Public Opinion from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania (2024)

0 PUBLIC OPINION, TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1902. Chambersburg, Penn'a. JOHN W. HOKE, and W. G.

UNDERWOOD, News Editor. The Dally OPINION is published every merning 1 in the year, except Sunday, in the Wolfinger Block, Southeast Corner Me. orial Square. Terms: PUBLIC OPINION is served by carriers to subscribers in Chambersburg surrounding towns for Six Cents week. PUBLIC OPINION will be sent to in the United States for Cents Month or Three Dollars 1 Weekly PUBLIC OPINION is pubevery Friday morning.

Terms: year in Franklin county; $1.25 outside the county. Intered at the post office at as -class matter. 4-All letters and telegrams should dressed to, PUBLIO OPINION, Chambersburg, Pa. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. Governor.

Samuel W. Pennypacker, Philadelphia. Lieutenant Governor. William M. Brown, Lawrence.

Secretary of Internal Affairs. Isaac B. Brown, Erie. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. Congress.

Thad. M. Mahon, Chambersburg. Legislature. Dr.

David Maclay, Chambersburg. Joseph P. Rahauser, Greencastle. Treasurer. L.

H. Fletcher, Greencastle. Prothonotary. M. K.

Burgner. Chambersburg. Register and Recorder. A. L.

Shafer, Chambersburg. Clerk of the Courts. S. A. Clevenger, Waynesboro.

Commissioners. D. W. Greenawalt, Peters Township. A.

H. Morgal, Washington Township. Director of the Poor. George F. Summers, Guilford Township.

County Auditors. John W. Brown, Washington Township. W. I.

Ziedler. Fannett Township. LOOKING TOWARD NOVEMBER. Franklin's delegates have departed for Brie to participate in the naming of a state ticket. They left Chambersburg on Monday evening full of hope that winning trio of candidates would be nominated by the minority party's representatives.

Before they left they took occasion to say that there is still considerable Pattison sentiment in this part of the commonwealth and it was asserted with positiveness that four of the tive delegates would favor the renomination of the ex-governor, provid-1 ing Colonel "Jim" Guffey passed -the word around that Pattison is his man. It was also said that the delegation would vote as a unit in the convention, which means that whatever prickings of conscience any part of the delegation may have all will be bound by the will of the majority. We gather from this state of affairs that the Democrats mean to cater to the wishes of Millionaire Guffey so that he will respond when called upon for assistance in the legislative contest now being arranged by the Democracy. Having senatorial aspirations, Colonel will be glad to do what he can to bring about the success of the minority candidates for the assembly, for a Democratic majority in the next assembly would mean the placing of a senatorial cloak about the shoulders of the nationai committeeman. Perhaps the delegates represent the Franklin county Democ: racy and perhaps they do not, but at seem inspired to harmonize for the sue: cess of the legislative aspirants.

mention these phases of the situation so that our Republican friends may be on their guard and for the additional reason that when Republicans ate importuned to vote for either of the Democratic candidates they may be aware of the fact that in doing so they are directly aiding in the defeat of a Republican for the United States Senate. The alluring assurance may be given by Democratic workers that there is no danger of the Legislature being Democratic, 1 but CA The Wolf Store WE SELL THE HENDERSON Have just opened a very complete line of these celebrated corsets. We have them in the Gib- son staight front, also in the short and extra short lengths. THE WOLF Men's, Women's and Children's Furnishings Ready to Wear. Our corsets guaranteed, every one of them.

If not satisfactory you can bring them back to us. EGISTER'S NOTI The following accountants have fled their socoants in the Register's office of Franklin county, and they will be presented to the Orphans Court of said county, on Tuesday, June 24th, A.D., 1902. for confirmation: LECKRON-First and final account of John H. Miller. of the last will and testament of Nancy Leckron, late of Antrim township, dec'd.

and Anal of Up ton Easton. surviving executor of the will and testament of Notley Easton, late of Peters township, dec'd. RHOADARMER-First and Anal socount of Edith B. Cline, administratrix of Jere. Rhondarmer, late of Chambersburg, dec'd.

DICE-Third account of Mary Dice. administratix, and Jacob Dice. adminis trator of Frederick Dice, late of Hamilton township, dec'd. -First and Anal account William M. Heckman and 8.

A Skinner, administ: ators of the estate of Missbeth Heckman, late of Fannett towpahip, dee'd. and Anal account of W. U. Brewer, trustee under the will of Michael Grossman, late of La Grange Co, Indiana, dec'd. BLAIR- and Anal account of Mary J.

