.22 84.53 9 5.05 82.09 10 5.14 79.50 11 5.49 78.25 12 7.26 76.02 13 7.33 76.01 14 7.57 76.09 15 8.25 76.08 Jan. 16 At Quilon. 17 Lat. 8.40 N. Long. 76.32 E. 18 8.31 76.30 19 8.05 75.05 20 7.29 74.28 21 No observation. 22 7.52 70.22 23 7.04 67.17 24 7.03 64.28 25 6.27 61.49 26 5.33 59.19 27 5.01 56.36 28 4.02 53.46 29 2.43 51.00 30 00.50 48.42 31 1.31 S. 47.20 Feb. 1 3.15 46.13 2 4.48 45.40 3 6.47 44.44 4 8.24 44.26 5 10.18 43.47 6 10.42 44.00 7 10.44 43.50 8 10.45 43.42 9 \ to | At Islands of Johanna and Mohilla. 16 / 17 13.41 43.04 18 14.15 42.45 19 15.03 42.24 20 16.00 41.45 21 17.02 41.31 22 18.43 41.20 23 19.49 41.23 24 20.29 41.19 25 21.18 41.44 26 23.36 41.15 27 25.31 40.00 28 27.11 37.51 29 29.16 36.17 March 1 31.32 34.37 2 33.20 32.22 3 35.05 29.49 March 4 Lat. 35.11 S. Long. 23.28 E. 5 35.51 26.43 6 39.09 24.58 7 35.10 24.03 8 35.49 21.39 9 35.46 20.29 10 35.42 20.13 11 35.08 18.21 12 33.57 17.06 13 33.35 16.10 14 34. 3 15.20 15 33.48 15.23 16 32.50 16.31 17 33.10 16.22 18 No observation. 19 32.57 15.55 20 33.51 17.31 21 \ to | At the Cape. 24 / 25 34.02 18.10 26 33.41 15.52 27 31.50 12.39 28 31.36 10.09 29 30.25 8.25 30 28.53 6.55 31 28.00 4.50 April 1 26.13 2.40 2 24.17 0.24 3 22.35 1.29 W. 4 21.01 3.13 5 19.37 4.44 6 18.41 4.22 7 17.15 3.44 8 17.42 5.50 9 18.00 8.53 10 18.12 11.47 11 18.25 14.42 12 18.47 17.13 13 18.55 19.43 14 18.58 22.33 15 19. 9 25.— 16 19.17 26.42 April 17 Lat. 19.12 S. Long. 27.33 W. 18 19.22 28.57 19 19.13 29.36 20 18.49 30.01 21 18.18 30.26 22 17.23 30.56 23 15.52 31.44 24 15.19 32. 6 25 13.59 32. 4 26 13. 5 32.22 27 11.16 32. 6 28 10. 5 31.46 29 8. 9 31.29 30 5.26 30.12 May 1 2.25 30.38 2 00.13 30.41 3 1.43 N. 31.28 4 3.30 32.38 5 5. 6 34.19 6 7.15 36. 7 7 9.40 37.36 8 11.54 38.43 9 14.13 39.43 10 16.43 40.33 11 18.37 41.09 12 20.10 41.25 13 20.33 41.19 14 20.53 41.09 15 21.12 40.55 16 22.05 41.16 17 22.57 41.50 18 24.33 41.57 19 26.32 41.50 20 28.04 41.33 21 29.24 40.42 22 30.25 39.54 23 31.39 38.39 24 33.13 36.49 25 35.51 35.41 26 37.43 33.53 27 38.42 32.50 28 39.23 32.31 29 39.51 (D.R.) 32.25 May 30 Lat. 40.25 N. Long. 30.22 W. 31 40.54 27.15 June 1 41.35 24.15 2 42.07 22.15 3 42.18 20.30 4 42.10 18.04 5 41.58 16.31 6 42.31 15.42 7 43.47 14.12 8 45.45 (D.R.) 12.06 9 47.34 9.07 10 49.18 6.03 11 On this day the Alabama entered Cherbourg harbour.
No. III.
The following is a full report of Mr. Laird's speech in theHouse of Commons on Friday night:—After the discussion thathas taken place about the Alabama, I shall not trouble thehouse with many remarks. I can only say, from all I knowand all I have heard, that from the day the vessel was laid downto her completion everything was open and above-board in thiscountry. (Cheers.) I also further say that the officers of theGovernment had every facility afforded them for inspecting theship during the progress of building. When the officers cameto the builders they were shown the ship, and day after day thecustoms officers were on board, as they were when she finallyleft, and they declared there was nothing wrong. ("Hear,"from Mr. Bright.) They only left her when the tug left, andthey were obliged to declare that she left Liverpool a perfectlylegitimate transaction. (Hear, hear.) One point has beenoverlooked in this discussion. If a ship without guns and withoutarms is a dangerous article, surely rifled guns and ammunitionof all sorts are equally—(cheers)—and even more dangerous. (Cheers.)I have referred to the bills of entry in the custom houses of Londonand Liverpool, and I find there have been vast shipments of implementsof war to the Northern States through the celebrated houses of Baringand Co.—(loud cheers and laughter)—Brown, Shipley and Co., of Liverpool,and a variety of other names, which I need not more particularlymention, but whose Northern tendencies are well known tothis house. (Hear, hear.) If the member for Rochdale, or thehonourable member for Bradford, wishes to ascertain the extentto which the Northern States of America have had supplies ofarms from this country, they have only to go to a gentlemanwho, I am sure, will be ready to afford them every information,and much more readily than he would to me or to any one elsecalling upon him—the American consul in Liverpool. Beforethat gentleman the manifest of every ship is laid, he has to givean American pass to each vessel; he is consequently able totell the exact number of rifles which have been shipped from thiscountry for the United States—information, I doubt not, whichwould be very generally desired by this house. (Loud cries of"Hear.") I have obtained from the official custom house returnssome details of the sundries exported from the United Kingdom to theNorthern States of America from the 1st of May, 1861, to the 31stof December, 1862. There were—muskets, 41,500 (hear, hear); rifles,341,000 (cheers); gun flints, 26,500; percussion caps, 49,982,000(cheers and laughter); and swords, 2,250. The best information I couldobtain leads me to believe that from one-third to a half may be addedto these numbers for items which have been shipped to the NorthernStates as hardware. (Hear, hear.) I have very good reasonfor saying that a vessel of 2,000 tons was chartered six weeksago for the express purpose of taking out a cargo of "hardware"to the United States. (Cheers.) The exportation has notceased yet. From the 1st of January to the 17th March, 1863,the custom bills of entry show that 23,870 gun-barrels, 30,802rifles, and 3,105,800 percussion caps were shipped to the UnitedStates. (Hear, hear). So that if the Southern States havegot two ships, unarmed, unfit for any purpose of warfare—forthey procured their armaments somewhere else—the NorthernStates have been well supplied from this country through theagency of some most influential persons. (Hear, hear.) Now,it has been stated—and by way of comparison treated as matterof complaint—that during the Crimean war the Americans behavedso well that the honourable member for Bradford and themember for Birmingham both lauded their action as comparedwith that of our own Government. Now, I have heard that avessel sailed from the United States to Petropaulovski. (Criesof "Name.") If honourable members will allow me I will goon, and first I propose to read an extract from the Times, writtenby their correspondent at San Francisco, dated the 29th ofJanuary, 1863:—
"Now, this case of the Alabama illustrates the saying thata certain class should have a good memory. During the Crimean war,a man-of-war (called the America, if I remember) was built in Americafor the Russian Government, and brought out to the Pacific, filled witharms and munitions, by an officer in the United States navy. Thisgentleman took her to Petropaulovski, where she did service againstthe allied squadron, and she is still in the Russian navy. (Cries of 'No,'and 'Hear, hear.') We made no such childish fuss about this actof 'hostility' by a friendly Power, which we could not prevent,as our friends are now making about the Alabama, whose departurefrom England our Government could not stop."
The America was commanded by a Lieutenant Hudson, who—ifmy information be correct, and I have no doubt that it is—wasthen, or had been just previously, a lieutenant in the Americannavy; he was the son of a most distinguished officer in thesame service, Captain Hudson. I am further informed thatsome doubts having arisen about the character of this ship, theAmerican men-of-war in the different ports she called at protectedher; and, on her arrival in Russia, the captain who tookher out was, I know, very handsomely rewarded for his services.(Hear, hear.) Now, I will go a step further about the NorthernStates. In 1861, just after the war broke out, a friend ofmine, whom I have known for many years, was over here, andcame to me with a view of getting vessels built in this countryfor the American Government—the Northern Government. (Hear, hear.)Its agents in this country made inquiries; plans and estimates weregiven to my friend, and transmitted to the Secretary of the AmericanNavy. I will read an abstract from this gentleman's letter, dated the30th of July, 1861. It is written from Washington, and states—
"Since my arrival here I have had frequent interviews withour 'Department of Naval Affairs,' and am happy to say thatthe Minister of the Navy is inclined to have an iron-plated shipbuilt out of the country. (Hear, hear.) This ship is designedfor a specific purpose, to accomplish a definite object. I sendyou herewith a memorandum handed me last evening from thedepartment, with the request that I would send it to you bysteamer's mail of to-morrow, and to ask your immediate reply,stating if you will agree to build such a ship as desired, howsoon, and for how much, with such plans and specifications asyou may deem it best to send me."
(Loud cheers.) The extract from the memorandum statesthat "the ship is to be finished complete, with guns and everythingappertaining." (Renewed cheering and laughter.) On the 14th of AugustI received another letter from the same gentleman, from which thefollowing is an extract:
"I have this morning a note from the Assistant-Secretaryof the Navy, in which he says, 'I hope your friends will tenderfor the two-iron plated steamers.'" (Hear, hear.) After this,the firm with which I was lately connected, having made contractsto a large extent with other persons, stated that they werenot in a position to undertake any orders to be done in so shorta time. This was the reply:
"I sent your last letter, received yesterday, to the Secretaryof the Navy, who was very desirous to have you build the iron-platedor bomb-proof batteries, and I trust that he may yet decideto have you build one or more of the gunboats."
(Loud cheers.) I think, perhaps, in the present state of thelaw in America, I shall not be asked to give the name of mycorrespondent (hear), but he is a gentleman of the highest respectability.If any honourable member wishes, I should have no hesitation in handingthe whole correspondence, with the original letters, into the hands ofyou, sir, or the First Minister of the Crown, in strict confidence,because there are communications in these letters respecting the viewsof the American Government which I certainly should not divulge, whichI have not mentioned or alluded to before. But seeing that the AmericanGovernment are making so much work about other parties,whom they charge with violating or evading the law, though inreality they have not done so, I think it only fair to state thosefacts. (Cheers.) As I said before, they are facts. (Hear,hear.) I do not feel at liberty to state those points to which Ihave referred, as being of a confidential character, but, if anyhonourable gentleman feels a doubt regarding the accuracy ofwhat I have stated, I shall feel happy to place the documents inthe hands of the Speaker, or of the First Minister of the Crown,when he will see that they substantiate much more than I havestated. (Cheers.) I do not wish to occupy the House longer;but I must say this, that to talk of freedom in a land like theNorthern States of America is an absurdity. Almost everydetective that can be got hold of in this country is employed.(Hear, hear.) I believe there are spies in my son's works inBirkenhead, and in all the great establishments in the country.A friend of mine had detectives regularly on his track in consequenceof some circ*mstances connected with his vessels. If that be freedom,I think we had better remain in the position in which we now are.(Cheers and laughter.) In conclusion, I will allude to a remark whichwas made elsewhere last night—a remark, I presume, applying to me orto somebody else, which was utterly uncalled for. (Hear.) I have onlyto say that I would rather be handed down to posterity as the builder of adozen Alabamas than as the man who applies himself deliberatelyto set class against class (loud cheers), and to cry up the institutionsof another country, which, when they come to be tested, are of no valuewhatever, and which reduce liberty to an utter absurdity. (Cheers.)
No. IV.
From the Journal of an Officer of the ALABAMA.
Sunday, 11th.—Fine moderate breeze from the eastward.Read Articles of War. Noon: Eighteen miles from Galveston.As I write this some are discussing the probability of a fightbefore morning. 2.25 P.M.: Light breeze; sail discovered bythe look-out on the bow. Shortly after, three, and at last five,vessels were seen; two of which were reported to be steamers.Every one delighted at the prospect of a fight, no doubt whateverexisting as to their being war-vessels—blockaders we supposed.The watch below came on deck, and of their own accord began preparingthe guns, &c., for action. Those whose watch it was on deck were engagedin getting the propeller ready for lowering; others were bending a cableto a kedge and putting it over the bow—the engineers firing up for steam,officers looking to their side-arms, &c., and discussing the size oftheir expected adversary or adversaries. At 2.30 shortened sailand tacked to the southward. 4 P.M.: A steamer reportedstanding out from the fleet toward us. Backed maintopsail andlowered propeller. 4.50: Every thing reported ready for action.Chase bearing N.N.E., distant ten miles. Twilight set in about5.45. Took in all sail. At 6.20 beat up to quarters, mannedthe starboard battery, and loaded with five second shell; turnedround, stood for the steamer, having previously made her out tobe a two-masted side-wheel, of apparent 1,200 tons, though atthe distance she was before dark we could not form any correctestimate of her size, &c.
At 6.30 the strange steamer hailed and asked, "Whatsteamer is that?" We replied (in order to be certain who hewas), "Her Majesty's ship Petrel! What steamer is that?"Two or three times we asked the question, until we heard,"This is the United States steamer——," not hearing thename. However, United States steamer was sufficient. As nodoubt existed as to her character, we said, at 6.35, that this wasthe "Confederate States steamer, Alabama," accompanying thelast syllable of our name with a shell fired over him. The signalbeing given, the other guns took up the refrain, and a tremendousvolley from our whole broadside given to him, every shell strikinghis side, the shot striking being distinctly heard on board our vessel,and thus found that she was iron.
