Franklin Repository (Daily) from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania (2024)

ORA ME PA. OOT. 16. Cham October Chamber 29th 8. Thomas November 3rd By order County Committee.

JORY A. SEIDERS, Chairmaa. There was no Philadelphia mail received in town today on account of the wreck. Railroad wrecks are no longer a matter of surpriss to people on and off traine. In Now York base ball divides the intertaken by the pablis in affairs with pend ing politics.

The DAILY has been enlarged. and muck improved in ite Mercersburg Journal. T. 0. Bradley of Folts had a dressed hog weighing 200 pounds stolen from his spring house a few days ago.

Two schools in Washington township have been closed on account of scarlet fever. Several deaths have occurred. The male portion of "Jim the Peeman" troupe worked bard to relieve the softering of Charles Bitner at the wreck. The 8t. Thomas band has received a new set of instruments from the Diaston manafastory that cost them over $300.

The Waynesboro Record says: We reliably informed that there are only two Cleveland voters in Washington School District, in this township. On the farm of B-oj. Snively, 83 valuable bogs Lave died of hog cholera. Many other in the neighborhood have also lost largely. Regulate the Regulator with Warner's Los Cabia Sarsaparilla, mansfectared by proprietors of Warner's late Care.

Largest bottle in the market. Sold by all It has been by State Saperintendent Higher so Board of School Directors can rest pablie school house for purposes to spy other people. All ladies who intend taking part in the Vigilant H. L. Co's Pair are requested to the lady manager in the Vigilant Par lor Friday evening at half: past seven o'clock.

COMMITTEE A telling motto carried in a New York procession the other day. It read: workmen never emigrate." It is Protection, of course, that makes emigration The Prick Company of Waynesboro base broken ground for additional building. The building will be 320 long and 40 wide. The erection of this building made necessary to meet the demands of the company's rapidly increasing business. 4 residing in the "Conis the of a stock of cabbage which besides having one large head upon it, it has eight small ones about the size of goose sorronading it, which are pertectly solid.

Miss Blanche Heakeel, daughter of Jury Commissioner L. H. Henkeel and Mr. William M. Elliott, assistant postmaster cf be married at the dense of the bride near Clay Lick on Thursday evening October 18th Dr.

D. Renteb Miller, who has been seriously ill for several years, died on Satunder morning Inst at the residence of his father, A. A. Miller, near Mason and Dixon. Mr.

Miller was graduate of Jefferson Medical College. Philadelphia, and few years ago was a practitioner in Greencastle, where he strained eminent success, but compelled to relinquish his practice on count of his health. Revival Bervices la the Methodist Church, The Bev. T. L.

Tompkinson of Harrieburg, will preeth in the Methodist Episcopal Church tonight, and conduct the revival services the balance of this week. A Pointer for Our Advertisers Greencastle Valley Echo. The Chambersburg DAILY REPOSITORY has been considerably enlarged and improved, and presents a nest appearance. It has a good circelation in Greencandle. Three Items 0.

The have begun work the of the now round boase, and Christtire will the building is The new oil house has been completed are at work apos the An caperation the for the foundation of a new set of of weighing capacity the old A FATAL WRECK In Pascare Train a the C. V. R. R. Collide near CHARLEY BITNER KILLED! Lin Seriously Injured ad Receive Sight Wounds In, Four Cars being Telescoped.

TWO ENGINES BADLY DEMOLISHED Tho Accident Caused by a 1 tion of Orders. Halls Burned by THE MAIL CARS TAKING FIRE Scenes about the Wreck. The Tracks Blocked and Travel Impeded. A terrible collision occurred on the Came berland Valley railroad near Shippensburg this morning which resulted in the death of baggage master Chre os Bitner, the injury of number of passengers and trainmen and the partial wrecking of two passenger trains. The trains which col'ided were train No.

9 dur here st 3:45 a. m. and train No. 14 which leaves here for Harrisburg 9.15 m. The officials of the railroad company are to strangely and inexplicably silent regarding the collieon, that information regarding it in very difficult to obtain but from conversations with trainmen and passengers we gather the tollowing accoaut.

Train No. 14 leaving here st 9.15 a m. was tea minutes late leaving Chambersburg. It drawn by eugine No. 35 and in charge of engineer Jacob Faller and fireman Charles Fuller.