Blair, executris, and James T. Blair and Wilbar T. Blair, executors of last will and testament of William H. Blair, late of dec'd. STAVER -Fourth and dual account of Henry Staver and Emanuel excoutors of Emanuel Staver, late of Southampton township, dec'd.

CRIDER and final account of John F. Cell, executor of the last will and testament of Catharine Crider, late of 8t. Thomas township, dee'd. ORDER--First and final account of Jobs F. Cell, executor of the last will and tament of Elizabeth Orider, late st.

Thomas township, dec'd. BROWN- First and Anal account of Wm. Brown, administrator and trustee to sell the real estate of Jeremiah BrOWn, late of Greene township, dec'd. 100 DITCH- and dual account Chris tian Baer, administrator and trustee to sell the real estate of Henry Ditch, late of Antrim township, deceased. 101 -First and Anal account of Mary E.

Cochran, executriz and trustee to sell the real estate of Harry Cochran, late of Chambersburg, dec'd. 102 -First and Anal account of 6. U. Beaf and D. U.

Bear, administrators and trustees to sell the real estate of Jacob Bear, late of Warren township, dee'd. 108 HOOVER -The Anal: account of David Y. Hade. administrator of the estate of Catharine Hoover, late of Antrim township, dec'd. 104 -First and Anal account of John G.

Youst, executor of the last will and testament of William Kirkpatrick, late of Greene township, dec'd. 106 MINICK- and final account of W. L. Minick and 8. P.

Minick, administrators of the estate of Ephraim Minick, late of Fay. etterille, dec'd. 106 McKINSTRY First account of Mary 8. McKinstry, excoutrix of the last will and testament of William D. McKinstry, late of Mercersburg, dec'd.

107 BOW MAN-First and final account of Earl H. Bowman and John G. Latahaw admin istrators of the estate of Henry Bowman, late of Guilford township, dec'd. 108 JOHNSON- -First and Anal account of Leonard Johnson, trustee to sell the real estate of Anna Mary Johnson, late of Waynesboro, dec'd. 109 SHEARER--First and Anal account of A.

J. Unger, executor of the last will and teetament of Elizabeth late of Peters township, dec'd. 110 HAULM and Anal account of Jacob P. Haulman, administrator of the estate of Joseph late of Peters township, dec'd. 111 WORLEY and Anal socount of W.

U. Brewer, trustee under the will of Charlotte Kennedy, late of Greence dec'd. W. A. Worley, life tenant under said trust.

112 socount of W. H. Piper, executor of Martin L. Hammond, late of Funnett township, dee'd. 113 Martha Keefer, First and administratrix Anal c.

account t. of Ann Metcalfe, late of Montgomery township, dec'd. 114 and Anal account of Dennis Conner, administrator of Richmond Conner, late of Warren township, dec'd. 115 08E-First and Anal socount of W. 8.

ricker, trustee to sell the real estate of Hose, late of Montgomery towndec'd. 116 and Anal account of Henry P. Zettle, administrator of Mary late of the borough of Orretown, dec'd. 117 RUMLER-First and Anal account of 0. J.

Rumier, administrator of D. Rumler, late of Hamilton township, 118 First and deal N. Stephey, administrator George GENTLEMEN'S WATCHES 25 year, 14 karat, gold-filled hunting case with a 15 jewel movement, 16 size, $22.00. 20 year, 10 karat, gold-filled hunting case 7 jewel movement, 16 size, $14.20. 25 year, 14 karat, gold-filled open face case 15 jewel movement, 16 size, $20.50.

20 year, 10 karat, gold-filled open face case 15 jewel movement, 16 size, $14.00. 25 year, 14 karat, gold-Alled hunting case 15 jewel movement, 12 size, $20.00. year, 14 karat, hunting case 7 jewel movement, 12 size, $17.00. 20 year, 10 karat, gold-filled hunting case 7 jewel movement, 12 size, $14.00. 20 year, 14 karat, gold-Alled open face 15 jewel movement, 12 size, $19.00.

25 year, 14 karat, gold-Alled open face 7 jewel movement, 12 size, $16.50. 20 year, 10 karat, gold-Alled open face 15 jewel movement, 12 size, $17.00. 20 year, 10 karat, gold-dlled open face 7 jewel movement, 12 size, $14.00. LADIES' WATCHES 25 year, 14 karat, gold-filled hunting case 7 jewels, $16.00. 20 year, 10 karat, gold-Alled hunting case 7 jewels, $13.00.