The enemy replied, and the action became general. A mostsharp spirited firing was kept up on both sides, our fellows pepperingaway as though the action depended on each individual. And so it did.Pistols and rifles were continually pouring from our quarter-deckmessengers most deadly, the distance during the hottest of the fightnot being more than forty yards! It was a grand, though fearful sight,to see the guns belching forth, in the darkness of the night, sheets ofliving flame, the deadly missiles striking the enemy with a force thatwe could feel. Then, when the shells struck her sides, especially thepercussion ones, her whole side was lit up, and showing rents of five orsix feet in length. One shot had just struck our smoke-stack, and woundingone man in the cheek, when the enemy ceased his firing, andfired a lee gun; then a second, and a third. The order wasgiven to "Cease firing." This was at 6.52. A tremendouscheering commenced, and it was not till everybody had clearedhis throat to his own satisfaction, that silence could be obtained.We then hailed him, and in reply he stated that he had surrendered,was on fire, and also that he was in a sinking condition. Hethen sent a boat on board, and surrendered the U.S. gunboat,Hatteras, nine guns, Lieutenant-Commander Blake, 140 men.Boats were immediately lowered and sent to his assistance, whenan alarm was given that another steamer was bearing down forus. The boats were recalled and hoisted up, when it was foundto be a false alarm. The order was given, and the boatswainand his mates piped "All hands out boats to save life;" and soonthe prisoners were transferred to our ship—the officers underguard on the quarter deck, and the men in single irons. Theboats were then hoisted up, the battery run in and secured, andthe main brace spliced. All hands piped down, the enemy'svessel sunk, and we steaming quietly away by 8.30, all havingbeen done in less than two hours. In fact, had it not been forour having the prisoners on board, we would have sworn nothingunusual had taken place—the watch below quietly sleeping intheir hammocks. The conduct of our men was truly commendable.No flurry, no noise—all calm and determined. The coolnessdisplayed by them could not be surpassed by any old veterans—ourchief boatswain's mate apparently in his glory. "Sponge!"—"Loadwith cartridge!"—"Shell-fire seconds!"—"Runout!"—"Well,down compressors!"—"Left, traverse!"—"Well!"—"Ready!"—"Fire!"—"That'sinto you!"—"Damn you! that kills your pig!"—"That stops your wind!"&c., &c., was uttered as each shot was heard to strike with a crash thatnearly deafened you. The other boatswain's mate seemed equally toenjoy the affair. As he got his gun to bear upon the enemy, hewould take aim, and banging away, would plug her, exclaiming,as each shot told—"That's from the scum of England!"—"That'sa British pill for you to swallow!" the New York papershaving once stated that our men were the "scum of England."All other guns were served with equal precision. We werestruck seven times; only one man being hurt during the engagement,and he only received a flesh-wound in the cheek. One shotstruck under the counter, penetrating as far as a timber, thenglancing off; a second struck the funnel; a third going throughthe side across the berth-deck, and into the opposite side; anotherraising the deuce in the lamp room; the others lodging in thecoal-bunkers. Taking a shell up and examining it, we found itfilled with sand instead of powder. The enemy's fire was directedchiefly towards our stern, the shots flying pretty quick overthe quarter-deck, near to where our Captain was standing. Asthey came whizzing over him, he, with his usual coolness, wouldexclaim—"Give it to the rascals!"—"Aim low, men!"—"Don'tbe all night sinking that fellow!" when for all or anything we knew,she might have been an iron-clad or a ram.
On Commander Blake surrendering his sword, he said that"it was with deep regret he did it." Captain Semmes smackedhis lips and invited him down to his cabin. On Blake giving hisrank to Captain Semmes, he gave up his state-room for Blake'sspecial use, the rest of the officers being accommodated accordingto their rank in the wardroom and steerages, all having previouslybeen paroled, the crew being placed on the berth-deck, ourmen sleeping anywhere, so that the prisoners might take theirplaces. Of the enemy's loss we could obtain no correct accounts,a difference of seventeen being in their number of killed, theHatteras having on board men she was going to transfer to otherships. Their acknowledged loss was only two killed and sevenwounded. A boat had been lowered just before the action toboard us; as we anticipated, and learnt afterwards, it pulled infor the fleet and reached Galveston. From conversation withher First-Lieutenant, I learnt that as soon as we gave our nameand our first broadside, the whole after division on board her leftthe guns, apparently paralyzed; it was some time before theyrecovered themselves. The conduct of one of her officers wascowardly and disgraceful in the extreme. Some of our shellswent completely through her before exploding, others burst insideher, and set her on fire in three places. One went throughher engines, completely disabling her; another exploding in hersteam chest, scalding all within reach. Thus was fought, twenty-eightmiles from Galveston, a battle, though small, yet the firstyard-arm action between two steamers at sea. She was onlyinferior in weight of metal—her guns being nine in number, viz.,four thirty-two pounders, two rifled thirty pounders, carrying60lb. shot (conical), one rifled twenty pounder, and a couple ofsmall twelve pounders. On account of the conflicting statementsmade by her officers, we could never arrive at a correct estimateof her crew. Our prisoners numbered seventeen officers, onehundred and one seamen. We further learnt that the Hatteraswas one of seven vessels sent to recapture Galveston, it being(although unknown to us) in the possession of our troops. Wealso found that the flag-ship Brooklyn, twenty-two guns, and theOneida, nine guns, sailed in search of us. By their account ofthe course they steered they could not fail to have seen us.
No. V.
[From the Cape Argus.]
August 6th, 1863.
Yesterday, at almost noon, a steamer from the northwardwas made down from the signal-post, Lion's-hill. The Governorhad, on the previous day, received a letter from CaptainSemmes, dated Saldanha Bay, informing his Excellency that thegallant captain had put his ship into Saldanha Bay for repairs.This letter had been made public in the morning, and had causedno little excitement. Cape Town, that has been more thandull—that has been dismal for months, thinking and talking ofnothing but bankruptcies—bankruptcies fraudulent and bankruptciesunavoidable—was now all astir, full of life and motion.The stoop of the Commercial Exchange was crowded with merchants,knots of citizens were collected at the corner of everystreet; business was almost, if not altogether suspended. Allthat could be gleaned, in addition to the information in CaptainSemmes' letter to the Governor, a copy of which was sent to theUnited States Consul immediately it was received, was that theschooner Atlas had just returned from Malagas Island, whereshe had been with water and vegetables for men collecting guanosthere. Captain Boyce, the master of the Atlas, reported that hehad himself actually seen the steamer Alabama; a boat fromthe steamer had boarded his vessel, and he had been on boardher. His report of Captain Semmes corroborated that given byevery one else. He said the captain was most courteous andgentlemanly. He asked Captain Boyce to land thirty prisonersfor him in Table Bay, with which request Captain Boyce wasunable to comply. Captain Semmes said that the Florida wasalso a short distance off the Cape, and that the Alabama, whenshe had completed her repairs, and was cleaned and painted,would pay Table Bay a visit. He expected to be there, he said,very nearly as soon as the Atlas.
Shortly after the Atlas arrived, a boat brought up some ofthe prisoners from Saldanha Bay, and amongst them one of thecrew of the Alabama, who said he had left the ship. All thesewaited on the United States Consul, but were unable to givemuch information beyond what we had already received. Thenews that the Alabama was coming into Table Bay, and wouldprobably arrive about four o'clock this afternoon, added to theexcitement. About noon a steamer from the north-west wasmade known by the signal-man on the hill. Could this be theAlabama? or was it the Hydaspes, from India, or the LadyJocelyn, from England? All three were now hourly expected,and the city was in doubt. Just after one it was made down,"CONFEDERATE STEAMER ALABAMA, FROM THE N.W., AND FEDERAL BARQUEFROM THE S.E." Here was to be a capture by the celebrated Confederatecraft, close to the entrance of Table Bay. The inhabitants rushed offto get a sight. Crowds of people ran up the Lion's-hill, and to theKloof-road. All the cabs were chartered—every one of them; there wasno cavilling about fares; the cabs were taken and no questions asked,but orders were given to drive as hard as possible. The barquecoming in from the south-east, and, as the signal-man madedown, five miles off; the steamer, coming in from the north-west,eight miles off, led us to think that the Kloof-road was the bestplace for a full view. To that place we directed our Jehu todrive furiously. We did the first mile in a short time; but theKloof-hill for the next two and-a-half miles is up-hill work.The horse jibbed, so we pushed on, on foot, as fast as possible,and left the cab to come on. When we reached the summit, wecould only make out a steamer on the horizon, from eighteen totwenty miles off. This could not be the Alabama, unless shewas making off to sea again. There was no barque. As soonas our cab reached the crown of the hill, we set off at a breakneckpace down the hill, on past the Roundhouse, till we camenear Brighton, and as we reached the corner, there lay the Alabamawithin fifty yards of the unfortunate Yankee. As the Yankee came roundfrom the south-east, and about five miles from the bay, the steamercame down upon her. The Yankee was evidently taken by surprise. TheAlabama fired a gun, and brought her to. When first we got sight of theAlabama, it was difficult to make out what she was doing; the barque'shead had been put about, and the Alabama lay off quite immovable, as ifshe were taking a sight at the "varmint!" The weather wasbeautifully calm and clear, and the sea was as smooth and transparentas a sheet of glass. The barque was making her way slowly from the steamer,with every bit of her canvas spread. The Alabama, with her steam off,appeared to be letting the barque get clear off. What could this mean?no one understood. It must be the Alabama. "There," said the spectators,"is the Confederate flag at her peak; it must be a Federalbarque, too, for there are the Stars and the Stripes of the Statesflying at her main." What could the Alabama mean lying there—
"As idly as a painted ship
Upon a painted ocean."
What it meant was soon seen. Like a cat watching and playing with avictimized mouse, Captain Semmes permitted his prize to draw off a fewyards, and he then up steam again, and pounced upon her. She firstsailed round the Yankee from stem to stern, and stern to stem again. Theway that fine, saucy, rakish craft was handled was worth riding ahundred miles to see. She went round the bark like a toy, making acomplete circle, and leaving an even margin of water between herself andher prize of not more than twenty yards. From the hill it appeared as ifthere were no water at all between the two vessels. This done, she senta boat with the prize crew off, took possession in the name of theConfederate States, and sent the barque off to sea. The Alabama thenmade for the port.
We came round the Kloof to visit Captain Semmes on board. As we came wefound the heights overlooking Table Bay covered with people; the road toGreen Point lined with cabs. The windows of the villas at the bottom ofthe hill were all thrown up, and ladies waved their handkerchiefs, andone and all joined in the general enthusiasm; over the quarries, alongthe Malay burying-ground, the Gallows Hill, and the beach, there weremasses of people—nothing but a sea of heads as far as the eye couldreach. Along Strand Street and Adderley Street the roofs of all thehouses from which Table Bay is overlooked, were made available asstanding-places for the people who could not get boats to go off to her.The central, the north, the south, and the coaling jetties, were allcrowded. At the central jetty it was almost impossible to force one'sway through to get a boat. However, all in good time, we did get a boat,and went off in the midst of dingies, cargo-boats, gigs and wherries,all as full as they could hold. Nearly all the city was upon the bay;the rowing clubs in uniform pulled off with favoured members of theirrespective clubs on board. The crews feathered their oars indouble-quick time, and their pulling, our "stroke" declared, was "acaution, and no mistake." Just before getting alongside, we passedCaptain Wilson in the port-boat, who told us that the prize taken wasthe Sea Bride, and that there was no difficulty in hearing from CaptainSemmes himself the whole story of the capture. We passed the Federalbarque Urania at her anchorage, and that ship, disregardful of theprivateer, sported all her bunting with becoming pluck. The Stars andStripes floated defiantly from her-mizen peak, and her name from hermain. On getting alongside the Alabama, we found about a dozen boatsbefore us, and we had not been on board five minutes before she wassurrounded by nearly every boat in Table Bay, and as boat after boatarrived, three hearty cheers were given for Captain Semmes and hisgallant privateer. This, upon the part of a neutral people, is,perchance, wrong; but we are not arguing a case—we are recording facts.They did cheer, and cheer with a will, too. It was not, perhaps, takingthe view of either side, Federal or Confederate, but in admiration ofthe skill, pluck, and daring of the Alabama, her captain, and her crew,who now afford a general theme of admiration for the world all over.
Visitors were received by the officers of the ship most courteously, andwithout distinction, and the officers conversed freely and unreservedlyof their exploits. There was nothing like brag in their manner ofanswering questions put to them. They are as fine and gentlemanly a setof fellows as ever we saw; most of them young men. The ship has been sofrequently described, that most people know what she is like, as we dowho have seen her. We should have known her to be the Alabama if we hadboarded her in the midst of the ocean, with no one to introduce us toeach other. Her guns alone are worth going off to see, and everythingabout her speaks highly for the seamanship and discipline of thecommander and his officers. She has a very large crew, fine,lithe-looking fellows, the very picture of English men-of-war's men.
The second officer told us that it was the Sea Bride they had captured,and pointed out her captain, who stood aft conversing with a number ofpeople who had gathered round him. "This, sir," said the officer, "isour fifty-sixth capture; we have sent her off with about ten of our menas a crew, and we left a few of her own men on board of her." We askedhim how he liked Saldanha Bay, and his answer was, "It is a verycharming place. Why did you not build Cape Town there?" Our answer was,"Because we never do anything properly at the Cape." "Ah, sir!" he said;"that is a great mistake to leave so fine a bay without harborconveniences. It is a great deal better than Table Bay. We enjoyedourselves capitally there, had some good shooting; one of us shot anostrich, a fine fellow, but he got away. Unfortunately, we lost one ofour officers there—one whom we all respected—as fine an officer asever trod this ship's deck. He was in a boat in the bay, shooting wildfowl; he drew his gun towards him, the barrel in his hand; the triggercaught, the charge passed through his lung, and his only dying wordswere, 'Oh, me!' and he fell back a corpse. But for that circ*mstance, weshould always remember Saldanha Bay with pleasure. The gun was within aninch of his breast when it went off."
After this melancholy recital, we walked across to get a little chatwith the prisoner so recently captured. He is a superior man, and spokeof the loss of his ship in the spirit of a philosopher. He was leaningagainst a rail just opposite the cabin. "What can't be cured must beendured," said he. In answer to our remark, that an hour more would havesaved him, he said, "Yes, it would; I had not the remotest idea of acapture at this end of the world. I never supposed that she was in thisdirection. I was in my cabin, washing," said he, "and my mate came downand said there was a steamer in sight. 'Capital!' I said; 'it is theEnglish mail-steamer; I shall be just in time for my letters.' He wentup again, and shortly returning, said, 'She is going to hail us.' 'Hailus!' I said; 'what the deuce can she want to hail us for?' and I went ondeck. I looked at that (pointing to the Confederate flag), and I soonsaw who we were falling into the hands of. I said, 'Good-bye, mate; weshall not be long here.' This, sir," he went on to say, "is the secondtime I have been captured coming to the Cape. I left New York in theM.J. Calcon, and was captured by the Florida in 33° West and between 28°and 29° North. I went home all right, and left New York again on the28th of May, direct for the Cape." This gentleman's name is Mr. H.Spaling.