George Bowman the conductor. The usual place to pass the train due here at 9.45 a. is at the Sammit. Both trains were late, and Fuller and Bowman had orders to run as far peneburg and wait for further orders. What order were given them at Shippensburg we cannot certainly say, but we are informed that they were given orders to go ahead and they pulled out of Shippeneburg at hrely rate.

While rounding the curve at Brittons woods below Shippensburg, just after passing the crossing they were ran into by the up train due here at 9.45 m. 10. The train is known train No 9, drawn by engine No. 88, m. Hyworg engineer and Chas.

Miller, fireman. Alex. Lina was the coLdoctor. The trains came together with awfal crash. How the accident occurred and what followed in best gathered from the stories of the trainmen.

Firemen Charles Fulle: sage that when they were going through the woods they the smoke of Lina's trair. and his brother Jacob, the engineer, thought from the position of the smoke that Linn was not on the siding and at once checked his train. He put on his air and bad the train pretty well under control but engine No. 88 dashed down upon him, coming round the curve. Fuller's train was only going seven or eight riles when they struck, but engine No.

88 almost at fall speed. The engineers and firemen saw that the collision was evitable and all four men jamped all escaping with but slight icjaries. The engines came together with an awful force, crushing their fronts into each other and forcing them up from the track. The cars on both trains received the tall force of the shock, and the consternation and excitement among the passengers was frightfal. The frat car on Lina's train was an express car and the second a baggage and mail car.

In the baggage apartmeut were baggage master Charles Biter, Conductor Linn, Conductor Syster who was dead heading it to Hageratown and one or two others Bit mer was sitting on a trunk, The heavy express car telescoped the baggage car and forced its way clear into the car. Poor Bitner caught right between the two cars. When found he was standing up near the window, the upper part of his body clear but the lower part was wedged (in between the timbers and heavy baggage and horribly crushed. The work of rescuing him was immediately began, and the timbers were sawn and cat away. He was conscions and talked to the men who working about him.

As 8000 a3 he was gotten out he was carried into one of the cars, and laid on an improvised bed. Both legs were broken, one of the in two places, and horr.bly gasbed. He was probably also injured intercally. He sank rapidly and died at about twelve o'clock, with his arms about the neck of his brother. Matt Bitner who had come down from Chambersburg on the wrecking train a few moments before, but whom, however, he had not recognized.

The body was brought to Chambersburg on train reaching here st one o'clock and taken so Denton's undertaking establish- Is is impossible to state at this writing saything definite regarding the names and number of the passengers injured All formation regarding this is positively ed at the railroad offices, and the simple mace that no riosely hurt. A large amber of them were badly trained and abaken up, and severely cat. The ladies on the train wore terribly and a number of them who sick from the collison were attended to by physicians from Shippensburg. Conduce the trainmen, He has a deep gash three or Linn is the most serionaly injured among four 'inches long across the top of his head and is badly braised about the body. Conductor Bowman was cut about the face and Conductor Syster was bruised about the body but well enough to take train to which took through the who had been transferred around the wreck.

Engineer Jacob Faller has his leg badly sprained from his jump. Charles Faller is also considerably braised. He was struck by a piece of flying iron after he lighted on the ground. He would not state what orders they were ronning under. saying that this would onme out upon the investigation.

Engi peer Hyeong is lying at his home on south Main street, badly braised and shocked. When he jumped he struck on his right shoulder, and one of the bones is broken, He is also stiff and sore from the shock. He says his orders were to ran to SLippensburg and he has the order to produce. His freman Charles Miller, is also braised and cat slightly, but escaped serious injury. When the trains came together the stoves in the mail and express were upset and -the cars caught fire.

The passengers got buckets from the engiues and worked hard at extinguishing the flames, bat before they succeeded many of the pouches were burned up. Just how much mail was destroyed can not be ascertained, as none of the Eastera mail has vet reached here. As soon the news of the wreck was received here wrecking train was made up, and sent immediately to the scene of the collision. Superintendent Boyd was with the party and Matt Bitter was in charge of the train. He nos informed that his brother had been injured until after he reached the scene of the collision, when he asked to be relieved in order to attend to his brother.