25 year, 14 karat, gold-Alled open face 7 jewels, $13.00. 20 year, 10 karat, gold-Alled open face 7 jewels, $12,00. 25 year, gold-filled hunting case 7 jewels, $18.00. Solid gold watches from $13,00 up to $50.00 Gents' solid gold watches from $22.00 up to $125.00. These prices are special reductions for a short time.

J. F. GROVE, Jeweler, 15 Public Square, Telephone connection. Chambersburg, Pa. CORSET! Ask to see the Henderson girdle corset at fifty cents.

Our prices range from fifty cents to $2.50. Our summer batiste corset A it will be well for Republicans to keep in mind that there is always danger in straying from tried and safe pathways into strange and forbidden ground. Therefore, whatever the Democratic delegates do at Erie will, under the inspiration of the county Democratic chairman, who is to personally supervise the coming legislative contest for the Democrats, be for the good of the two legislative candidates and indirectly for the county ticket. Watch, then, Republicans, that the glitter of promises does not dazzle and that no Democrat, having for his purpose the defeat of Republican candidates for assembly, beguiles you into thinking a vote for a friend means. nothing more than it is represented.

CREDITABLE RECORD. Assignee Kyner Looks Well After Interests of Creditors. Assignee George B. Kyner nas closed the sale of Paul w. Blocher's assigned jewelry stock and has realized fully half thousand doltars above the appraise.

ment. This is a most creditable record. Mr. Kyner gave the closing out his close personal attention and looked well after the matters entrusted to him. Pennsylvania Railroad Reduced Rates to Minneapolis, Account National Education Association's Annual Meeting.

On account of the National Education Association's Annual Meeting, at Minneapolis. July 7 to 11, the Pennsylvania railroad company will sell excursion tickets from all stations on its lines July 4 to6, good to return not earlier than July 8, and not later than July 14, at rate of single fare for the round trip, plus $3.00. These tickets will be good for return passage only when executed by Joint Agent at Minneapolis and payment of 25 cents made for this service. By depositing ticket with Joint Agent not earlier than July 8, nor later than July 14, and payment of 50 cents at time of deposit, an extension of return limit may be obtained to leave Minneapolis not later than September For specific rates and conditions, applyto ticket agents. Eagles Mere.

A fine, well- booklet describing the beauties and comforts of the "Lake of Eagles," the newest and one of the best summer resorts in Pennsylvania, situated on a mountain ridge in the hemlock forests of Sullivan county, but in quick, convenient reach from any part of Pennsylvania by the Philadelphia Reading Railway has been just published and will be mailed to any address on receipt of a two-cent stamp by EDSON J. WEEKS, General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia Reading Railway, Reading Terminal, Philadelphia. 50c and $1.00. STORE Stephey, late of Washington township, dec'd. 119 8OLLENBERGER First and Anal 40 count of Martha M.

Sollenberger, administratrix c. t. a. of John 8. Sollenberger, late of Chambersburg, dec'd.

120 MILLER-First and final account of Katie Miller, administratrix of John George Miller, late of WENGER First and Anal socount of eager, of Henry Z. Wenlate of Hamilton townehip, dec'd. 122 EVERHART-Final account of Adam 8. Elliott, Trustee of Henry Everbart, late of Montgomery township, dec'd. SHADE First and Anal account of Kate Shade.

Executris of the will testament of Emanuel Shade, late of d. 194 First and Anal socount and distribution of A. A. Schenerman executor of ibe last will and testament of Sophia Danfelt, late of dec'd. and Anal account of Wm.

E. Adams executor of the last will and of Ann M. Adanis late of ford township dec'd. NEWCOMER First and final account of Annie Newcomer, theestate of Mary J. late of Hamilton township, dec'd, Register's B.

ZARGER. and Recorder. ROTHONOTARY'8 NOTICE Notice hereby riven that the following accounts have besa Bled in the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin county and will be confirmed court on the 24th day of Jane, unless cause be shown to the contrary: HECK MAN -First socount of William Heckman committee of Albert J. Heckman, a lunatic, of Fannett township. SELLERS- First account of J.

Allen Sellers, com mitten of Daniel B. Sellers, a lunatic, of St. Thomas township. ALLEN -First and final account of E. J.

committee of Isabella Allen, a lunatic, stated J. C. McCane, administrator of the said R. J. First and Anal account of N.

B. Mar. tin. of L. R.

Steek of Waynesboro, Pa. -First and final account of Charles H. Smiley and William Grier, assignees of Samuel A. Johnston, of Fannett township. HULL First and Anal cocount of Walter Sharpe, assignee of John 8.

