How to Make an Automatic Pumpkin / Melon Farm in Minecraft (2024)

This article is over 3 years old and may contain outdated information

Pumpkins and Melons were added toMinecraftback in Beta before it was even officially released. Since very early on (think back to when Redstone was first released), players have been trying to find easy, efficient ways to harvest them. Before Observers, block updates were not detected automatically, so farming them automatically required extensive knowledge and manipulation of the game mechanics. Thankfully, that's not necessary anymore!

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We're going to walk you through the steps to make a simple, automatic, and efficient farm for Melons and Pumpkins. Once you've built this farm, it requires no upkeep apart from collecting the melons once they're ready. This farm was originally planned and presented by Youtuber Shulkercraft! It's a straightforward process, albeit a bit expensive when it comes to resources. Let's get started!

Step One: Get the Resources

How to Make an Automatic Pumpkin / Melon Farm in Minecraft (1)

Shown above are the resources you'll need to need to make this melon/pumpkin farm. If you wish to make a pumpkin farm, replace the 40 melon seeds in the image above with 40 pumpkin seeds. Alternatively, you can make a combination of 20 melon and 20 pumpkin seeds to make a farm that harvests both of them almost equally!

With this farm, you need plenty of rails, pistons, and observer blocks. You'll rarely be able to make an automatic farm without these. The reason you need so many pistons and observer blocks is that melons and pumpkins grow into blocks that must be smashed rather than produce that can be broken and moved by water.

Step Two: Dig the Hole

How to Make an Automatic Pumpkin / Melon Farm in Minecraft (2)

This hole was dug on a Superflat world, but you'll likely be digging this on a survival world with normal world generation, so it likely won't be as clean cut. The main part of the hole in the above image is 10 x 9 x 2 blocks. On one of the sides that is nine squares long, you'll be digging out extra space for the collection system. The layers of this extra space follow this pattern from top to bottom: 3 * 2, 2 * 2, 1 * 2. In the 1 * 2 space, you'll place the two chests. This is where your harvest melons will show up.

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Step Three: Place the Hoppers and Torches

How to Make an Automatic Pumpkin / Melon Farm in Minecraft (3)

Usually, you will not see Void when you place the Redstone Torches. The only reason you see it in the screenshot above is that the farm in this guide is being built on a Superflat world, so there is limited space available. When facing the hole from the Chest, you want to place two hoppers in front of the chests.

Then, walk over two blocks and dig a hole across the bottom of the farm. This hole will be 1 * 10 * 2 blocks, as shown in the image above. You may place the Redstone Torches however you please, so long as they're placed on the bottom layer in this hole. After that, you'll need to dig another hole 1 * 1 * 2 blocks against the wall five blocks away from the hoppers and place a Redstone Torch on the bottom layer. If you need help, follow the image above.

Step Four: Build the Rails

How to Make an Automatic Pumpkin / Melon Farm in Minecraft (4)

Once you've placed the Redstone Torches, cover them up with blocks so the hole is even. At this point, you will be adding the rails for the Minecart to ride and collect any loose melons or pumpkins. Follow the outline in the image above. Above the blocks with Redstone Torches underneath, you will place Powered Rails. This makes the Hopper Minecart continue to go around and collect Melon Slices and Pumpkins and drop them off in the Hoppers when it rolls over them.

Step Five: Place the water

How to Make an Automatic Pumpkin / Melon Farm in Minecraft (5)

This step is crucial but easy. Cover the rails entirely with Dirt. Leave a hole in the middle of the main square, and place the Slab you have at the bottom half of that hole. Then, fill the top half with water. Follow the image above for guidance.

Step Six: Till and Plant

How to Make an Automatic Pumpkin / Melon Farm in Minecraft (6)

Now that your collection system is finished, you need to start building the farm. Using your hoe, till the Dirt blocks in the checkerboard pattern shown above. Directly above the water and slab block, place the Glowstone. This will be a light source for your melons to continue to grow at night.

If you don't know where to start, this step is easiest to follow if you start from the Glowstone block. In every direction, skip a block and till the next block. Build your checkerboard pattern in an 8 * 8 square from here. Once you have finished tilling, place a melon or pumpkin seed in every piece of tilled land.

Step Seven: Place the Pistons

How to Make an Automatic Pumpkin / Melon Farm in Minecraft (7)

These next to steps are a bit tricky, as you have to place them a certain way to make sure the Pistons are oriented correctly. You need to place a piston above every block that is not tilled and planted. To do this, you must build a temporary ceiling above the farm three blocks above the tilled ground. Note: Build this canopy three blocks above the ground itself, not the plants or Glowstone.

After you do this, it's time to place the Pistons. You must crouch and slowly approach each piece of dirt you wish to place a Piston. You must face up at the bottom of the Dirt block, aim your crosshair at the corner closest to you, then place the Piston. The image above shows you exactly how to do this.

How to Make an Automatic Pumpkin / Melon Farm in Minecraft (8)

Once you have finished, your farm should look like the image shown above. It will be a checkerboard pattern of Piston blocks, but opposite placement of the plants. These Pistons will smash the pumpkins and melons when they grow onto the block beneath them.