The cause of the collision is not yet clear. Somebody has blundered and a human rife has been loet as a result of some ones blundering. Engineer Hyssong, says that his order received at Newville read for him to go on to Shippeasburg, and if that is so then bis skirts are clear. We have not ascertained what orders were given to Fuller and Bowman at Shippenaburg bat it is said that they were ordered to ran to the 38 mile siding and there pass train No. 9, engine No.

38. We are also told that when Conductor Bowman left Shippensburg he pulled out his watch and remarked that bad only three minutes to make the siding. Fuller evidently expected to find Hyssong on the siding for be checked his train when he saw from the position of the smoke that 38 was not OD the siding. The whole matter will of course be thoroughly investigated by the railroad company and until that time the public ought to suspend judgment as to any one's culpa'. ility.

The men in charge of the down train are all competent and exceedingly trustworthy. The dead baggage master, Charles Bit er was an old employee of the company, and a most competent and faithful man. He forty years of age, native of this county and resided in Harrisburg. He leaves wife and six children, the oldest a girl of fifteen and the youngest babe of ten months. He formerly lived in Chambers.

burg, but moved to Harrisburg on account of the change in his run. He was formerly brakeman on the road, bas several times been in wrecks aud accidents, and hee several fazers in coupling cars. He was well known and popular along the line of the road and his sad death will cause much sorrow among railroad men and others. He was a member of the C. V.

Mutual Aid Association. All trains have been delayed by the acci dent and as the track is not ret cleared the passengers, have to be transferred. The engines are both badly wrecked. The mail and express cars on both trains are telescoped and the wreck will prove the most costly ever known on the Cumberland Valley road. Our Candidate for the Senate.

Junista Herald. 00 Friday 1 last W. McKnight WilliamSOD, of Hantiogdon, was nominated on the 151st ballot, as the Republican candidate in the 88rd Senatorial district, composed of the counties cf Huntingdon and Franklin. This secures a Republican Senator in that district, which for the last four years has been misrepresented by H. J.

McAteer. J. D. Ludwig, of Chambersburg, is the Democratic candidate pitted against bim, H. J.

McAteer having prudently withdrawn as soon as Mr. Williamson was nominated, although be bad worked for and received the pomiration at the hand of Boss. convention in Huntingdon, and meant to run, provided to agreement had been reached by the Republican conterence and two candidates, 48 8 quence, had contended for the prize as in 1884- But this year the senatorial plum is "pot tor Harry." Mr. Williamson, the Republican candidate, is a native of this county, where be was born in Beale township about 48 Jeara ago, and has for twenty years or more been actively identified with politics in Huntingdon county. He was twice prothonotary and always a popular official.

He is a son of Rev. McKnight Williamson, a noted Presbyterian clergyman, and a lineal descendant of Dr. John Knox, one of the founders of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Williamson is man of ability, integrity and excellent character.

whose election will be a credit to the Republicans of the district. The monument of the 136th New York Infantry, on the Taneytown road, in the rear of the National Cemetery, was dedicated on Tuesday at Gettysburg by about seventy veterans of that command. This is the title of the latest, and by all odds the most charming book for little people we have ever seen. Its tables, or are delightfal, but the illustrations are simply immense. The sathor, Palmer Cox, is a new star in the juvenile firmanent, but he shines with unique brilliancy.

His charming fatables rival those of the world tamed Esop, and he far outshines that celebrated literary comet by his inimitable illustrations. He dresses up his birds, animals, insecta, giante, tairies, goblins, in gratesque style and makes them reason, talk, dance, and cut up all sorts of the oddest pranks imaginable, affording infinite delight, as well excellent instruction to the young. The issue of his book "Queen People" has brought perfect ovation of praise from the brightest men in the land. For instance, Gen. Clinton B.

Fisk mays: "It has set my children wild with delight," and Col. Russell H. Conwell, the tamous lecturer, says: send me another such book, for I can't get my children to bed." The famous statesman diplomat, and wit, Sausel Cox, says: "The Kweer Kapers are simply incomparable." while the distinguished theologian, Howard Crosby says: "they have the fascination that belongs to Esop and Uncle Remus," and the venerable, 1 poet, Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, writes, "Fam sorry I have not a nursery full of little tolka to enjoy its bright pictures and stories." Esop's tables are enjoyed by old and young and are quoted by the greatest orators and surely these equally charming stories, so profusely and exquisitely illustrated will charm young and old for generations to come, The sale of this book will surely be It is published by the well known house of Hubbard Chicago. and Kansas City, to whom any.

persons desiring an agency should apply. A Most Delightfal Performance. the Penman" as given by the idadi- son Square Thea're Company in the Opera House on Wednesday aight was the fineet dramatic performance ever seen in Chambersburg. The company is exceedingly strong aud well balanced, fully up to the high etandard of the Madison Square Companies, and as talented as acy we have seen in the parent theatre in New York. Miss Eustace, the leading lady was charming and captured the hearts of her audience.