Bull, of Largan township. account of J. F. Zullinger, Committee of George Tritle, a lunatic Waynesboro, Pa. Prothonotary's Office M.

K. BURGNER, Prothonotary zard May, 1902. NOTICE. ESTATE OF ABRAHAM STUMBAUGH, LATE OF SOUTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP, DECEASED. Letters of administration on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned all persona indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay SAMUEL STUMBAUGH.

Shippensburg, Or his attorney. Administrator. WM. R. JOHNSTON, 5-9-6 Shippensburg, Pa.

Estate township, of Rebecca dec'd. EX POUT late Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary in said estate have been granted to the undersigned, i i i by the Register of Wills, of Franklin Pa. All persons indebted to said estate are notified to make payment, and those having claims against said should present without delay to ANDREW J. HEINTZFLMAN, JOHN D. RICE.

I Alto ney. Fayettevil. Pa. 6-6 61 Lawn Mowers Ground and put into perfect order. Don't wait until you want to use them.

All work called for and delivered. Both 'phones. JOHN H. SCHALL, Bicycle Headquarters. GEORGE E.

ORIST, 401 East Market Chambersburg, Pa. Practical Shoemal Repairer' Soles made to order on short notice. Have lat machine. Your solicited. Can We Have Your Measure For That New Suit The New Spring Goods Are In We Are Proud Of Our Line Our Merchant Tailoring now has a boom Because we please our patron's.

Our prices are the lowest Because of our large business in other lines. Every suit is well made Because we employ only fine tailors. Every garment fits Because that is our guarantee. Compare Our Work and Prices J. W.

Rearick Co. Merchant Tailors, Clothiers and Furnishers. The Franklin Electric Supply and Repairing Co. We are practical machinists and electricians and want to tell you that we have opened our shop and storeroom on North Second street, opposite C. V.

R. R. where we are ready to give you the best prices and service on Electrical Wiring, Fans, Motors, Dynamos, Bells, Batteries and Electrical Supplies We are members of the N. E. A.

and are licensed by the cation; therefore our work will upto-date. Repairing to everything mechanical or electrical. We will build or rebuild you a complete plant. If you have an idea that developing give it to us and we will help you out confidentially. FRED.

S. KNIGHT, Manager. Chambersburg, Pa. DR. JAMES BLACK DENTIST Graduate of University of Pa.

Latest and most improved methods of filling and extracting teeth. Crown and bridge work a specialty. The very best material used artificial teeth, Satisfaction guaranteed. OFFICE HOURS: 8 to 12, 1 to 5. New Clark Building, North Main St.

BOTH 'PHONES. Night calls Hotel Montgomery. Have You Bought a refrigerator this 11 season? If not you are really fortunate, for now you have an opportun ity to get one in hard wood, galvanized iron lining, charcoal and asbestos packing, an ice saver and a food keeper at a low price. We have some good liberal sizes that take little more ice than a small one. A general advance in by the manufacturers will make you pay more for most things after July 1st.

Parlor and Bed Room Furniture in nice medium prices goods is an important part of our stock. Porch Chairs. Rockers, Settees, Don't you want a china closet or a sideboard? A reasonable credit to reliable people if desired. H. SIERER Furniture Makers, Queen Chambersburg.

action on olaims is prompt and liberal. Full information and rates sent on ap plication. Call in to see me. H. B.

M'NULTY, Estate, Fire, Life and Accident Insarance Agent. OUR APPRECIATION of the Ornnon best shown by giving it your orders for vertising and Job Printing We'll treat right as to prices. mm BEGIN EARLY And let you. We are TO PLAN AND position to make ourselves SAVE MONEY. alarly the who of capital.

can pat him into immediate of House, Lot, Farm or any kind of REAL ESTATE desired arrange advantageous for payment. we well posted OD values in any part of the county or town. Rising, Phonix like, from the ashes of burned store or home is possible 11 it war, covered by INSURANCE Fire insurance is not dear at any price, bat at the ordinary rate it is within the reach of the most retiring pocketbook. We write up Fire, Life and Accident Insurances in the best companies. Their "Libbey" Cut Glass! Cut Glass! In no other cut glass in the world is there found such crystal clearness, perfection of cutting, beauty of design and prismatic brilliancy.

Mayonnaise bowls, celery trays, rose jars, whip cream dish, berrie bowls, jugs, pappys, carafes, eto. The most superb collection ever seen in our city. WM. H. LUDWIG, Jeweler, Opp.

Keefer's Dry Goods Store. CHAMBERSBURG, PA.

Public Opinion from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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