Tropical Disturbance and the upcoming weather (2025)

Tropical Disturbance and the upcoming weather (1)By: obx411
8/1/2024 12:26 PM

Well after waiting an entire year it looks like we may have unfortunately picked an absolutely terrible week to come down. The forecast didn't look so bleak a few days ago but it's just gotten progressively worse each day I check. August 4th-11th now looks like a high % of rain and t-storms nearly every single day. Tropical Disturbance and the upcoming weather (2)


Tropical Disturbance and the upcoming weather (3)By: LollyGirl
8/1/2024 12:44 PM

Well when we headed down for a week this past May the forecast looked dismal but we ended up with a gorgeous week. Sun every day
The general rule of thumb on the banks is wait an hour and the forecast will change.

Hope you have a great time no matter what each day brings weather wise.

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Tropical Disturbance and the upcoming weather (4)By: obx411
8/1/2024 1:29 PM

Well when we headed down for a week this past May the forecast looked dismal but we ended up with a gorgeous week. Sun every day
The general rule of thumb on the banks is wait an hour and the forecast will change.

Hope you have a great time no matter what each day brings weather wise.

Thank you. I'm hoping that's the case and we get some nice days in. At this point I'm just hoping that tropical disturbance steers another direction.


Tropical Disturbance and the upcoming weather (5)By: Tim-OBX
8/1/2024 2:52 PM

The forecast I look at says 50% chance of rain 4+ days. BUT that also means 50% of no rain or maybe it rains at night. If you do come and it rains, be ready to do what all visitors do when it rains == jump in a car and add to the traffic.


Tropical Disturbance and the upcoming weather (6)By: johnbt
8/1/2024 4:30 PM

If it rains for 10 minutes in a 24-hour period the weatherman claims he was right. And he was. If it rains 10 minutes out of every hour it "rained all day", but it didn't.

We will be down the 10th to the 24th. I can't wait. My wife has already packed her suitcase and half the kitchen stuff.

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Tropical Disturbance and the upcoming weather (7)By: Bentmtn
8/1/2024 4:39 PM

If it rains for 10 minutes in a 24-hour period the weatherman claims he was right. And he was. If it rains 10 minutes out of every hour it "rained all day", but it didn't.

We will be down the 10th to the 24th. I can't wait. My wife has already packed her suitcase and half the kitchen stuff.

Have fun next week! Going to Ocracoke? We're heading back down to Frisco early next week and may have to take the boat out just in case this weather thing starts coming up the east coast. We were planning this trip anyway with my sister in law, so it works out. Just upset we can't take out at Scotch Bonnet Marina any longer because of a buckled ramp. We'll have to take her to a Hatteras marina.


Tropical Disturbance and the upcoming weather (8)By: Stumpy
8/1/2024 4:55 PM

Just upset we can't take out at Scotch Bonnet Marina any longer because of a buckled ramp. We'll have to take her to a Hatteras marina.

Is the boatyard across from Pop's an option?


Tropical Disturbance and the upcoming weather (9)By: jfalba
8/1/2024 5:00 PM

Always look at an OBX vacation as an experience regardless of the weather. Ask my daughter one of our top vacations ever was the week after Hurricane Sandy. Out OF rental was outer water. We left for the obx on Election Day I voted then left to travel. The crowds were something else in Elizabeth city after Obama won. We call that our haunted vacation and that is no lie. Obx in the offseason with a nor’easter after a hurricane weird stuff including a piece of a shipwreck the beach to ourselves with the dunes sliced in half where we ended up staying in nags head instead of of kitty hawk. Some people don’t believe but I swear that churning ocean stirred up the dead. Oh the stories I could tell about the ocean mist rolling in and stopping over our heads while we were in the hot tub and the lights went out one night up and down the coast. It was terrific! People generally pay to get scared. We got it all for free.

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Tropical Disturbance and the upcoming weather (10)By: Bentmtn
8/1/2024 5:24 PM

Just upset we can't take out at Scotch Bonnet Marina any longer because of a buckled ramp. We'll have to take her to a Hatteras marina.

Is the boatyard across from Pop's an option?

Great question!!! We will check there!! Thank you!

We had an acquaintance that lived in Brigand's Bay a few streets over who had a ramp, but he sold that house this summer and bought another one in the same neighborhood without a ramp. Oh well!!!


Tropical Disturbance and the upcoming weather (11)By: Bentmtn
8/1/2024 5:38 PM

Always look at an OBX vacation as an experience regardless of the weather. Ask my daughter one of our top vacations ever was the week after Hurricane Sandy. Out OF rental was outer water. We left for the obx on Election Day I voted then left to travel. The crowds were something else in Elizabeth city after Obama won. We call that our haunted vacation and that is no lie. Obx in the offseason with a nor’easter after a hurricane weird stuff including a piece of a shipwreck the beach to ourselves with the dunes sliced in half where we ended up staying in nags head instead of of kitty hawk. Some people don’t believe but I swear that churning ocean stirred up the dead. Oh the stories I could tell about the ocean mist rolling in and stopping over our heads while we were in the hot tub and the lights went out one night up and down the coast. It was terrific! People generally pay to get scared. We got it all for free.

That sounds like fun to me!!! Especially the hot tub experience. We had a hot tub at our past home in Roanoke and loved getting in it during the snow wearing ball caps. It was great! We lived on a farm in the middle of nowhere in Roanoke county with 75 acres of woods surrounding us and so so quiet when it snowed!!! Then running across the patio in the snow and into the kitchen after getting out of the tub!

Sometimes inclement weather makes it a lot more fun.

When it rains and storms at the beach, we go to Avon pier and drink one dollar PBRs and watch the surf. Yes....last year they still had the one dollar special. Not sure about this year. And...we also love watching the wild storm over the sound.