Those who did not attend missed the finest treat of the season. Harrisburg Afraid to Risk $100. The Patriot this morning says the Detroit club has been notified not to came to Harrisburg on Friday to play the proposed game with the local club on Friday. The reason given is that the one hundred dollars guarantee could not be raised. This is not a very good showing for the base ball enthusiasts of Harrisburg.

If Detroit could have been induced to visit Chambersburg for a guarantee of one hundred dollars the money could easily have been raised. A number of Chambersburgers intended visiting Harrisburg on Friday and witnessing the game and are consequently disappointed that the game is declared off. New Advertisem*nts. The following New Advertisem*nts appear iu this issue of the DAILY REPOSITORY. Wanamakers Daily Bulletin, Miss Mame Reath The Equitable Life Assurance SocietyDr.

J. A. Bouse. Warner's Log Cabin Extract. It is an established Fact-D.

A. Dice. Warner's Log Cabin Sarsaparilla. Warner's Safe Cure. Warner's Hope and Bachu.

Salesmen Wanted--This Office. Down, Down--Adam Lobman. YESTERDAY'S GAMES. St. Louis Shuts New York Out 1u the Becond World's Champlonship Game.

At New York -St. Louis. New Yorks, 0. At Philadelphia-Atheletice, 14; Clevelands. 4.

At Brooklyn -Brooklynn, Indianapo lis, 1. At Pittsburg- -Pittsburgs, Cincinnatis, 2. Too Long to Make Up His Mind. One day last week a farmer, from pear Greencastle, took a load of wheat to Hagerstowa and was offered by two different dealers $1.12 per bushel. He told them he would wee about taking their offer.

Toward evening he concluded to take that price, but was informed that it bad gone down to $1.05. The only trouble WAS it took him too long to "see about it." Holstein Cows for Sale. The undersigned will offer at public sule, at the National Hotel, on Saturday, Oct. 20th. 60 Holstein cows and heifers, also some bulls and calves.

They are very fine stock and farmers and those who wish to improve their stock should ahend the Sale to commence at 1 o'clock when a credit of 60 days will be given. All will be sold without reserve. F. P. ENDICOTT.

Catarrh Cured, A clergyman. after years of suffering from that loathsome disease, Catarrah, and vainly trying every known remedy, at last found a recipe which completely cured and saved him from death. Any sufferer from this dreadful disease sending self addressed stamped envelope to Prof. J. A.

Lawrence, 88 Warren New York City, will receive the recipe free of charge. oct16d45teod w15teow PAPAR P. be I Co's on Newsp at Geo mar Tureen (10 Real Estate Sales. Newton S. Phillipy has purchased the Ezra Stoner property, near Greencastle, for $2,800.

A few days ago, 190 acres of land belonging to the estate of the late Christian Kaufman, near Greencastle, was sold to Henry Kauffman for $7,000 The assignees of Samuel G. Stover bave sold fifty aches of land, near Shady Grove, to Mrs. Stover, for $4,750. The administrators of Jobn Klee, deed. have sold the property of the decedent, consisting of three acres of land and improvements near Mercersburg, to Jacob S.

Mowrey, for $811. Samuel Walker of Edenville bas purchaced the farm of Jacob Eberly near Edenville for $80 per acre, Samuel Shartle of Welsh Run has disposed of his valuable homestead to John Myers of near Clay Lick, on private terms. Henry M. Sword, executor, has sold the farm of Samuel Sword, consisting of 162 acres of land near Camp Hill, to 0. C.

Bowers, for $825. An Early Morning Wedding. Mr. Fred C. Eyster, of Renovo and Miss Alice Grove, of Chambersburg were united ia marriage in St.