The next we had an opportunity of conversing with was the chief officer.This gentleman who, by the way, stands six feet four out of his shoes,showed us round the ship with just pride. He pointed out to us thepeculiar qualities of the magnificent guns. One of Blakeley's riflepieces is a terrible-looking weapon. It throws conical shells of ahundred weight; and he remarked, "When we fought the Hatteras, theseconical shells struck one after the other in capital style; theyexploded with magnificent effect, and lit up her whole broadside." Manyof the captured crew we observed in irons.
We were now introduced to Capt. Semmes, who up to this time had beenengaged in the cabin with Mr. W.J. Anderson, of Anderson, Saxon, andCo., upon the subject of supplies, which are to be provided by the firm.We received a very cordial greeting from the gallant gentleman, whor*marked that at Bahia, and indeed everywhere he had been, both hisofficers and himself had received very great attention from the Englishresidents. We had always concluded that Captain Semmes, of thePowhattan, a fine steamer belonging to the States, to whom we wereintroduced some years since by the late Mr. D.M. Huckins, AmericanConsul, was the captain of the Sumter and Alabama; but we found we weremistaken, and on remarking this to the captain, he said, "Captain Semmesof the Powhattan is of the same family as myself—he is, indeed, mycousin; but he was born in the North, his interests are all there, andhe remains in the Federal service." Having desired us to take a seat, hesaid he should be happy to give us any information in his power; he hadno secrets, and bade us take notes if we wished so to do. He theninformed us that he had taken fifteen ships since he left Bahia. We toldhim that Captain Bartlett, of the ship Fortuna, stated that on the 2d ofJuly he saw a ship on fire. Our readers will recollect that theparticulars were given in a paragraph immediately after the Fortunaarrived. It was as follows:—"On the 2d of July, Captain Bartlett sawsome smoke rising up on the horizon, which he supposed to be the smokefrom a steamer. Later in the day, however, a strong reflection of lightwas seen in the sky, and which the captain at once believed to be a shipon fire. All hands were then called up 'to bout ship,' and they stoodtowards the spot from whence the light proceeded. This was about sixo'clock; and at two o'clock on the morning of the 3d July, and in lat.25° 57' South, and in long. 38° 20' West, the Fortuna ran up withinforty yards of a large vessel of 800 or 1000 tons, which was envelopedin one mass of flame from stem to stern. Nothing remained of her but herhull; the whole of her rigging, masts, and decks had already beenconsumed. As the Fortuna ran towards the wreck, another vessel—theOaks—bound to Calcutta, joined her, and the two vessels spoke oneanother. From what Captain Bartlett could make out, the captain of theOaks told him that in the evening, about half-past six, an Englishman-of-war had passed him, and whilst passing she fired two guns, fromwhich it was concluded that the crew of the burning vessel had beenrescued by the man-of-war." Captain Semmes said Captain Bartlett wasquite right in supposing that the ship had been set on fire by himself.She was the Annie F. Schmidt, from New York to San Francisco, with ageneral cargo on board; but the supposition of the man-of-war coming tothe rescue of the crew was a mistake. "We set her on fire in the night,"said Captain Semmes, "and shortly after we had done so, we heard acouple of guns. We thought it was another Yankee, and we up steam andfired a gun for her to heave-to. On coming alongside her, we found shewas Her Majesty's frigate Dido. 'We did not take her, sir,' said thecaptain, with a laugh; 'in fact, we never attempt to take any of HerMajesty's frigates.'"
We said we would mention that, and we do, as Captain Semmes's last. "TheDido people," he went on to say, "asked us if we had set the ship onfire, and I answered we had, and had got the crew safe on board. 'Allright!' was the answer, and we parted. She was a vessel of about 1000tons." We asked Captain Semmes if he could give us the names of thevessels he had captured. He answered that he could. "For," he said, "youEnglish people won't be neighbourly enough to let me bring my prizesinto your ports, and get them condemned, so that I am obliged to sithere a court of myself, try every case, and condemn the ships I take.The European powers, I see, some of them complain of my burning theships; but what, if they will preserve such strict neutrality as to keepme out of their ports, what am I to do with these ships when I take thembut burn them?" He then fetched his record books, and we took thefollowing down from his lips:—"The ships we have captured were—theOcmulgee, of 400 tons, thirty-two men on board; we burned her. TheAlert, a whaler of 700 tons; we burned her. The whaling schoonerWeathergauge; we burned her. The whaling brig Altamaha; we burned her.The whaling ship Benjamin Tucker; we burned her. The whaling schoonerCourser; we burned her. The whaling barque Virginia; we burned her. Thebarque Elisha Dunbar, a whaler; we burned her. The ship Brilliant, with1000 tons of grain on board; we burned her. The Emily Farnum we capturedand released as a cartel, and having so many prisoners we put some ofthem on board her, and sent them off. The Wave Crest, with a generalcargo on board for Europe, we set on fire. The Dunkirk brig, with ageneral cargo on board, we burned. The ship Tonawanda we captured, witha valuable freight on board, and released her, after taking a bond for athousand dollars. The ship Manchester, with a cargo of grain, we burned.The barque Lamplighter, with an assorted cargo for Europe, we burned.The barque Lafayette, with an assorted cargo, we burned. The schoonerCrenshaw, with an assorted cargo for the West Indies, we burned. Thebarque Lauretta, with an assorted cargo on board for Europe, we burned.The brig Baron de Custine we took a bond for and released. The whalingship Levi Starbuck we burned. The T.B. Wales, from Calcutta to Boston,with a valuable cargo on board, we burned. The barque Martha, fromCalcutta to West Indies, with an assorted cargo, we burned. The schoonerUnion we, after boarding, found had some English property on board, andwe released her on bond. The mail steamer Ariel Running between New Yorkand Aspinwall, we captured. Unfortunately she was going, not returning,or we should have had a lot of gold. We released her on bond. The UnitedStates gunboat Hatteras, who came out to fight us, had the same numberof guns and crew. Our guns were a little heavier than hers, but weequalized them by permitting her to fight us at 300 yards. We sunk herin thirteen minutes by the watch. The barque Golden Rule, with anassorted cargo, we burned. She belonged to the same company as theAriel. The brig Chastelaine we burned. The schooner Palmetto we burned.The barque Olive Jane we burned. The Golden Eagle, laden with guano, weburned. The Washington, from the Pacific, with guano, we released onbond. The Bethia Thayer, from East India, with a valuable cargo onboard, was released on bond. The John A. Parker, with flour and lumber,from Boston to Buenos Ayres, we burned. The Punjaub, from East India,we found to have some English cargo on board, we released on bond. Theship Morning Star we released on bond. The whaling schooner Kingfisherwe burned. The ship Nora, from Liverpool to West Indies, with salt onboard, we burned. The barque Lafayette we burned. The whaling brig KateCory we burned. The whaling barque Nye we burned. The Charles Hall, fromLiverpool, with coal, we burned.
"The ship Louisa Hatch, from Cardiff to West Indies, we burned. The shipDorcas Prince, with a general cargo, we burned. The ship Sea Lark, witha general cargo from the East Indies, we burned. The barque Union Jack,from Boston to Shanghai, we burned. We captured a Yankee consul on boardof her; he was on his way to Foochin; we landed him at the Brazils. Theship Gildersliene, from New York to the East Indies, we burned. Thebarque Justina we released on bond, to take home prisoners. The shipJabez Snow, from New York to the East Indies, we burned. The barqueAmazonian, from Boston to Buenos Ayres, we burned. The ship Talisman,from New York to the East Indies, we burned. The barque Conrad, fittedup as a Federal cruiser, a tender to a man-of-war, we captured andburned. After these came the Anne F. Schmidt, mentioned before, and theSea Bride—and the Sea Bride you saw us take to-day. The estimated valueof these captures is 4,200,000 dollars."
The American Consul, Mr. Graham, has handed to his Excellency theGovernor a protest against the capture of the Sea Bride, on the groundthat the vessel was in British waters at the time of her being stoppedby the Alabama. His Excellency told Mr. Graham that the decision of thecase remained purely on evidence, but he would see there was no breachof neutrality. The Captain of the Sea Bride says he is prepared to showby bearings that he was within two and a half miles of Robben Island.
No. VI.
Rear-Admiral Sir B. Walker to the Secretary to the Admiralty.August 19, 1863.
I beg you will be pleased to acquaint my Lords Commissioners of the
Admiralty with the following particulars relative to the proceedings of
the Confederate States ships of war Alabama, her reported tender
Tuscaloosa, and the Georgia, which have recently arrived at the Cape of
Good Hope.
2. On the 28th of July an English schooner arrived in Table Bay, andreported that on the previous day she had been boarded by theConfederate steamer Alabama, fifteen miles north-west of Green Point.After some inquiries the Alabama left her, steering south-east.
3. Upon the receipt of this intelligence I ordered Captain Forsyth, ofthe Valorous, to hold himself in readiness to proceed to any of theports in this colony where the Alabama might anchor, in order topreserve the rules of strict neutrality.
4. By a letter addressed to the Governor of this Colony by CaptainSemmes, copy of which was telegraphed to me on the 4th instant, itappears that the Alabama had proceeded to Saldanha Bay for a few days,anchoring there on the 29th of July.
5. On the 5th instant I received a private telegram to the effect thatthe Alabama was off Table Bay, when I directed the Valorous immediatelyto proceed to that anchorage; and shortly afterwards a telegram reachedme from the Governor stating "that the Alabama had captured a vessel(American), which was in sight, and steering for Table Bay." TheValorous reached that Bay at 10.15 P.M., where the Alabama had anchoredat 3 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day.
6. Captain Forsyth having informed me that the tender to the Alabama hadbeen ordered by Captain Semmes to Simon's Bay for provisions, and havinglearned that this vessel had been captured off the coast of Brazil, andnot been condemned in any Prize Court, I had doubts as to the legalityof considering her in the light of a tender, being under the impressionthat it was a ruse to disguise the real character of the vessel. Itherefore wrote to the Governor to obtain the opinion of theAttorney-General of the Colony upon this subject, which correspondenceis inclosed.
7. On the 8th of August the tender Tuscaloosa, a sailing barque, arrivedin Simon's Bay, and the boarding officer having reported to me that heroriginal cargo of wool was still on board, I felt that there weregrounds for doubting her real character, and again called the Governor'sattention to this circ*mstance. My letter and his reply are annexed. AndI would here beg to submit to their Lordships' notice that this power ofa captain of a ship of war to constitute every prize he may take a"tender," appears to me to be likely to lead to abuse and evasion of thelaws of strict neutrality, by being used as a means for bringing prizesinto neutral ports for disposal of their cargoes, and secretarrangements—which arrangements, it must be seen, could afterwards beeasily carried out at isolated places.
8. The Alabama, after lying three days in Table Bay, came to thisanchorage to caulk and refit. She arrived here on the 9th, and sailedagain on the 15th instant. Captain Semmes was guarded in his conduct,and expressed himself as most anxious not to violate the neutrality ofthese waters.
9. I should observe that, from the inclosed copy of a letter fromCaptain Forsyth to the Governor, it would appear that the vessel SeaBride, taken by the Alabama off Table Bay, was beyond the jurisdictionof neutral territory.
10. During his passage to this port Captain Semmes chased anotherAmerican vessel, the Martha Wentzel, standing in for Table Bay. On mypointing out to him that he had done so in neutral waters, he assured methat it was quite unintentional, and, being at a distance from the land,he did not observe that he had got within three miles of an imaginaryline drawn from the Cape of Good Hope to Cape Hanglip, but ondiscovering it he did not detain the vessel. The explanation Iconsidered sufficient.
11. The tender Tuscaloosa, having been detained by a strongsouth-easter, got under way for the purpose of going to sea on the 14thinstant, but anchored again a little distance from the Roman Rocklighthouse in consequence of thick fog prevailing.
12. The Alabama did not take in any coal, either here or at Table Bay,but after being caulked she proceeded to sea on the 15th instant,followed by the Tuscaloosa. Their destinations are unknown.
13. On the 16th instant, the Confederate States steamer Georgia,Commander Maury, anchored in this bay. She requires coal, provision, andcaulking. This vessel did not meet the Alabama outside.
14. The Florida, another Confederate States steamer, is reported to beoff this coast, probably cruising to intercept the homeward-boundAmerican ships from China; indeed, it is with that object these shipsare on this part of the Station.
15. I have learnt, since the departure of the Alabama, and her so-calledtender, that overtures were made by some parties in Cape Town topurchase the cargo of wool, but, being unsatisfactory, they were notaccepted. It is reported to be Captain Semmes' intention to destroy theTuscaloosa at sea.
16. The Alabama is a steamer of about 900 tons, with 8 guns, and 150men. The Georgia is an iron steamer of about 700 tons, with 5 guns, and110 men. The Tuscaloosa is a sailing-barque of 500 tons, having 2 smallguns and 10 men.
Captain Semmes, C.S.N., to Governor Sir P. Wodehouse. August 1, 1863.
An opportunity is offered me by the coasting schooner Atlas, tocommunicate with the Cape, of which I promptly avail myself.
I have the honour to inform your Excellency that I arrived in this bayon Wednesday morning last, for the purpose of effecting some necessaryrepairs. As soon as these repairs can be completed I will proceed tosea, and in the meantime your Excellency may rest assured that I willpay the strictest attention to the neutrality of your Government.
Rear-Admiral Sir B. Walker to Governor Sir P. Wodehouse. August 7,1863.
Captain Forsyth having informed me that the Alabama has a tender outsidecaptured by Captain Semmes on the coast of America, and commissioned byone of the Alabama's Lieutenants, and as this vessel has been orderedinto Simon's Bay for provisions, may I request your Excellency will begood enough to obtain the opinion of the Law Officers whether thisvessel ought still to be looked upon in the light of a prize, she neverhaving been condemned in a Prize Court; the instructions, copy of whichI inclose, strictly forbidding prizes captured by either of thecontending parties in North America being admitted into our ports.
Governor Sir P. Wodehouse to Rear-Admiral Sir B. Walker, August 8,1863.
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Excellency's letterof yesterday's date, and to inclose the copy of an opinion given by theActing Attorney-General to the effect that the vessel to which you referought to be regarded as a tender and not as a prize.
I shall take care to submit this question to Her Majesty's Government bythe next mail, but in the meantime I conclude that your Excellency willbe prepared to act on the opinion of the Attorney-General in respect toany vessels which may enter these ports in the character of prizesconverted into ships of war by the officers of the navy of theConfederate States.
Extracts from "Wheaton's Elements of International Law."