Step Eight: Place the Observers

How to Make an Automatic Pumpkin / Melon Farm in Minecraft (9)

This part is also tricky and must be followed precisely for the Observers to be oriented correctly. In between every Piston is an empty space above the tilled Dirt. From above the farm, look down between the Pistons at the plants below. Move your crosshair to be on the top of the hitbox of the plant. Place the Observer. Use the image above as an example of where your crosshair should be. Place an Observer above every plant. These Observers will detect when a Pumpkin or Melon block has grown.

Related:How to Show Hitboxes in Minecraft - Pro Game Guides

Step Nine: Place the Redstone Dust

How to Make an Automatic Pumpkin / Melon Farm in Minecraft (10)

You must place Redstone dust on every Observer. The Observer acts as a power source and triggers the Redstone Dust when it detects a plant block has grown. The activated Redstone Dust will power the Pistons next to that Observer, assuring that at least one of them will crush the Pumpkin or Melon block and turn it into an item drop.

Step Ten: Place a Border, and Wait

How to Make an Automatic Pumpkin / Melon Farm in Minecraft (11)

Placing a border is crucial because it makes sure that the Pumpkin and Melon stems on the farm's outer edge don't accidentally produce blocks outside of the farm. If this happens, those plants can't be harvested. From this point, you just wait for your stems to grow and start producing blocks. When the blocks are detected and smashed, they drop the items collected by the Hopper Minecart running below them. Once collected, the Hopper Minecart will eventually roll over the rails above the Hoppers, dispensing them into the collection Chests. Genius!

There you have it! You now have an automatic Melon and Pumpkin farm!

Now that you've built the farm, you might want to take a break from Survival Mode. Check out our lists of the Best Challenge Maps and Best Adventure Maps!

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How to Make an Automatic Pumpkin / Melon Farm in Minecraft (2024)


How to Make an Automatic Pumpkin / Melon Farm in Minecraft? ›

Currently, gourds like pumpkins and melons require an empty dirt block beside the plant where the gourd can grow.

Can pumpkins grow on hoppers? ›

Currently, gourds like pumpkins and melons require an empty dirt block beside the plant where the gourd can grow.

Can pumpkins grow on observers? ›

This Minecraft tutorial explains how to use an observer to make an automatic farm. In Minecraft, you can build a redstone device (using an observer) that automatically harvests your pumpkins as they grow. This farm design works with any plants that grow from a vine such as pumpkins and melons.

How to make a pumpkin melon farm in Minecraft? ›

Place 2 stems on farmlands with one air block between the stems. The stems can be melon, pumpkin, or both. Beneath the empty air block, place any type of block that a melon/pumpkin can grow on, and behind that space place an observer block.

Are pumpkins rarer than diamonds in Minecraft? ›

While yes, pumpkins are rarer than diamonds, they take a lot less effort to find and are therefore easier to collect than diamonds.

Can you bonemeal melons? ›

A single stem can grow an unlimited number of melons. Melon stems need a minimum light level of 10 in the block above the stem to grow and give melons. Melon seeds are affected by bone meal only with respect to stem growth; bone meal does not help produce the actual melons.

Does fortune axe work on pumpkin? ›

Can you put fortune on an axe? Yes, but it is not that useful. You get better drops from breaking leaves and I believe if you break pumpkins or melons you also get more drops.

Why won't my watermelon grow in Minecraft? ›

If there is no dirt, grass or farmland around the melon stem, a melon cannot grow. Another melon will grow in place of any other harvested melon. Any stem adjacent to a melon block will connect to it. Bone meal can cause a melon stem to become fully-grown, but cannot produce a melon immediately.

Can pumpkins grow with a block above it in Minecraft? ›

Wheat, potato, carrot, beetroot, melon and pumpkin don't grow, if there is solid block above them.

Why won't my pumpkins grow in Minecraft? ›

There needs to be a farmland block adjacent for the stem to sprout a pumpkin. It takes 10 - 30 to fully develop. If bone meal is used to instantly develop a pumpkin, the pumpkin won't immediately appear.

Can pumpkins grow on mud in Minecraft? ›

Pumpkin seeds can be planted only on farmland, as stems. Over time, a stem grows through several stages [needs testing] and, at its final growth stage, will produce pumpkins on any adjacent dirt, coarse dirt, rooted dirt, grass block, farmland, podzol, mycelium, moss block, mud or muddy mangrove roots.

How to speed up pumpkin growth in Minecraft? ›

Finally, while the bone meal is optional, you can use bone meal on the pumpkin seeds to accelerate the process. The bone meal will not make the pumpkin itself grow faster, but you can skip the time required for the stem to grow.

How do you control fruit drop in pumpkins? ›

Eventually, the pumpkin may drop from the plant. There are several ways to get around this problem. Once again, avoid high nitrogen fertilizers that can tie up calcium in the soil. Keep the soil evenly moist, watering at the base of the soil, if possible, to keep the foliage dry.

Can dispensers place pumpkins? ›

Dispensers. Dispensers can equip a carved pumpkin on a player, mob or armor stand with an empty helmet slot, within the block the dispenser is facing. It can also place the carved pumpkin as a block, if a snow or iron golem can be spawned after the pumpkin is placed.

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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.