John's Lutheran church on Thursday morning at eight o' clock. Rev. A. Stewart Hartmau periormed tbe ceremony. 1 be church bad been baudsomely decorated by the lady friende of the bride.

The ushers were Victor Lesher, of Renovo and Charles Grova of Chambersburg, brother of the bride. Miss Mame Eyster presided at the organ. The newly married pair left on the 9 15 a. m. train for a trip to Philadelphis and other points, after which they will take up their residence in Renovo, where Mr.

Eyster has a house already fornisbed for bis bride. Miss Grove was one ot our most estimable young ladies and very popular in her large circle of friends. Mr. Eyeter is a clerk in the motive rower offices of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Renovo and baa won rapid promotion by his abili and integrity. The REPOSITORY unites with a large number of friends' in extending congratulations.

Popular Excursion to Luray Caverns The Last of the Season. Arrangements bave been made for a popalar excursion to Laras, on Wednesday October 1888, for the beneft of persone residing along the Cumberiand Valley under the auspices of the Singer Cornet Baud of Mechanicsburg. Special train and rates 9s per schedule below. A. M.

Rate. Leave Harrisburz 7.00 $3 60 Mechaniesburg 7.20 3.45 Carliele 7.40 3 30 Newville 8.00 3.15 Shippensburg 8.20 3.00 Chambereburg 8.40 2.90 Greencastie 9 00 0 2 75 Arrive Luray 12.00 noon. Returning, Leave Luray at 5.30 p. m. eame day.

Personal. Miss Grace Humelbaugh left this ing tor Rockdale, where she will visit friend for a tew weeks. Mr. and Mrs. B.

A. Lesbes of Renovo are the guests of Mr. Jere Ester of south Main street. Dr. William C.

Laze of Mercer: burg was welcome visitor to the REPOSITORY (ffice on Thursday morning. Weak will power. from physical causes, 1-ranges a mau's lite in every direction. Every one will etrengthen bis will powers, 65 well as bis bodily powers, by using War per': Log Cabin Sarsaparilla- It is guaranted the best Sold by your druggists for $1. Contains 120 doses.

Take no other for it A GOD -Is resential to good bealtb; but al this season it is often lost, owing poverty of impurity of the blood, derangement of the digestive organs, and the weakening effect of the charging season. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a wonderful medicine tor creating an appetite, tonirg tbe digestion, and giving strengt: to the whole system. Now is the time to take it. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla. wit Log Sarsaparilla aiso originated in a Log Cabin and stands preeminent among the blood purifiers of today 88 Warner', "Tiprecanoe" does as a stomach tonic.

alt Suffered from ulcers, sore throat, blotches and pimples; been tix years under treatment by leading physicians without effect. Dr. cured Theel, 538 N. Fourth Philadelphia, me, Otto Roffert, Philadelpbia. THE LoG CABINS 01 America have been birth places of some of the grandest men.

Lincoln, Grant, Shendan, fret saw the light of day through the chinks of a Log Cabin. Warner'e ITCHING PILES. intense itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. Ifallowed to continue tumers form, which ofand ulcerate, becoming very sore. SWAYNF'S OINTMENT stops the itebing and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in many cases removes the tumors.

It is equally efficacious in curing all skin diseases. DR. SWAYNE SON. Proprietors, Philadelphia. SWANK'S OINTMENT can be obtained ofdruggists.

Sent by mail for 50 cente. oct19-1r Get rid of that fired feeling as quick AS possible. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla, whicb gives strength, a good appetite. and health. The Presbyterian Banner.

PITTSBURGH, an Banner one year. Price for both papers $2.65. This offer expires January 30, AND The Weekly Repository Price $2.65 a Year For Both Subseribers to the REPOSITORY who are no the Presbyterian Banner can when renewing their subecriptiou, have the prvilege of adding $1.15 to the subscription price of this paper and secure the Presbyteri- For Sale, of times for ten cents per lin per Broad ROOMS street. TO RENT -Apply FOR Houses. -Three New Biz Room street oct.15-2wd.

I. H. MYEES ROOM FOR Fixtares and remnant of stock for A big bargain. Apply to H. A.

MYEB8. oct 15-lwd. A new nickel Art Invincible parlor stove, Full retara due base burner. Only in use part of last winter. Cheap, ED.