What constitutes a setting forth as a vessel of war has been determinedby the British Courts of Prize, in cases arising under the clause of theAct of Parliament, which may serve for the interpretation of our ownlaw, as the provisions are the same in both. Thus it has been settledthat where a ship was originally armed for the Slave Trade, and aftercapture an additional number of men were put on board, but there was nocommission of war and no additional arming, it was not a setting forthas a vessel of war under the Act. But a commission of war is decisive ifthere be guns on board; and where the vessel after the capture has beenfitted out as a privateer, it is conclusive against her, although, whenrecaptured, she is navigating as a mere merchant-ship; for where theformer character of a captured vessel had been obliterated by herconversion into a ship of war, the Legislature meant to look no further,but considered the title of the former owner forever extinguished. Whereit appeared that the vessel had been engaged in a military service ofthe enemy, under the direction of his Minister of the Marine, it washeld as a sufficient proof of a setting forth as a vessel of war; sowhere the vessel is armed, and is employed in the public militaryservice of the enemy by those who have competent authority so to employit, although it be not regularly commissioned. But the mere employmentin the enemy's military service is not sufficient; but if there be afair semblance of authority, in the person directing the vessel to be soemployed, and nothing upon the face of the proceedings to invalidate it,the Court will presume that he is duly authorized; and the commander ofa single ship may be presumed to be vested with this authority ascommander of a squadron.
Rear-Admiral Sir B. Walker to Governor Sir P. Wodehouse. August 8,1863.
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Excellency's letterof this day's date, covering the written opinion of the ActingAttorney-General of this Colony as to the legality of the so-calledtender to the Confederate States armed ship Alabama, and for which I begto express my thanks.
The vessel in question, now called the Tuscaloosa, arrived here thisevening, and the boarding officer from my flag-ship obtained thefollowing information:
That she is a barque of 500 tons, with two small rifled 12 pounder gunsand ten men, and was captured by the Alabama on the 21st June last, offthe coast of Brazil: cargo of wool still on board.
The admission of this vessel into port will, I fear, open the door fornumbers of vessels captured under similar circ*mstances beingdenominated tenders, with a view to avoid the prohibition contained inthe Queen's instructions; and I would observe that the vessel Sea Bridecaptured by the Alabama off Table Bay a few days since, or all otherprizes, might be in like manner styled tenders, making the prohibitionentirely null and void.
I apprehend that to bring a captured vessel under the denomination of avessel of war, she must be fitted for warlike purposes, and not merelyhave a few men and two small guns put on board of her (in fact nothingbut a prize crew) in order to disguise her real character as a prize.
Now this vessel has her original cargo of wool still on board, whichcannot be required for warlike purposes, and her armament and the numberof her crew are quite insufficient for any services other than those ofa slight defence.
Viewing all the circ*mstances of the case, they afford room for thesupposition, that the vessel is styled a "tender" with the object ofavoiding the prohibition against her entrance as a prize into our ports,where, if the captors wished, arrangements could be made for thedisposal of her valuable cargo, the transhipment of which, yourExcellency will not fail to see, might be readily effected on any partof the coast beyond the limits of this Colony.
My sole object in calling your Excellency's attention to the case is toavoid any breach of strict neutrality.
Governor Sir P. Wodehonse to Rear-Admiral Sir B. Walker. August 10,1863.
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Excellency's letterof the 8th instant, on which I have consulted the ActingAttorney-General.
The information given respecting the actual condition of the Tuscaloosais somewhat defective, but referring to the extract from Wheatontransmitted in my last letter, the Attorney-General is of opinion thatif the vessel received the two guns from the Alabama or otherConfederate vessel of war, or if the person in command of her has acommission of war, or if she be commanded by an officer of theConfederate navy, in any of these cases there will be a sufficientsetting forth as a vessel of war to justify her being held to be a shipof war; if all of these points be decided in the negative, she must beheld to be only a prize, and ordered to leave forthwith.
Rear-Admiral Sir B. Walker to Governor Sir P. Wodehouse. August 11,1863.
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Excellency'sletter, dated yesterday, respecting the Confederate barque Tuscaloosanow in this bay.
As there are two guns on board, and an officer of the Alabama in chargeof her, the vessel appears to come within the meaning of the cases citedin your above-mentioned communication.
Governor Sir P. Wodehouse to the Duke of Newcastle. August 19, 1863.
I beg to take this opportunity of making your Grace acquainted with whathas occurred here in connection with the visit of the Confederate Statessteamer Alabama.
On Tuesday, the 4th instant, I received a letter from the Commander ofthat vessel, dated the 1st August at Saldanha Bay, announcing his havingentered that bay with a view to effecting certain repairs, and statingthat he would put to sea as soon as they were completed, and wouldstrictly respect our neutrality.
When this intelligence was received, the United States Consul called onme to seize her, or at any rate to send her away instantly; but as thevessel which brought the news reported that the Alabama was comingimmediately to Table Bay, I replied that I could not seize her, butwould take care to enforce the observance of the neutral regulations.
On the next day, about noon, it was reported from the signal stationthat the Alabama was steering for Table Bay from the north, and that aFederal barque was coming in from the westward; and soon after, that thelatter had been captured and put about. A little after 2 P.M. the UnitedStates Consul called to state that he had seen the capture effectedwithin British waters; when I told him he must make his statement inwriting, and an investigation should be made. I also, by telegram,immediately requested the Naval Commander-in-Chief to send a ship of warfrom Simon's Bay. The Alabama, leaving her prize outside, anchored inthe bay 3.30 P.M., when Captain Semmes wrote to me that he wantedsupplies and repairs, as well as permission to land thirty-threeprisoners. After communicating with the United States Consul, Iauthorized the latter, and called upon him to state the nature andextent of his wants, that I might be enabled to judge of the time heought to remain in the port. The same afternoon he promised to send thenext morning a list of the stores needed, and announced his intention ofproceeding with all despatch to Simon's Bay to effect his repairs there.The next morning (August 6th) the Paymaster called on me with themerchant who was to furnish the supplies, and I granted him leave tostay till noon of the 7th.
On the night of the 5th, Her Majesty's ship Valorous had come round fromSimon's Bay. During the night of the 6th the weather becameunfavourable; a vessel was wrecked in the bay, and a heavy sea preventedthe Alabama from receiving her supplies by the time arranged. On themorning of the 8th, Captain Forsyth, of the Valorous, and the PortCaptain, by my desire, pressed on Captain Semmes the necessity for hisleaving the port without any unnecessary delay; when he pleaded thecontinued heavy sea and the absence of his cooking apparatus, which hadbeen sent on shore for repairs, and had not been returned by thetradesman at the time appointed, and intimated his own anxiety to getaway. Between 6 and 7 A.M., on Sunday, the 9th, he sailed, and on hisway round to Simon's Bay captured another vessel; but on finding thatshe was in neutral waters he immediately released her.
In the meantime, the United States Consul had, on the 5th August,addressed to me a written statement that the Federal barque Sea Bridehad been taken "about four miles from the nearest land," and "already inBritish waters;" on which I promised immediate inquiry. The next day theConsul repeated his protest, supporting it by an affidavit of the masterof the prize, which he held to show that she had been taken about twomiles and a half from the land; and the agent for the United Statesunderwriters, on the same day, made a similar protest. On the 7th, theConsul represented that the prize had, on the previous day, been broughtwithin one mile and a half of the lighthouse, which he considered asmuch a violation of the neutrality as if she had been there captured,and asked me to have the prize crew taken out and replaced by one fromthe Valorous, which I declined.
I had, during this period, been seeking for authentic information as tothe real circ*mstances of the capture, more particularly with referenceto the actual distance from the shore, and obtained through the ActingAttorney-General statements from the keeper of the Green PointLighthouse (this was supported by the Collector of Customs), from thesignal-man at the station at the Lion's Rump, and from an experiencedboatman who was passing between the shore and the vessels at the time.Captain Forsyth, of the Valorous, also made inquiries of the captain ofthe Alabama and of the Port Captain, and made known the result to me.And upon all these statements I came to the conclusion that the vesselswere not less than four miles distant from land; and on the 8th Icommunicated to the United States Consul that the capture could not, inmy opinion, be held to be illegal by reason of the place at which it waseffected.
In his reply of the 10th, the Consul endeavoured to show howindefensible my decision must be, if, in these days of improvedartillery, I rested it on the fact of the vessels having been only threemiles from land. This passage is, I think, of considerable importance,as involving an indirect admission that they were not within three milesat the time of capture. And I hope your Grace will concur in my viewthat it was not my duty to go beyond what I found to be the distanceclearly established by past decisions under international law.
An important question has arisen in connection with the Alabama, onwhich it is very desirable that I should, as soon as practicable, bemade acquainted with the views of Her Majesty's Government. CaptainSemmes had mentioned after his arrival in port, that he had left outsideone of his prizes previously taken, the Tuscaloosa, which he hadequipped and fitted as a tender, and had ordered to meet him in Simon'sBay, as she also stood in need of supplies. When this became known tothe naval commander-in-chief, he requested me to furnish him with alegal opinion; and whether this vessel could he held to be a ship of warbefore she had been formally condemned in a prize court; or whether shemust not be held to be still a prize, and, as such, prohibited fromentering our ports. The Acting Attorney-General, founding his opinion onEarl Russell's despatch to your Grace, of the 31st January, 1862, and on"Wheaton's International Law," states in substance that it was open toCaptain Semmes to convert this vessel into a ship of war, and that sheought to be admitted into our ports on that footing.
On the 8th August the vessel entered Simon's Bay, and the Admiral wrotethat she had two small rifled guns, with a crew of ten men, and that hercargo of wool was still on board. He was still doubtful of the proprietyof admitting her.
On the 10th August, after further consultation with the ActingAttorney-General, I informed Sir Baldwin Walker that, if the guns hadbeen put on board by the Alabama, or if she had a commission of war, orif she were commanded by an officer of the Confederate Navy, there mustbe held to be a sufficient setting forth as a vessel of war to justifyher admission into port in that character.
The Admiral replied in the affirmative on the first and last points, andshe was admitted.
The Tuscaloosa sailed from Simon's Bay on the morning of the 14thinstant, but was becalmed in the vicinity until the following day, whenshe sailed about noon. The Alabama left before noon on the 15th instant.Neither of these vessels was allowed to remain in port longer than wasreally necessary for the completion of their repairs.
On the 16th, at noon, the Georgia, another Confederate war steamer,arrived at Simon's Bay in need of repairs, and is still there.
Before closing this despatch I wish particularly to request instructionson a point touched on in the letter from the United States Consul of the17th instant, viz.: the steps which should be taken here in the event ofthe cargo of any vessel captured by one of the belligerents being takenout of the prize at sea, and brought into one of our ports in a Britishor other neutral vessel.
Both belligerents are strictly interdicted from bringing their prizesinto British ports by Earl Russell's letter to the Lords of theAdmiralty of the 1st June, 1861, and I conceive that a colonialgovernment would be justified in enforcing compliance with that order byany means at its command, and by the exercise of force if it should berequired.
But that letter refers only to "prizes;" that is, I conceive, to shipsthemselves, and makes no mention of the cargoes they may contain.Practically the prohibition has been taken to extend to the cargoes; andI gathered, from a conversation with Captain Semmes on the subject ofour neutrality regulations, that he considered himself debarred fromdisposing of them, and was thus driven to the destruction of all that hetook. But I confess that I am unable to discover by what legal means Icould prevent the introduction into our ports of captured propertypurchased at sea, and tendered for entry at the custom-house in theusual form from a neutral ship. I have consulted the ActingAttorney-General on the subject, and he is not prepared to state thatthe customs authorities would be justified in making a seizure undersuch circ*mstances; and therefore, as there is great probability ofclandestine attempts being made to introduce cargoes of thisdescription, I shall be glad to be favoured with the earliestpracticable intimation of the views of Her Majesty's Government on thesubject.
Captain Semmes, C.S.N., to Sir P. Wodehouse. August 5, 1863.
I have the honour to inform your Excellency of my arrival in this bay,in the Confederate States steamer Alabama under my command. I have comein for supplies and repairs, and in the meantime I respectfully askleave to land in Cape Town thirty-three prisoners, lately captured by meon board two of the enemy's ships destroyed at sea. The United StatesConsul will doubtless be glad to extend such hospitality and assistanceto his distressed countrymen, as required of him by law.
Sir P. Wodehouse to Captain Semmes, C.S.N. August 5, 1863.
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter announcingyour arrival in this port, and to state that I have no objection tooffer to your landing the prisoners now detained in your ship.
I have further to beg that you will be good enough to state the natureand extent of the supplies and repairs you require, that I may beenabled to form some estimate of the time for which it will be necessaryfor you to remain in this port.
Captain Semmes, C.S.N., to Sir P. Wodehouse. August 5, 1863.
I have had the honour to receive your letter of this day's date, givingme permission to land my prisoners, and requesting me to state thenature of the supplies and repairs which I may require. In the way ofsupplies I shall need some provisions for my crew, a list of which willbe handed you to-morrow by the paymaster, and as for repairs my boilersneed some iron work to be done, and my bends require caulking, beingquite open. I propose to take on board the necessary materials here, andto proceed with all despatch to Simon's Bay for the purpose of makingthese repairs.
Mr. Adamson to Captain Semmes C.S.N. August 6, 1863.
I am directed by the Governor of this colony to acquaint you that hehas received from the Consul for the United States at this port arepresentation, in which he sets forth that an American barque wasyesterday captured by the ship which you command, in British waters, inviolation of the neutrality of the British Government, and claims fromhim redress for the alleged outrage.
His Excellency will be glad, therefore, to receive from you anyexplanation you may wish to give as to the circ*mstances in which thecapture was effected.
Captain Semmes, C.S.N., to Mr. Adamson. Cape Town, August 6, 1863.
I have had the honour to receive your communication of this day's date,informing me that the United States Consul at this port had presented tohis Excellency the Governor a representation in which he sets forth thatan American barque was yesterday captured by this ship under my commandin British waters, in violation of the neutrality of the BritishGovernment, and requesting me to make to his Excellency suchrepresentation as I may have to offer on the subject.
In reply, I have the honour to state that it is not true that the barquereferred to was captured in British waters, and in violation of Britishneutrality; she having been captured outside all headlands, and adistance from the nearest land of between five and six miles. As Iapproached this vessel I called the particular attention of my officersto the question of distance, and they all agreed that the capture wasmade from two to three miles outside the marine league.
U.S. Consul to Sir P. Wodehouse. August 4, 1863.
From reliable information received by me, and which you are alsodoubtless in possession of, a war steamer called the Alabama is now inSaldanha Bay, being painted, discharging prisoners of war, &c.