Tropical Disturbance and the upcoming weather (12)By: Alexy
8/1/2024 7:42 PM

If it rains for 10 minutes in a 24-hour period the weatherman claims he was right. And he was. If it rains 10 minutes out of every hour it "rained all day", but it didn't.

We will be down the 10th to the 24th. I can't wait. My wife has already packed her suitcase and half the kitchen stuff.

Have fun next week! Going to Ocracoke? We're heading back down to Frisco early next week and may have to take the boat out just in case this weather thing starts coming up the east coast. We were planning this trip anyway with my sister in law, so it works out. Just upset we can't take out at Scotch Bonnet Marina any longer because of a buckled ramp. We'll have to take her to a Hatteras marina.

Sent you a PM there is a ramp on Blackbeards ct you could probably use.

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Tropical Disturbance and the upcoming weather (13)By: Bentmtn
8/1/2024 8:03 PM

If it rains for 10 minutes in a 24-hour period the weatherman claims he was right. And he was. If it rains 10 minutes out of every hour it "rained all day", but it didn't.

We will be down the 10th to the 24th. I can't wait. My wife has already packed her suitcase and half the kitchen stuff.

Have fun next week! Going to Ocracoke? We're heading back down to Frisco early next week and may have to take the boat out just in case this weather thing starts coming up the east coast. We were planning this trip anyway with my sister in law, so it works out. Just upset we can't take out at Scotch Bonnet Marina any longer because of a buckled ramp. We'll have to take her to a Hatteras marina.

Sent you a PM there is a ramp on Blackbeards ct you could probably use.

Many thanks! You're the best!


Tropical Disturbance and the upcoming weather (14)By: Slofrap
8/2/2024 9:09 AM

It's not looking good. Latest GFS and Euro both have this thing rebuilding in the Gulf, cutting across the panhandle and then riding up the coast from Charleston to Hatteras around the 9th or 10th.


Tropical Disturbance and the upcoming weather (15)By: ezbuckwheat
8/2/2024 12:24 PM


Tropical Disturbance and the upcoming weather (16)


Tropical Disturbance and the upcoming weather (2025)


Is there another tropical storm forming now? ›

There are currently no active storms in the North Atlantic, Caribbean Sea, or Gulf of Mexico.

Is there a hurricane coming to NY? ›

No Severe Weather Predicted At This Time.

For the most up to date emergency alerts, subscribe to NotifyNYC at, the City's free emergency alerts system.

Are there any tropical storms in the Pacific right now? ›

Central Pacific

There is no tropical storm activity for this region.

What are the warning signs of a tropical storm? ›

The first signs of the storm appear. The barometer is falling slightly, the wind is around 5 m/s (10 kts, 11 mph), and the ocean swell is about 4m (13 feet) in height and coming in 7 seconds apart. On the horizon a large mass of white cirrus clouds appear. As the veil of clouds approaches it covers more of the horizon.

What was the worst hurricane in history? ›

Great Galveston Hurricane

What to do if a tropical storm is coming? ›

Staying at Home
  1. Determine your best protection for high winds and flooding.
  2. Take shelter in a designated storm shelter or an interior room for high winds.
  3. Stay away from glass windows and doors.
  4. Move to higher ground before flooding begins.

Are there any storms brewing in the Pacific? ›

Western Pacific

There are no active tropical cyclones in this region.

Is it a hurricane or typhoon in the Pacific Ocean? ›

In the North Atlantic, central North Pacific, and eastern North Pacific, the term hurricane is used. The same type of disturbance in the Northwest Pacific is called a typhoon.

What is a Pacific tropical cyclone warning? ›

Tropical cyclone warnings and watches are alerts issued by national weather forecasting bodies to coastal areas threatened by the imminent approach of a tropical cyclone of tropical storm or hurricane intensity.

What are 3 signs that a storm is coming? ›

Weather Signs of an Incoming Storm
  • Large, puffy cumulus clouds. Giant, puffy cumulus clouds are one of the most common signs of an imminent thunderstorm. ...
  • Drastic Temperature Change. A drastic drop in temperature is another major sign of an incoming storm. ...
  • Sudden Changes in Wind Direction.
Jan 26, 2023

How do you know if a tropical storm is coming? ›

Tropical Storm Warning: Tropical storm conditions (sustained winds of 39 to 73 mph) are expected within your area within 36 hours. Extreme Wind Warning: Extreme sustained winds of a major hurricane (115 mph or greater), usually associated with the eyewall, are expected to begin within an hour.

What are the signs of an upcoming typhoon? ›

The weather of a particular location can show signs of the approaching tropical cyclone, such as increasing swell, increasing cloudiness, falling barometric pressure, increasing tides, squalls and heavy rainfall.

Are twisters tornadoes? ›

Also known as twisters, tornadoes are violently spinning, funnel-shaped columns of air that stretch from the dark thunderclouds they form in all the way to the ground.

How long do tropical storms last? ›

These life cycles may run their course in as little as a day or last as long as a month. The longest-lasting tropical cyclone ever observed was Hurricane/Typhoon John, which existed for 31 days as it traveled a 13,000 km (8,100 mi) path from the eastern Pacific to the western Pacific and back to the central Pacific.

How often do tropical storms occur? ›

Each year, an average of ten tropical storms develop over the Atlantic Ocean, Carribean Sea, and Gulf of Mexico. Many of these remain over the ocean. Six of these storms become hurricanes each year.

Who sings the hurricane song? ›

"Hurricane" is a protest song by Bob Dylan co-written with Jacques Levy and released as a single in November 1975. It was also included on Dylan's 1976 album Desire. The song is about the imprisonment of boxer Rubin "Hurricane" Carter (1937–2014).

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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

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Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.