WOLF. octi8-det MUST BE PAID list Call of at perintendent, all office, before in delinquents and November Market the will It. House, be Water On 1 that 2 and 10 o'clock, a and and p. ocl.13-d8t. WANT in your try to salary, or 50 cents on the dollar No com petition.

Rare with stamp terms, Division street. Butlo, A Good Knabo Piano For particulars call at 838 Cast Market street. oct.8-d-10d WANTED solicit Temperate, orders fer our Energetic choice nursery business stock. steady work and good pay, The onelly learned. Reference required.

State age. Address, R. (. Chase 1130 8. Penn 2q, Philadelphia Rupture Arch cure guarant ed by Dr.

J. B. MAy. er 861 Poll's, Pa. Lane at DO operation or delay from business, attested be of thoneand spree after others fail, advice free.

Send for circular. MISS JENNIE LEBERKNIGHT, DRESSMAKER. No. 235 East King street, Chambersburg, Pa. near C.

Station, Best town and county sept.27-d-16 MISS MAME REATH DRESSMAKER, Cha Third street opposite C. V. R. K. Depot, bersburg, Pa.

oct. WANTED act Two Collectors or three and good Salesman. live Young man if you are out of work and want work Dow is ye ur opportunity. Ealary and Commission paid. Address this office.

Octi8d3t OANED AND LOST. Camoen's Carpenters Mental Virgil Interlinear, French Dictionary. Par. ties having these books will poise restore them to the owner. DR.

8. G. LANE. PIANO TUNING. Parties wishing piance carefully tuned can be accommodated by leaving their orders at Harbaugh's Book store for R.

I. Chase of Philadelphia who will visit Chan. hersbargat short intervals, to attend to the college pianos. sept28-pTar PRIVATE west SALE Queen -The 21 story brick the DOW in occupanes of Dre. Hill Craw ford.

Ras hot and cold water in it. Also a stable on the lot will be sold on very easy terms by calling on sep2idim EMMA LUDWIG. PRIVATE SALE -I offer at private sale my ce on Philadelphia arence one acre of ground, 10 room house, bath room, and summer kitchen, water and gas. good stable, about 100 fruit trees in bearing lorge nun ber of choice grape vines If not sold at private sale I will oder the same public sale on Saturday November 17th 1858, at one o'clock in front of Court House. J.5.

WANTED- descriptions to Sell and LANDS Excuarge. of Property placed with as advertised ext n- ively. Applicat on for. mace in N.W Descriptive Circular abould be made at once. Addre F8 Co.

1215 F. N. Washington, D. U. Enclose stamp for reply.

AUCTION, House pavement, my 20th Ane INST driv. ing mare, almost new cont $150 00, se: of new double berness, cost 850 00. never used, fine curter almost new, second hand adale and Terms 00 days. Notes with approved security. sale to commince at 1 o'clock p.

m. H. H. MYERS. oct 15d man your county.

No experience WISH TO EMPLOY a reliable required; permanent position tor three years. Saiary Increased each year. Light, genteel business. Money advanced tor salary adver. sing.

etc. Largest in our line. Foclose 2-cent. No postair, Centennial M'f o. Cincinnati, 0.

oct1545 PUBLICSALE undersigned OF TOWN virtue PROPER of an order of the Orphans Court, will sell at public sale, on Saturday the 27th day of October. A. 1868, in hont of the Court House. Cham. erburg, the following to wit c1ground situate on Third street, betweru Queen and Washington streets, East side, bounded on south and East by an on West by said Third street, belt 259 feet in depth and 20 feet in width, having therenn erected a good two story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE In gord condition.

This will make a destrable and cheap home. Sale to commence at o'clock p. Terms made known on day of sale. THAD. M.

MAHON, Executor of Solomon Maxwell. THE EQUITABLE of of Life Assurance Society The largest outstanding As urance. The largest new business it. 1887. The largest surplus cent: standard.

The most liberal forms of Policies. For rates and plans of asearance call on or address DR. JOHN A. BOUSE, Chambersburg, Pa. oct18dtf ROCK BOTTOM PRICES! We sell all kinda of fret class MEAT at the very lowest prices.

will not be undersold. Orders taken say in town and meat delivered free of Give us a trial and be convinced that are not surpassed. D. E. WINGER, 128 South Second Street, Opposite Market.

Franklin Repository (Daily) from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.