The vessel in question was built in England to prey upon the commerce ofthe United States of America, and escaped therefrom while on her trialtrip, forfeiting bonds of £20,000, which the British Government exactedunder the Foreign Enlistment Act.
Now, as your Government has a treaty of amity and commerce with theUnited States, and has not recognised the persons in revolt against theUnited States as a Government at all, the vessel alluded to should be atonce seized and sent to England, from whence she clandestinely escaped.Assuming that the British Government was sincere in exacting the bonds,you have doubtless been instructed to send her home to England, whereshe belongs. But if, from some oversight, you have not received suchinstructions, and you decline the responsibility of making the seizure,I would most respectfully protest against the vessel remaining in anyport of the colony another day. She has been at Saldanha Bay four [six]days already, and a week previously on the coast, and has forfeited allright to remain an hour longer by this breach of neutrality. Painting aship does not come under the head of "necessary repairs," and is noproof that she is unseaworthy; and to allow her to visit other portsafter she has set the Queen's proclamation of neutrality at defiancewould not be regarded as in accordance with the spirit and purpose ofthat document.
Mr. Adamson to U.S. Consul. August 5, 1863.
I am directed by the Governor to acknowledge the receipt of your letterof yesterday's date relative to the Alabama.
His Excellency has no instructions, neither has he any authority, toseize or detain that vessel; and he desires me to acquaint you that hehas received a letter from the Commander, dated the 1st instant, statingthat repairs were in progress, and as soon as they were completed heintended to go to sea. He further announces his intention of respectingstrictly the neutrality of the British Government.
The course which Captain Semmes here proposes to take is, in the
Governor's opinion, in conformity with the instructions he has himself
received relative to ships of war and privateers belonging to the United
States and the States calling themselves the Confederate States of
America visiting British ports.
The reports received from Saldanha Bay induce the Governor to believethat the vessel will leave that harbour as soon as her repairs arecompleted; but he will immediately, on receiving intelligence to thecontrary, take the necessary steps for enforcing the observance of therules laid down by Her Majesty's Government.
Mr. Graham (U.S. Consul) to Sir P. Wodehouse. August 5, 1863.
The Confederate steamer Alabama has just captured an American barque offGreen Point, or about four miles from the nearest land (Robben Island).I witnessed the capture with my own eyes, as did hundreds of others atthe same time. This occurrence at the entrance of Table Bay, and clearlyin British waters, is an insult to England and a grievous injury to afriendly Power, the United States.
Towards the Government of my country and her domestic enemies theGovernment of England assumes a position of neutrality; and if theneutrality can be infringed with impunity, in this bold and daringmanner, the Government of the United States will no doubt consider thematter as one requiring immediate explanation.
Believing that the occurrence was without your knowledge or expectation,and hoping you will take such steps to redress the outrage as theexigency requires, I am, &c.
Mr. Rawson to Mr. Graham. August 6, 1863.
I am directed by the Governor to acknowledge the receipt of your letterof yesterday's date respecting the capture of the Sea Bride by theAlabama, and to acquaint you that he will lose no time in obtainingaccurate information as to the circ*mstances of the capture. I have,&c.,
Colonial Secretary.
Mr. Graham to Sir P. Wodehouse. August 6, 1863.
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch of thisdate.
I beg now to enclose for your Excellency's perusal, the affidavit ofCaptain Charles F. White, of the Sea Bride, protesting against thecapture of the said barque in British waters. The bearings taken by himat the time of capture conclusively show that she was in neutral waters,being about two and a half miles from Robben Island. This statement isdoubtless more satisfactory than the testimony of persons who measuredthe distance by the eye.
I believe that there is no law defining the word "coast" other thaninternational law. That law has always limited neutral waters to thefighting distance from land, which, upon the invention of gunpowder, wasextended to a distance of three nautical miles from land on a straightcoast, and by the same rule, since the invention of Armstrong rifledcannon, to at least six miles.
But all waters inclosed by a line drawn between two promontories orheadlands are recognised by all nations as neutral, and England was thefirst that adopted the rule, calling such waters the "King's chambers."By referring to "Wheaton's Digest," page 234, or any other good work oninternational law, you will find the above rules laid down andelucidated.
The fact that the prize has not already been burned, and that her fateis still in suspense, is clear proof that Captain Semmes had misgivingsas to the legality of the capture, and awaits your Excellency's assent.If you decide that the prize was legally taken, you will assume aresponsibility which Captain Semmes himself declined to take.
Affidavit of C.F. White.
On this 6th day of August, A.D. 1863, personally appeared before me,Walter Graham, Consul of the United States at Cape Town, Charles F.White, master of the barque Sea Bride, of Boston, from New York, anddeclared on affidavit that on the 3d day of August instant, he sightedTable Mountain and made for Table Bay, but that on the 4th instant,night coming on, he was compelled to stand out. On the 5th instant, heagain made for the anchorage, and about two P.M. saw a steamer standingtoward the barque, which he supposed was the English mail steamer, buton nearing her, found her to be the Confederate steamer Alabama. He,Captain White, was peremptorily ordered to heave his vessel to as aprize to the Alabama. One gun was fired, and immediately after thedemand was made another gun was fired. Two boats were lowered from theAlabama and sent on board the barque. The officer in charge of theseboats demanded the ship's papers, which the said master was compelled totake on board the said steamer. This happened about a quarter beforethree o'clock. He and his crew were immediately taken from his vesseland placed as prisoners on board the Alabama, the officers and crewbeing put in irons. The position of the barque at the time of capturewas as follows:—Green Point Lighthouse bearing south by east; RobbenIsland Lighthouse north-east.
The said appearer did further protest against the illegal capture ofsaid vessel, as she was in British waters at the time of capture,according to bearings.
Mr. Graham to Sir P. Wodehouse. August 7, 1863.
Understanding from your letter of this date, received this morning,[17]that the case of the Sea Bride is still pending, I enclose theaffidavits of the first officer of that vessel and the cook and steward,which I hope will throw additional light on the subject.
[Footnote 17: A formal acknowledgment omitted here as superfluous.]
From the affidavit of the first officer, it appears that the allegedprize was brought within one and a half miles of Green Point Lighthouseyesterday at one o'clock P.M. Now, as the vessel was at that time incharge of a prize crew, it was a violation of neutrality as much as ifthe capture had been made at the same distance from land.
Pending your decision of the case I would most respectfully suggest thatthe prize crew on board the Sea Bride be removed, and that the vessel beput in charge of a crew from Her Majesty's ship Valorous.
Affidavit of James Robertson.
On the day and date hereof before me, Walter Graham, Consul for theUnited States of America at Cape Town, personally came and appearedJames Robertson, cook and steward of the barque Sea Bride, an Americanvessel, and made affidavit that he was on board said barque on the nightof the 5th day of August instant, after the said barque had beencaptured as a prize by the Confederate steamer Alabama, and a prize crewput on board. That at about five minutes before two o'clock A.M. of the6th instant, the prize crew on board the said barque received a signalfrom the Alabama aforesaid to burn the said barque, and immediately allhands were called to execute that order. That the sails were clewed, atar barrel taken from underneath the topgallant forecastle and placed inthe forecastle, and a bucketful of tar, with other combustibles andammunition, ordered on the cabin table, but that when these arrangementswere completed, another signal was received from the said Alabama,countermanding the order to burn the said prize, and to stand off and onthe land until daylight, which orders were obeyed.
Affidavit of John Schofield.
On the day and date hereof before me, Walter Graham, Consul for theUnited States of America at Cape Town, personally came and appearedJohn Schofield, first officer of the barque Sea Bride, of Boston, whomade affidavit that he was on board of said vessel at one o'clock P.M.yesterday, the 6th day of August instant, while she was in possession ofa prize crew of the steamer Alabama; that he took the bearings of saidbarque at that time, which were as follows: Robben Island Lighthousebore north-east by north one-half north, Green Point Lighthouse boresouth-west one-half west.
He also deposed that the officer in command of the barque came on deckabout that time, and stamping his foot as if chagrined to find her sonear the land, ordered her further off, which was done immediately.
I am directed by the Governor to acknowledge the receipt of your letterof this date, inclosing two affidavits relative to the Sea Bride, and tostate that his Excellency is not prepared to admit that the fact of thatvessel having been brought by the prize crew within one and a half milesof the Green Point Lighthouse "was a violation of the neutrality as muchas if the capture had taken place at the same distance from land,"although both the belligerents are prohibited from bringing their prizesinto British ports.
The Governor does not feel warranted in taking steps for the removal ofthe prize crew from the Sea Bride.
Mr. Bawson to Mr. Graham. August 8, 1863.
With reference to the correspondence that has passed relative to thecapture by the Confederate States steamer Alabama, of the barque SeaBride, I am directed by the Governor to acquaint you that, on the bestinformation he has been enabled to procure, he has come to theconclusion that the capture cannot be held to be illegal, or inviolation of the neutrality of the British Government, by reason of thedistance from land at which it took place.
His Excellency will, by next mail, make a full report of the case to Her
Majesty's Government.
Mr. Graham to Sir P. Wodehouse. August 10, 1863.
Your decision in the case of the Sea Bride was duly received at fouro'clock p. M. on Saturday. In communicating that decision you simplyannounce that the vessel was, in your opinion, and according to evidencebefore you, a legal prize to the Alabama; but you omit to state theprinciple of international law that governed your decision, and neglectto furnish me with the evidence relied upon by you.
Under these circ*mstances I can neither have the evidence verified orrebutted here, nor am I enabled to transmit it as it stands to theAmerican Minister at London, nor to the United States Government atWashington. An invitation to be present when the ex parte testimonywas taken was not extended to me, and I am therefore ignorant of thetenor of it, and cannot distinguish the portion thrown out from thatwhich was accepted. If your decision is that the neutral waters of thiscolony only extend a distance of three miles from land, the character ofthat decision would have been aptly illustrated to the people of CapeTown had an American war-vessel appeared on the scene, and engaged theAlabama in battle. In such a contest with cannon carrying a distance ofsix miles (three overland), the crashing buildings in Cape Town wouldhave been an excellent commentary on your decision.
But the decision has been made, and cannot be revoked here, so thatfurther comment at present is, therefore, unnecessary. It can only bereversed by the Government you represent, which it probably will be whenthe United States Government shall claim indemnity for the owners of theSea Bride.
An armed vessel named the Tuscaloosa, claiming to act under theauthority of the so-called Confederate States, entered Simon's Bay onSaturday the 8th instant. That vessel was formerly owned by citizens ofthe United States, and while engaged in lawful commerce was captured asa prize by the Alabama. She was subsequently fitted out with arms by theAlabama to prey upon the commerce of the United States, and now, withouthaving been condemned as a prize by any Admiralty Court of anyrecognized Government, she is permitted to enter a neutral port inviolation of the Queen's Proclamation, with her original cargo on board.Against this proceeding I hereby most emphatically protest, and I claimthat the vessel ought to be given up to her lawful owners. The captureof the Sea Bride in neutral waters, together with the case of theTuscaloosa, also a prize, constitute the latest and best illustration ofBritish neutrality that has yet been given.
Mr. Rawson to Mr. Graham. August 10, 1863.
I am directed by the Governor to acknowledge the receipt of your letterof this date, and to state with reference to that part of it whichrelates to the Tuscaloosa, that his Excellency is still incorrespondence with the Commander-in-chief respecting the character ofthat vessel, and the privileges to which she is entitled.
Mr. Graham to Sir P. Wodehouse. August 12, 1863.
Upon receiving your last communication to me dated the 10th instant, Ideemed it simply a report of progress on one subject treated of in mylast letter to your Excellency, and I have therefore waited anxiouslyfor the receipt of another letter from the Colonial Secretarycommunicating the final result in the case. Failing to receive it, andhearing yesterday P.M. that the Tuscaloosa would proceed to Sea fromSimon's Bay to-day, I applied for an injunction from the Supreme Courtto prevent the vessel sailing before I had an opportunity of showing bywitnesses that she is owned in Philadelphia in the United States, andher true name is Conrad; that she has never been condemned as a prize byany legally constituted Admiralty Court; and that I am ex officio thelegal agent of the owners, underwriters, and all others concerned. Ihave not yet learned the result of that application, and fearing thatdelay may allow her to escape, I would respectfully urge you to detainher in port until the proper legal steps can be taken.
I am well aware that your Government has conceded to the so-calledConfederate States the rights of belligerents, and is thereby bound torespect Captain Semmes' commission; but having refused to recognize the"Confederacy" as a nation, and having excluded his captures from all theports of the British Empire, the captures necessarily revert to theirreal owners, and are forfeited by Captain Semmes as soon as they enter aBritish port.
Hoping to receive an answer to this and the preceding letter as early aspossible, and that you will not construe my persistent course throughoutthis correspondence on neutral rights as importunate, or my remarks asinopportune, I have, &c.
Mr. Rawson to Mr. Graham. August 12, 1863.
I am directed by the Governor to acknowledge the receipt of your letterof this date, and to acquaint you that it was not until late lastevening that his Excellency received from the naval Commander-in-chiefinformation that the condition of the Tuscaloosa was such as, as hisExcellency is advised, to entitle her to be regarded as a vessel of war.
The Governor is not aware, nor do you refer him to the provisions ofinternational law by which captured vessels, as soon as they enter ourneutral ports, revert to their real owners, and are forfeited by theircaptors. But his Excellency believes that the claims of contendingparties to vessels captured can only be determined in the first instanceby the Courts of the captor's country.
The Governor desires me to add that he cannot offer any objection to thetenor of the correspondence which you have addressed to him on thissubject, and that he is very sensible of the courtesy you have exhibitedunder such very peculiar circ*mstances!!! He gives you credit for actingon a strict sense of duty to your country.
Mr. Graham to Sir P. Wodehouse. August 17, 1863.
I have delayed acknowledging the receipt of your last letter, dated the12th August, on account of events transpiring, but which have not yetculminated so as to form the subject of correspondence.
Your decision that the Tuscaloosa is a vessel of war, and by inference aprize, astonishes me, because I do not see the necessaryincompatibility. Four guns were taken from on board the Talisman (also aprize), and put on board the Conrad (Tuscaloosa), but that transfer didnot change the character of either vessel as a prize, for neither ofthem could cease to be a prize till it had been condemned in anAdmiralty Court of the captor's country, which it is not pretended hasbeen done. The Tuscaloosa, therefore, being a prize, was forbidden toenter Simon's Bay by the Queen's Proclamation, and should have beenordered off at once; but she was not so ordered. Granting that HerMajesty's Proclamation affirmed the right of Captain Semmes as abelligerent to take and to hold prizes on the high seas, it just asemphatically denied his right to hold them in British ports. Now, if hecould not hold them in Simon's Bay, who else could hold them exceptthose whose right to hold them was antecedent to his—that is, the,owners?
The Tuscaloosa remained in Simon's Bay seven days with her originalcargo of skins and wool on board. This cargo, I am informed by those whoclaim to know, has been purchased by merchants in Cape Town; and if itshould be landed here directly from the prize, or be transferred toother vessels at some secluded harbour on the coast beyond this Colony,and brought from thence here, the infringement of neutrality will be sopalpable and flagrant that Her Majesty's Government will probablysatisfy the claims of the owners gracefully and at once, and thus removeall cause of complaint. In so doing it will have to disavow andrepudiate the acts of its executive agents here—a result I have doneall in my power to prevent.
Greater cause of complaint will exist if the cargo of the Sea Bride isdisposed of in the same manner, as I have reason to apprehend it will bewhen negotiations are concluded; for being originally captured inneutral waters, the thin guise of neutrality would be utterly torn intoshreds by the sale of her cargo here.
The Georgia, a Confederate war-steamer, arrived at Simon's Bayyesterday, and the Florida, another vessel of the same class, hasarrived, or is expected hourly at Saldanha Bay, where she may remain aweek without your knowledge, as the place is very secluded. The Alabamaremained here in Table Bay nearly four days, and at Simon's Bay sixdays; and as the Tuscaloosa was allowed to remain at Simon's Bay sevendays, I apprehend that the Georgia and Florida will meet with the sameor even greater favours. Under such circ*mstances further protests fromme would seem to be unavailing, and I only put the facts upon record forthe benefit of my Government and officials possessed of diplomaticfunctions.
Mr. Rawson to Mr. Graham. August 19, 1863.
I am directed by the Governor to acknowledge the receipt of your letterof the 17th instant, and to state that he has, during the recenttransactions, endeavoured to act in strict conformity with the wishes ofHer Majesty's Government; he will in like manner pursue the same coursein any future cases which may arise.
I am to add that His Excellency has no reason to believe that either theAlabama or the Tuscaloosa have been allowed to remain in the ports ofthe Colony for a greater length of time than the state of the weather,and the execution of the repairs of which they actually stood in need,rendered indispensable.
Statement of Joseph Hopson.
Joseph Hopson, keeper of the Green Point Lighthouse, states:
I was on the look-out on Wednesday afternoon when the Alabama and SeaBride were coming in. When I first saw them the steamer was coming roundthe north-west of Robben Island, and the barque bore from or about fivemiles west-northwest. The barque was coming in under all sail with agood breeze, and she took nothing in when the gun was fired. I believetwo guns were fired, but the gun I mean was the last, and the steamerthen crossed the stern side of the barque, and hauled up to her on thestarboard side. He steamed ahead gently, and shortly afterwards I sawthe barque put round with her head to the westward, and a boat put offfrom the steamer and boarded her. Both vessels were then good five milesoff the mainland, and quite five, if not six, from the north-west pointof Robben Island.
Statement of W.S. Field, Collector of Customs.
I was present at the old Lighthouse, Green Point, on Wednesdayafternoon, at 2 P.M., and saw the Alabama capture the American barqueSea Bride, and I agree with the above statement as far as the positionof the vessels and their distance from shore.
I may also remark that I called the attention of Colonel Bisset and thelighthouse keeper Hopson to the distance of the vessels at the time ofthe capture, as it was probable we should be called upon to give ourevidence respecting the affair, and we took a note of the time itoccurred.
Statement of John Roe.
I was yesterday, the 5th day of August, 1863, returning from a whalechase in Hunt's Bay, when I first saw the barque Sea Bride standing fromthe westward on to the land. I came on to Table Bay, and when off CampsBay I saw the smoke of the Alabama some distance from the westward ofRobben Island. When I reached the Green Point Lighthouse the steamer wasstanding up towards the barque, which was about five miles and a half tothe westward of Green Point, and about four and half from the westernpoint of Robben Island. This was their position (being near each otherat the time) when the gun was fired.
Statement of Signalman at the Lion's Rump Telegraph Station.
On Wednesday last, the 5th day of August, 1863, I sighted the barque SeaBride about seven o'clock in the morning, about fifteen or twenty milesoff the land, standing into Table Bay from the south-west. There was alight breeze blowing from the north-west, which continued until aftermidday. About midday I sighted the Alabama screw steamer standing fromdue north towards Table Bay, intending, as it appeared to me, to takethe passage between Robben Island and the Blueberg Beach. She was thenbetween fifteen and eighteen miles off the land.
After sighting the steamer, I hoisted the demand for the barque, whenshe hoisted the American flag, which I reported to the Port Office, thebarque then being about eight miles off the land from Irville Point. Nosooner had the barque hoisted the American flag than the steamer turnedsharp round in the direction of and towards the barque. The steamerappeared at that time to have been about twelve miles off the land fromIrville Point, and about four or five miles outside of Robben Island,and about seven miles from the barque.
The steamer then came up to and alongside of the barque, when the latterwas good four miles off the land at or near the old Lighthouse, and fivemiles off the Island. The steamer, after firing a gun, stopped thefurther progress of the barque, several boats were sent to her, andafter that the barque stood out to sea again, and the Alabama steamedinto Table Bay.
Captain Forsyth to Sir P. Wodehouse. August 6, 1863.
In compliance with the request conveyed to me by your Excellency, I havethe honor to report that I have obtained from Captain Semmes a statementof the positions of the Confederate States steamer Alabama and theAmerican barque Sea Bride, when the latter was captured yesterdayafternoon.
Captain Semmes asserts that at the time of his capturing the Sea Bride,Green Point Lighthouse bore from the Alabama south-east about six or sixand a half miles.
This statement is borne out by the evidence of Captain Wilson, Port
Captain of Table Bay, who has assured me that at the time of the Sea
Bride being captured, he was off Green Point in the port boat, and that
only the top of the Alabama's hull was visible.
I am of opinion, if Captain Wilson could only see that portion of thehull of the Alabama, she must have been about the distance from theshore which is stated by Captain Semmes, and I have therefore come tothe conclusion that the barque Sea Bride was beyond the limits assignedwhen she was captured by the Alabama.
Rear-Admiral Sir B. Walker to the Secretary to the Admiralty.September 17, 1863.
With reference to my letters dated respectively the 19th and 31stultimo, relative to the Confederate States ship of war Alabama, and theprizes captured by her, I beg to inclose, for their Lordships'information, the copy of a statement forwarded to me by the Collector ofCustoms at Cape Town, wherein it is represented that the Tuscaloosa andSea Bride had visited Ichaboe, which is a dependency of this Colony.
2. Since the receipt of the above-mentioned document, the Alabamaarrived at this anchorage (the 16th instant), and when Captain Semmeswaited on me, I acquainted him with the report, requesting he wouldinform me if it was true. I was glad to learn from him that it was notso. He frankly explained that the prize Sea Bride in the first place hadput into Saldanha Bay through stress of weather, and on being joinedthere by the Tuscaloosa, both vessels proceeded to Angra Pequena, on theWest Coast of Africa, where he subsequently joined them in the Alabama,and there sold the Sea Bride and her cargo to an English subject whor*sides at Cape Town. The Tuscaloosa had landed some wool at AngraPequena and received ballast, but, he states, is still in commission asa tender. It will, therefore, be seen how erroneous is the accompanyingreport. I have no reason to doubt Captain Semmes' explanation; but heseems to be fully alive to the instructions of Her Majesty's Government,and appears to be most anxious not to commit any breach of neutrality.
3. The Alabama has returned to this port for coal, some provisions, andto repair her condensing apparatus.
4. From conversation with Captain Semmes, I find that he has been offthis Cape for the last five days, and as the Vanderbilt left this on thenight of the 11th instant, it is surprising they did not see each other.
The Duke of Newcastle to Sir P. Wodehouse. November 4, 1863.
I have received your despatch of the 19th August last, submitting for myconsideration various questions arising out of the proceedings at theCape of Good Hope of the Confederate vessels Georgia, Alabama, and herreputed tender, the Tuscaloosa.
I will now proceed to convey to you the views of Her Majesty's
Government on these questions.
The capture of the Sea Bride, by the Alabama, is stated to have beeneffected beyond the distance of three miles from the shore—whichdistance must be accepted as the limit of territorial jurisdiction,according to the present rule of international law upon that subject. Itappears, however, that the prize, very soon after her capture, wasbrought within the distance of two miles from the shore; and as this iscontrary to Her Majesty's orders, it might have afforded just grounds(if the apology of Captain Semmes for this improper act, which heascribed to inadvertence, had not been accepted by you) for theinterference of the colonial authorities upon the principles which I amabout to explain.
With respect to the Alabama herself, it is clear that neither you norany other authority at the Cape could exercise any jurisdiction overher; and that, whatever may have been her previous history, you werebound to treat her as a ship of war belonging to a belligerent Power.
With regard to the vessel called the Tuscaloosa, I am advised that thisvessel did not lose the character of a prize captured by the Alabama,merely because she was, at the time of her being brought within Britishwaters, armed with two small rifled guns, in charge of an officer, andmanned with a crew of ten men from the Alabama, and used as a tender tothat vessel under the authority of Captain Semmes.
It would appear that the Tuscaloosa is a barque of 500 tons, captured bythe Alabama, off the coast of Brazil, on the 21st of June last, andbrought into Simon's Bay on or before the 7th of August, with heroriginal cargo of wool (itself, as well as the vessel, prize) still onboard, and with nothing to give her a warlike character (so far as isstated in the papers before me), except the circ*mstances alreadynoticed.
Whether, in the case of a vessel duly commissioned as a ship of war,after being made prize by a belligerent Government, without being firstbrought infra praesidia, or condemned by a court of prize, thecharacter of prize, within the meaning of Her Majesty's orders, would orwould not be merged in that of a national ship of war, I am not calledupon to explain. It is enough to say that the citation from Mr.Wheaton's book by your attorney-general does not appear to me to haveany direct bearing upon the question.
Connected with this subject is the question as to the cargoes ofcaptured vessels, which is alluded to at the end of your despatch. Onthis point I have to instruct you that Her Majesty's orders apply asmuch to prize cargoes of every kind which may be brought by any armedships or privateers of either belligerent into British waters as to thecaptured vessels themselves. They do not, however, apply to any articleswhich may have formed part of any such cargoes, if brought withinBritish jurisdiction, not by armed ships or privateers of eitherbelligerent, but by other persons who may have acquired or may claimproperty in them by reason of any dealings with the captors.
I think it right to observe that the third reason alleged by theattorney-general for his opinion assumes (though the fact had not beenmade the subject of any inquiry) that "no means existed for determiningwhether the ship had or had not been judicially condemned in a court ofcompetent jurisdiction," and the proposition that, "admitting her tohave been captured by a ship of war of the Confederate States, she wasentitled to refer Her Majesty's Government, in case of any dispute, tothe court of her States in order to satisfy it as to her realcharacter." This assumption, however, is not consistent with HerMajesty's undoubted right to determine within her own territory whetherher own orders, made in vindication of her own neutrality, have beenviolated or not.
The question remains what course ought to have been taken by theauthorities of the Cape—
1st. In order to ascertain whether this vessel was, as alleged by theUnited States Consul, an uncondemned prize brought within British watersin violation of Her Majesty's neutrality; and
2dly. What ought to have been done if such had appeared to be really thefact.
I think that the allegations of the United States Consul ought to havebeen brought to the knowledge of Captain Semmes while the Tuscaloosawas still within British waters, and that he should have been requestedto state whether he did or did not admit the facts to be as alleged. Heshould also have been called upon (unless the facts were admitted) toproduce the Tuscaloosa's papers. If the result of these inquiries hadbeen to prove that the vessel was really an uncondemned prize, broughtinto British waters in violation of Her Majesty's orders made for thepurpose of maintaining her neutrality, I consider that the mode ofproceeding in such circ*mstances, most consistent with Her Majesty'sdignity, and most proper for the vindication of her territorial rights,would have been to prohibit the exercise of any further control over theTuscaloosa by the captors, and to retain that vessel under Her Majesty'scontrol and jurisdiction until properly reclaimed by her originalowners.
Sir P. Wodehouse to the Duke of Newcastle. December 19, 1863.
I have had the honour to receive your Grace's despatch of the 4thultimo, from which I regret to learn that the course taken here relativeto the Confederate war steamer Alabama and her prizes has not in somerespects given satisfaction to Her Majesty's Government.
I must only beg your Grace to believe that no pains were spared by thelate Acting Attorney-General or by myself to shape our course in what webelieved to be conformity with the orders of Her Majesty's Governmentand the rules of international law, as far as we could ascertain andinterpret them.
Mr. Denyssen has been so constantly engaged with professional businesssince the arrival of the mail that I have been prevented from discussingwith him the contents of your despatch; but I think it right,nevertheless, to take advantage of the first opportunity forrepresenting to your Grace the state of uncertainty in which I am placedby the receipt of this communication, and for soliciting such furtherexplanations as may prevent my again falling into error on thesematters. In so doing I trust you will be prepared to make allowance forthe difficulties which must arise out of this peculiar contest, inrespect of which both parties stand on a footing of equality asbelligerents, while only one of them is recognized as a nation.
In the first place, I infer that I have given cause for dissatisfactionin not having more actively resented the fact that the Sea Bride, on theday after her capture, was brought a short distance within Britishwaters.
Your Grace demurs to my having accepted Captain Semmes' apology for thisimproper act, which he ascribed to inadvertence. You will pardon mynoticing that the fact of the act having been done through inadvertencewas established by the United States Consul himself, one of whosewitnesses stated, "the officer in command of the barque came on deckabout that time, and stamping his foot as if chagrined to find her sonear the land, ordered her further off, which was done immediately."
I confess that on such evidence of such a fact I did not consider myselfwarranted in requiring the commander of Her Majesty's ship Valorous totake possession of the Alabama's prize.
The questions involved in the treatment of the Tuscaloosa are far moreimportant and more embarrassing; and first let me state, with referenceto the suggestion that Captain Semmes should have been required to admitor deny the allegations of the United States Consul, that no suchproceeding was required. There was not the slightest mystery orconcealment of the circ*mstances under which the Tuscaloosa had comeinto, and then was in possession of the Confederates. The facts were notdisputed. We were required to declare what was her actual status underthose facts. We had recourse to Wheaton, the best authority onInternational Law within our reach—an authority of the nation with whomthe question had arisen—an authority which the British Secretary forForeign Affairs had recently been quoting in debates on Americanquestions in the House of Lords.
Your Grace intimates that the citation from this authority by the ActingAttorney-General does not appear to have any direct bearing upon thequestion.
You will assuredly believe that it is not from any want of respect foryour opinion, but solely from a desire to avoid future error, that Iconfess my inability to understand this intimation, or, in the absenceof instructions on that head, to see in what direction I am to look forthe law bearing on the subject.
The paragraph cited made no distinction between a vessel with cargo anda vessel without cargo; and your Grace leaves me in ignorance whetherher character would have been changed if Captain Semmes had got rid ofthe cargo before claiming for her admission as a ship of war. Certainly,acts had been done by him which, according to Wheaton, constituted a"setting forth as a vessel of war."
Your Grace likewise states, "Whether in the case of a vessel dulycommissioned as a ship of war, after being made prize by a belligerentGovernment without being first brought infra praesidia, or condemnedby a Court of Prize, the character of prize, within the meaning of HerMajesty's orders, would or would not be merged in a national ship ofwar, I am not called upon to explain."
I feel myself forced to ask for further advice on this point, on whichit is quite possible I may be called upon to take an active part. I havealready, in error apparently, admitted a Confederate prize as a ship ofwar. The chief authority on International Law, in which it is in mypower to refer, is Wheaton, who apparently draws no distinction betweenships of war and other ships when found in the position of prizes; and Iwish your Grace to be aware that within the last few days the commanderof a United States ship of war observed to me that if it were his goodfortune to capture the Alabama, he should convert her into a Federalcruiser.
I trust your Grace will see how desirable it is that I should be fullyinformed of the views of Her Majesty's Government on these points, andthat I shall be favoured with a reply to this despatch at your earliestconvenience.
Rear-Admiral Sir B. Walker to the Secretary to the Admiralty. January5, 1864.
I request you will be pleased to acquaint my Lords Commissioners of theAdmiralty that the barque called the Tuscaloosa, under the flag of theConfederate States of North America (referred to in my letter of the19th of August last), termed a tender to the Alabama, returned to thisanchorage on the 26th ultimo from cruising off the coast of Brazil.
2. In order to ascertain the real character of this vessel, I directedthe boarding officer from my flag-ship to put the questions, as perinclosure No. 1, to the officer in command, Lieutenant Low, of theAlabama; and having satisfied myself from his answers that the vesselwas still an uncondemned prize captured by the Alabama under the name ofthe Conrad, of Philadelphia, I communicated the circ*mstances to theGovernor of this Colony, who, concurring in opinion with me that sheought to be retained under Her Majesty's control and jurisdiction untilreclaimed by her proper owners, for violation of Pier Majesty's ordersfor the maintenance of her neutrality, I caused the so-calledTuscaloosa to be taken possession of; informing Lieutenant Low, at thesame time, of the reason for doing so.
3. Lieutenant Low has entered a written protest against the seizure ofthe vessel, a copy of which, together with the reply of the Governor, Iinclose for their Lordships' information, as well as a copy of all thecorrespondence which has passed on this subject.
4. Lieutenant Low having informed me that he expects the Alabama shortlyto arrive at this place, I have allowed him and his crew to remain onboard the Conrad for the present; but should the Alabama not make herappearance I have acquainted him that I will grant him and his officers(probably only one besides himself) a passage to England in one of thepackets. The crew he wishes to discharge if there is no opportunity oftheir rejoining the Alabama.
5. The vessel in question is at present moored in this bay, in charge ofan officer and a few men belonging to Her Majesty's ship Narcissus,where she will remain until she can be properly transferred to herlawful owners, as requested by the Governor.
Questions to be put to the Officer in Command or Charge of the barqueTuscaloosa, carrying the Flag of the so-called Confederate States ofAmerica.
Ship's name and nation?—Tuscaloosa. Confederate.
Name and rank of officer in command?—Lieutenant Low, late Alabama.
Tonnage of the ship?—500.
Number of officers and men on hoard?—4 officers and 20 men.
Number and description of guns on board?—3 small brass guns, 2 rifled12 pounders, 1 smooth-bore-pounder.
Where is she from?—St. Katherine's, Brazils.
Where is she bound?—Cruising.
For what purpose has the ship put into this port?—For repairs andsupplies.
Is it the same ship that was captured by the Alabama, and afterwardscame to this port on the 9th of August last?—Yes.
What was her original name, on being captured by the Alabama?—Conrad,of Philadelphia.
When was she captured by Alabama?—21st June, 1863.
To what nation and to whom did she belong before her capture?—Federal
States of America.
Has she been taken before any legally constituted Admiralty Court of the
Confederate States?—No.
Has she been duly condemned as a lawful prize by such Court to thecaptors?—No.
What is she now designated?—Tender to the Alabama.
What papers are there on board to constitute her as the Confederatebarque Tuscaloosa?—The commission of the Lieutenant commanding theTuscaloosa from Captain Semmes. The officers also have commissions totheir ship from him.
Are the papers which belonged to her before she was seized by the
Alabama on board?—No.
Is there any cargo on board, and what does it consist of?—Nocargo—only stores for ballast.
(Signed) JOHN LOW,
Lieut.-Commander, Confederate States barque Tuscaloosa.
Lieutenant and Boarding Officer, Her Majesty's ship Narcissus.
Rear-Admiral Sir B. Walker to Lieutenant Low, C.S.N. December 27,1863.
As it appears that the Tuscaloosa, under your charge and command, is avessel belonging to the Federal States of America, having been capturedby the Confederate States ship of war Alabama, and not having beenadjudicated before any competent Prize Court, is still an uncondemnedprize, which you have brought into this port in violation of HerBritannic Majesty's orders for the maintenance of her neutrality, I havethe honour to inform you that, in consequence, I am compelled to detainthe so-called Tuscaloosa (late Conrad) with a view of her being restoredto her original owners, and I request you will be so good as to transferthe charge of the vessel to the officer bearing this letter to you.
Rear-Admiral Sir B. Walker to Sir P. Wodehouse. December 28, 1863.
I have the honour to inform your Excellency that, acting upon yourconcurrence in my opinion with reference to the instructions receivedfrom home by the last mail, I have detained the barque Tuscaloosa (lateConrad of Philadelphia), because she is an uncondemned prize, taken bythe Confederate States ship of war Alabama, and brought into Britishwaters in violation of Her Majesty's Orders for maintaining herneutrality, and with the view to her being restored to her originalowners.
I shall be ready to hand her over to the Consul of the United States at
Cape Town, or to any person you may appoint to take charge of her.
I should add that Lieutenant Low has given up the Tuscaloosa (lateConrad) under protest, which he is about to make in writing, a copy ofwhich shall be transmitted to your Excellency as soon as received.
Lieutenant Low, C.S.N., to Sir P. Wodehouse. December 28, 1863
As the officer in command of the Confederate States ship Tuscaloosa,tender to the Confederate States steamer Alabama, I have to record myprotest against the recent extraordinary measures which have beenadopted towards me and the vessel under my command by the Britishauthorities of this Colony.
In August last the Tuscaloosa arrived in Simon's Bay. She was not onlyrecognised in the character which she lawfully claimed and still claimsto be, viz., a commissioned ship of war belonging to a belligerentPower, but was allowed to remain in the harbour for the period of sevendays, taking in supplies and effecting repairs with the full knowledgeand sanction of the authorities.
No intimation was given that she was regarded in the light of anordinary prize, or that she was considered to be violating the laws ofneutrality. Nor, when she notoriously left for a cruise on activeservice, was any intimation whatever conveyed that on her return to theport of a friendly Power, where she had been received as a man-of-war,she would be regarded as a "prize," as a violater of the Queen'sproclamation of neutrality, and consequently liable to seizure. Misledby the conduct of Her Majesty's Government, I returned to Simon's Bay onthe 26th instant, in very urgent want of repairs and supplies; to mysurprise I find the Tuscaloosa is now no longer considered as aman-of-war, and she has by your orders, as I learn, been seized for thepurpose of being handed over to the person who claims her on behalf ofher late owners.
The character of the vessel, viz., that of a lawful commissionedman-of-war of the Confederate States of America, has not been alteredsince her first arrival in Simon's Bay, and she, having been once fullyrecognised by the British authorities in command in this Colony, and nonotice or warning of change of opinion or of friendly feeling havingbeen communicated by public notification or otherwise. I was entitled toexpect to be again permitted to enter Simon's Bay without molestation.
In perfect good faith I returned to Simon's Bay for mere necessaries,and in all honour and good faith, in return, I should on change ofopinion or of policy on the part of the British authorities, have beendesired to leave the port again.
But by the course of proceedings taken, I have been (supposing the viewnow taken by your Excellency's Government to be correct) first misledand next entrapped.
My position and character of my ship will most certainly be vindicatedby my Government. I am powerless to resist the affront offered to theConfederate States of America by your Excellency's conduct andproceedings.
I demand, however, the release of my ship; and if this demand be notpromptly complied with, I hereby formally protest against her seizure,especially under the very peculiar circ*mstances of the case.
Mr. Bawson to Lieutenant Low, C.S.N. December 29, 1863.
I am directed by the Governor to acknowledge the receipt of your letterof yesterday's date protesting against the seizure of the Tuscaloosa,whose character you represent to be the same as when, in August last,she was admitted into the port of Simon's Bay, and I am to acquaint youin reply that a full report was submitted to Her Majesty's Government ofall that took place on the first visit of the Tuscaloosa, and that theseizure has now been made in conformity with the opinion expressed bythem on that report.
Your protest will of course be transmitted for their consideration.
Rear-Admiral Sir B. Walker to Sir P. Wodehouse. December 29, 1863.
Lieutenant Low, the officer belonging to the Confederate States ship ofwar Alabama, late in charge of the barque called the Tuscaloosa(properly the Conrad of Philadelphia), having sent me a copy of theprotest which he has forwarded to your Excellency against the detentionof that vessel, I think it right to inclose for your information thecopy of my letter to Lieutenant Low[18] explaining the circ*mstancesunder which the so-called Tuscaloosa is detained.
[Footnote 18: This letter is not given in the Blue Book.]
Sir P. Wodehouse to the Duke of Newcastle. January 11, 1864.
I very much regret having to acquaint your Grace that the Confederateprize vessel the Tuscaloosa has again entered Simon's Bay, and that theNaval Commander-in-chief and myself have come to the conclusion that, inobedience to the orders transmitted to his Excellency by the Admiralty,and to me by your Grace's despatch of the 4th November last, it was ourduty to take possession of the vessel, and to hold her until properlyclaimed by her original owners. The Admiral, therefore, sent an officerwith a party of men from the flag-ship to take charge of her, and todeliver to her commander a letter in explanation of the act. Copies ofhis protest, addressed to me, and of my reply, are inclosed. He notunnaturally complains of having been now seized, after he had on theprevious occasion been recognised as a ship of war. But this ismanifestly nothing more than the inevitable result of the overruling byHer Majesty's Government of the conclusion arrived at on the previousoccasion by its subordinate officer.
The Consul for the United States, on being informed of what had takenplace, intimated his inability to take charge of the ship on account ofthe owners, and expressed a desire that it should remain in our chargeuntil he was put in possession of the requisite authority. Accordingly,after taking the opinion of the Attorney-General, it was arranged thatthe vessel should remain in the charge of Sir Baldwin Walker.
I ought to explain that the seizure was made without previous referenceto the Attorney-General. I did not consider such a reference necessary.The law had been determined by Her Majesty's Government on the previouscase. The Admiral was of opinion that we had only to obey the orders wehad received, and on his intimating that opinion I assented.
Your Grace will observe that at the request of the officers of theTuscaloosa the Admiral has permitted them to remain on board, inexpectation of the immediate arrival of the Alabama, to which ship theywish to return. I should otherwise have thought it my duty to providethem with passages to England at the cost of Her Majesty's Government,by whom, I conclude, they would be sent to their own country; and it isprobable that if the Alabama should not soon make her appearance, suchan arrangement will become necessary.
I have only to add that I have thought it advisable, after what has nowoccurred, to intimate to the United States Consul that we shouldprobably be under the necessity of adopting similar measures in theevent of an uncondemned prize being fitted for cruising, and broughtinto one of our ports by a Federal ship of war. I did not speakpositively, because I have been left in doubt by your Grace'sinstructions whether some distinction should not be drawn in the case ofa ship of war of one belligerent captured and applied to the same use bythe other belligerent, but the Consul was evidently prepared for such astep. Copies of all the correspondence are inclosed.
Mr. Rawson to Mr. Graham. December 28, 1863.
I am directed by the Governor to acquaint you that the Tuscaloosa havingagain arrived in Simon's Bay, will, under instructions lately receivedfrom Her Majesty's Government, be retained under Her Majesty's controland jurisdiction until properly reclaimed by her original holders.
Mr. Graham to Sir P. Wodehouse. December 28, 1863.
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of yesterday's date inreference to the Tuscaloosa.
By virtue of my office as Consul for the United States of America in theBritish possessions of South Africa, of which nation the original ownersof the Conrad alias Tuscaloosa are citizens, I possess the right toact for them when both they and their special agents are absent, I caninstitute a proceeding in rem where the rights of property offellow-citizens are concerned, without a special procuration from thosefor whose benefit I act, but cannot receive actual restitution of theres in controversy, without a special authority. (See United StatesStatutes at Large, vol. i., p. 254, notes 2 and 3.)
Under these circ*mstances I am content that the vessel in questionshould for the present, or until the properly authenticated papers andpower of attorney shall be received from the owners in America, remainin possession and charge of Her Majesty's naval officers. But should ithereafter be determined to give the vessel up to any party other thanthe real owners, I desire to have sufficient notice of the fact, so thatI may take the proper steps to protect the interests of my absentfellow-citizens.
With regard to the property of American citizens seized here at theCustom-house, and which was formerly part of the Sea Bride's cargo, Iwould suggest that it also be held by the Colonial Government, subjectto the order of the original owners. An announcement to that effect fromyou would be received with great satisfaction by me.
Rear-Admiral Sir B. Walker to the Secretary to the Admiralty. January18, 1864.
With reference to my letter of the 5th instant, I have the honour tosubmit, for their Lordships' information, a further correspondencebetween the Governor of this Colony and myself relative to the Americanvessel Conrad, of Philadelphia, lately called the Tuscaloosa.
2. Lieutenant Low, belonging to the Confederate States ship of warAlabama, lately in charge of the Tuscaloosa, having paid off anddischarged his crew, finally quitted the vessel on the 9th instant; andI have ordered him a passage to England by the mail-packet Saxon,together with his first officer, Mr. Sinclair.
3. The Conrad now remains in charge of a warrant officer and twoship-keepers, awaiting to be properly claimed or disposed of as theGovernment may direct.
Rear-Admiral Sir B. Walker to Sir P. Wodehouse. January 6, 1864.
With reference to your Excellency's communication of yesterday's date, Ihave the honour to inform you that I will make arrangements for the safecustody of the Conrad, of Philadelphia (late Tuscaloosa), by mooring herin this bay, and putting ship-keepers in charge of her, until she can beproperly transferred to her lawful owners.
Lieutenant Low has requested to be allowed to remain on board thevessel, together with his crew, for the present, as he expected theAlabama to arrive here shortly, to which arrangement I have made noobjection.
There are some guns and other articles on board the Conrad said tobelong to the Alabama, a list of which I have already forwarded to yourExcellency. It is a matter for consideration how these things should bedisposed of.
I think, as a precautionary measure, it may be desirable that someperson on the part of the United States Consul should visit the Conrad,to observe the state she is in, on being taken into British custody, toprevent any question thereon hereafter.
The Duke of Newcastle to Sir P. Wodehouse. March 4, 1864.
I have received your despatches of the 11th and 19th January, reportingthe circ*mstances connected with the seizure of the Confederateprize-vessel Tuscaloosa, under the joint authority of the NavalCommander-in-chief and yourself. I have to instruct you to restore theTuscaloosa to the Lieutenant of the Confederate States who latelycommanded her, or, if he should have left the Cape, then to retain heruntil she can be handed over to some person who may have authority fromCaptain Semmes, of the Alabama, or from the Government of theConfederate States, to receive her.
You will receive a further communication from me on this subject by thenext mail.
The Duke of Newcastle to Sir P. Wodehouse. March 10, 1864.
In my despatch of the 4th instant, I instructed you to restore theTuscaloosa to the Lieutenant of the Confederate States who latelycommanded her, or, if he should have left the Cape, then to retain heruntil she could be handed over to some person having authority fromCaptain Semmes, of the Alabama, or from the Government of theConfederate States, to receive her.
I have now to explain that this decision was not founded on any generalprinciple respecting the treatment of prizes captured by the cruisers ofeither belligerent, but on the peculiar circ*mstances of the case. TheTuscaloosa was allowed to enter the port of Cape Town and to depart, theinstructions of the 4th of November not having arrived at the Capebefore her departure. The Captain of the Alabama was thus entitled toassume that he might equally bring her a second time into the sameharbor, and it becomes unnecessary to discuss whether, on her return tothe Cape, the Tuscaloosa still retained the character of a prize, orwhether she had lost that character, and had assumed that of an armedtender to the Alabama, and whether that new character, if properlyestablished and admitted, would have entitled her to the same privilegeof admission which might be accorded to her captor, the Alabama.
Her Majesty's Government have, therefore, come to the opinion, foundedon the special circ*mstances of this particular case, that theTuscaloosa ought to be released, with a warning, however, to the Captainof the Alabama, that the ships of war of the belligerents are not to beallowed to bring prizes into British ports, and that it rests with HerMajesty's Government to decide to what vessels that character belongs.
In conclusion, I desire to assure you that neither in this despatch, norin that of the 4th November, I have desired in any degree to censure youfor the course you have pursued. The questions on which you have beencalled upon to decide, are questions of difficulty, on which doubtsmight properly have been entertained, and I am by no means surprisedthat the conclusions to which you were led have not, in all instances,been those which have been adopted on fuller consideration by HerMajesty's Government.
Captain Semmes, C.S.N., to Rear-Admiral Sir B. Walker, dated C.S.S.Alabama; Table Bay, March 22, 1864.
Sir:—I was surprised to learn upon my arrival at this port of thedetention by your order of the Confederate States barque Tuscaloosa, atender to this ship. I take it for granted that you detained her byorder of the Home Government, as no other supposition is consistent withmy knowledge of the candour of your character—the Tuscaloosa havingbeen formerly received by you as a regularly commissioned tender, and nonew facts appearing in the case to change your decision. Under thesecirc*mstances I shall not demand of you the restoration of that vessel,with which demand you would not have the power to comply, but willcontent myself with putting this my protest against this detention onthe record of the case for the future consideration of our respectiveGovernments.
Earl Russell, in reaching the decision which he has communicated to you,must surely have misapprehended the facts, otherwise I cannot conceivehim capable of so misapplying the law. The facts are brieflythese:—1st. The Tuscaloosa was formerly the enemy's ship Conrad,lawfully captured by me on the high seas, as a recognized belligerent;2dly. She was duly commissioned by me as a tender to the ConfederateStates steamer Alabama, then, as now, under my command; and 3dly. Sheentered English waters not only without intention of violating HerBritannic Majesty's orders of neutrality, but was received withhospitality, and no question was raised as to her right to enter underthe circ*mstances. These were the facts up to the time of Earl Russell'sissuing to you his order in the premises. Let us consider, then, amoment, and see if we can derive from them, or any of them, just groundfor the extraordinary decision to which Earl Russell has come.
My right to capture and the legality of the capture will not be denied.Nor will you deny, in your experience as a naval officer, my right tocommission this, or any other ship lawfully in my possession, as atender to my principal ship. Your admirals do this every day, on distantstations; and the tender, from the time of her being put in commission,wears a pennant, and is entitled to the immunities and privileges of aship of war, the right of capture inclusive.
Numerous decisions are to be found in your own prize law to this effect.In other words, this is one of the recognised modes of commissioning aship of war, which has grown out of the convenience of the thing, andbecome a sort of naval common law, as indisputable as the written lawitself. The only difference between the commission of such a ship andthat of a ship commissioned by the sovereign authority at home is thatthe word "tender" appears in the former commission and not in thelatter. The Tuscaloosa having then been commissioned by me in accordancewith the recognised practice of all civilized nations that have amarine, can any other Government than my own look into her antecedents?Clearly not. The only thing which can be looked at upon her entering aforeign port is her commission. If this be issued by competentauthority, you cannot proceed a step further. The ship then becomes apart of the territory of the country to which she belongs, and you canexercise no more jurisdiction over her than over that territory. Theself-respect and the independence of nations require this; for it wouldbe a monstrous doctrine to admit that one nation may inquire into thetitle by which another nation holds her ships of war. And there can beno difference in this respect between tenders and ships originallycommissioned. The flag and the pennant fly over them both, and they areboth withdrawn from the local jurisdiction by competent commissions. Onprinciple you might as well have enquired into the antecedents of theAlabama, as of the Tuscaloosa. Indeed, you had a better reason forinquiring into the antecedents of the former than of the latter, ithaving been alleged that the former escaped from England in violation ofyour Foreign Enlistment Act. Mr. Adams, the United States Minister, didin fact demand that the Alabama should be seized, but Earl Russell, inflat and most pointed contradiction of his late conduct in the case ofthe Tuscaloosa, gave him the proper legal reply, to wit: that theAlabama being now a ship of war, he was estopped from looking into herantecedents. One illustration will suffice to show you how untenableyour position is in this matter. If the Tuscaloosa's commission beadmitted to have been issued by competent authority, and in due form(and I do not understand this to be contested except on the ground ofher antecedents), she is as much a ship of war as the Narcissus, yourflag-ship. Suppose you should visit a French port, and the port admiralshould request you to haul down your flag on the ground that you had hadno sufficient title to the ship before she was commissioned, or that shewas a contract ship and you had not paid for her, and the builder had alien on her, or that you had captured her from the Russians, and had nothad her condemned by a prize court, what would you think of theproceeding? And how does the case supposed differ from the one in hand?In both it is a pretension on the part of a foreign power to look intothe antecedents of a ship of war—neither more nor less in the one casethan in the other. I will even put the case stronger. If it be admittedthat I had the right to commission a tender, and the fact had been thatI had seized a French ship and put her in commission, you could notinquire into the fact. You would have no right to know but that I hadthe orders of my Government for this seizure. In short, you would haveno right to inquire into the matter at all. My ship being regularlycommissioned, I am responsible to my Government for my acts, and myGovernment, in the case supposed, would be responsible to France, andnot to you. If this reasoning be correct—and with all due submission tohis lordship I think it is sustained by the plainest principles of theinternational code—it follows that the condemnation of a prize in aprize court is not the only mode of changing the character of a capturedship. When the sovereign of the captor puts his own commission on boardsuch a ship, this is a condemnation in its most solemn form, and isnotice to all the world. On principle, if a ship thus commissioned wererecaptured, the belligerent prize court could not restore her to heroriginal owner, but must condemn her as a prize ship of war of the enemyto the captors; for prize courts are international courts, and cannotgo behind the pennant and commission of the cruiser.
Further, as to this question of adjudication, your letter to LieutenantLow, the late commander of the Tuscaloosa, assumes that, as theTuscaloosa was not condemned, she was therefore the property of theenemy from whom she had been taken. Condemnation is intended for thebenefit of neutrals, and to quiet the titles of purchasers, but is nevernecessary as against the enemy. His right is taken away by force, andnot by any legal process, and the possession of his property manuforte is all that is required against him.
Earl Russell having decided to disregard these plain principles of thelaws of nations, and to go behind my commission, let us see what he nextdecides.
His decision is this, that the Tuscaloosa being a prize, and having comeinto British waters in violation of the Queen's orders of neutrality,she must be restored to her original owner. The ship is not seized andcondemned for the violation of any municipal law, such as fraud upon therevenue, &c.—as, indeed, she could not be so seized and condemnedwithout the intervention of a court of law—but by the strong arm ofexecutive power he wrests my prize from me, and very coolly hands herover to the enemy. It is admitted that all prizes, like other merchantships, are liable to seizure and condemnation for a palpable violationof the municipal law; but that is not this case. The whole thing is doneunder the international law. Now, there is no principle betterestablished than that neutrals have no right to interfere in any mannerbetween the captor and his prize, except in one particular instance, andthat is where the prize has been captured in neutral waters andafterwards comes of her own accord within the neutral jurisdiction. Inthat case, and in that case alone, the neutral prize court mayadjudicate the case, and if they find the allegation of infra terminosproved, they may restore the property to the original owner.
If a lawful prize, contrary to prohibition, come within neutral waters,the most the neutral can do is to order her to depart withoutinterfering in any manner with the captor's possession.
It is admitted that if she obstinately refuses to depart, or conductsherself otherwise in an improper manner, she may be compelled to depart,or may, indeed, be seized and confiscated as a penalty for her offence.But there is no plea of that kind set up here. To show how sacred is thetitle of mere possession on the part of a captor, permit me to quotefrom one of your own authorities. On page 42 of the first volume ofPhillimore on International Law, you will find the following passage:"In 1654 a treaty was entered into between England and Portugal, bywhich, among other things, both countries mutually bound themselves notto suffer the ships and goods of the other taken by enemies and carriedinto the ports of the other to be conveyed away from the original ownersor proprietors."
"Now, I have no scruple in saying (observes Lord Stowell in 1798) thatthis is an article incapable of being carried into literal executionaccording to the modern understanding of the law of nations; for noneutral country can intervene to wrest from a belligerent prizeslawfully taken. This is perhaps the strongest instance that could becited of what civilians call the consuetudo obrogatoria."
This being the nature of my title, the reasons should be very urgentwhich should justify my being forcibly dispossessed of it. But there areno such reasons apparent. It is not contended that there was anymisconduct on the part of the Tuscaloosa, unless her entry into aBritish port as a Confederate cruiser be deemed misconduct. As stated inthe beginning of this letter, she had no intention of violating anyorder of the Queen. Her error, therefore, if it were an error, isentitled to be considered with gentleness and not with hardship. Hererror was the error of yourself and his Excellency the Governor, as wellas myself. We all agreed, I believe, that she was a lawfullycommissioned ship, and that her commission estopped all further enquiry.In the meantime, she proceeds to sea thus endorsed, as it were, by theColonial authorities; your Home Government overrules your decision; theTuscaloosa returns in good faith to your port to seek renewedhospitality under your orders of neutrality. And what happens? AnEnglish officer, armed with your order, proceeds on board of her, turnsher commander and officers out of her, and assumes possession on theground that she has violated the Queen's orders; and this without anywarning to depart or any other notice whatever. In the name of all openand fair dealing—in the name of frankness, candour, and good faith, Imost respectfully enter my protest against such an extreme,uncalled-for, and apparently unfriendly course.
But the most extraordinary part of the proceeding has yet to be stated.You not only divest me of my title to my prize, but you tell me that youare about to hand her over to the enemy! On what principle this can bedone I am utterly at a loss to conceive. Although it may be competent toa Government, in an extreme case, to confiscate to the Exchequer aprize, there is but one possible contingency in which the prize can berestored to the opposite belligerent, and that is the one alreadymentioned of a capture within neutral jurisdiction. And this is done onthe ground of the nullity of the original capture. The prize ispronounced not to have been lawfully made, and this being the case, andthe vessel being within the jurisdiction of the neutral whose watershave been violated, there is but one course to pursue. The vessel doesnot belong to the captor, and as she does not belong to the neutral, asa matter of course she belongs to the opposite belligerent, and must bedelivered up to him. But there is no analogy between that case and theone we are considering. My capture cannot be declared a nullity. Mytitle is as good against the enemy as though condemnation had passed.The vessel either belongs to me or to the British Government. If shebelongs to me, justice requires that she should be delivered up to me.If she belongs (by way of confiscation) to the British Government, whyshould that Government make a gratuitous present of her to one of thebelligerents rather than the other?
My Government cannot fail, I think, to view this matter in the light inwhich I have placed it; and it is deeply to be regretted that a weakerpeople struggling against a stronger for very existence should have somuch cause to complain of the unfriendly disposition of a Governmentfrom which, if it represents truly the instincts of Englishmen, it hadthe right to expect at least sympathy and kindness in the place ofrigour and harshness.
No. VII.
We are indebted to Messrs. Laird Brothers, of Birkenhead, for thefollowing measurements of the Alabama:
Length About 230 feet.
Length between perpendiculars, " 213.8 "
Breadth of beam extreme, " 32.0 "
Depth moulded, " 19.9 "
Draft of water when complete, with about 300 tons coal in bunkers and stores on board for a six months' cruise, " 15.0 "
Engines.—300 horse power collective.
Rig.—Three-masted schooner, with long lower masts andyards on fore and mainmasts.
The hull of the vessel built of wood, the general arrangementof scantling and materials being the same as in vessels of similarclass in Her Majesty's navy.
The vessel and machinery throughout were built by Messrs.
Laird Brothers at their works at Birkenhead.
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